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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 229905 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3510 on: June 24, 2012, 12:51:12 am »

It was about a week after Sarissa had finally recovered from the effects of the poison joke. The unicorn was glad to be able to walk and fight again, and she was now training twice as hard as normal in order to make up for the lack of activity during her ailment. Waking up extra early on this day, Sarissa spent the morning working on her strength and stamina. She trotted at a steady pace in her armor around the perimeter of the fort, her back weighted down with sand-filled saddle bags. Although the mare had excess body fat, her heart was in fit condition and she was able to keep up the routine for quite some time.

Break time. Sweat ran down the pony's muzzle and dripped onto the grassy ground below. She removed the saddlebags and put them out of the way for the time being; she would come back and continue to train a bit later in the day. As Sarissa was making her way over to the well in order to quench her exercise-induced thirst, she became aware of a caravan making its way into the trade depot. She fished out the bucket and took a long and highly-satisfying gulp of clear, cold water. While she was taking a breather, she figured she might as well go see if anything had come from home on the caravan. If not, at least she could enjoy the shade.

There was a decent amount of activity at the depot, but Sarissa didn't pay too much attention to what all of the other ponies were doing. That is, until one such pony from the caravan walked over to the mail bin which bore her name. A single letter was dropped inside. A small smile crept up onto her face; it was likely a letter from her father. It would be nice to hear from him again. Removing the paper from her drop box, she did indeed see that it was addressed to her from one Plowshare Tubestrim. It read as follows:


Dear Sassy,

I wish the writing of this note was to tell you of some joyous occasion. Sadly, it is not. As you know, I rarely communicate with your mother these days, but I was made aware that she has fallen gravely ill as of late. Yesterday, she was hospitalized and the doctors diagnosed her with chronic liver failure. Unfortunately, I'm sure both you and I had seen this coming for some time; nopony could ever get her to put away the bottle, not even her sister. I visited her earlier today and she is not doing well. The doctors say that the damage is extensive and they don't believe she'll be around much longer. Now, I know that you hate your mother and have never forgiven her. However, she has desperately requested your presence. She has come to accept that her end is near and she doesn't want to leave this life knowing that she never got to repair her relationship with her only child. I've never seen her so torn up, Sassy. She has so much regret and so much fear. Please, don't throw this letter away in anger. You really need to come as soon as you can; I don't know how much longer she will be with us. If you can't do it for her, do it for me.



Her mind falls numb for a moment, not sure what she should be feeling. Despite having been warmed from the jogging, her body suddenly felt cold. So it finally got her. After all these years, the beast she called her friend has finally given her a lethal bite. Sarissa was quickly reminded of thoughts she had about her mother when she first left Haybale. She recalled how she had come to the point where she stopped caring about her mother's fate. If alcoholism pulled her into the grave, it was her own fault. Nopony else could be blamed. Sarissa had washed her hooves of the whole situation. Now, years later, it seemed that time had finally come. Sarissa's reaction was far different from what she expected. Where was the resentful anger she had back then? Where was the "I told you so" attitude? The militia pony was genuinely worried inside. I-I do need to see her...

Immediately leaving the depot, the brown unicorn walked urgently to be barracks. She needed to speak to Halberd. Finding her commander polishing his helmet, she raises a hoof to her forehead, "Sir, permission to speak, sir?"

Halberd continues to shine his chanfron, not bothering to meet her eyes.  "Granted.  What is it, sergeant?"

She lowers her foreleg, "Sir, I have an unusual request. I've been informed today that my mother is on her deathbed. May I request this next week off to visit her? It will take at least two days to reach Haybale and another two to make the journey back, in addition to the days spending time with her. If a week is not permissible, may I have five days? I-I understand if there is a more pressing need for me to be here and leave cannot be granted to me, sir." Despite the emergency circumstances, duty was still a very important thing. Sarissa was a bit concerned that the serious Halberd would be reluctant to consent to her having such a long leave of absence. She had never asked for unscheduled days off before, and wasn't sure how he would react.

He pauses and looks at the progress he has made on his chanfron.  He wasn't exactly crazy about one of the most accomplished soldiers under his command being gone for a whole week when there was the everpresent threat of war hanging over them.  Especially after she had proven herself so capable of killing rainbow ponies.  However, several years had come and gone without anything materializing of the war, and one soldier gone if it came to that would likely make little difference.  And although he couldn't relate the experience, he wasn't blind to how she probably felt.

He sets the chanfron aside and turns to look at her.  "I believe you have a few weeks of leave built up."  His expression never shifts from its normal seriousness as he says, "Go see your mother."

She had been holding her breath waiting for an answer, and exhaled in relief upon hearing his decree. She salutes him again, "Sir, thank you, sir." Leaving the barracks, Sarissa headed back to her room in order to prepare for her imminent travel. This was probably not going to go well. She had neither written to nor seen her mother in years. What emotions might be exposed when they met face-to-face once again? Anger? Sorrow? That would have to wait to be seen...

((The actual visit will be a different scene; have any scenes ever been done that take place outside of Dawnpick? Is that allowed? If not, I guess I could recant the events in a flashback.))
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 01:00:01 am by Kryptid »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3511 on: June 24, 2012, 04:44:09 pm »

The scene below takes place shortly after the "bin" incident, I'll say around 12th Slate, 263.

I've actually been planning this scene for several game years, but never got around to writing it up, and have thus adapted it to fit more recent events a bit.  It turned out a bit more depressing than I'd hoped, and I'll be darned if I'm not perpetuating Virtue's emotional issues, but I thought it was time to show that Harvest Moon isn't just sitting around all of the time when his wife goes through this stuff.


Harvest Moon slowly ascended the stairs to his family's bedroom, trying his best not to make too much noise.  He hadn't seen Virtue at all since he woke up that morning, and he had a sinking suspicion that he knew where she was.  After what had happened just two days before, he couldn't blame her for being upset, but this was nearly as bad as the days following the deaths of the rainbow pony caravan.  Maybe worse in some ways.  In, short, he was getting more than a bit concerned for her.

He nudged the door to the bedroom open and stepped inside.  The windows were all shuttered, and only a faint trickle of light filtered in through the gaps.  Even in the darkness, he could make out a lump beneath the covers in their bed.  He swallowed and started in that direction, again taking care to keep the noise of his hooves against the marble floor as quiet as possible.  "Virtue?" he asked in a low voice.  "Virtue, are you awake?"

The mound under the covers shifted and made a small noise, but there was no answer.  "Virtue?" he tried again, stopping next to the bed and raising a hoof to the mattress.

The covers pulled back slightly to reveal the tired face of the gray coated mare.  Her unkempt mane was hanging in her face, but she made no attempt to push it aside.  "What is it?"

It was about as bad as he expected, and he sat next to the bed to bring his face closer to hers.  He had no idea what to say to her.  Even after being married to her for close to a decade, he hadn't learned the magical phrases to say to her to make her feel better when she got like this.  There probably wasn't anything that could be said that would make it better, so he settled for the obvious if pretty pointless, "Glaive said you didn't come down this morning.  Are you alright?"  He wasn't sure what response to expect to it, but he expected something.  Instead, she simply laid there, avoiding eye contact, so he raised a hoof to brush a stray hair from her eyes.  "Virtue?"

"No..." she responded at last, still avoiding his eyes.  ", I'm not alright."  She took a deep breath and shut her eyes.  "Nothing is alright..."

Harvest Moon felt a small frown creep onto his face.  Yes... every bit as bad as he was afraid of.  He had rehearsed a few things to say to her on the way over, but now he wasn't so sure if it was all appropriate.  Still, he had to say something.  "It's not your fault Virtue.  Everypony knows you didn't send that order to Jury..."  Well, to be completely truthful he had heard rumors and murmurings among a few of the ponies in the dining hall that she had secretly lost her mind and had indeed sent the order, but he wasn't about to say that now.  And he was going to see to setting those rumors straight immediately after this...

"I know..." she muttered.  "...I didn't do it... but who did?  And who would believe that anyway?"  She sighed.  "And it's more than that... I... I just... it's just so much more than that..."

He wasn't expecting that.  What else had been eating at her?  He hadn't picked up that, and with her it was usually pretty hard to not notice when she was upset.  "More?"  He gently placed a hoof under her chin and urged her to look up at him.  "What's the matter?"

Virtue's lip trembled for a moment as she bit back tears.  She turned her face into the pillow, which muffled her sniffles.  Harvest Moon felt helpless, but shuffled a bit closer and rested his head next to hers on the bed.  He placed a forehoof on her back and gave her a gentle rub.  “It's okay... let it out...”

“No... no it's not!” she responded in an elevated tone.  “Somepony was murdered in my name!  And that's all I'm good for...”

That certainly wasn't what he expected her to say.  “What?  Virtue, why would you think that?” he asked, a bit wide-eyed.

“Because it's true...” she muttered again.  “I'm just dead weight around here.  I'm of no use to Dawnpick anymore.”  Harvest Moon sputtered something incoherent as a response, so she finished with, “All I do now is take up room in this tower.  I don't do anything to earn living here, when everypony else lives in the small apartments.  And why do I need that luxurious office downstairs?  Wouldn't it be better used for Longshot?”  She sniffled again and shut her eyes.  “I'm just using up resources... for nothing.  All I'm good for is a name to put on official documents... documents that get ponies beaten and killed...”

Harvest Moon blinked idly a few times and shook his head.  “No, Virtue... that's not true.  None of that's true, and you know it.  You were not responsible for what happened.”

“Aren't I!?” she demanded, before retreating from Harvest Moon's shocked expression.  “If I hadn't been such a foul-up with justice in Dawnpick, Jury would never have come.  If she wasn't here, then... then that forgery would have never been carried out.  Partisan would have checked with me first...”

“You're not a foul up, Virtue.  Nopony thinks that.  Your mercy is what everypony loves you for...”  Harvest Moon said in a gentle voice.  He hesitated for a moment before slipping onto the bed next to her and staring into her troubled eyes.  “You built this town from nothing... you've earned far more than you've received.”

