Alright, well that's everyone who isn't blind, so we'll let wolfchild make his decision along with his actual action.
Mini-Turn: Destination![5] Ochita's masterful use of water allows him (well, his shark) to glide effortlessly, easily outpacing his pedestrian comrades. ((Not a "real" spell, so no exp, mods, or chance of dying. Just glory or shame.
Your journey first takes you to a tiny cliff face with a round, large shack nestled against it. The Empress dives into it, and you can hear her snarling in anger through the water. Her frogmen similarly slink inside, and emerge carrying objects.
She then thrashes out of the shack angrily, and your journey continues.
The rest of the journey is surprisingly long, and for the most part boring. You keep near enough to the coast for some diffuse light to filter through, but it's night and there's only so many little hills and kelp strands you can see underwater and still be impressed.
What you do finally see, however, is impressive in its own right. There appears to be a city, or at least rather grand-looking town, underwater. It's mostly made of the same unidentifiable brownish stuff as the shack, but with the tapering spires and lit windows everywhere, it looks quite impressive.
You head towards the center, to a large- but not the largest- structure with a tapering spire for a roof. The inside is grandly lit and decorated with all manner of valuables, including gold, gems, bones, hides, and the occasional slave. A giant, very shallow bowl with a gold rim, matching back (like an open clam shell) and filled with cushions apparently serves as the Empress' throne.
The sharks depart as you leave them and enter the room- they don't enter themselves, though the door is big enough for them to fit. The Empress take a moment to recast the water breathing spell, then begins screaming at various servants and slaves. They're all merfolk or fishmen or some description, but fairly inhuman for the most part.
After a bit of this, one servant brings her a tome with a page marker, which she takes and begins reading. She reclines in her throne while doing so, leaning against a brace of pillows to her side for a reclining effect, before finally closing the book and looking at the rest of you.
"Yyyyou mayyyy... rrrecover att thhiss placce, annnd mmake ussse of mmmy ssservantssss... thhhennn youu mmust deccccide wheree to goo for yyyourrr... quuuest. Mmmy mminnionsss mmay be aaable to addvvvisse yyyou."
From here, you can see one room leading into what looks like a study or library, and one that appears more like an armory or war room, maybe even posh training area. Several servants are chained to the wall by their necks, and several more slink around, mostly peering at you from behind doorways. You could probably get one favor or boon out of this, but likely not more.
((You may freely converse with each other or the creatures in the structure, and get one roll to receive deeper information, an item, or some other boon.))