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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 230109 times)


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3480 on: June 11, 2012, 01:37:39 am »

((this happened be4 the poison joke stuff))

+ sienna

Moral was having a great day. He spent the last couple hours making all kinds of super fun stuffs out of wood, and even got to spend most his free time wondering about doing nothing! He felt so happy right now just enjoying a nice stroll, and now he somehow ended up walking on the wall, and to make things even better, he saw another pony on the wall. “Hey there!”

Sienna watched the aubern embers of another day fade away behind the skyline. She loved coming to the wall at this hour, to watch the sun paint the sky a wonderful mural of orange in its last escapes.

The red alicorn snatched her attention away
"well, hey there yourself."
she pulls out a hand-rolled stick of tobacco, and frisked herself for matches. She sighed and said
"happen to have a light?"

Moral slimed infectiously. “ya I has light.” Moral’s horn then engulfed in a hiddious shade of red as the end of the tobacco stick was also enveloped in a similar aura and then ignited. “So, whicha’  be doing!”

'Ooh, that's impressive', she thought
"Oh, you know," she gestures at the sunset
"watching a whole planet burn. You'd think some pony would be disconcerted about it. About a giant ball of flame in the sky." she brings her hoof up to her chin in thought " but then again, what CAN you do about it, I suppose."  she walks up to the edge of the wall

Moral shrugged.

She extends a hoof around him
"you see, there are so many things out there that are just, left unexplained and taken for granted! It just makes me wonder, you know?"

Moral smiled even wider as Sienna put he hooves around him. “Yeah, but I guess life wouldn’t be as fun if didn’t get to wonder.” Moral then extended his massive wing around Sienna.

sienna grinned, pleased with herself 'and that's all it takes to get a colt bend backwards for you , folks'

she realizes its getting quite cold up on the wall

She snuggles into Moral's fur

"guess if we spend too much time wondering about the big things, we never enjoy the little things."

Moral felt nice having Sienna snuggled up to him. “Your really nice...”

"And you're Moral!" she said excitedly " the dangerous alicorn that sets fire to ponies with his mind! You know, I thought you were going to be a brooding badboy when I heard about what you did, but it looks like you are the 'strong, silent' type. I like that. The name's Sienna."

Moral sighed. “I don’t like being a badboy... I just wanna be a nice pony.”

"well, that's good. The whole 'misunderstood loner' who plays with matches is kinda clech'e"

she sees her brother Peony stumble up the walls steps and give out a long, frustrated sigh

"Moral, as a friend, can you do me a solid?"

Moral doesn’t notice the other pony walking up the steps. He just sighs and looks watery eyed. “Can I has hug.”

She grins "I'll do one better"
she slides her tounge between his tonsils

Moral was suprised out of his mind to have somepony do that to him, but it didn’t stop him from doing the same to Sienna.

"Sienna! You won't believe what just read about bird migrations!"

She disengaged and said "busy, twerp!"

Peony sighed "always busy... Fine, I'll leave you alone, but this stuff IS fascinating...

Moral sighed. “I am sure it’s about as fascinating as watching grass grow”

"oh, you have no idea. You, sir knight, have saved probably four hours of my life. "

“May we please go back to the whole kissing thing, dear Sienna?”

Of course, darling!" they lock lips again

Peony frowns at the both of them and walks off

she waits until she is sure he is out of earshot

she looks into his eyes and disconnects the drool connecting their mouths together

"you're good at this" she smiles "want to, like, I don't know, get some dinner or something?"


"you're buying"

“Why wouldn’t I buy?”
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 12:12:05 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3481 on: June 11, 2012, 01:45:30 am »

and Splinter

As Splinter knocks on the door to Amber’s apartment, he realises It’s been what seems like ages since he’s seen her face. He knows it’s only been less than a year since she moved out of the house, he knows he’s being overprotective and overbearing, but it’s an alien feeling to see the girl you’ve raised only once and awhile. 

Amber was at her table enjoying a bowl of orange slices that she raided from the food stockpile earlier. A jug of her favorite liquor, sewer brew, sets on the table too and she was about to enjoy a swig of it until her ‘hobby’ was interrupted by a knock at the door. She ambles to the door and asks; “Nopony is home, come back when-never.”

“Come back? Is that a way to treat your ol’ pop?” echoed through the door with a stern but humorous tone

With a roll of her eyes and a wiggle of her snout in displeasure, she opens the door, but only enough to shove her head out. “And what is your excuse? Mom kicked you out or did you kick your own-self out?” Her questions come out more akin to statements.

“I just came to say hello, see how you’re adjusting to adult life. You are still my lovable brat, after all.” he let’s himself in “And, Mother and I are doing fine, thank you very much.” he eyes the liquor; “is that what I think it is?”

Half pushed aside by her father and half moved out of the way, she rolls her eyes again. “You could have waited for me to invite you in my…” She pauses at his tone and changes hers to a sarcastic one. “Hmm, sewer brew, my favorite and last bottle in the fort too. What about it?”

Splinter looked at her sternly “One, Alcohol is a very bad addiction and can wreck your life. Two, pour me some, Hickory has been trying to keep me sober for months. She’s had an existential crisis since that honeybadger bit off her nose. trying to change everything, even me.”

he sits down and slides a shot glass towards her “So hows life?” he looks the apartment up and down “You look like you're doing well-ish.”

Amber sets down the opposite end of the table and places her hoof in a pig tail cord wrapped around the jug that was used by Earth Ponies to hold things. “Ugly what happen to mother, but it’s not like she lost anything of importance.” She says as she drips some sewer brew into the shot glass and sides it back to him. “Life has been a bitch, but I am surviving… thanks to Virtue” She keeps her sarcastic tone until the end which she whispers, she starts back but drops the sarcasm; “work is the same, make blocks today and doing the same tomorrow, if not placing them to make a building. It is only enjoyable to see the end resort, better if some dragon does not come along and smash my work. At day’s end it is all about what to eat until I hit the hay.”

“Welcome to the working world, Princess.” he snorted. “For every knight in shining armor, there’s ten doing the shining.” He leans back “You know, I never wanted to be a wood burner. shocking, I know. I was an artist. Damn best artist in my village. If anyone needed a pointer in what colors compliment each other best, or needed a refresher on the Rule of Thirds, they came to me. I was a prodigy, they told me. I went to the city, so sure I’d find fame and success. Instead, I found a lot of better artists. I found I couldn’t even get a single commissioner some months. But, I also found your mother. Settled down, then you brats ruined everything. Speaking of- Has any stallion swept you off your feet yet? when are you going to get me some grandkids?”

Reflecting back to her crush on the mayor and her past experience with how the other fort’s stallions reminded her of donkeys. She also recalling that she heard her father’s flights of fancy story for the millionth time already. “All of stallions here are better off being gelded knowing what foal they would sire. And unlike you, I’m not going to make that mistakes you did.” She scoffs before taking a swig right from the jug.

“Oh? What’s life without mistakes? What’s the fun in that? If I never made a mistake, you wouldn’t be standing here, with your siblings, with your friends in this amazing fort. If I never made a mistake, I’d still be in the village alone, making quite a lot of money.” he grinned

The mare feels around with her free hoof where her horn use to be and looks towards the pier. Amber takes a slower sip of her sewer brew and attempt to pull the strings of fate to levitate an orange slice from the bowl. She sighs at her failure. “I’ve had enough mistakes for a lifetime and being born into such a terrible family was one of them.” She gazes back hoping for her father to lose his smirk at her words.

He sighs “you know, one day, you’re going to realize that this ‘terrible family’? Is the only one you got. I know you hate me because I was never there, Because I selfishly worked day and night to keep food in you and your siblings mouths. I am so sorry” he drawled “But one day you’ll understand, one day you’ll say ‘thank you, pop’.” he cringes a little at her missing horn, he couldn't even imagine a life with such a universal tool taken away. he would offer Amber sympathy, but knew better. she’d just throw that back at him too.