She looked down to avoid his gaze.  “I moved a few boards to build my first office.  I've done nothing but tell ponies what to do.  The carpenters... masons... farmers... they're the ones who built Dawnpick and kept it running.  Anypony with half a brain could have done what I did.”  She shut her eyes again and took a long, deep breath.  “If I was gone tomorrow... it wouldn't make a lick of difference.  All that would change is maybe the rainbow ponies would leave everypony here alone.”

Harvest Moon had heard enough.  He couldn't just lay there and listen to his wife speak as if her death would go without a care.  He wrapped his forelegs around her and drew her into a strong embrace.  “Virtue... honey... you're scaring me.  Scaring me and the children...”

“W-what?” she asked.

“Last night... Serenity asked me if you were sick.  Rampart has barely eaten a thing in two days from worrying about you, and I've been little better.”  He tightened the hug a bit and rested his face against hers.  “Virtue... you and the children are the most important things in my life... I don't want to lose you...”

She held the embrace and made a small noise as she mostly succeeded in containing her tears.  “I... I'm sorry...”

“I know you're hurting Virtue... anypony would be right now.”  His voice began to waver a bit as tears of his own began to form in his eyes.  “I just wish I knew what to do to help you.  I just wish I could show you how important you are to everypony in Dawnpick...  You're not dead weight Virtue.  You are Dawnpick...”

Virtue nuzzled Harvest Moon weakly.  “I'm... I'm sorry... I just... just feel so useless and helpless right now.  I don't know what to do...”

He returned the nuzzle and held her close.  “I think you should go talk to everypony.  Go and tell the town what happened.  Whether you believe it or not... you didn't cause this, but you're the only one who can help right now.”

She opened her eyes and stared at him for a moment.  “I... I don't think... I mean.. I'm scared...”

“I'll be right behind you, you don't have to do it alone.”

She was silent for a moment.  “M-maybe tomorrow... I... I'm not ready to face everypony yet.”

“Tomorrow then,” Harvest Moon said, giving her a small smile and brushing another stray hair from her eyes.

Virtue reflected a small, sad smile.  “Th-thank you... I love you Harvest... don't ever leave me.”

“Never on my life,” he said before giving her a small kiss.  “Promise me the same, okay?”

She nodded.  “I promise.”

Harvest Moon's smile grew a bit and he released her from the hug.  “Now then... you've got to be hungry, you haven't eaten at all today.  How about I go get us something to eat?”

“Maybe... maybe in a little bit, okay?  Can you just stay with me?  For a little while?”

He nodded and pulled the bed's sheets over the two of them.  “Of course, honey.  Whatever you want.”  He let out a small sigh as she cuddled up with him, and replayed the conversation in his head.  It hadn't gone as well as he had hoped, but she seemed a little better now... he could only hope she wasn't hiding more from him.  She seemed better though, and if she wanted him to just lay there with her for the rest of the day, he'd do it.

Maybe if Rampart came home, or Rose or Valor visited, he would send them for something to eat.  For now though, he wasn't going to leave his wife alone when she needed him most.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3512 on: June 25, 2012, 07:17:42 pm »

((Two days after Sarissa's previous scene.))

It was around five-thirty in the morning, and the sky was still quite dark. Haybale was not a large place; there were few residents and even fewer buildings. It was rather plain, with more land taken up by fields and pasture than by artificial structures. On the upside, this meant that it was easy to find your way from one place to another. There was only one hospital here, so Sarissa knew exactly where her mother must have been. This was the very same place she had been taken decades ago after the mauling incident. Memories of that event briefly danced in the militia pony's mind as the familiar outline of the building blocked out the stars behind it. Yawning, the un-armored pony pushed the doors open and walked inside. She wasn't able to get much sleep on the ride over here, but that was something that could be caught up on later.

A green earth pony stallion at the entrance desk caught her attention, "Hello? May I help you?"

"Um...yeah...I'm looking for a Crochet Tubestrim?" Her voice held apprehension. It was always possible that her mother had died between the writing of the letter and Sarissa's arrival.

"Oh, yes..." the worker quickly scanned a list of patients, "That would 14." He motioned in the direction of the stated room.

Feeling slightly relieved that she was still here, the unicorn answered, "Thank you."

Down the hallway and up to the room she walked. Pausing at the door, she stared at the number "14" chiseled into the stone tablet hanging upon its face. How should she go about this? Just walk right on in? Sarissa swallowed the lump in her throat and knocked lightly. For a moment, there was no response. She waited patiently and began to hear some stirring within. The knob began to glow with violet magic as the door slowly opened, revealing a yellow unicorn within. Her eyes widened in shock, " that you, dear?"

"Hello, Aunt Palate...long time no see, I guess?" Sarissa answered as she tried feign a smile.

The older mare wrapped her forehooves around the copper unicorn, a move which was reciprocated. Discerning Palate grinned but kept her voice barely above a whisper, "You have no idea how good it is to see you...I was all but certain that you wouldn't come..." Inviting Sarissa inside, she tried to lighten the mood, "I can see that you've lost weight since I last saw you; you definitely need to have some more of your Aunt Palate's cooking while you're here. Don't get anorexic on me, now."

"Although that sounds very good, I could still stand to lose a few more pounds, to be honest."

"Oh Sassy, I suppose we can discuss that later," Palate silently waved a hoof towards the bed where the pony's mother was sleeping, "She's going to be overjoyed that you came, you know? For the past several days she's been telling me that the only thing keeping her going is the hope of seeing you one last time."

Sarissa could barely make herself turn around. After mustering up the courage, her eyes wandered over and a shell of what her memories told her was her mother appeared. Despite being thin enough for each rib to show, her stomach was strangely bloated. Her pale orange fur was dull and had lost its sheen. Thinned, messy tan hair hung over her closed, aged eyes...eyes that were older than they should have been. She's more of a mess than I thought. Unwelcome feelings began to return to her as the reality of the situation began to set in.

"H-how is she?"

"She...sleeps a lot now, dear. Sometimes she's hard to communicate with, but other times she's rather lucid." Palate sat back down on the couch she had been previously sleeping on, "...I gave up on her years ago...trying to get her to quit drinking...I mean. She always found a way to get it..."

Sarissa sat down on the couch beside her, not yet feeling comfortable enough to approach the sleeping mare, "I don't blame you. She was beyond hope. Set in her ways. Now look where it's gotten her..." A bubble of anger began to grow within the emerald-eyed pony's heart. Why? All of this could have been avoided! Why did you have to be so hard-headed?!

It seemed that their conversation was not quiet enough, for the sick pony began to rouse from her slumber. Her eyes, yellowed with jaundice, cracked open slowly, "Sar...Sarsassy?" She drew in a deep breath and tried to sit up, " here? You...are here? You came?" A smile began to stretch across her weakened face.

"...hello mother," Sarissa answered plainly, trying to hide any hint of emotion.

Crochet held out her forelegs, "Please, it's been so long, let me hug you..."

Although Sarissa stood to her feet, she did not approach the bed. She could feel a strange mixture of sorrow and rage building within her. A piercing gaze covered her face, "You couldn't quit, could you? Not for dad, not for Aunt Palate...not even for me..." There was obvious aggression in her voice.

"...I-I have every right to be angry with me Sassy...if I could take it all back...if I could be the mother you wanted me to be...the mother you deserved...I would do it for anything..."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Sarissa yelled, "You don't deserve to use that pet name! You're not dad! You're not even close to being my friend!" It seemed that the emotional dam had been broken, "You put a higher priority on numbing yourself than on your own family! Do you remember those days when it was just you and me at the house while dad worked?! You were useless! While you were passed out, I had to do everything around the house! You were killing yourself and I had to watch! Now I come back decades later and nothing has changed!"

Crochet flinched at the angry pony's words. She felt in her heart that she deserved to be shouted at. She did nothing to argue with her daughter. The only response she could offer was a silent stream of tears that began to flow down each cheek.

There was a switch in the axe-pony's temperament as she became aware of her mother's weeping. The rage that had dominated her was beginning to give way to heart-break, "You killed your marriage! Y-you killed my love for y-you. And now...and now you''ve killed...yourself!" Sarissa began to break down. Hard as she may try, she was unable to hold back her own flow of tears that was straining to be released from her eyes. Now crying in full force, she raced over to her mother's side and gave her a hearty embrace, "Why, mom?! Why?!"

Sarissa had been holding up a wall of hatred ever since the divorce, but there had been a vast reservoir of deep sadness and loneliness building up behind that wall for years. She had been able to suppress the sorrow and regret, to deny it, covering it with a rock-hard shell of resentment. Now the current circumstances had broken that shell; the wall had come crumbling down. Sarissa realized that she had wasted her life hating the one who gave birth to her. Now there was no going back. It was the end of the line and no number of sorries could keep her mother from dying. Her father had made peace with Crochet long ago, so why had Sarissa made the mistake of holding onto the grudge?

Crochet stroked her daughter's blonde mane as the two sobbed together. The brown unicorn managed to utter a statement that she never thought would escape her lips, "Mom...*sniffle* I'm sorry...I-I forgive you..."

Now feeling that she could finally die happy, Crochet stopped fighting and passed away the next afternoon. The funeral was held immediately so that Sarissa would have the opportunity to attend before having to head back to Dawnpick. She spent time mourning with the family, and mourning was something that she almost never did. At least seeing her father again helped her to cope with her emotions more effectively. By the end of the week, she had returned to the body, at least; her mind was still back in Haybale.

Impending Doom

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3513 on: June 25, 2012, 11:13:29 pm »

((This scene takes place the morning after Jaxler's fight with Fauchard.))

Jaxler was walking out of his apartment. He decided not to drink anymore and just headed home last night after seeing panacea. I was probably best he didn’t show back up in the meeting hall for a while.

