((Woo! Now, to start pestering people when I roll out of the stasis sludge...))
You can do that at anytime.
Bishop stares back at Mesk, at first confused, but then very, very angry but decidedly calm and serious.
"When I'm done with this treatment, I'm going to cut out that eye you just winked at me with. Mark my words, I'll be coming for you soon enough."
Remember which eye he winked at me with. Make sure not to forget it.
It was that middle eye in his mouth. Wait a second...Since when does he have a tail? And 7 heads? And 11 horns? And whats up with that sheep in the corner that has 7 horns and 7 eyes? And all this backwards latin?
"God dammit. Well, there goes that plan. Unless I can get some cameyes, I may as well make this into a hooded cloak."
Practice making sheet into a hooded cloak.
As sewing it or just in holding it around yourself like one? Because that sheet has electronics running through it and cutting it into a cloak shape with a hood might make it not work anymore if you fail the roll. In real life, not in the sim, obviously.
Try and find a hammer and nails.
1. If a hammer and nails are found, break up furniture and floorboards for covering the windows, and nail them on.
2. If hammer but no nails are found, use metal parts from furniture (and anything I can find made of metal) and heat them up using the microwave amp, fashioning them into nails (I do have that, right? If not, and 1 can't be done, 4)
3. If no hammer and nails found, use metal to create.
4. If none of this stuff is found, simply take an inventory of the house, and scan outside.
Well, number 2 is possible, but since you're not wearing a suit, to do it you'll need to take the hot metal and pound it into shape with something, on something hard. You want to try and do that?
Jim decided to satisfy his curiosity on a few points and went to the Armory Master for a few answers. "Hello again," he said as he entered. "I have a few questions about the synthflesh body."
Jim asks the following:
"How big is it? Is it always Erik sized, or is it up to the buyer?
Does the body have all five senses?
Does it need to breathe, eat, etc.?
Does it not include a damn killswitch like his current body?
Is it modular, such as Erik's four arms, or does it have to be custom-built to include such things?
Is it male, female, gender neutral, or up to the buyer?"
(Ah, right. I'll have to rip Maurice's nose off later then if Jim finds out he did it. Same with Bishop and if he does go ahead and cut out an eye.)
1. Erik's was standard size, but it can be gotten in smaller and slightly bigger sizes.
3. It doesn't breath, but it does need some nutritional fluids every now and again.
4.Body doesn't but the machine your brain is in does, so it can sever the connection to your body.
5. It's semi-modual. Limbs can be traded out for other limbs, but a 4 arm one is gonna be different. Although it won't be much more expensive, only 2 or so tokens.
6. Standards are modeled off a stereotypical male form but are actually genderless. More anatomically correct models of both genders are available though.
Also, nikitian is right, he just ripped it off of his cheek where he taped it . It's still attached, it's just horribly twisted and broken.