He picks up the orange slice for her “here. Take a bite.”

“I could do it myself.” Amber says, but accepts the orange slice anyway. She munches on the citrus escape and thinks; knows now why you did what you had to do, but that does not change that you could have spent more time with us or been smarter and told us your reasons in a way we would have understood. She continues to work on the orange slices in silence.

Splinter takes a slice aswell and they both enjoy a content little silence. “Well, kid, looks like you have yourself handled. Don’t need me hanging around anymore. Get to work on those grandkids, huh?” he gets up “Oh, and one more thing, Sienna and Patina say “Hello”. without their older sis to keep them in line, those two turned feral! ... and if you ever need help-” waves at where a horn would be on his head “- you know, the injury? you know where I am.”

Amber smiles at the mention of her older sister and younger sister, even at their age they are a hoof-full. “Return their hellos for me.” She gets up after he waves at where her horn is and proceeds to the door. “Also if you ever plan on another incursion into my life, please warn me ahead of time, but thank you for the visit. It was… pleasant” She said as she opened the door for her ‘Pops.’
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3482 on: June 11, 2012, 06:55:16 am »

(( Early Hematite 262, close to a month after Jaxler's arrests. ))

A day after their talk about spells, Sarissa said to Indigo that she decided to help train his squad and would come during the first convenient time he proposed. Indigo nodded and thanked her. On the day they chose, Indigo gathers his squad in the barracks. Lately, most of their time is dedicated to medical training, but that doesn't mean they can get too rusty at fighting. Given Sarissa's bad reputation, they feel a bit anxious, but what could she throw at them, that Jaxler already hasn't? She approaches them as they check their equipment.

The brown unicorn nods to Indigo and his squad. She takes a look at their armour and weapons, then clears her throat, "Well, looks like the lot of you keep your equipment in good shape. That's a good start..." Sarissa turns and looks towards the door, "Let's go out and get some fresh air. It'll be easier to train with the extra room anyway. Make sure you bring training axes." Having said that, she leads them to an open area without any fragile items around, stops and returns her attention to the group. "For starters, I'd like to see how far you've come with your training." She then looks at Indigo, "Who are your two best fighters? Let me see them go at it for a bit..."

"Jaxler is in prison, so I suppose that's Oil Macepony and me." answers Indigo. The two ponies face each other and spar. They know how to hold their weapons and how to swing them, but are below the level of skill Sarissa expected from them after years of training. Oil has a mace and Indigo has an axe and they both have shields. He is fighting more defensively, but both ponies are taking wild swings at each other. Some of them connect, but most just hit the shields.

After only about a minute, Sarissa has seen plenty, "Alright, that's enough..." she implores as she shakes her head and groans. "There was no finesse in that at all! Is this how you normally train? You're clunky, slow and inaccurate. Looks like there is no single trouble area that I'm going to have to address. What stood out the most to me is how little coordination your attacks had. You need to train with your weapon until swinging it becomes as natural as moving one of your own limbs. Drawing and swinging should be one fluid motion. Of course, even that isn't enough if you actually want to hit your target. Aiming should become a reflex; an automatic response that you don't have to consciously think about."

Having set up the area prior to coming to the barracks, the brown unicorn places a short, wooden barrel before them. It is about neck-high to an average pony. On top of it, she sets a cubic block of wood  about as large as a pony's head. Using her hoof, she draws a line in the dirt near it. "Alright, we're gonna start with baby steps. Your goal is to stand behind this line and then knock the block of wood off the top of that barrel with a training weapon. Each time you successfully hit the block off, I'm going to put a smaller block up there. This first one is stinkin' huge, so you'd better knock it clean off."

"Now here's the kicker..." Sarissa stretches her legs and cracks her neck, "...every time you miss the block, or end up hitting the barrel instead, I'm gonna make you 'pay' for it. Pain is a good motivator, not only consciously but subconsciously as well. Your mind will learn to coordinate with your body more quickly if it knows there are consequences for getting it wrong. Besides, the exact same thing would happen to you in a real fight, if you can't hit your enemy before they hit you, riiiight?" She smirks, "Don't worry, I'll try not to break who's up first?"

Indigo looks at the rest of his squad, walks up to the line with his shield and axe, takes a swing, and drops the block, hitting it about in the middle. Oil Macepony and Zaeroth have no problem hitting the block either. "We chopped a lot of wood for the furnaces as an excercise, so we can hit an immobile block of wood without much trouble." Explains Indigo.

Sarissa squints her good eye, noting Indigo's words, "Oh really? So you think this is going to be too easy for you, huh? Then why don't we make things a little more difficult?" The axe-pony moves the barrel out of the way and picks up a new block of wood, about half the size of the previous one, with her telekinesis. "We'll use a smaller target, and this time it will be able to move. I'll be challenging your blocking and dodging skills as well. When this thing goes ballistic, you're not gonna want to be in the way." Using her magic, she spins the wooden cube and causes it to do loop-de-loops in mid-air, "Are we finally ready?"

That's a rather rapid change of pace, but it is more interesting than what we usually do. If we can hit this reliably, we will be much closer to 'combat ready'. Indigo thinks as he looks at the moving block with mixed anxiety and fascination. He approaches it, takes a swing at the air, where it was just a moment before and barely manages fo protect himself with a shield, as the block dives for his head. Then he tries to hit the air in front of it, kick it, and has some trouble keeping up with its movements. He gets a few glancing hits on his armour in the process. Finally, after about a dozen long seconds of this, he blocks the path of the block with a shield and swings his axe just before it, hitting and chipping it.

Sarissa pauses the block in the air for a moment and claps unenthusiastically. "Nice thinking outside the box, Indigo..." the patch-wearing pony admits after he uses his shield to aid him, "but what if that block had actually represented a soft spot on a forgotten beast? You know the least that stunt would've gotten you?" At the very last letter of her sentence, the unicorn channels her magic into propelling the damaged block at high velocity into Indigo's face, "A bloodied nose!"

Indigo isn't expecting anything like this after he 'won' the fight, so the attack takes him by surprise. Even with his helmet protecting him, the blow is strong enough to stun him for a moment and cause some bleeding from his muzzle. At first he wants to say something about unfairness, but he knows Sarissa is right and there is no such thing as a fair fight, so he just groans. He doesn't want to risk casting the blood stopping spell on his muzzle, before learning more about it and his injury isn't anything serious anyway, so he just puts a piece of cloth to his nose.

"You gotta keep yourself alert, blue boy. You never know what's gonna happen next in a fight. It won't be a little block of wood causing a boo-boo on your snout when you're defending Dawnpick for real." She chuckles for a moment, "Perhaps I should have clarified what it was that you were supposed to be fighting? This time, I'll simulate something easier like a badger pony. They can't fly, so I'll keep the block lower to the ground." Sarissa floats the wood around, making quick movements but never taking it above head height.

Indigo's turn is done, so he gestures for Oil Macepony to chase the block and Zaeroth after her. Since the target's movements are now less wild, the reservists fare somewhat better than their captain. In less than a minute it is Indigo's turn again. He puts away the cloth and approaches the block, waiting for it to attack, rather than chasing it. When it does, he quickly puts his Axe in it's path and scores a hit.

Taking note that the block was now stuck on the tip of Indigo's axe, Sarissa observes, "Interesting choice of strategy. However, just expecting a badger pony to kill itself by running into your axe blade is a bit optimistic. Unless you manage to cut its trachea or a large artery, it seems more likely that your action would only result in a flesh wound...and an angry badger pony." She telekinetically pulls the damaged block from Indigo's weapon, "Looks like this one has had it..." That said, she tosses the damaged cube over her shoulder.