Only a few moments after Jaxler stepped out his door, Marilee rounded the corner. Seeing Jaxler in the hallway, with a cast over his foreleg, she practically galloped up to him. “Oh Jaxler, sweetie, what happened?”

Jaxler really didn’t want to tell marilee exactly how he got a cast. “Hi Mari,I kinda broke my leg.”

“Oh, you poor dear... you really shouldn’t be up walking on that. Why don’t you go inside and take a seat?”

Jaxler shrugged “Okay”

Marilee gently guided Jaxler into his apartment, holding his chair out for him. “Would you like me to get you anything?”

Jaxler took a seat and shrugged a second time. “I okay.”

Riddix woke up to the sound of a chair being moved. He had slept through Jaxler getting up to leave and Jaxler coming in late last night, and had no idea of the white thing suffocating Jaxler’s hoof, but whatever the white stuff was, licking his best friend surely would fix the problem.

Marilee reached down to rub Riddix’ ears, sitting on the floor next to Jaxler. “So... how did this happen?”

Jaxler figured he should at least try to dodge the question once. “My leg got hit.” Jaxler then sighed. “Are you sure you should be sitting on the ground. You could sit on the bed and I could move over.”
“Jaxler.” Marilee looked pointedly at him, making it clear he wasn’t getting out of this easily. “What happened? Was there a fight?”


“Did you start it?”


“Okay, that’s a relief at least. How did it start?”

Jaxler really wished he could lie right now. “I insulted somepony.”

“Oh, Jaxler...” She raised a hoof to her forehead. “Well, tell me the whole story then...”

“I was drinking, Fauchard came over, he started to probing me about why I drink and got insulting in hopes making him leave. Then a fight broke out.”

Marilee sighed heavily. “...and how much worse off is he?”

“He actually isn’t. He only got a black eye and a few bruises and cuts.”

“Well, at least that means he can’t press charges against you... what was he saying to you, exactly?”

“He kept on asking me why I drink so much.”

“And... why does that bother you so much?”

“I don’t like it when ponies I don’t know well bother me about it.”

“I see... So, then, would you mind telling me why you drink so much?”

“I have a couple of scars and if don’t drink I get depressed.”

Marilee edged a little closer to Jaxler. “I can tell you’re not talking about the one on your belly. Would you... like to talk about it?”

“I guess... what you like to know?”

“Well, first... what is it that you get so depressed about?”

“Everything I’ve lost over the years.”

“Like what? You haven’t told me very much about your life before you came to Dawnpick.”

“Well, I’m Topoireneisian...”

Marilee gasped. “Y-You’re what? Topoireneisian? Really? T-That’s...”

“Well, I tend not to lie.”

“B-But... they taught us that they - w-well, that you were all wiped out by the Deutschmeiner...”

“Well, it wasn’t just the alicorns, but yes according to what foals are taught I don’t exist.”

“T-This is... why, it’s almost miraculous! They destroyed so much, wiped out entire cultures... to know that at least a few have survived, it’s...”

“To be honest, I haven’t met a single survivor in all my life.”

Marilee paused, staring into his eyes for a moment. “Oh, Jaxler... I-I didn’t realize, I’m so sorry...”

Jaxler sighed. “Don’t be sorry.”

Marilee hugged Jaxler, putting a wing over his back. “So, you’re depressed because you lost your family, your home, your people...”

Jaxler hugged Marilee back. “Yep.”

“But Jaxler... You have a new home now: Dawnpick. It’s people are your people. And... well...” She blushed, “I’d like to think that I, a-and my family are...”

Jaxler started to smile. “Are what?”

“...a-are your family too.”

Jaxler’s smile got a little bit bigger, as he hugged Marilee a little bit tighter. “Thanks.”

Marilee leaned against Jaxler, snuggling up under his wing. “So... is there more?”

Jaxler held Marilee a little bit tighter and kissed her.

She accepted the kiss, holding it for almost a minute before breaking it.

“I love you” Jaxler then went in for another kiss.

Marilee accepted this one as well, but broke it a bit early. “I love you too... and that’s why I need to say this.” She sighed heavily. “Mr. Fauchard was very rude, yes, but... he had a point. The drinking... it’s killing you, and I... I just can’t bear the thought of losing you. I know you can’t just quit, but... maybe you could slow down a little? For me?”

Jaxler sighed heavily. He really didn’t want that question to be answered. “Um... I’ll try...”

“Okay.” Marilee stood back, meeting Jaxler’s gaze. “I trust you, Jaxler.”

“Thanks.” Jaxler then kissed Marilee again.

Marilee returned the kiss passionately, wrapping her forehooves around Jaxler’s neck and guiding him towards the bed...
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3514 on: June 27, 2012, 04:07:03 pm »

(( 2nd of Galena, 263 ))
(( Resolution of Amor and Jaxler dispute at the reception ))

Amor made a mule of herself at Jury and Partisan’s wedding, not as if she made a scene or ruin the two newlyweds’ day, but that she dragged her two friends down more than they already were. Indigo and her resolve their variance; however the mare has taken steps to avoid Jaxler for a week, as she was unsure to their relationship. The Pegasus’s drinking habit was bound to cause vexation, but she never know how much of a problem it could be. The copper Unicorn still held herself in the wrong as she thought; Amor you should have went elsewhere in the reception and enjoyed yourself. Even if I would have had no fun, there was no point in doing what I did. She trotted up to the craft-shop where Jaxler was carving up wooden jugs that was akin to small barrels. These were likely going to be used by Oil Macepony for collecting and storing honey. “Hello Jaxler, a fair afternoon to be working.”

Jaxler looked up from his work. He really hadn’t seen much of Amor recently, which was odd. “That it would be.”

Another reason for her visit was to order some woodcrafts for the coming up holiday of Harmony Day, which took place the fourteenth. Even if Dawnpick was less geared to observing holidays, this year they were needed with all that has taken place. “Jaxler, can I make two commissions?”

Jaxler glared at Amor. “I don’t do commissions for people like you...” The markspony then got a stupid smirk. “Seeing how I never make my friends pay for my crafts.”

The mare was slightly caught off guard by Jaxlers’s quip, until he shoots her a silly grin, she shares in it too. “Then I might trade you a masterful marble block as a paperweight.” She slips her tongue out to mark that she was teasing in a poor attempt of humor. The Unicorn pretends to go back into business manner. “Harmony Day is coming up and I wanted to have gifts for Amber, Indigo and Sarissa. I think that both Indigo and Sarissa are loyal ponies, but I’m having trouble with Amber.”

Jaxler titled his head in confusion. The foreign born pony hadn’t the slightest clue what ‘Harmony day’ was or how it was celebrated. “Da’ buck is harmony day?”

“Jaxler don’t be so crude with your words.” The curly mane mare scolds him for using ‘buck’ in such a manner. “Harmony Day is observed differently through each ponies’ household, but one thing that makes it the same to everypony is that we look into each others’ hearts for the best virtues of pony-kind. We then gift charms that symbolize a single virtue to those we consider that emulates that one desirable quality the most. Despondently, in Dawnpick usually Ponies have a special meal, not much different than any other day.” She huffs after stating that notion.

Jaxler sighed heavily. “Midpony isn’t my first language so I can be as crude as I want with my words.” Jaxler then sighed a second time. “And from the way you described it, seems like more of a family oriented holiday.”

Amor listens to the stallion and does not bat an eyelash as he states the reason for his rudeness, it was one of his more tolerable traits and answering his question was more important to her. “Actually, it is a holiday that honors friendship. Imagine after having a family and gaining a hundred years worth of trinkets, you would sooner only accept favors or foodstuff. Speaking of which, I was going to ask Skillet to make some pastries shaped in the symbols of the virtues of harmony for Amber.” The mare then makes herself comfortable beside the workshop, planning to stay for awhile.

The woodcrafter shrugged. “Meh, chests full of trinkets aren’t so bad.” Jaxler then pulled out his carving tools. “So, what do you want me to make?”

The mason pony already had a general idea for the two crafts, but reorganized her thoughts before stating them. “Indigo’s is going to be a bracelet, with a thunderbolt carved into it, and allows for future gem setting. Sarissa is an amulet, but also with a thunderbolt carved into it, she might even want menacing spikes.” The mare says as she ‘blahs’ and shakes her head at the idea of a pony desiring such accessory.

“Okay then, what kind of wood?” Jaxler was actually a little bit excited to have an excuse to use any type of wood. He had been able to get some cave tree woods from the last caravan to come to town. “You might want to use some Nether-cap wood for indigo. The blue wood matches his fur.”

Natural wood is nearly scarce in Dawnpick, even if the magnificence highwoods were a decant trot from the drawbridge, the dangers were assured. Maybe Virtue might need to settle a small tree cutters’ hamlet outside of Dawnpick’s walls, north of here. Even with wood from the caravan, it should go for more community projects, also transmuted was more fitting for Unicorns. “Sorry Jaxler, but I was thinking transmuted wood would be more desired.”

Jaxler really wanted an excuse to carve some of the cave wood he kept stashed, but kept his slight disappointment hidden. “So, compressed wood stuffs it is!” Jaxler pulled out some transmuted longland wood. “Want anything carved into the wood? I can even make it as detailed as you like.”

“Just the thunderbolts and Sarissa’s menacing spikes, but if you can make depictions of Unicorns I think the two would take pleasure in that.” Amor shuffles on the grass to get a better view of the Pegasus’s work. “Oh, you don’t mind if I watch?”

Wood carving was actually almost second nature to the markspony. One might assume incorrectly that it was his special talent. “I don’t mind.” He started to carve the transmuted wood, which was boring. Jaxler really didn’t enjoy carving common woods that he had grown accustomed to working with.

During a pause of Jaxler’s work, Amor thought best to tell the stallion the other reason why she was there. “Another reason why I came here was to apologies for my foalish behavior at the wedding.” She said as she shifted to get a better view of the crafts-pony’s expression.

