I have an idea for what to do with the moon: Convert it into a Computronium node.
Do you have a NanoBotSwarm? No? Then not yet.
Why would you hold the planet hostage? That never works.
1. Earth is not handed over. Moon crashes into Earth. All multi-cellular life driven extinct.
2. Earth is not handed over. UN calls your bluff. Space missiles head your way.
3. Earth is handed over. UN calls your bluff. More space missiles.
4. Earth is handed over. UN somehow does not call your bluff. You have somehow found a way to defend against every country on the planet's weapons. You win! Until it becomes apparent that your only method of ruling is "crash the moon into the earth if things go to shit", as you are woefully undermanned and lack the respect it takes to, well, run an entire planet full of disagreements and competition.
Why not use good ol' massive state violence? It worked in the 20th century, it'll work in the 21st. Just nuke/gas/burn the first city that goes peep to hell and all others will remain silent; the trick is not pretending to be brutal, but being brutal.
Yes. I like any plan where I destroy millions of lives arbitrarily. I personally Favor Gas.
EDIT: Hey, that could be our next Poll! How to best wipeout a entire city. Mustard Gas, Nuke, Dirty Bomb, Fire, BioWeapon, Other Chemical weapon, Total Isolation Dome, Giant Laser.
Someone make that poll!
1: Poison gas
2: Nuclear bombs
3: Bioweapons, e.g. diseases
4: Inciendary devices (think "Dresden '44")
5: Laying siege (think "cut off from traffic and let it starve")
6: Radiation
7: Strategic bombing (think "no more hospitals, electricity, water, administration, bridges etc.")
8: Guerilla warfare
9: Other: Please specify in the space below
(Or in the thread, but if someone writes onto his screen and posts a picture, he should be given a medal)
(Actually, how about that as the poll after this one: What orders, medals and badges will we be giving out?)