They train like this for the better part of the day. Sarissa finally finds a satisfying block size and speed, that they have a good chance to hit and mercilessly punishes all their errors, while explaining them. Feeling that the group has had enough, the brownish pony sorts her items and gets them ready to take back to their appropriate storage places. "Next time, I'll make things a little more...interesting. Perhaps I was a bit too lenient today. Expect to be more heavily challenged when we next meet." The unicorn's mind is already exploring creative ways to beat the reserves into shape.

After the training Indigo dismisses his squad and and addresses their instructor. "Sarissa, stay for a moment, I have some things to tell you. Firstly thanks. I take what help I can get with training and if you still want to do it, I'm all for it. We'll just need to coordinate it in advance."

Sarissa shrugs, "Eh, sure."

"In addition, good idea with the flying blocks. Why haven't I thought about it earlier?" Probably because I would have to animate them myself and switch with Oil Macepony once in a while. "Thing is well, this kind of training is really useful, but one on one fight with something dangerous is normally a last resort. If the traps fail, we shoot crossbowas and if the enemy gets too close, we attack as a group. Perhabs we could try with all of us at once next time and then move to a few blocks. I'm just throwing ideas and didn't want to say this with the other two listening." Maybe we shouldn't get too used to fighting alone?

"Working as a group, huh? I like that. I'll definitely work that into the future training regimen. After all, working together can result in a synergy that acting alone without coordination can never hope to achieve," she smirks as she contemplates ways to make them work together efficiently...or suffer unfortunate consequences.

Indigo continues "Now, the second matter is that well, due to an argument during the recent captain's meeting, my squad was delegated to do mostly auxiliary duties, such as taking care of the wounded. Not that I'm complaining; in an emergency we can be useful in other ways, while the militia fights in the front lines. Anyway, this month we are spending most of our training time at the hospital. Apart from first aid, me and Oil Macepony are learning two spells from Chestnut: one to slow down bleeding and one to dull pain. Combined with the one I use for cleaning and us carrying around some bandages, this should be pretty effective to help any wounded ponies, before taking them to the hospital. Since we only just began,  you don't train this month, already know a spell that makes you see blood and seem to have some knack for learning spells, perhaps you should come too. Chestnut's spells won't help you in combat, but may be invaluable afterwards. Besides, if you give first aid to some wounded pony, your reputation should improve. Plus well, if you worked all the problems out of your blood vision spell, as you told me, it would be a good idea to share it with Chestnut."

She growls at the 'your reputation should improve' line, but she knows in her heart that he is right. Sarissa was hardly a doctor, but if it was acceptable for a soldier to learn medical magic, then she figured that was an okay way to help somepony out. "Yeah, I guess I could try to learn that stuff," she shrugs, "and Vitalsight as it currently is, should work just fine if the patient is a pony."

Indigo nods, satisfied with her answer. "Lastly, how is your eye healing?"

"'s mostly fine. Only hurts in bright sunlight now." Sarissa was planning on removing the patch soon, as her eye seemed to be almost back to normal. The only problem was that she now seemed to be a bit short-sighted in that eye now. It probably wouldn't be too much of an issue in combat unless her enemy just so happened to be made of tiny text. "I'll try to keep it off from tonight onward."

Well then, maybe you'll learn that toying around with magic can have disastrous consequences and be more careful. "Good to hear that. See you tomorrow at the hospital." says Indigo and helps her clean up the blocks and the barrel. The blocks make him nervous, as if any of them could jump at him at any time. He picks the barrel to carry it back to the furniture stockpile, leaving the blocks for her and they go their separate ways. It is good to have another competent soldier training us. And I didn't have to worry, she isn't that bad. Sure, she is merciless and sadistic, but for what she does with us, that's actually a good thing. She has something of a better side as well and is dedicated to her work. After carrying away the barrel, Indigo does his evening routine. He almost looks forward to more training with Sarissa.

Feeling satisfied with how the day went, Sarissa chuckles a bit to herself that she was able to get a few hits in on Indigo without it being out of line. She looks forward to seeing the group again. It is a 'win-win' situation as far as she is concerned; while the reserves can hone their skills, she can keep herself entertained during this relatively boring time of the year. The mare does have a greater respect for those three, at least. They seem to be dedicated to their cause and put a lot of effort into facing the challenges she has set before them.

The next day, Sarissa and the reserves meet at the hospital. She finds the blod stopping spell pretty easy to learn, but the one to dull pain gives her more trouble. During Hematite, Indigo's squad trains fighting with their new instructor five more times, and often meet with her at the hospital, learning first aid from Chestnut and Panacea. Training with levitating wooden blocks is continued, but the specific challenges are often varied. Sometimes they have to hit it bare-hoofed. Other times, they are allowed to attack it all at once. There are also excercises with the unicorns attempting to telekinetically grab and hold the block, with Zearoth dealing the decisive blow. Without wearing their armor (but whilst wearing equally-heavy saddlebags instead), they are forced to dodge crude "balls" made from nettles to improve their speed and agility. After the month is over, Sarissa goes back to her training under Halberd.


(( I made some Stiletto fanart. It is unrelated to the above scene. ))

Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3483 on: June 12, 2012, 02:23:05 pm »

Fauchard, dressed unusually warmly for the weather outside today and wearing a large saddlebag, makes his way to Kit’s home. Upon reaching the door he knocks and calls, “Kit? It’s Fauchard. May I come in?”

“In a moment!” Kit replied.. and a moment longer which is exactly five minutes, she opens the door. Beaming happily at Fauchard, she’s wearing her beautiful Red dress again today, even have that white flower in her mane. “Ready~!” Kit chirped happily.

“You look beautiful as always.” He says with a sincere smile. “I have a special surprise planned for you today Kit. Let’s go.”

“Ooohh?” Kit perk her ears up, interested. happily trotting up to his side after grabbing her coat, she’s ready to set off for their date.

The two ponies walk side by side out of the dorm building to a small mostly empty part of the town. “Now Kit, I need you to get me one thing before I can show you the surprise.” Fauchard turns to her with a smile, “Please fly up and fetch down a cloud. Something big enough for you to sit on comfortably.”

Kit was rather confused as to why Fauchard would want her to fetch him a cloud. But she thought maybe he learned how to sculpt clouds or something.. so with a smiling nod, she flies up and away into the sky, looking for a nice patch of cloud before bringing it back down to him “Okay! How’s this one?”

Fauchard examines the cloud for a moment, running a forehoof through his beard. “Yes... It will do just perfectly.” With that his horn begins to glow, and before long the light spreads until it covers his entire body and all his belongings. The second after he was totally enveloped in the light, the glow fades away entirely.

Kit rises an eyebrow as she watches.. wondering what he’s doing. “um.. what are you doing?” She asked curiously.

Without any explanation for his actions, he takes a step forward and climbs up onto the cloud sitting on top of it. He smiles at Kit, waiting for her to say something.

Kit blinks in surprise, Then smiles beamingly at the older Pony. “Ooohh! you can sit on clouds too now!? Neat!” she chirped.

Fauchard nods, “Indeed I can. Glaive figured out the spell a few years ago, it was no easy task for him, but he learned a lot about magic in the process, and he taught me the spell recently, and I thought that, well that you might like to sit in the sky with me.” Fauchard looks up into the sky at a larger cloud that would be perfect for the two to visit.

Kit smiles and giggles as she nods “That’s a Lovely idea!” she said, holding onto the cloud that Fauchard’s on and flaps her wings quite rapidly, making them ascends steadily.

