Personal's pretty quiet in here. I'm currently doing some research on the feather Lugia gifted me...well, I'm getting ahead of myself!
To recount-the day started fairly peacefully, actually-We found some sort of strange island, covered in plant life. It was crawling with grass pokemon, and the guardian was there (who took the form a nice looking girl of course...) invited us to some sort of contest. Ursula didn't bother to compete, it was only me and Til. Generally, we had to grow a plant, right? Then defend it, then pollinate it.
I'm sure I won the first part-Mom's a gardener, and I picked up some things from her. The second part, I did my best. There were a fair number of Caterpie swarms trying to eat the plant. It was a tough battle, actually-I almost passed out afterwards, and Spritz and Flutter were beat up as well. At least I got a cute little Caterpie. They are quite cute, you know! I think Flutter is treating it like her own child. Heartwarming!
...but Til clearly won. I mean, he had the perfect pokemon and everything. I don't mind losing when the game is rigged in his favor. Maybe the Guardian just liked him more. Whatever...
The last part of the competition, we had to go overland. At that point, I decided it would be better to take my time-actually get something from it, rather than just achieving nothing. Til also went after me, so of course he had the advantage again. Rigged, I tell you.
The trek through the jungle was rewarding! I got a Grotle, an Oddish and a Gloom-which I named Atlas, Phylo and Flora respectively. Also lots of Apricorns-I hope to let LeRange cook them into Apricorn Juices when she feels better. Poor girl-been out of it for a few days now (maybe the pokerus?), but she's getting better, last I checked.
Ahh, next? I don't really want to talk about it...we sort were looking for a nightmare machine, I believe? Well, it wasn't a machine-it was some sort of sadistic something something. It made us hurt people...well, it's a lie-because we chose to do it. I assume that's the twisted lesson we learned. Noticed Rambler was a bit odd afterward...personal note-remember to check on Rambler next morning. It seems to have slipped my mind.
On a good note, I met a girl who said I could call her "Kat". She was part of Team Aqua...and had a chip on the shoulder the size of Johto...but, she was honest, at least. I like honesty. I'll have to meet her again...I even drew a picture, you know...offhand. Shes' cute, alright? Maybe I'll show it to her later. Assuming we don't end up killing each other due to politics. Bleh.
After that, robbed by Ninjas. Jerks. Apparently the tattoo on my arm marks me for death. Or slavery. Or romantic slavery...Really. Is she really dead, or something else? Does she have a crush on me? What's the debt going to be when she asks? One can only speculate. I know she's passing pretty, but she's a pirate ghost. There's all sorts of... logistical issues involved...possible ectoplasmic transfusion...but, she IS pretty. And she seems fairly reasonable-for a Pirate Ghost. Will update later with status-I'll probably set out today to find the pirates, anyway...
Hmm, I'm rambling again. Lack of sleep, probably.
To continue...we found a colony of Corsola living more or less in peace in a nice little bay, with crystal clear water. It was really nice, you know? I could imagine retiring there...barely. Some place like that. I played a game with a Corosola-messed with some crazy tentacool. He mentioned a war. Note, will have to research what he's talking about. Perhaps he was a naval combat pokemon?
Well, yes, I won. The Corosola game me a Dome Fossil! In perfect condition, as well. Now to find a re-animation center...might be hard to find, all the way out here...The Corosla was nice enough to point out her sister for me to catch. Amazing regenerative properties on that one-should make a natural wall in battle, if I train it right.
Final part of the day...well, one could say it's the *most* important. We ran into two legendary birds! I've obviously never seen either of them-but now I have. And I've taken notes and samples! I've got empirical proof, including audio and visual. We had a tough fight-the dark one, called 'Cuno'? I think, tried to eat us. Owch. He sicced a bunch of strange Wailmers on us-like, spawned from his own mind or something. Creepy. We barely was a pretty neat trap...but, the White Bird God, hereafter designated as 'Lugia', seemed to actually want to help us. I doubt we would have survived without his help.
Afterwards, we had a nice chat. We're going to help Lugia kill Cuno. Neat. I can't wait to study the corpses-and removing a public menace is always nice. Odd, I don't feel much hesitance over destroying's just wrong, you know? Something very wrong about it.
Personal note-the other Team Members seem very on edge lately. Ursula and Til both! I wish they would just calm down for once. I'm just doing my JOB after all. I am a RESEARCHER and I am doing RESEARCH.
Like my good friend Erin Flores said to me "Pain is just weakness leaving the body!". This trip is going to be very painful, I suppose. I hope she's alright, actually. Last I heard she was doing some sort of military experiment...time travel? Cryogenics? Artificial Reality? I can't recall...sometimes I wish she was here. I don't really get along with the others, like I mentioned above. We're a team, but we're not friends.
I guess that's business for you. Ending Log.
Log ended