No... My Little Pony is a better example of what happens when a show has a fandom that is hated by the internet community. (In MLP's case it is male adults being hated)
There are plenty of "Childrens shows" that were popular with adults. (Some were cancelled specifically because they only were popular with adults, when they were geared towards children).
There are a few gems of a childrens show with depth and weight. Why do they appeal to adults? because what are really the differences between a child's show and an adult show? Oddly enough I find that Children shows tend to have better pacing then adult ones.
Here I assume you mean that MLP has both depth and pacing by relations.
Neonivek, I don't even know where I could start describing how I feel what you said was wrong and it is, mostly because all of what I have against it is opinions so anything I say would just cause more arguments so instead I thought of something else. Lets not go on about MLP as it is equally loved and hated by the internet and continued use of it will just bring tears to this thread. If you want to continue with it though at least provide some other children show that has come out within the last 5ish years that has had enough depth and has good pacing because I just can't be bothered to look them up as I am still stuck with Zoids: Chaotic Century and the original few Digimon seasons.
Here I (in an apparently obtuse way) say I disagree with you statements previously but its only by opinion. Since its not a fact only argument would come of it so I try to sidestep talking about as well as in the bolded section advise against talking about MLP as its like adding flame to a room full of dynamite.
[Previous Quote]
So let me get this straight. Your arguement against my "MLP is a better example of a hated fandom" is "Well My Little Pony is FAR greater and deeper then any show you can come up with!".
Lets not bring "My show is better then yours"
Mind you all my favorite children shows with depth, pacing, and other good elements tend to be from the 80s to early 2000s.
Though judging by your reaction there is obviously a subtext here. If I had to guess it is one of two things
1) You think I hate fans of MLP
2) You think I think MLP is "nothing special" or "Terrible"
So either or.
My statement is simply that shows, great shows, that were originally aimed for a younger audiance that also appealed to adults to the extent that they have a sizable adult audiance, or even more adult viewers then child viewers, isn't anything new. Nor are shows made for children that actually have depth, character development, and good pacing. My Little Pony however has something the animated world hasn't had until now. The Adult fans being strongly hated by the online community and needlessly mocked constantly as part of a meme.
Hense why I think it is a better example of that. It did that better then any other cartoon previously.
Mind you if I have a bias it may have something to do with the fact that I despise the term "brony" in so far that... A fan is a fan. Why the HECK is anyone segmenting the fanbases? (I also never seen MLP:FIM. Nor is this show actually shown on ANY station where I live. I'd actually need to get American stations to watch it, or get it online. So I am spared some of the fandom and hatedom here)
Here you go off about my assumptions of what you said which really should have told me I did not say what I meant to say. I had assumed as previously stated that you thought MLP had depth and pacing. I had just wanted you to have other recent shows that where decent along with MLP so it wasn't just a MLP shouting contest. Also as for what I bolded Trekkie
No, I mean that MLP causes exactly the kind of reaction you just had to what I said and I was advising either not talking about it all anymore or if you continue to talk about it then bring up other recent children cartoons that are worth anything so its not just "MLP [Rocks/Sucks]" being said over and over. Also I just did not remember anything recently that was good but because I have not really looked at anything outside of MLP (which I do think is a great show irrespective of its target audience) recently.
This is me trying to explain what I said though once again doing it wrong apparently. I am sorry for not being able to explain what I meant to say.
No, I mean that MLP causes exactly the kind of reaction you just had to what I said
Statements that there are a lot of good shows and the thing that stands out most about MLP is its sizable segregation of its fanbase that is met with unfair redicule?
To my knowledge my statements do not even hint at the quality of MLP, in fact even though I never watched it... I assume it is a good show.
You REALLY are pulling stuff out of what I said that isn't there. Calm down and read it more closely. My statements are a lot more neutral then they seem.
This - This is what I mean. Right now on the internet even saying pony can start a flame war.
Anyway I am not going any farther. I tried to explain what I meant and it has failed so far and I can't assume this will work any better so I just won't be responding to anything not directly related to Star Wars on this thread, at all.
Also I will admit that while I did not know for sure that there where no other good children's shows recently I was attempting to get someone else to bring up the fact that there really has not been any good ones of recent date.