Fauchard holds onto the cloud. He might be able to touch a cloud be he still couldn’t fly, as he was very much aware. As the cloud reaches the altitude of the other clouds Kit pushes the one Fauchard is on into a large one causing them to stick together. Once his ride had stopped moving, the old Unicorn stands up and looks out at the scenery before him, an expression of pure joy upon his old face. It was wonderful. He’d seen similar sights before from mountain tops before, but there was something different about seeing the countryside directly below you like this.

Kit joined him at the cloud with a smile, happy to see the old Unicorn smiling like that. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” she asked with a happy sigh, sitting down on the cloud and tucking her legs in together.

Fauchard, sits next to Kit, looks to her, and kisses her gently, "It is, but not as beautiful as you are. Thank you for helping me to reach this place." he says.

Kit blushes softly from the kiss and coos out happily. giggling softly and scooting herself close to him, leaning onto his side “mmnm.. Thank you for being here in this place with me..” she replied.

"It is my pleasure dear."

Kit was a wonderful mare, and Fauchard truly loved every moment the two spent together. While he would always love Morning Star, she was long gone, and while Kit would never replace her in his mind, he knew that he was starting to love Kit too.

"Kit I have one more surprise for you." with that he reaches into his saddle bag with his magic and pulls out a glass container, inside which is a single rose floating effortlessly within. Fauchard passes the container to Kit,

"I love you Kit, very much, and I want you to have this. I have long kept this with me whenever I traveled as a reminder of my home. You see, this rose was picked from the gardens at my house back in the capital and the container is enchanted, so long as it remains unbroken, the rose will never wilt. But now I want you to have it, because I can no longer imagine a home that is without you."
Kit’s eyes went wide in surprise as she sees the gift that Fauchard have for her, ears perking up “oh Fauchard..” She coos with a hoof over at her mouth, admiring the beauty of the rose.. “It’s.. Beautiful!.. b-but.. it’s also so important to you.. a-are you sure?”

Fauchard gives a small chuckle, “My dear, it is as if you don’t know me at all. I would not have offered it, if I wasn’t sure.” he nods slowly, “Yes, I want you to have it.”

Kit nods and blushes happily at the gift.. “mnm.. Thank you Fauchard.. but.. um, maybe you should hold onto it until we get back onto the ground?” Kit asked. Not wanting to break such valuable gift up this high.

“Ah, that is probably wise, I’ll put it back in the bag for now.” he says, and then proceeds to do so.

Kit couldn’t help but to simply lean just that much more onto the old pony, sighing happily. Content to be able to spend time with him.

Fauchard rests his head atop Kit’s and sighs softly. He thinks to himself, ’Coming to Dawnpick was the best decision I ever made,’ as he sits quietly with the young mare he has come to love. As the sun begins to set in the distance, the ponies share another kiss, this one much longer and more passionate than any they had shared before. There were something different about this one.. It feels, right. Simply right.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3484 on: June 12, 2012, 11:22:03 pm »

Slowly, quietly, Marilee stirred. Her eyes fluttered open, and after a moment she realized she was not in her own room. Then she felt the warmth of a pony next to her, and turned to see a fine black alicorn mare curled up beside her.

No, this was precisely where she belonged. She snuggled into Jaxler’s belly, lying there contentedly.

Jaxler woke up, in his bed, which was an uncommon occurrence. He looked over and saw that Marilee was snuggled up to him. Jaxler wanted to just stay in bed next to marilee, but felt compelled to do otherwise. He needed to check up on somepony today, and didn’t really feel like waiting. So, he got out of bed.

Marilee sat up as Jaxler climbed out of bed. “Good morning...”

“Oh, good morning. How’d you sleep?”

“Good... really good. How about you?”

“I did as well... Um, what are your parents going to do if they ask why you spent the night?”

Marilee giggled. “Don’t worry, dad’s not going to come after you with a crossbow.”

Jaxler shrugged. “Hey, I Kinda need to check up on somepony in the hospital soon.”

“Oh dear... did one of your friends get hurt?”

“Well, no. He got turned into a living statue.”

Marilee clapped her hooves over her mouth. “Oh Luna, that’s horrible! Was it... was it those flowers?”

“Not exactly... When I had the flowers destroyed, the smoke had the same effects as the flower did.”

“Oh... I hope we can find a cure...”

“Actually, I talked with herbalist. Turns out the effects of the plant wear off, but I wasn’t told how long it would take.”

“That’s wonderful to hear, though! At least we know you won’t be like this forever.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do if I was stuck like this. Still, I feel horrible that Granite had that happen to him because of me.”

“It isn’t your fault, Jaxler. You didn’t know about the smoke.”

“Still, I feel like I need to check up on him. I’d also like it if you could come along with me.”

“Of course. You still haven’t introduced us, after all.”

“Thanks, I’d like to head down as soon as possible.”

“Alright.” With that, Marilee rolled out of bed and set about making herself presentable.

Jaxler didn’t care much about his appearance, and just picked up his crossbow and quiver. After equipping his weapon, he turned to Marilee who was working on her appearance  “You look nice.. Anyway, are about ready to head over?”

Marilee smiled, planting a kiss on Jaxler’s cheek. “Whenever you are.”

Jaxler blushed a little bit and said warmly “let’s head over.”

Marilee followed Jaxler outside.

The two started to head over to the hospital. “When you see Granite, it might be a bit shocking.”

“As shocking as learning I had a marefriend?”

Jaxler smiled and put his wing over Marilee. “Why would that be shocking?”

Marilee blushed. “W-Well, I mean... m-my sisters... b-but I’m not into...”

“Well, me being a mare shouldn’t be a problem for too long.”

Marilee just averted her eyes, face still glowing.

“Oh, It seems we’re here.” Jaxler held the hospital door open for Marilee.

Marilee stepped inside, looking around for the young stallion Jaxler had described to her.

A pony made of stone stood still in the corner of the hospital. There was still no glow cast on him.

“Oh, he’s over there, in the corner.” Jaxler walked over and prodded the petrified pony with his forehoof.

Suddenly laughter is heard from the other corner. “Bwahahahahaha! Oh that’s too funny!” Granite snickers.

“Why are you laughing?” asked Jaxler

“That’s not me you’re poking Jaxler!” Granite says. “I got bored as hell waiting around last night so I built a statue of myself and left it there! Also I didn’t want to get rusty with my masonry...”

Marilee stifles a yelp, falling on her haunches as she sees the statue in the other corner burst into laughter. “O-Oh my... are you... Granite?”

Jaxler walked over to his mare friend and extended his hoof in hopes of helping her up off the ground.

“Yes, I am Granite. Did Jaxler tell you about the flower thing? Sorry for the scare... you must be Jaxler’s significant other I’ve heard so much about.” Granite said.

After allowing herself to be helped up, Marilee approached the petrified stallion. “Y-Yes. My name is Marilee. Jaxler tells me a lot about you, Granite.” She reaches over to touch his foreleg. “This doesn’t... hurt, does it?”

“Not really, it just feels really stiff and I’m clumsy as hell now. Also I would shake your hoof, but if I did now there’s a fifty-fifty chance you would get crushed.” Granite says. “Nothing personal...”

“It’s okay, I understand.”

Jaxler walked over to Granite.“So, Granite, do you feel any better? Any worse? is there anything I can do?”

“The only thing you could do is find a cure for this thing...” Granite says, gesturing to himself. “I’m a monster... the kind mommy used to tell me about at night...” He sheds a tear. “I, I didn’t know I could cry like this...”

Marilee laid a hoof across Granite’s withers. “I’m pretty sure monsters don’t cry, Granite.”

Jaxler walked up to Granite. “It’s gonna okay Granite, the effects wear off.”