Jaxler paused his work on the ‘log’ of wood he was carving into. “Meh, don’t be sorry.” The pony then looked back down at the log. The craft he was carving into it was starting to take shape.

“Thank you” The goldenrod mane Pony says contently and turns her attention to the materializing bracelet, she then places her hoof on the plank to stop him from continuing. “Another rationale for not going for ornaments that match coat color is that they are less visible and now that I think about it, this wood won’t stand out on Sarissa, got any wild strawberry wood?”

Jaxler stopped and pondered for a moment. “Yeah, I think I have some strawberry wood.” After responding The pegasus went back to work on the bracelet.

Soon the bracelet was freed from the wood and Jaxler started to labor on the fine details. With another pause from his work, the Unicorn probe him for information as to what to give him for Harmony Day. “So, I see you are using liver-tented tools, black bronze?” She makes a observation unsure if she hit the mark.

Jaxler didn’t stop carving the bracelet as he responded . “Yeah, it’s black bronze.” The little pony looked at the bracelet which seemed finished now aside from the image which needed to be carved in. “I know I could something more practical like iron, but I’ve always had a liking for Black bronze.”

Listening comfortable from her position, she plots. The mare levitates her flask out to take a drink and spies Jaxlers’s pigskin waterbag. “You don’t carry alcohol in that skin do you, especially when employing those tools?” Pointing her hoof towards the waterskin as she asks in a slight distrusted tone, moreover that the item was made from the flesh of an animal, un-pony-like.

Jaxler was about done with the image of indigo, when he turned his head to look at his waterskin. “Yes I don’t carry booze in my waterskin. I only drink after I get my work done.” Jaxler went back to work carving. “I wouldn’t want to do anything that would make my hooves less steady.”

Amor breathed a sigh of relief at hearing that. “Good to hear, I care about my friends and don’t want them to do anything that brings unnecessary harm.” She takes a little dignified sip of her carrot juice and returns to her friendly prying. “Would you like that old skin replaced?”

Jaxler really didn’t care much his water skin. Though, he never really minded using animal products, he prefered to have something easier to clean, and would prefer to have ponies stop nagging him about it being “inhumane” and “Unpony like” to use a animal product. “Yes actually.”

“Alright, then do you have any plans for Harmony Day now, such as giving gifts to your friend Flux or his and your apprentice?” The Unicorn questions with a sly smile and carries on. “Best to keep that day opened.”

Jaxler shrugged, “What exactly would I get them?” The woodworker then looked down at his craft. The bracelet actually was among the caftspony’s better works, and the image was spot on. “Also, your craft is done.”

Amor rubs her hooves together in contemplation, to her, gifts were best made by one's own love and sweat. Although, she had neither the time nor the will to create each of her friends a statue, and had the knowledge that making one for them to share was unfair. “Maybe make crafts like you are doing right now, or simply telling them what they are worth to you.” She gets up, accepts the bracelet and examines it within her light grasp. “I can wait here until the other is done, if you allow me.” She answers still eyeing the item. The wood was a bright yellow with subtle bands and the engravings were dark. It was of superior quality and almost could pass for exceptional, she was pleased with the craftsponyship.

“Well, I see no reason why you can’t stay here and watch.” Jaxler then pulled out a piece of strawberry wood. After looking the log over he started to carve out Sarissa’s craft.

Not long afterwards, Sarissa’s amulet arises from the deep red colored wood and it turned out to be masterwork quality only a fool could question. “Jaxler, are you sure you want to part with this, you could get a hundred and twenty bits out of this, more if you bartered?”

Jaxler looked the craft over. “I’m fine if.” He then picked it up and continued to look it over. "ughs, If I had doubled the menacing spikes it would have been 20% cooler. I really wouldn’t care if I parted with it.”

Amor doesn’t see it, but the amulet matched its future owner; the mare thanks her friend. After returning to her room and hiding the presents in her cinnabar cache, Amor trots to the metal works. There she searches for black bronze ingots, but only finds what she mistakenly thought was its basic components of copper, tin and silver. At the blistering smelter, the mare was corrected by Crimson, as instead of tin, gold was used in the alloy. Worse still was that the incredibly skinny stallion stated that the mason pony was best to place an order with one of the metalsmiths, as he was diligently fulfilling steel orders. Amor then sought out Kat, although found neither hair nor feather of the mare, on the contrary she discovers another Pegasus, Pewter. The two Little Ponies were proficient persuaders, nevertheless Amor would have to wait the eve of Harmony Day to receive the item to her preference. Paying forthright four gold, six silver and ten copper bits and compensating any additional on the day of pick-up, the mare leaves unsure of the quality of work she would come back to.

On Harmony’s eve, the copper coated Unicorn collected the *black bronze metalwork* and paid the remainder of 330 bits, thanks Pewter for her work and even for her wrapping it up after examining it. Next day, Amor gifts Indigo’s at the dyer shop, and Sarissa’s at the temple grounds, by her being off duty. The curly mane Little Pony next finds Jaxler in the meeting hall.

Jaxler stopped his drinking momentarily once he saw his good friend walk in. “Yo Amor.” He then took a swig of booze.

Amor returns the greeting; “hello Jaxler, enjoying the holiday?” Afterwards the mare takes a seat besides the slightly inebriated Pegasus and looks on at her friend.

Jaxler shrugged. “It’s been fine, how has yours been?”

“Delightful, thanks for asking; also I got something for you.” She says as she angles out the wrapped gift from a pocket on her smock and places it before the Pegasus. “I hope you love it.”

Jaxler Smiled as he picked up the gift. The pony had no idea what it could be. “Hmmm, I wonder what it could be.” He then tried to unwrap the thing with his bare hooves, which didn’t really work out at first. Eventually he unwrapped it, though he hadn’t the slightest clue how he did so. Once he finished, he saw *Black bronze flask* embossed with a apple on one side, a cloud on the other and on the bottom is Jaxler’s name. “Damn, now that’s neat.”

Amor ears perked up at Jaxler’s excitement at the liverish receptacle, her eyes light up. “I’m very thrilled that you like it, Jaxler.” The mare states as she awkwardly sets there staring on at Jaxler looking over his gift. Her mind feared that he would physical display his affection as friends often do.

Jaxler really didn’t know what the apple engraved into the side ment, but he still liked his gift. “So, I guess now I can throw out my old waterskin... thanks.”

“You’re welcomed, and thank you for your friendship.” After saying that, the hail began to clear out, a few gifts were exchanged and a party or two was thrown, but was apparent that all the ponies had enough excitement this year. The Unicorn looks over to Jaxler and states in a lower volume, “the apple symbolizes honesty, of all things, odd that it is not health or something like that, but it is what it is.”

“Heh, honesty...” Jaxler sighed, before continuing. “Thanks for your friendship as well.”

“The measure of life is not length, but honestie.” The mason pony adds and the two set there enjoying each others’ company in near silence, but it is broken again by the mare’s soft voice. “An envious title ‘Honest Pony,’ and I desire to hold the resolve and courage to preserve mine, but others wear it better then some, you do.”

(( Note: The Meandering Gloss Currency ))

(( Note: Harmony Day -- Galena, 14 -- Day to honor the elements of harmony; Honesty, Kindness, Good Cheer, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic. Friends give each others amulets, bracelets and other items that bears one of the symbol of the elements of harmony that represents them the best. ))

(( Note: Indigo’s reaction, he just accepts the bracelet and put it in his chest, then carve her something for her birthday. If he has some reason to install a gem, like Amor asking him about it, he would pick something cheap and with fitting colour, likely either green glass of red tourmaline. ))

(( Note: Sarissa’s reaction, she is surprised in a good way, no pony has given her a gift in Dawnpick until now. ))
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 09:31:59 pm by Psalms01 »
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3515 on: June 27, 2012, 07:15:33 pm »

So this is my first post in quite a while, but it does feel like an important one. Could I get a migrant? Earth pony please. Must be female for my plan to work, would prefer dark blue coat with a black mane and tail. Exprence with a sword would be a plus. Name her Sabriel. Dont judge a book by it's cover...
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 07:26:04 pm by Paaaad »
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3516 on: June 27, 2012, 08:37:00 pm »

So this is my first post in quite a while, but it does feel like an important one. Could I get a migrant? Earth pony please. Must be female for my plan to work, would prefer dark blue coat with a black mane and tail. Exprence with a sword would be a plus. Name her Sabriel. Dont judge a book by it's cover...

I've had migrants turned off for a while now due to population issues, but if you don't mind just renaming another pony I can do that.  I'll try to get back with you on this ASAP.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3517 on: June 27, 2012, 08:41:38 pm »

Omicega and I finally managed to get these wrapped up, a tough thing to do with the way I've been working lately.  As expected, these take place shortly after the bin incident and wrap that up for now.


Panacea is quietly taking a moment to evaluate the stock of everything in the hospital.  Most things were at acceptable levels, except for the dangerously low levels of soap in the coffers.  She made a note of that and would pass it off to Virtue later that day.  She’d heard some rumors of expanding the hospital a bit now that there were so many ponies in Dawnpick, and she didn’t want anything to fall short or go missing in the process.  She takes another look in the coffers and nods approvingly.

The door is shoved roughly open, Jury staggering inside with the bloodied, battered form of Whirlwind draped across her back. The unicorn herself looks dreadful, unaccustomed to the heavy load and emotionally drained by the day's events, but her unconscious passenger looks many times worse, bleeding all over the floor.
"Panacea," splutters Jury, stumbling a bit as she enters. "Help."

The pegasus turns as the door is noisily opened, and her jaw drops open as she sees Jury and the pitiful remains of Whirlwind.  “Jury... wh-what...”  She pauses the pointless question and trots over to a nearby operating table.  “Bring him here!”

