((It occurs to me I never properly congratulated Lukas. Well done, and enjoy your tenure with Doctor Mephistopheles.
That said, character number two!))
Name: Brother Lars
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Appearance: A 5'11" man of a slightly stocky build. Has close-cropped brown hair with a touch of grey. Hazel eyes and no facial hair. Has a tendency to look around curiously with a faint smile on his face, as if he is regarding the world in silent wonder.
Personal information: Brother Lars, a Speaker of the unpopular Gazer Sek religious sect, is an extremely devout man who acts with the divine assurance that everything he does is backed up by divine will and command. He fears little, as he knows that should he die in a horrible accident, he will go to the afterlife in the service of the Gazer.
As a Speaker, he is charged with spreading the message of the Gazer to others, though he understands that many have no room for religion in this world of technology. Instead, he sprinkles his speech with platitudes and distributes pamphlets to those he meets. He also commits acts of savage violence in the name of the Gazer.
The Gazer is a god of personal introspection, following divine command, and acting always in the name of the Gazer. Violence is not a central tenet, but divine retribution against those who directly act against the Gazer is, which is what led Brother Lars to the HMRC. Lars was preaching his message in a public park, where he was roughly assaulted by a trio of officers who were tired of listening to him. One of them made the mistake of ripping his prayer book to shreds. Lars, standing back up after the beating, was filled with divine purpose.
Having trained in weaponry in his past, he assembled his weaponry, gathered a couple followers, and assaulted the local precinct. After a drawn out gun battle resulting in the destruction of the station, many deaths, and the loss of all of his followers, Brother Lars was captured. He was quickly processed, thrown on a prison ship, and sent off to the HMRC.
Reason assigned to HMRC: Firebombing and shooting up a police station
Strength: 6
Dexterity: 3
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 0
Willpower: 3
Speech: 1
Intuition: 0
Handiwork: 1
Conventional Weapons: 3
Unconventional Weapons: 0
Exotic weapons: 0
Auxiliary systems: 0
Medical tech: 0
Profession: Grunt (+1 Conventional, -1 Medical)