“Do you really believe that Jaxler? What are the odds this will just ‘wear off’ in a few hours. It’s already been a day or so and nothing’s changed. I don’t want to live the rest of my life like this Jaxler.” Granite says, his voice wavering slightly.

Jaxler sighed, he really hoped he wouldn’t have to be doing this in the near future. He put his forelegs around Granite and hugged him. “I don’t know how long it will take, but it will wear off.”

Marilee could think of nothing to say, so she silently joined the embrace.

“I-if you say so Jaxler...” Granite says. “Could you guys get off of me now? I want to try to avoid any potential accidents...”

Jaxler backs off. “So, what do you plan on doing once you get back to normal?”

“Jaxler I’m gonna climb the nearest building and i am going to do so much balance-ee crap it just might kill me...” Granite says.

“Promise me you won’t get yourself killed.”

“I’ll try my best Jaxler. Maybe I’ll avoid the apartment rooftops for a few weeks...” Granite says.

“Okay... why do you climbing things so much?” asked Jaxler

“Climbing stuff is fun, I can get a good view of Dawnpick and achieve some peace and quiet...” Granite said.

“I can sympathize with that. I love being with my family, but sometimes I just want some quiet.”

“Peace and quiet is always nice.” said Jaxler

“Hey Jaxler, I’ve told you about the attic right?” Granite asked.

“Yeah. Why do you ask?”

“Prime example of finding peace and quiet... sorta fits the conversation...” Granite said. He took a look at the statue in the corner.  “I’m so gonna keep the statue though, that’d be a good reminder of this ordeal...”

“What are you going to do with a statue?”

“Put it somewhere to use as a decoy for some over elaborate prank or something...” Granite says. “Or leave it in my apartment with all my other crap cluttered on the floor...”

“Meh, you really need to clean your apartment.”

“Eh, I only use it to sleep...” Granite says. “It’s not like I have anypony visit...”

“I visit.”

“When?” Granite asked. “Sure you’ve knocked on my door and we’ve went out drinking, but I don’t think I’ve ever let you inside my home...”

“Well... how about I come visit you more often.”

“No, my house is messy, let me at least try to clean it up first...” Granite said.

“Fine... So, I guess I can visit you at your house once the statue thing wears off.”
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3485 on: June 13, 2012, 12:32:30 am »

next day on the wall...

“And so, if you put the birds on the X-coordinate, and the time on the Y, you can tell how many more - ”

“yeah, that’s some...  interesting stuff, Peony.” Patina uttered dismissively. she had tuned him
out over ten minutes ago, she was too busy watching Granite doing his training exercises in the courtyard.

“You see where I’m getting at, right? you get the concept?”

“No, yeah, I’ve hit an epiphany, actually-” Patina squishes Peony’s cheeks in

“I Need to find a way to get Granite to notice me!”

“Alright, just go up and talk to him. Start with the fact hes a living statue now, that seems like a good ice breaker.” Peony said plainly

“What are you, crazy!? I can’t do that!” Patina exclaimed ”mares are probably lining around the corner to hang around him - If I just start off with just small talk, what if I’m boring? what if I say the wrong thing? I’ll blow it! forever!”
“Then you don’t impress Granite, find someone else.”

Patina gets watery eyed ”wha- what are you saying? I’m not attractive?”

“I’m saying different ponies have different tastes - “

“You’re saying i’m not as attractive as Sienna, Well she can’t have him! He’s mine!”

“You know, I recall you wanted to come up here to do some birdwatching, not eyeing Granite. Am I the only one who cares about these bucking birds?”

“Uh, yes.”

“You know what? I’m gonna go home. have fun stalking Granite.”

she waved him goodbye, keeping her eyes glued on Granite “Don’t worry, I will!”

“It was sarcasm!” he called back as he walked away

peony slammed the door to his room shut and threw his math book on his desk. He was sick of it. Sick of it all. Sick of everything and everyone looking down at poor peony. Sick of no one paying attention when he does the right thing, that his siblings problems always draw a crowd. Sick of the fact he's smart enough to track the gross median of birds this year and calculate the amount of birds that'll come back from their migration next year on an algebraic graph, but can't conjure up a way to get a anyone to even look his way. And most maddening part? He can't even imagine a way to live a more orderly, structured, correct life. He just doesn't understand, he thought he was doing everything right! and yet he was miserable...

he sighed and took a look in his mirror. What he saw he didn't like a bit. A scrawny runt with reading glasses, nothing special in the looks department, on account of the fact he had never taken care of them. Just average pony, destined for obscurity, with nothing but these...thoughts weighing him down. He's wishes he could just flip a switch sometimes, somehow stop thinking like his brothers manage to.

Flip a switch...

"just - just, no matter how hard I try to understand, I feel like I'll never get it.." He Closed his eyes and sulked

"what's there to not get? you are an idiot." the peony in the reflection replied nonchalantly

peony blinked twice "you ... you're n-not supposed to talkback!"

"yeah, well maybe I'm sick of listening to your problems, especially when they are so easy to fix..."

"Oh?  I’ve been trying to puzzle out what my problem is for, like, forever, I'm sure what you thought up, it's not that simple!"

" - you know how everything ticks, except for ponies."

"What's to know about ponies? they're all inconsiderate, inarticulate, and invested in nothing but their own stupid little worlds."

Peony chuckled

"Yeah, that's the essence of it. And yet, sadly, you need to make them care."

"But what else can I do? I read every book I could get my-"

"If book smarts could do it alone, we wouldn't be having this chat, would we?"

"I suppose not."He sighed "well then, what do I do?"

"you tell me. What do you want to do?"

"I want to do things, I want to do great things! And I want ponies to notice what I do! Doesn't everybody? But I can’t so why even try?"

" what if i said you can accomplish anything you set your mind to?"

"Oh come on!" Peony groaned "what are you talking about! It's not - nothing's that simple."

" Anything is possible, All it takes is the effort and the time you are willing to put in to make it happen. and coin can sure speed it up."
peony scoffs “well you can forget about the coin ... alright, maybe you know what you're talking about... you might be onto something."

peony cocked his head to the side

"I learned from the best" he grinned

Peony shook his head. This was too surreal.

"Great, I'm hearing voices now..."

"Might as well, when no one else listens to you..."

“Well I’m trying to work on that! so what’s your plan, then, huh? If you're so smart? ”

“Ponies look up to leaders, so you must lead. and if you want to lead, you must learn to follow first. and to do that, you’re going to do what you do best, you’re going to learn. the lesson? what makes ponies tick.  here’s what you're going to do-”

He walks over to his bed

“You like to problem solve? solve other ponies problems.”

“That's really none of my business...”

“Then make it your business.”

He tears a width of the bed sheet

“What are you doing?”

Peony walked back to the mirror and fashioned the white strip into a collar

“What? become a preacher? I-I don’t follow...”

“you want to learn what it takes to get ponies to listen? start listening.”

“So ... spread the good word, comfort ponies and they’ll listen?"

“Can you believe it’s that easy?”

“Who.. who are you?” peony asked the reflection

The reflection furrowed his brow in thought “Hmm, Call me your guardian angel, because I’m saving your life.”

Peony is taken by a fey mood!
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3486 on: June 13, 2012, 09:18:52 am »


Jaxler was walking over to his workshop, which was a normal occurrence aside from the whole being a mare thing, which still made him feel uncomfortable in public. Everything aside from that was normal, except for the ‘pony’ he saw as he left his room. “Hay, there...”

Loose Screw was walkin’ through da corridor ta get to da mekanic’z shop, an’ dere, roit in fron’ of ‘im, was anudda of dose spikey-chicken poniez. ‘e ‘membered da little foal, she waz wunna da chicken poniez. Anyway, dat spikey-chicken ponie boy, dat wun said sumfin, so Loose Screw said “Wot’z up?”