"Your sweet Lady Virtue happened," Jury answers Panacea's unasked question for her, tipping Whirlwind onto the table as gently as she could. "There." Her tone is flat as she continues, her gaze fixed on the floor. "There is another, too, but-"

Panacea immediately sets to examining the poor excuse of a pony in front of her when Jury speaks up.  “Virtue?  I... don’t understand.”  She gently runs a hoof across several of the largest bruises and frowns.  She was sure several of his ribs were broken.  She could only hope that the same wasn’t true for any of the vertebrae in his spine.  “Who else is hurt?”

"Her orders," states Jury blandly, still not looking up. She feels awful. "And Savory is - was - but he is- he is beyond help." Somehow, it wasn't as hard to say as she'd thought. That didn't mean it was easy, though.

Panacea freezes for a moment.  “He... he’s dead?”  She remembers what she’s doing and how important it was to keep working on Whirlwind.  “Virtue couldn’t have ordered this... that’s impossible...”  A small grimace forms on her face as she feels the cracked bones in Whirlwind’s side.  She turns a pleading expression to Jury.  “Is anypony else hurt?”  She desperately hopes the answer is no.  Savory... was he really dead?

"Not physically," replies Jury, finally meeting Panacea's gaze, her green eyes haunted. "We received the writ earlier today with Virtue's seal attached. This -" she indicates Whirlwind's broken form "- is her doing. I hardly believe it myself."

Panacea sees the pain in Jury’s expression and realizes immediately what she meant.  Words leave her as she tries to think of something to say, so she turns back to Whirlwind.  His left wing was also badly broken, and she thought his hip might be dislocated.  This was very bad.  “This... this can’t be right...” she mumbles to herself.

"I shall be speaking to Virtue about this," declares Jury, though it comes out weaker and quieter than the loud tone she had intended to use. "She went too far." As Jury makes to leave, she pauses abruptly mid-step.
"Panacea...I- send word about how he is doing to Partisan and I, would you?" She almost looks pleading, her tone heavy with guilt.

“O-of course,” Panacea responds.  “He’s going to be okay,” she says, but her voice is clearly filled with doubt.  She was hardly convinced he was going to live through this... but she was going to do everything she could.  If he didn’t have any severe internal bleeding he might make it...



Virtue was sitting at her desk poring over the last reports from Longshot, detailing anything that might be of interest to her.  As usual, there wasn’t anything that caught her eyes.  Longshot was doing a fantastic job of taking over the managerial aspects of her job, and as much as she hated not having much to do around the town, she couldn’t fault Longshot.  She hums quietly to herself as she finishes up the document.  Rose’s report from the trading should have been at the end of it, but maybe she hadn’t finished yet.  No problem, she’d just look at it in the morning.

All of a sudden a brief few shouts from outside are heard, and the door is flung open by a distressed-looking Jury, with a bemused looking Storm Cloud in the background.
"Lady Virtue!" opens Jury in shaky yet loud, shouting tones, "Never, ever, ever, presume to pass sentence on anypony in this town ever again! And over some bins too!"
She takes a moment to compose herself, breathing heavily.
"Partisan will never get over what he had to do by your damned orders," she spits, clearly upset. "You are disgusting." Jury almost flinches, wondering how long it would take before her own nerve broke. In hindsight, this really was a terrible idea; the new Virtue might well have her beaten as well for speaking to her like this.

Virtue is completely taken aback by Jury’s violent entry and verbal assault.  She recoils and takes a moment to replay what Jury said in her head as she takes in the mare’s bedraggled appearance.  “What?” she squeaks after a moment.  Pass sentence?  What was she going on about?

Wordlessly, Jury unfurls the scroll from her saddlebag, tossing it unceremoniously across to Virtue. Why the duchess was playing dumb, she had no idea, but she supposed she’d play along.

Virtue takes a moment to eye the document curiously.  This was the documentation for official sentencing.  Her eyes track down the page until they settle on the names and ordered punishments.  Her mouth hangs slightly agape as she takes it all in, couples it with Jury’s prior statements and general state of dishevelment, and comes to a very bad conclusion.  “Jury... what has happened?” she asks plainly, hoof nearly trembling atop the page.

“We carried out your orders.” Jury states again, with a hint of anger and confusion in her voice. “Whirlwind has been brought to Panacea.” She stops short, as if she had been about to say something else but lost her nerve.

“My orders?” she asks in disbelief, then her eyes settle on her name signed on the page, and her face turns ashen.  “B-b-b-but... I d-didn’t!”  She looks up to Jury again and gives her a pleading expression.  “Jury... where did you find this?  I didn’t write this!”

"It bears your seal and signature!" splutters Jury, looking crushed. "It arrived this morning, posted through the door; we would have double-checked but- the ducal seal! Enchanted ink!"

Virtue stares at the seal for a moment.  Sure enough, it was the official seal.  But how was this possible?  A thousand things rush through her mind for a few moments, when something very troubling settles through the chaos.  “Whirlwind... you... you said he’s in the hospital?  Where is Savory?”

Setting her jaw, Jury meets Virtue’s gaze head on, looking solemn. “He- Savory- broke his restraints somehow. He knocked me to the ground, screamed and shouted. I think he planned to- stab me, with his horn, but Partisan...”
Jury’s eye contact fails, and she is forced to flick her gaze away, her breath shuddering with emotion.
“Savory is dead, Virtue.”

“What?” she squeaks again.  Her eyes return to the document on her desk for a moment.  Was she imagining this?  “He... he’s dead?”

Jury nods, a lump in her throat seeming to constrict her, stopping her from speaking. It all seemed like a particularly bad joke, a sickeningly unfunny dream that she’d happily enjoy forgetting once she woke up. Except it wasn’t.

Virtue stares blankly at the document on her desk.  What had just happened?  She fights for a moment to say something... anything... but nothing would materialize.  A confusing mass of emotions rolled through her.  Finally, a bit of questioning anger settles at the forefront of her mind.  “Jury... you... s-surely you knew I... I mean I would never...”  She places a hoof on the document.  “Why didn’t you confirm this with me first?”

“I- the punishment you ordered was within legal limits! Maximum, yes, but permissible! I thought it overly harsh, but- it bore your seal, Virtue! That could not have been forged!” In truth, Jury knew the seals were magical to some degree, something to do with a special sort of unicorn-produced ink, but she had no idea if forging one was possible or not.
“Everything appeared to be in order...”

 “B-but I-I,” Virtue sputters in response.  Was this really happening?  The pony who had all but chewed her up and spat her out alive for letting Flux off early had just taken a maximum corporal sentence from her without question?  Something that was intended to be potentially fatal!?  Virtue wanted to shout or scream something, but she was still too stunned to do that.  “The seal... how... how did they...”

"I have no idea," mumbles Jury, overwhelmed and deflating rapidly. A forged document meant she and Partisan- Savory dead and Whirlwind in hospital-

“Wh-who?  Who could have done this?  Why?”  Virtue searches Jury’s expression for any hint that she knew.  “Why...?”  She places a hoof to the side of her head and slumps back into her chair.  “Savory...”

"He might have killed me," murmurs Jury almost absent-mindedly, rubbing her throat. "But none of this should have happened..."

Virtue sits in silence for a moment, but Jury’s vacant stare was starting to get to her.  This was all so sudden... it still hadn’t sunk in for her.  But Jury had witnessed it...  Part of her wanted to say something reassuring, but she didn’t have it in her.  Instead, she finally manages to ask, “Whirlwind... how... how bad is he?”

"He- did not look promising. Panacea is tending to him, though." answers Jury dejectedly. Everything had gone wrong.

Virtue’s first instinct was to go and check up on him, but she quickly realizes that it would be counterproductive to interrupt the doctors working.  Especially if he was as bad off as Jury implied.  She continues to silently avoid Jury’s gaze, trying to decide what to do.  What could be done?  “I... I see...what about the others?”  There were other names listed on the document... jailed?

“Imprisoned, yes....” Jury says briefly. At least, she thought so. Whether Partisan had actually gotten round to it before the beatings, she had no idea.

With that, Virtue finally stands and makes toward the jail.  “I’m going to release them... there’s no sense in keeping them locked up.”  Maybe something could be salvaged from this... not that she really believed that.  “Jury... I... we need to find out who forged this... if you or Partisan can start on that... that... that would be good.”  Asking something like that of Jury now felt inappropriate, but this was critical.  They had to get to the bottom of this immediately.

"As you wish," answers Jury mechanically, looking totally worn out. "I shall get to it im- as soon as I can."

“Thank you,” Virtue says as she stands and makes for the jail.  “And Jury... I’m sorry...” she says, although what she was sorry for, she wasn’t quite sure.  It just felt like something that had to be said.

Jury doesn't reply, hanging her head as Virtue leaves, only departing herself a few minutes afterwards.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3518 on: June 27, 2012, 08:42:24 pm »

So this is my first post in quite a while, but it does feel like an important one. Could I get a migrant? Earth pony please. Must be female for my plan to work, would prefer dark blue coat with a black mane and tail. Exprence with a sword would be a plus. Name her Sabriel. Dont judge a book by it's cover...

I've had migrants turned off for a while now due to population issues, but if you don't mind just renaming another pony I can do that.  I'll try to get back with you on this ASAP.

I supose I could take someone with no relations and pretend they just got there. Same request otherwise.
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3519 on: June 27, 2012, 10:28:17 pm »

Glaive storms out of the dungeons keep in search of the blackhearted scoundrel responsible for his father’s imprisonment. Finding him almost immediately in the place his expected, drinking in the dinning hall. Glaive sits down in front of Jaxler, a scowl on his face, “What do you have to say for yourself, Jaxler” he demands.

Jaxler sighed and continued to drink his booze. He was pretty sure why Glaive was here. “I dunno, what do you want me to say?”

Glaive glares his blood boiling in his veins, “I want you to bloody apologize for getting my father thrown in prison, for a start.”

Jaxler sighed again and nonchalantly sipped more booze. “I think you're lying. I didn’t press any charges.” said Jaxler with a cold tone

Jaxler’s claim did little to calm Glaive, “You think I’m lying! I just came from the dungeons. My father is sitting in a prison cell as we speak, and he will be for two weeks, all because he fought with you! What do you have to say for yourself!?”

