There is still a free spot.
I am on the other side of the world, but I don't need much sleep. I am not the fastest typer ever, fail at grammar sometimes and I tend to use vocabular I gathered from unreliable sources... damn, this starts sounding more like a typing quirk then an application. I knew it was a mistake.
OK, if any of the above bothers you, feel free to kick me from the team. Otherwise...
Name: Achim Engeler
Shipping compatibility: Oh dear god, what am I getting into... Mostly to apathetic to even care. If this changes, hetero. If this changes, Christopher Lee.
Physical appearance: 20 years old. Tall. Built like a wardrobe. Tends to underestimate his own strength/weight. Already starts loosing hair and gaining a gut. Big, spaced teeth. A birth mark formed like Mother Teresa on his left tigh. Brown hair. Eyes somewhere between blue and gray.
Background information: Lives with his mother and a terryifying old cat in a rapidly decaying duplex-half. Tries to figure out what to do with his life by eating too much and not answering the phone.
Parent/sibling/other guardian name(s): Mama, Bootjack the Cat
Hobbies: Staring at the internet. Playing the trombone. Chemistry of the destructive variety. His pyromanical tendencies are an open secret. Writing DARK and MEANINGFUL poetry about watching the world burn and, hopefully, crash. Reading High Fantasy novels.
(TEST) Your favorite aspect of Homestuck: Narrative Experimentation. Achim's favourite? The crazy weaponry.
Pesterchum username and color (yes, we're using Pesterchum 3.41 here darnit): darkeningDork
Here comes a sprite:
Also known as the reason I am not allowed around artists anymore
This is Achim, after not leaving the house for a week or two. Given the total surveillance by SBURB, he might decide to clean up himself a little.
His Sylladex is based on a very slow sorting algorithm. It takes hours until items are where he thinks they should be, and there is a delay of multiple seconds when he decaptchalogues something.
His Strife Specibus is allocated as flamethrowerkind. He uses a bunsen burner or a can of hair spray with a lighter duct-taped to it.
His mother is at work most of the time, but the only way to keep Bootjack at bay is a torrent of cleansing flames.
He never sleeps.
If necessary, I can change just about everything.