Jaxler shrugged, this new ‘pony’ seemed flat. “Nothing, I’m just going to work, which is pretty boring, but then again i’d say you're a lot more ‘board’ than I am.”

“I resent dat accuzation,” Loose Screw sayz. “Oi’z a ponie boy, just like you.”

Jaxler shrugged. “Are you sure, I see no wings on you or a horn, and you don’t seem like a female.”

“I’z got da wingz ‘ere, just one moment...” Loose Screw puts on a pair of wings that appear to be rather...old. And smelly. “Dere, I’z got da wingz on.”

“And the Horn?”

“Nah, I don’t have wunna doze, dat gretchin waz only wunna da chicken-poniez...”

“Uh.... Well, then you aren’t a pony like me and are either wrong or lying.” Jaxler then gave the “Pony” a nasty look. “I don’t like when ‘ponies’ lie to me.”

“Nah, it’z not lyin’, it’z...uh, wot’z it called ‘gain...bendin’ da troof, dat’z wot it iz.”

Jaxler wanted to hit the lying son of a bitch, but hadn’t the desire to get in a fight with a ‘pony’ of such size. He didn’t know why Partisan wasn’t told that this ‘pony’ was here. “So, why do those wings look so ‘old’ and are smelly.”

“Uh...Coz da grot I took dem from wos old. Dat’z roit.”

“You took those wings from somepony? Why?” Jaxler was really wanting to kill the pony infront of him now, but wasn’t surprised by his acts due to his knowledge of such ‘ponies’.

“Cos da chicken pony wos bein’ a roit grot. Dat’z why.”

“How so?”

“Cos ‘e woz givin’ da littl’ chicken pony a roit bashin fer nuthin’. Dat’z ‘ow.”

Jaxler really didn’t have nearly as much malice toward the ‘pony’ in front of him after hearing that. “Well, then I understand. I don’t really get how somepony could do that to a foal.”

“Neiva did Oi, dat’z why I took ‘is wingz.” Loose Screw grins in a slightly evil manner. “An’ ‘iz cutie markie fing.”

“Well, surely you killed him as well. It would be cruel to do otherwise.”

“Nar, I stitched, har har har, up ‘iz woundz and dropped ‘im in da watch ‘ouse with a note fing.” The evil grin returns. “I don’t fink ‘e loiked dat, har har har.”

“Well, I understand why you did it, but I hope you don’t plan on doing that kind of stuff here in dawnpick.”

“Well, if I findz wunna da spikey poniez doin’ it, I’z lookin’ fer wunna da hornz.”

“Well, none of the ponies here are particularly harsh toward foals.”

“Dat’z gud.”

“Is there anything else you’d dismember a pony over?”

“Well, if dey tried to kill me.”

“Okay, then... I guess I’ll be seeing you later then...” Jaxler then walked away. “Also get a better disguise.”

“Wot disguize?”

“Anyway, if you are wearing a disguise, I’d make it better.”

“Yer, if I wos.”

“Yeah... anyway, see you later.”

“Yer, see ya.”
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3487 on: June 13, 2012, 10:17:18 pm »

Another day, another bit. Sarissa cracked her eyes as the sunlight poured in through her windows. Groaning in displeasure at the prospect of having to get up so early, she let out a sigh and brushed off the covers. Once she was up and dressed, she knew she’d feel better; it was always that initial temptation to reject further sleep that was so hard to overcome. Throwing off her covers, she rolled over and placed her hooves on the floor. The unicorn shifted her weight off of the bed and prepared to stand up...and failed. “Oof!” The wind was knocked out of her as she crashed into the cold floor below. “...what...the hay...?” Sarissa groaned at the unexpected event. Attempting to push herself upright, her forelegs began to shake like gelatin until giving way a second time.

Thoroughly confused, the mare could feel that there was something very unusual about her legs this morning. Rolling onto her back and examining her forehooves, she couldn’t see anything different about them. She certainly didn’t feel weak. Pushing her hooves together to make sure her strength was indeed normal, her eyes grew wide as her legs began to bend in the middle as if they were made of rubber. Strangely, the flexing bones didn’t hurt. “Oh great, is this some other side effect of my magic experiments?!” Sarissa knew she had to see a doctor, but getting there was going to be difficult. This would also be one of the few times she had gone outside with nothing other than her night clothes on. Telekinetically unlatching the door, she began to slowly drag herself along the ground. She hoped that no other pony would see her in such a decrepit state.

Moral was walking down the apartment complex halls. He had a book levitated in front of him, on the page was a convoluted mess words and a strange circle with odd symbols around it all of which were burnt into the page. What he was doing was anypony’s guess but he was clearly focusing hard. Then suddenly the page was ripped off with magic and dropped to the ground. “Buck preservation of energ-” Moral’s forehoof touched something that seemed rubbery and alien. He looked down to see a familiar pony on the ground. “Oh... I knew you weren’t exactly skinny, but I never expected you to be this gelatinous, dear Sarissa.”

How unfortunate that Moral had managed to walk around the corner and right into the prone militia pony. She was not impressed with his ‘joke’, “Oh...shut your yap!” Why did ‘brainy boy’ here have to be the one to see me? Sarissa continued to struggle to pull herself forward, moving only about a foot forward with each strained effort.

“quite... are you experiencing a heart attack or something? weakness and crawling on the floor are symptoms of such an ailment.” Moral then prodded the prone pony with his forehoof, and then again, and then again. “God, this shockingly entertaining.”

“He-heart attack?!! I don’t know what the problem is! My legs won’t hold me up for some reason!” Her eyes narrow as she growls at his poking, “and keep your hooves to yourself, Moral! When I get back to normal, you’re not gonna want to be screwing with me!” Sarissa continues to drag herself forward, making progress ever-so-slowly.

“OH, Sorry, I was entranced for a moment.” He then stopped poking the downed pony. “Where exactly are you going anyway? The large pony then gave her a superficial stare. “At this rate you will have expired to old age before you have even reached the end of this hall.”

“...the hospital. Maybe Panacea or Chestnut know what’s wrong.” She struggled some more, “Oooh, by all means just stand there and stare at me instead of actually being helpful or anything!” Sarissa stated with sarcasm as she rolled her eyes.

“You do realize that picking up a defenseless mare and carrying her away from her room, may come off overly creepy?” Moral then sighed, “But if you’d honestly prefer I could carry you off to the hospital.”

The floor-bound pony wrinkled her nose, “I am not defenseless! I just need a” Sarissa didn’t like having to rely on others, especially for something so simple as transportation. “As much as I’d rather you didn’t, I think you can see what a pickle I’m in. I’d much rather go ahead and get there quickly instead of having everypony gawking at me wondering what the hay I’m doing crawling around.” She swallowed her pride, “Yes...I’d like you to take me...”

Moral then sighed again struggled to place Sarissa on his back. “If you’d prefer nopony see you and I, I can fly you there. Nopony would really see us if I went to a high enough altitude.”

The thought of that worried her a bit. If he was off his nut, as she suspected he was, might he drop her? She held on more tightly with her bendy legs, “You sure you ain’t gonna drop me or anything?”

Moral turned his head around and gave the pony an irritated glare. “You offend me. Do you honestly believe I’d be so Sadistic as to bring you to the heavens only to realise you and let you fall endlessly as your very life flashes before you right before your gelatinous body makes an even more gelatinous puddle of mush on the ground and creating an unruly splat?”

Turning her gaze away from him, Sarissa answered, “That’s not what I meant...I, ugh...nevermind. Just...go ahead and fly me there...” Closing her eyes, she prepared herself for flighty. The copper pony hoped that Moral actually was trustworthy.