“What? try to make some some random guy, who badgers me on about my personal issues, go away? I probably could have been more polite with asking him to leave, but he has no place in my most personal flaws.”

Glaive gives an exasperated sigh, “He might have been able to handle it better, but he was only trying to help you. You were the one who started insulting his, MY, family. It was your fault it turned into a fight.”

Jaxler shrugged. “Yeah, probably could have been less abrasive in trying to get him to leave me alone... but how would you like it if some guy you’ve never talked to started buggering with you over your biggest and most personal demon!”

Glaive exhales hard, “Well...I suppose I wouldn’t appreciate it, however, I wouldn’t act the way you did either. My father my have handled it poorly, but your actions were inexcusable.”

“What is? the part when I fought back?”

Glaive slams a forehoof on the table, “The part where you dragged my sister’s name into it!”

“Oh the part where I told the truth?”

Glaive looks nearly ready to punch Jaxler himself, but calms himself in time, “The truth!? Friesden is the kindest pony I know. What possible reason could you have to believe those lies you were spewing about her?”

“while the pony I open consider my son was in the hospital she cheated on him, with a foal who was also her kin! She then had the nerve to say it was his fault for her leaving him!”

Glaive looks momentarily shocked, “ know about her and Falchion?” Glaive touches his hoof to his forehead, “oh this day just keeps getting worse.” Glaive turns back to Jaxler, “Look, I don’t care what that urchin told you, Friesden did not cheat on him, she has been exclusively seeing the other colt for many, many, months, and even if she hadn’t been Granite was never even remotely considered an acceptable match for her.”

“First off, I actually didn’t know anything about her and Falchion being together, I just had a hunch.”’He didn’t know...oh I am so stupid. If dad finds out what I just said he will kill me.’ thinks Glaive and it shows on his face. Jaxler continues, “second off, I just told you that I consider Granite my son, and you just called him an ‘urchin’. Third off, Friesden was seeing Granite, and da’ bucking hell is this about Granite ‘never even remotely considered an acceptable match for her!”

“I mean simply that Granite would never have been allowed to marry into our family, so whatever foalhood romance he might have thought they shared would never have lasted.”

“...”Jaxler really was starting to question what he should do next. “okay... Da’ buck are you implying about my son...” Jaxler voice and expression was cold as could be.

“Only that that colt doesn’t meet our standards, nor apparently Friesden’s.” responds Glaive very matter of factly.

“So, the moment she gets adopted by some rich guy, she dumps Granite and goes off for a member of her new family and says it’s his fault? there is more wrong with that then I first thought.”

Glaive resumes his glaring, “So, what, you don’t think she should have the right to change her mind? And besides, how often were they together? It can’t have been often. I can’t recall ever seeing them together outside of the stables when they were still knee high.”

“From what I understand they went on a few dates, but her way of telling him it was over was extremely out of line!”

“Well considering her age, him trying to romance her without consulting her father was even more out of line.” snarls Glaive, making a mental note to get Friesden’s side of the story later.

“I’ve never been a rich teenaged filly, but from my understanding somepony her age, not consulting her father over who she dates is rather common.”

Glaive stands, “Not where I am from.” Glaive glances to the door. “Jaxler, since you won’t even try to apologize for this mess, I must inform you that I find that you to be an insufferable wretch. If I did not have my position to worry about I would do to you the same as my father. I regret ever trying to help you. Enjoy the rest of your drink, I hope you drown in it.”

“Those who try to save the damned from hell soon find themselves sharing the same fate as the one they were trying to help.”

Glaive exits the dinning hall slamming the door behind him.

Jaxler sighed as he watched Glaive leave. The pony couldn’t help but feel genuinely horrible as Glaive left. Glaive had every reason to give up on him, and his hatred for the markspony was reasonable. Jaxler laid his is head on the cold table and stared at the crossbow he left on said table. Glaive had a point, maybe it would be best if he died before he got any worse.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3520 on: June 28, 2012, 12:19:01 am »


After taking a day to cool down after his talk with Jaxler, Glaive goes to find his sister. He starts by going to her and his father’s room in the keep. He knocks on the door three times.

Friesden pauses for a second, places down her father’s axe reverently, and runs over to the door. Maybe her dad had been let out early! She opens the door, hoping to see her dad there, smiling.

Instead of her father she sees Glaive standing there still in his armor, with a slightly sad smile on his face. “Hello Friesden. May I come in?”

“Brother? What is it? Did...Did something happen to dad?” asks Friesden, slightly nervously, while opening the door and stepping back to let him in.

Glaive comes inside, closes the door, places his chanfron on the table and takes a seat. “No, no Dad is fine. He’ll be out in 13 days now.” Glaive sighs.

“13 days? I...That’s good to hear it’s not going to be too long... Uhm...What is it you wanted to speak to me about? You don’t seem too happy to be talking to your sister,” says Friesden, peering at him with concern.

Glaive sighs again, “Well, I talked with Jaxler yesterday after the arrest. Among other things the topic of you was brought up, specifically the things he said about you that triggered his fight with dad. He...believes you ‘cheated’ on Granite, and...I just want to get your side of the story. What happened between you and Granite?”

“I...” Friesden takes a deep breath. “I... It was a few months ago. I...I had gone on a date with Granite...And...He was nice, but...well...I didn’t want to hurt him. I...I tried to be nice back to him. But...It didn’t work. And... Then...Then he stopped coming. And...I thought that he had found somepony else. Well, I...That was when I saw dad being alone, and so was Kit...And, well, I talked to mum, Kat, and she said that she thought it would be good for the two, so I had something to do, so I didn’t really think about where Granite had gone. Mum was in the hospital, too. And...Well...then Falchion...and...well, you know the rest of that. And...I love him, too. So. A bit after that, Granite came back again...And I thought he had tired of whichever other pony he met, and was trying get back with me, and I was...I was short with him, Glaive. And...then Falcata said that he was telling the truth, and, and, and...And I didn’t know what to do!”

Glaive nods, “I understand, and I don’t blame you for this Friesden, you handled it about as well as could be done considering the circumstances. I think, I think Granite may have mislead Jaxler, about your relationship before his hospitalization. Jaxler made it sound like you had been together for awhile, but that didn’t sound right to me. Anyway, thank you for telling me what really happened.”

“I...I...Is that all, brother? I...” Friesden takes another deep breath. “I...I have to polish dad’s axe while- while he’s in... In jail.”

Glaive gets up and gently puts an armored hoof on his sister’s withers. “That is all I needed to hear. Unless you have more you wanted to talk about?”

“I...No, not at the moment...Uhm...Can...Can Falchion come over, if that’d be okay?” Friesden asks, hopefully.

“Hmm, you two all alone over here? I don’t know about that...” Glaive looks thoughtful, “but how about when you finish with the axe you come over and join all of us for dinner?”

“That would be nice. I’d love to. Thank you, brother,” she says, and gives Glaive a hug.

Glaive returns the hug as best he can, careful not to pinch Friesden with his armor. “You are welcome Friesden. Feel free to come over whenever you like, especially while dad is still locked up.”

“You’re the best big brother ever, Glaive,” says Friesden with a smile.

“And you are a wonderful little sister Friesden.” answers Glaive before breaking the hug. “I should go and let the others know that you will be joining us. Please come over whenever you are done here.”
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3521 on: June 28, 2012, 01:08:23 pm »

(( Summer 263 ))
(( NW corner: North of the trade depot, close to the trash compactor. ))

Balisong is practising her music magic at the NW corner of the wall surrounding the town, her eyes are closed and she is deep in concentration. The music is slow and steady, and sounds like a pony playing a piano. As her playing continues, the music begins to speed up and a second "instrument" sounding like a harp can be heard. Before long more instruments join in sounding like a violin and a cello as the music hits its high point. While the performance is not flawless and several missed or flawed notes can be heard, it is nerveless beautiful.

Indigo walks by, carrying a bucket of refuse, that can't be converted into wood, to the trash compactor. He notices playing Balisong, quietly stops about 10 meters from her, sits on his rump, closes his eyes and listens, enjoying it. He doesn't normally take breaks like this, but it has been a while since he last heard music and he can easily afford half an hour or so in his schedule for today.

Balisong opens her eyes a bit and notices Indigo sitting there. She is startled and her music cuts out with a squeak.

Indigo opens his eyes and looks at the scared Balisong with something of a smile. “That was nice. Why did you stop?”

Balisong begins to stammer a response, “He...hello. M.M.mister I.Indigo I di...didn't know anyp..pony was listening. I'm sorry.”

She is very timid. I need to be careful, what I say. “Sorry about what? I stopped to listen, but I can still finish my chores for today and I can leave at any time. You aren't disturbing me in any way and your concert was quite good.” says Indigo.

“I...I'm sorry, cause, I..I came over here to try and find a to practice w...where nopony would h..have to hear me. I'll go someplace else next time.” responds Balisong timidly and quietly.

Indigo looks around. “No, this place is good. It is out of the way, you are still inside, and should be safe here. If you want me to go and not bother you again, I will, but tell me: Are you afraid that somepony won't like your music, or just don't want to get in anypony's way?”

Balisong says quietly, without looking in Indigo's eyes. “N...Nopony would like my music, and I don't want to bother them.”

Indigo perks his ears to hear what she says, but after years of talking to Amor, his hearing got quite good. “Ah... Well, I disagree. I liked it enough to stop and listen for a moment and you didn't bother me. Anyway, I'll be on my way now, so you can keep practising. Just... try to get used to having some audience. You will need to overcome your stage fright, if you are to be a musician. Goodbye.” No matter, what I say, she is still distracted by me just being around. Oh well, some ponies just don't like my company, just as there are some ponies, whose company I don't like. Indigo picks up his bucket of refuse, takes it to the trash compactor and goes back to work.

