TB: Check loading bar, check crowbar, then retrieve pain medication for whatever sore body part you landed on.
You nab a little pain medication. Unfortunately, your farm doesn't carry any of that newfangled pharmaceutical stuff. On top of that, you're a mechanic, not a chemist. Oh well. You check the loading bar...
Hey, it's done! It says "Client install finished, awaiting connection..." You get down with your pestering self in the mean time because there's something trying to reach you.
[02:29] -- orchestralMachinist [OM] began pestering testingBeta [TB] at 14:29 --
[02:29] OM: Hello.
[02:30] TB: h|?
[02:30] OM: I have been informed that there was a mistake.
[02:30] TB: oh really
[02:30] OM: Yes. It appears you are without one of your discs.
[02:30] TB: l|ke what
[02:30] TB: oh
[02:31] TB: well that's a bummer
[02:31] OM: Very much. It appears you will not be able to complete to chain.
[02:31] TB: and here | thought everyth|ng could be put on one d|sk nowadays
[02:31] TB: wa|t, cha|n?
[02:31] TB: what?
[02:31] OM: The chain. Dangit.
[02:31] TB: | haven't made any cha|ns
[02:31] TB: |'m at a farm
[02:32] TB: and hey, how d|d oyu know | d|dn't get a second d|sk?
[02:32] OM: We sent it to you.
[02:32] OM: It was an accident. However, it can easily be rectified.
[02:32] TB: ....Just to make th|ngs clear
[02:33] TB: We are talk|ng about the we|rd mult|player s|ms clone, r|ght?
[02:33] OM: Yes. "SUBURB".
[02:33] TB: L|ke you weren't try|ng to sh|p me any we|rd cat porn or anyth|ng
[02:33] TB: | st|ll need to f|gure out how that bastard manages to order th|ngs onl|ne...
[02:33] TB: /\nyways, ok cool
[02:33] TB: So how are you gett|ng me th|s other d|sk then
[02:34] TB: /\re you go|ng to shove |t |n my ma|lbox l|ke an |d|ot l|ke the other one?
[02:34] OM: Oh, sorry, that's not what we meant when we said "rectified".
[02:34] OM: Unfortunately, your alloted discs have run out. But we still need you.
[02:34] TB: so what |'m gonna have to send you a d|sk and have you burn |t onto that
[02:34] TB: that would take weeks even |f | had a funct|on|ng ma|lbox
[02:35] OM: No. Dispatch officers will be ordered to your location to obtain you. Please stay calm while this is happening and do not try to connect to the others in your chain.
[02:35] TB: wh|ch |s actually funct|on|ng, |t just sorts eggs |nstead of tak|ng |n ma|l
[02:35] TB: wa|t what
[02:35] TB: pretty sure v|deo game compan|es don't get to send cops over because they have sh|tty customer serv|ce
[02:36] OM: Like I - we - said, we still need you. It would be unfortunate if we didn't have all six.
[02:36] TB: st|ll though you can't just r|p me out of here l|ke you plan to
[02:36] OM: No?
[02:36] TB: the other d|sk |s already be|ng wr|tten to my sh|tty computer
[02:37] TB: and |'m pretty sure the cat would p|ss on you or someth|ng
[02:37] TB: plus how would you even conv|nce cops to do that
[02:37] OM: We repeat: do not attempt to connect to your chainmates. Unfortunately, there is no stopping the installation.
[02:38] TB: yeah sure whatever
[02:38] TB: maybe th|s |s what octo-fuckass was gett|ng at what w|th the 'protect|on' bullsh|t
[02:38] TB: aw crap | d|dn't turn the m|c off
[02:38] TB: you d|dn't hear that ok
[02:39] OM: Octo-fuckass?
[02:39] TB: noth|ng
[02:39] TB: just a cow that talks
[02:39] OM: Very well. The dispatch may take a few hours.
[02:39] TB: |'m work|ng on a collar that translates from cow to engl|sh
[02:39] TB: and one of the cows |s l|ke protect|ve as hell for some reason
[02:39] OM: Feel free to enjoy life in any manner except connecting to your chainmates until then.
[02:40] TB: |'d suggest you tell your cops to beware of angry protect|ve cow
[02:40] OM: Goodbye.
[02:40] TB: because god damn does octofuckass get angry
[02:40] -- orchestralMachinist [OM] ceased pestering testingBeta [TB] at 14:40 --
>ACHIM: Reclaim room; run disks on your trusty PC
You run back to your room and pop the discs in your PC. Luckily, you have one of those fancy dual-stack CD drives that seemed to come with every desktop for a while there, so you start installing both at once. It looks like it may take a while.
>Penny: Politely ask when they expect to be done with your room. Refrain from violence.
The serviceperson tells you your room will be clean in precisely 1220.4 Earth seconds. The heck is up with these guys? How many seconds is 1220.4 again? You can barely remember. The serviceperson then hands you a cell phone and says you can talk to your Internet friends while you wait. Or do something else aside from enter your room.
>Andrew: Channel your (non-existent) arctic mole-man ancestors and dig! Dig like you've never dug before!
(ROLL: 7) Unfortunately, you channel the wrong kind of MOLE-BASED ABOMINATION.
By the POWER OF THE NAKED MOLE RAT, the ice stings your hands to the touch. Even WITH mittens on. This is a stupid power!