Moral started to pick hover off the ground. “you might want to hold on tight, I’ve gotten a bit rusty at this.” Moral then started to fly up higher and higher until they were above the cloud cover.

Never once did Sarissa open her eyes during the flight. In addition to holding on with her less-than-dependable limbs, she also locked a telekinetic grip onto Moral’s body. Even if he did some crazy loop-de-loops or something, she’d still stay secured. Hopefully.

“Feel free to open your eyes, the view is spectacular.” How moral knew Sarissa’s eyes were closed was a mystery.

“That’s...okay. I’d prefer not to know just how far I’d have to fall if I lost my grip...” Keep your mind off of it, Sarissa. Think happy thoughts. This most certainly wasn’t something she was expecting to do today. Hopefully, this would be resolved soon and she could get back to her duties as a soldier.

Moral Sighed, the pony on his back clearly didn’t like this, and probably was afraid of heights. his horn then started to glow, as Moral used his telekinesis to grip Sarissa onto his back. “Really, it’s that horrid up here.”

Giving into temptation, the green-eyed mare cracked an eye. The ground was very far below them. They were flying quite a ways above even the buildings. Sarissa quickly closed her eye again, “I’ able to enjoy the view better if I knew my life wasn’t in danger...” Her last sentence came out weakly.

“Do I look like the kind of pony who would try to assault another?” Moral looked down and saw the hospital, and started to descend.

“You might not drop me on purpose, but mistakes can happen! How many ponies have you carried into the sky before anyway?!” Her pounding heart begins to slow as she feels that the pair are lowering in altitude.

Moral continues to lower his altitude. “Well, in case you haven't noticed yet, both our magic is keeping you safely located my back. If I did several barrel rolls at top speed, you’d still be on my back, given the amount of magic you have currently being forced on your body.”

“...let’s not tempt fate. Are we almost there? How close are we to the ground now?” Sarissa tried to hear for any sounds that might tell her that they are near some pony-related activities, and therefore close to touchdown. The wind in her ears prevents this, however.

Moral rolled his eyes and gave another sigh. “Yes... actually, we’re already on the surface of the earth... So stop having another heart attack and please calm yourself.”

She let out a sigh of relief, quickly followed by a quick scan of the area to see if any other ponies were around. It seemed that she was lucky as there were none. “I’m not having a heart attack, remember...? Let’s...just see if anypony is in...”

Moral rolled his eyes and knocked on the door. “Are you sure? Ponies of your weight range are prone to such attacks of the heart.”

“Shut up about my weight! I happen to be in great cardiovascular health!” Sarissa snapped back.

The door cracked open, revealing a brass-eyed unicorn. Her eyes immediately went to the rather limp pony laying across Moral’s back. “Oh no...what’s happened now?” She knew that Sarissa had an accident with magic earlier, not to mention that her occupation was rather hazardous.

“Oh, Well, I found Sarissa crawling across the hallway. Apparently she’s gone all gelatinous. Anyway, I swept her off her hooves and took her here.”

“...gelatinous?” Chestnut cautiously inquired. Another bizarre ailment. Could this have been caused by the same plant? She gives a quick look over to Granite and then back to Moral, “Bring her in here and set her on the bed if you would, please.”

A blue-eyed statue stares intently at the ponies gathered around the hospital. He returns Chestnut’s glance and returns to being a statue.

Moral carried the pony on his back over to a bed and laid her on it.

“I’m not ‘gelatinous’...there’s just something weird going on with my bones...” the copper unicorn grumbles as she lays nigh-helpless on the sheets.

Chestnut examines one of Sarissa’s forelegs. True to her word, it seems unusually flexible and bends at the most unusual of angles. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” The doctor thinks for a moment, “Sarissa, this may seem like an odd question, but were you present when Jaxler burned some unusual plants yesterday?”

Her mind turned back a day, “ remember seeing several ponies gathered around a fire in the distance outside of Dawnpick. I was out patrolling the border at the time. What’s that got to do with anything?”

The pink unicorn motions to Granite, “Why don’t you explain things to Sarissa? I still need to monitor the chemical brew...” Chesnut figures that Sarissa’s condition is relatively benign, so she goes back to stirring the concoction of dissolved horse hair.

“Wait, you're telling me that statute over yonder is Granite? Why that’s just hilarious, the fatty gets turned to gelatin and Granite gets transmuted into stone!” Moral then started to laugh a little. “God, I’m lucky I’m not you, you lowly sods.”

The statue stared blankly at Moral, completely motionless, almost to the point of it being slightly creepy.

“What are you looking at, statue boy? Sticks and stone, am I right? Well, that might not apply seeing how you are stone...”

The statue continues to stare at Moral. Still motionless, still silent, still staring...

“Wait a I dreaming or something?” Sarissa inquires in confusion, “That’s Granite? I’m rubbery...and something about burning plants caused this? If I had fingers, I’d pinch myself...”

Chestnut continues to stir, “I’m afraid so. There were some blue plants with magical properties found outside the fort. Jaxler and Granite have been affected by them...and apparently now you. I’m afraid to guess at how many others have succumbed to its effects. Burning them released magical smoke into the air. I imagine you must have caught a lung-full of it yesterday.”

“Wait... are the effects of this temporary?”

The real Granite walks into the room with something on his back and stands next to his statue. “These effects best be temporary! I’m getting tired of making these statues, I mean that’s all I can do being a lumbering golem!” He places another statue down, adjacent to the other one. “Damn... I should probably paint these, they’d make pretty decent decoys...”

Sarissa sat silently for a moment, trying to sort things out in her mind,  “...I think I’m going to lay down for a moment. Wake me up when reality makes sense again...”

“Oh, hush up sarissa, just in case you're wondering you’re not going insane, trust me, I know what i’m talking about...” Moral then diverted his glance to Chestnut. “AND for the love of god, please inform me if this is temporary?”

Pouring another vial of clear liquid into the solution, Chestnut answers him, “I wouldn’t be too worried, Moral. According to Stiletto, the effects should wear off eventually.” She stops her work for a second, “...have you been affected as well? What kind of ailment has it afflicted you with?”

“Well, as you can clearly see, I’m more sane than usually, now aren’t I! I’m usually a bucking loony. Now, this happens days after that fire so guess what? I only get my mind back for a short period of time!”

Still laying with her face to the wall, Sarissa complains, “Well that’s not fair...why did that plant give you an improvement when I can’t even walk?!” The mare growls and ‘punches’ the wall, “I can’t fight like this! What if we get attacked before I get better?!”

“No need to get worked up; I’m attempting to develop a cure as we speak,” Chestnut replies. She wasn’t particularly confident in her ability to complete her task, unfortunately. If she was lucky, she might be able to develop a vaccine. That wouldn’t help the ponies that were already affected, however.

“When you say attempt, what’s the chance that it will be a successful attempt?” Granite asked.

“...I’ll be honest with you, I feel like I’m firing shots in the dark here,” Chestnut gives an apologetic smile, trying not to seem worried. “I’ve never had to do something like this before. Even if I do fail, you shouldn’t worry too much since the ailment will pass in time.”

“Bucking HELL, You're telling me that I’ll go back to being a mindless foal brained moron with an IQ low enough to make Arbalest look like a mastermind!”

“Well...I’m sorry, Moral...but you’ve managed before, right?” The chubby doctor was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the pressure coming from her patients. “...can you guys excuse me for a moment? I need to go get Panacea’s opinion on something...” She trots over to the door, opening it with golden magic. “Everypony, please do try to keep a level head in my absence, mkay?” Chestnut smiles to help lift their moods before closing the door behind her.

“I’m bucking leaving you lot, I have to go freaking re-idiot proof my house again...”