Balisong waits quietly until Indigo leaves. Once she is sure that she is alone, she returns to her practice.

A few days later Indigo talks with Fauchard. “I recently stumbled upon Balisong, practising her music by the trash compactor. She is very talented and can replace a small orchestra all by herself. She was afraid of me for some reason, though. Other ponies too, judging from what she said.”

Fauchard nods, "Yes, she is very talented. I suppose it comes with her being an alicorn, or maybe it's just her mother's musical talent showing through her magic. But regardless, don't take it personally, if she was uncomfortable around you Indigo. My granddaughter is afraid of nearly everypony outside her immediate family. I wish I knew how to help her overcome it."

Indigo scratches his horn. “Well, what do I do about it? Talk to her? Ignore her? I'm under the impression that she would like to turn invisible. If she is to become a musician, she must get used to playing in front of an audience...”

Fauchard interrupts, “Yes, she will, but... I would ask that you don't just ignore her when you see her because, well I think if she is ever going to overcome her fear of other ponies she needs to occasionally be taken out of her comfort zone.”

“Ah, well. I can do that, but I'll keep it brief. Otherwise I may push her too far, and that would end in her running away crying, being even more scared of other ponies and me having some very unpleasant conversations.” Indigo rolls his eyes. “I have a different idea, though. You said, she isn't afraid of you and the rest of your family. Ask her to play a few songs with Falcata on some occasions. Some private celebrations, like birthdays would be good. Have Falcata start, then ask Balisong to join. When she gets used to that, find out who her friends are and invite one or two. Then more. It could work.”

Fauchard nods in agreement. “That isn't a bad idea Indigo. She is more comfortable playing around her family. I'll give that idea a try, thank you.”

The two of them talk for a bit more of other matters, including military training. Finally they bid each other farewell and Indigo leaves.

(( NOTE: After that Indigo occasionally talks to Balisong and asks about her music, but she is still afraid of him, so their conversations are brief and uneventful. ))
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3522 on: June 28, 2012, 02:07:54 pm »

(( Indigo visits Fauchard in prison, a day or two after he got arrested for his fight with Jaxler. ))

Indigo heard about a recent fight between Jaxler and Fauchard. Jaxler punching somepony over some perceived slight is nothing unusual, but the surprise part is that Fauchard started it, broke Jaxler’s hoof and went to prison. Since Jaxler is in Indigo's squad, but is generally evasive and Fauchard is a friend (or pretty close to one anyway), the blue unicorn decided to go see him. In the evening he takes some food and a bucket of water, approaches the keep, states his business and is let in. As usual, Virtue tries to cover up for the fact that Indigo makes her uncomfortable. Seeing that he isn't there to argue, but just to visit Fauchard, she is rather relieved and allows him into the dungeons. He walks down the stairs, using his light spell, nods to the guard and approaches Fauchard's cell, keeping far enough from the bars to be outside the range of any kicks, just to be sure.

Indigo comes into view of Fauchard's cell. It has nothing fancy, but there is a bed, a bucket for water, another for refuse and a tray with a bowl for food. It is lit well enough to see and perhaps even read a book. Fauchard is laying on the bed. He doesn't appear asleep, but just laying on his back and staring at the ceiling. He rolls over when he hears a pony approaching his cell. “Oh, hello Indigo. Come to pay me a visit?”

Indigo sighs. “Something like that, but I never thought I'd see you in here. I expected better of you than to start bar fights.”

Fauchard rolls over onto his back and looks at the ceiling again as he says, “I did what I had to do. He insulted my family and did not listen to my warnings. I am sorry it had to happen though. I hope it won't get in the way of my future talks with him.”

Indigo rises his brow, but proceeds to replace Fauchard's water, clean his bowl and put some food into it. I hope you like carrots. “Yeah, he tends to be insulting at times, I just didn't expect, you would let him provoke you. I suppose you should take your 'future talks' into the barracks, if you haven't had enough of him by now.”

Fauchard gets out of bed and walks over to the food Indigo has brought him, “It is a shame he had to react in that way. I was just trying to talk to him about his drinking problem. It is such a tragedy to see him waste his potential like that, but he started insulting Friesden. If he had just kept it directed at me, I could have swallowed my own pride, but involving my family-” Fauchard tries to levitate a carrot, fails, remembers the wards, so instead he shoves the bowl away with a hoof and looks back to Indigo, “-that could not be tolerated.”

Having finished with food and water, Indigo moves away from the bars, stops surprised hearing Fauchard's explanation and takes another two steps back, when he looks at him. “For what it's worth, he is sober on duty, but finding him asleep somewhere in the morning is no fun at all. I told him to just drink in his room and not wander off, but he still does. Ugh, I suppose there is no helping it.” He frowns. “I don't really see, how any of this is connected to Friesden, though”

Fauchard sits down and shakes his head negatively. “After the 'chat' I had with him, I still think he can be helped. He just needs to believe in himself. I'm not too sure why he brought Friesden's name into it, but Glaive believes it may have something to do with her rejecting Granite's advances, as Granite and Jaxler are rather close.”

“Helped?” Indigo laughs. “From my experience, dealing with Jaxler is not about help, but about damage control. Making him drink less or be less stubborn would be like telling him not to breathe. Even his prison time did little to change him. No wonder, he didn't like your lecture. No, it is not about help, but about minimising the damage he causes as he gets through his day. If you still want to try to 'help' him, you are welcome to try, but please make sure, other ponies don't suffer needlessly because of the results.”

“Did it ever occur to you Indigo, that perhaps by agreeing with his idea that he can't change, you are only reinforcing it? Nopony is beyond help. I...I was in a worse state than he is now after my wife and daughter...passed away. It took years, but because I had ponies that still cared about me, I was able to recover from it. He just needs the same.”

Indigo momentarily gets serious and a bit sad. “Ah yes, for as long as I've known you, you had a soft spot for the sick, cripples, bastards and anypony who is at a disadvantage. A rather commendable... flaw. Don't get me wrong, if somepony is hungry and I have food, I can share it. If somepony needs some other basic necessity badly, I may provide it. But I won't get out of my way to help everypony, especially those who don't want to help themselves. I'll just offer my advice, then step aside and let them make their own choices and suffer the consequences. I simply don't see a way to help Jaxler, so I just let him be and try to minimise the damage he does to others.”

Fauchard looks down at the floor, “He may beyond help, but I can't just not try to help him. If he lacks the strength to pull himself out of this, then, very well, but I will at least throw him a rope.”

Looks like he just used it to pull you down. “I understand. For what it's worth, I respect your choice.” You are stronger than I ever was. “I won't stand in your way and may help you, as long as you ask me for reasonable things. As for Friesden, I'm not surprised, she rejected Granite. I was surprised she considered him in the first place." Maybe he was simply the first buck ever to take interest in her and show her some affection. "Jaxler and Granite are best buddies. I didn't get what Jaxler even sees in him, until he told me something during his prison time.” Indigo frowns. “Maybe I shouldn't talk about it.”

“Well, I won't insist you share it, but such information might be helpful, if you wish to tell me.” responds Fauchard.

Indigo takes a look at Saber and hesitantly walks up to the bars. “You would never tell me something like that yourself, you know... Fine,” he whispers, “Jaxler told me that Granite is his son. It does explain a lot about the annoying, thieving bastard, but why would Glaze cheat on Cleaver with Jaxler of all ponies, is beyond me.”

Fauchard nods, “I had no idea, but thank you for telling me. That information might prove useful.”

Indigo looks at a partially filled bucket of refuse and sighs. “You know, since I'm here, I may as well empty that for you. Once I get it out of this annoying suppressor, I won't even have to touch it to carry it.” He takes it and steps back. “So, would you like me to bring you anything? A book to help pass the time, perhaps? Only if you are allowed to have one of course, I'm not smuggling anything for you or breaking any other rules.”

Fauchard gets the bucket and places it where Indigo can take it, “I am allowed books, yes. If you could bring me a few from my room that would be much appreciated. Though, you will need to get the key from either Glaive or Friesden. Please, bring me a couple of novels, and a book of poetry, it doesn't matter which ones. That should last me a little while at least.”

“I'll just tell Glaive that you want some novels and a tome of poems, then.” Indigo takes away the waste, empties the bucket, cleans it and takes it back. Then he gives it to Fauchard, says goodbye and walks away with the now empty bucket, he used for bringing him water.

As Indigo walks away, Fauchard climbs back into his bed and thinks to himself, Indigo may have  a point about Jaxler, but I can't give up, not yet, not till I'm sure that I've given it my best shot.

(( NOTE: Glaive is informed about Fauchard's request, so he gets his books. Indigo visits him once or twice more before his sentence is done. ))
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3523 on: June 28, 2012, 02:35:58 pm »

(( Galena 263: Yet another captain's meeting. ))
(( 27 Felsite: Ocean Breeze and Diamond Shard wounded by FB. ))
(( 15 Malachite: Bardiche gets wounded by an FB again. ))
(( 28 Malachite: Arablest died to FB. ))
(( 20th to 26th Galena: Virtue poison joked. ))

After the discussion of the usual stuff, such as schedules for guard duty and crossbow bolt production, the topic of recent attacks in the mines comes up. Virtue shakes her head as she examines the map on her desk again. "I don't understand... there's nowhere else for them to be coming from..."

Indigo sighs "We checked the walls over and over and they should be safe. Nopony has any idea, where we made a mistake. Since we can't just wall off the old mine and dig up a new one, we have to assume these attacks will happen again. The military patrols help a great deal, but the only thing that could be done beyond that is a full-on civilian defence program. Basically giving everypony weapons and hoping for the best. Crossbows with metal ammunition, chaffrons and mail shirts would be sufficient, but the cost of that is really high and besides..."

Halberd laughs out loud and shakes his head. "Oh, that would be quite a sight. I can just imagine over a hundred ponies with no idea which way to point a crossbow running around in town." His expression turns more serious and he adds, "No, no... that's a terrible idea. I would give it three days before two ponies got in a fight and shot each other. Or foals..."

Naginata frowns and nods slowly. "Halberd is probably right... it might do us some good to expand the reserves maybe, but we just don't have the pony power and resources to train all of the civilians to use a crossbow. We have enough steel to make the gear, but it would take a very long time and overall I don't think it's practical. And Halberd is probably right about ponies getting into trouble with them."

Glaive speaks up. "While expanding the reserves is not a bad idea, I don't think it is wise to give out weapons to everypony in town, with the intent to let them carry them around all the time."

Fauchard nods in agreement. "Yes, I think Glaive is right about this. We should allow any who want to learn to defend themselves into the reserves, but I don't think we need to put everypony in town into some sort of ramshackle militia. I think that is asking for trouble."

"The idea may sound good in theory, but would be unreasonable in practice. It makes it harder to keep weapons out of violent situations that don't need them and the cost would be far to high." adds Partisan.

Virtue nervously taps her forehooves together on her desk. Just the thought of her children... Rose, Valor and Rampart... wearing armour and holding a weapon... sent chills down her spine. She had no doubt that many of the other parents in Dawnpick felt similarly. "I... think I agree. Besides... we haven't seen any hostile rainbow ponies in almost two years now."

Indigo nods "I agree and am not in favour of this idea myself. In addition to all these downsides, armour is uncomfortable and would slow ponies down when they should run away. Besides, some might think they actually can fight and try to be heroes with only marginally better chance to survive than unarmed civilians. This policy would also give the impression that Dawnpick declared marital law or is mobilising for something, or that we are wasting good steel, instead of sending it to Coupledye. It is overruled then." An emergency cache of weapons and ammo and occasional drills, but without actual issuing of weapons might do it, but so would expanding the reserves or the military, and we already have plenty of soldiers anyway.

Virtue slumps back into her seat with a bit of relief. "Alright then... is there anything else anypony wants to discuss?" Everypony looks at each other, then at Indigo, but he says nothing, so the meeting ends.

(( NOTE: This scene was just for the lolz. ))
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3524 on: June 28, 2012, 10:16:32 pm »

((within an hour of Glaive and Jaxler's talk))

Jaxler walked down into the crypts. The pony couldn’t help but feel completely horrible. What had just happened with Glaive really made him feel dreadful, but the axe pony telling him to go drown in his drink was what really hurt the most.

As Jaxler descended the dark stairs he sighed deeply and then took a seat next to what used to be his coffin. He then lifted and spent about a minute looking at his crossbow. After a few moments of silence the depressed little pony then loaded his weapon and pointed it at his forehead.

A soft white glow envelops the bolt. Stiletto canters into the room slowly, looking at Jaxler with a worried look in her eyes.  “Jaxler, what are you doing?”

Jaxler sighed and didn’t say a word.

“Why are you holding your crossbow that way, Jaxler?” the amethyst Alicorn stepped closer,  her magical grip on the bolt not wavering for a moment.

Jaxler sighed again and tried to pull trigger.

The Twang of the bow string was defining in the silence of the crypts. Stiletto let out a long, pained, breath. “Jaxler, why?” the bolt hung in the air, centimeters away from the quivering bow string.

The pony hung his head and didn’t bother to speak.

Stiletto trotted right in front of Jaxler. She held her forehoof out toward the crossbow, but did not touch it. “Jaxler, please.”

Jaxler remained silent, and dropped his crossbow to the ground.

The crossbow floated off the ground and magically landed softly on a nearby perch. Stiletto lightly touched Jaxlers chin with her forehoof “Jaxler, at least look at me.”

Jaxler sighed again, and after a few moments compiled to stiletto’s demands.

The worry on Stiletto’s face was more than apparent. “What is wrong? Why would want to end yourself?”

“I’m tired of the pain...”

“Where are you hurt the most?” Stiletto moved her hoof from Jaxler’s chin to point at his chest. “Here?” The Alicorn mare spoke in soothing tones, in the hope Jaxler will be comforted.


“Can you tell me why it hurts, please Jaxler?”  Stiletto asked kindly.

“I don’t know why, I all I know is it hurts all the time, sometimes more than others, and I can only try to numb it.”

Stiletto put her forehoof on Jaxler’s withers. “Please come out of the crypt with me. We should get you someplace warmer, yes?” She tries to get Jaxler to his hooves.

“sure...” Jaxler then got up and extended his forehoof toward his crossbow.

Stiletto let him take the crossbow. “If you think you need it.” Her magic slid the bolt she was holding into his quiver and closed it.

“Thank you,” Jaxler then slung his crossbow onto his back

She put her good wing around Jaxler and walked with him up the stairs to the road “You spend too much time down there anyway.”

Jaxler felt a little bit better to be in Stiletto’s embrace, but still didn’t speak much.

“Do you know why you were in the crypts again, Jaxler?” Stiletto asked cautiously as they trotted in the daylight.

“It’s the only place that’s always quiet and nopony bothers me. It’s be best place for me to sit and think.”

“Alone, do you like to be alone, Jaxler?” She asked while maneuvering them towards the kitchens.

“I usually don’t...”

 “Then maybe you should go some other place to think.” Stiletto squeezed him lightly with her wing “You do not need to be a lonely pony.” she whispered.

Jaxler kept his ears flopped down and his head down. “I know...”

“Would you like something to eat?” They had reached the kitchens. Stiletto indicated some prepared meals with her forehoof.

Jaxler looked at the meal in genuine surprise. He really hadn’t been paying attention toward where they were going. “Um... sure.”

Stiletto picked up a bottle of orange juice and a plate of guinea hen eggs. “Get what ever you like, I will pay for it.” She nodded him toward the food and drinks.

Jaxler really wasn’t hungry right now, but wasn’t dumb enough to skip a free lunch. After looking over the food he had available he picked up two cooked giraffe steaks.

Stiletto paid with a hoof-full of silver bits and hovered her meal along beside her. “Would you like to walk with me a little while?”

“yeah... “

Her wing guided Jaxler on to the road. “To the river, is that alright?” she asked while casually trotting them to the gate.


Stiletto took them out through the gate to an old tree by the river. “I am going to sit under that tree and eat. Would you like to watch the river with me as I do so?” She indicated with her wing.

Jaxler nodded but still managed to look depressed.

The large amethyst Alicorn brought Jaxler with her to the tree. she sat and looked at the river while taking a drink of juice.

Jaxler didn’t bother to say anything, and just sat next to Stiletto, and looked at the river.

“Jaxler.” said Stiletto, speaking quietly. “Will you tell me please, why did you try to put a bolt in your head?”

“I got reminded that I’m only getting worse, and it’s best that I quit before I turn into a monster.”

Her wing hugged Jaxler softly. “Would you explain to me how that happened?”

“A few days ago, I provoked Fauchard into fighting me in an attempt to make him leave me alone when all he was trying to do was help me. He broke my leg. When I went to see panacea, I learned I’ve had extensive nerve damage since I was a foal. And just today, Glaive went to talk to me about getting his dad in jail. In the end he said he regretted helping me, and basically implied that he wanted me to die.”

Stiletto turned to Jaxler and wrapped him in her long forelegs. “Oh you poor little pony.” She petted his mane. “You should come and talk when such things happen to you. Please?”

“I don’t like bothering others with my own problems.”

“Ponies want to help you though. We can not do that if do not want let us help you.” She locked his gaze with a pleading look.

“So instead of going down the crypts I should talk with somepony?”

“Yes please.” Stiletto nodded.


Stiletto hugged Jaxler to her chest “Thank you.”

He let silence grow over the two for a while before shifting his attention to the water. “Did you know I can’t swim?”

“No, I did not know that. Are you uncomfortable with water?” Stiletto cocked her head to one side.

“Nope, just never had a reason to learn.”

“Do you wish to learn? I can hold you with my magic.” She pointed to her horn with a wing.

“I guess I could try to learn. Though I actually much rather sit here for the time being.”

“That sounds good to me... but, we should get Fuchard out of jail, latter.” Stiletto hugged him tightly. “That is what good ponies would do.”

“I’d doubt there's much we can do. “

“I can post bail, and you could explain that you will not press any charges.”

“He’s rich, he would has already done so, and I never went to the guard about my leg being broken.”

“Yes, that is true, but you must tell them that there will be no charges... I think.” Stiletto rubbed the side of her head.

“It may seem selfish, but I honestly just want to sit here for a while and pretend like it didn’t happen.”

She folds her wings around him and brushes his mane.  “We can do that.” Stiletto watched the rivering run by as she held Jaxler in a warm comforting embrace.

Jaxler sat there and allowed silence to grow over the two before speaking up. “Why can’t I just be happy?”

“I wish I could give you an answer to that. Truthfully, I believe you can be a joyous pony if you find something to excel at.” The great Alicorn let out a sigh “I want to help you be happy.”

“why does everypony else get to be happy, and I don’t?”

“What makes you happy Jaxler? can you tell me?” Stiletto looked softly into his eyes as she spoke.

“When everypony and everything I care about is safe.”

“I wish I could do that.” Stiletto looks at the ground “I am always too slow.” She touches her eye patch.

“You know, I almost always feel unsafe, and even afraid...”

Stiletto gently stroked his mane “Why is that, Jaxler?”

“I have scars”

“On your body, or, someplace else?”

“Is there anything I can do to help you heal?” Stiletto look at Jaxler with honest concern.

 “I don’t know...” Jaxler then started to lean into stiletto and looked as if he was trying not to cry.

“Nopony here but the two of us, you can cry Jaxler. Let it all out, my little pony.” She pulled him close to her chest.

He then started to cry, feeling safe in stiletto’s embrace.

The large Alicorn cradled Jaxler in her forelegs, her wings held him with care. Stiletto doing what she could to make jaxler feel safe.

Jaxler continued to cry, but eventually, he closed his eyes and stayed there contentedly.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms
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