Just before Moral leaves, Sarissa speaks up, “Hey, Moral?” She pauses for a second, “Thanks...for bringing me here...” It was a little hard for her to say that, but it wasn’t often that other ponies did favors for her.

“Well, thanks for putting up with my rantings about heart attacks.” Moral then proceeded out the door.

“What a heart-felt moment, isn’t that right Granite number three?” Granite asks. He moves the statue back and forth slightly to simulate it talking. “Mm, yes indeed, original Granite, you’re sooo funny!” Granite says for the statue. He stops himself and realizes something. “God, I’m so lame sometimes...”


And a bonus:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Jaxler made a typo that I thought had funny potential.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 03:41:56 pm by Kryptid »


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3488 on: June 14, 2012, 11:09:29 pm »

(( Why another Stiletto ))

Jaxler had something he felt like he needed to do that he had been putting off for a while. Amor’s apprentice apparently had a few issues and Jaxler really wished he could help, though he really didn’t know how. So, he figured he’d go talk with Amber and try to figure out what exactly the problem was, though he was pretty sure it had to do with her horn missing. Right now he was already outside Amber’s door, and began to knock on it.

Amber was lying on her bed, popping strawberries one after another into her maw. Devouring the lumpy red fruits, almost forgetting to gulp down the white and red mush. Also setting on the bed with her was a foal book, she was literate, just that the pictures made it more engaging for her. A poorly timed knock at her door and a whole strawberry becomes wedged in her throat; she begins to choke as she leaves her bed, dropping her book and stumbles to the door. Not again, please not again She thinks in her mortality induced panic, making the choking far more grave then it was.

Jaxler was waiting outside, feeling a bit irritated by the lack of reply when suddenly he heard what appeared to be choking coming from the other side of the door. Jaxler tried to open up the door, but it was locked. The choking got louder and Jaxler wasn’t going to let somepony die. So the Alicorn rammed his forehooves into the door breaking it in, only to find Amber choking. He walked over and tried his best to do the hindlick maneuver, which he still remembered from his days in the guard.

The Unicorn’s eyesight was dimming and if it could be seen the coronet band of her hoof was turning purple. Lying on the ground, Amber was giving into her fate, but a part of her kept fighting. The apartment door comes down, broken in two widthwise from an Alicorn mare that was unrecognizable to the younger mare. Not another Stiletto. The thought crosses Amber’s mind as she is hefted up in Jaxlerette’s forelegs and then comes the compresses. The strawberry was ejected out of her mouth; evidence was present on the fruit of where it was compressed by Amber’s throat when it closed up during her anxiety attack. Dropping from the grip, she kicks the sweet treat into the hall, along with tossing the wooden bowl full of the death crop. The mare then rushes to a corner of the room, shaking and mumbling incoherently, still coughing.

Jaxler was shocked to see that his maneuver worked and that Amber was alive, but was even more shocked to see her over in the corner of the room shaking. He hadn’t the slightest idea what to do and even felt a bit awkward doing anything, but figured he should try to do what Marilee would do in this situation. Jaxler sighed and walked over to the traumatized mare and tried to give her a hug.

The preach mane mare unwillingly accepts the embrace from the foreign mare. She continues to mumble, but audible and coherently; “what god did I piss-off, some sin of mine or that of my parents? I know it is their fault, this is all their fault… for bringing me into this world.” Her voice trembled and she begun to weep, she noticed the lack of a door, the mare struggled in vain to hide herself in the Alicorn.

Jaxler continued to hug the mare. He didn’t know what to say, but he forced out what he honestly believed. “There are no gods, and it’s not your fault.”

The mare asks; “then whose fault is it, why does this world hate me so much? I make one mistake and lose mine and Cross Stitch’s horn. Then a dragon gets in with no effort and now my food is trying to kill me.” The Unicorn shivers in waves and blubbers.

“I can’t answer that question, but it’s worth knowing that someponies have gone through worse then you have.” Jaxler continues to hug the mare, hoping that she will come to her senses. “Please, just calm down.”

Amber continued coming down from her panic attack. “Another pony has gone through worse, who?” Her voice comes out quivering.

“Somepony who has lost his family, ethnicity, homeland, pride, and value to the society he wants to defend. I know of somepony, whose only wish is to keep the ponies he cares about from losing what he did, and is slowly drinking away his ability to do so. He is a living shell of his former self, and can’t even keep that which he loves safe, and is slowly tormenting himself over his self destruction.” Jaxler then sighs. “And no god is willing to help.”

The younger mare sets there mulling over the Alicorn’s words for a long few minutes and gets up. “Get off… please.” Amber loudly commands, but feels a pinch in her chest, which makes her sound more pleading. “I’m fine… now; no more of that Deuch-mare-er seduction or whatever that was.” She walks over to her broken door and sighs. “Just leave, I don’t need you, I don’t need anypony.” She begins to trail off at the end.

“So, you’re saying that breaking your damn door in and and finding you on the ground choking to death was my way of putting the moves on sompony? I’m not a deuchminer or however the buck you call it. I’m not here to seduce you, for I already have a bucking mare friend, and don’t you dare say, that helping a bucking crying filly was a bad thing!” Said Jaxler as he backed off the irate pony in front of him.

“No, it was my way of telling you off, just that I’m confused and uncomfortable. I just want to be left alone.” She says as she prods the wrecked door with her fore-hoof. Amber looks over to the mare and looks back at the door. “Sorry, just, I want to be left alone.” She says, proceeding out the doorway and towards the dining hall.

“You don’t know who I am or who I was talking about earlier do you?” Jaxler sighed and didn’t leave the room. “You know, being alone is the same as being dead.”

Continuing to walk on, but hearing what Jaxler said, Amber whispers; “some of us prefer to be alone.” And some of us prefer to be dead.

Jaxler continued after Amber. “You do Realize that pony I was talking about was myself, I’m Jaxler, and that I got turned into a mare just this weekend.” Jaxler then sighed. “You doing this to yourself is not only hurting yourself, but it’s hurting others as well.”

Amber gives the other mare a confusing scorn, but realizes who it was she had the displeasure of owning her life to. “Oh great, I owe my life to a drunk. Are you no different, why don’t you get your life settled and then work on other’s problems. Jaxler is not going to help no-pony until he solves his own problems.” The mare nearly shouts as she builds her pace into a trot.

“Before you leave, I bare warning. You can still bucking save yourself, you have bucking hope. I can tell you that you are not as doomed as I. I have no hope and if you keep this up you’ll be a husk damned by god to wait for the sweet inevitable end, just like me.”

Rolling her eyes, Amber continues on and even begins to canter. Why can’t this bitch take a hint?

“For the love of god, I give you the bucking wisdom of a freaking lifetime and you walk away from it? YOU'RE BEING BUCKING SELFISH! Your hurting your family. You're hurting somepony I care about. And you're hurting bucking me in bucking process .”

The mason-mare puts on the brakes, breaking up the rough shale roads under her hooves making treadmarks. “And what makes you able to care, what makes you different, I’m not bucking special and I make mistakes. Why do I have to keep living them, over and over again, they are never going to go away. So just leave me alone.” She yells at Jaxler.

“Then congratulations, you're me at age 8.”

Cringing, the ears of the copper colored mare slump to the sides of her head and she huffs in a manner similar to her master. “Please, leave me be, I got this.” She says as she walks for the stone doors of the legendary hall.

Jaxler sighed and walked away. He thought he had only done harm, but now he might as well go drinking. “you don’t have to go it alone...” and walked off.

Amber ‘considers spending time alone much more important than associating with others.’ She walks into the hall and trys and gorge herself, but can only find the drive to drink. Why should I listen to a drunk for? I have a grip on this. She thinks as she looks over to her bowl of celery and gags.
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3489 on: June 15, 2012, 04:30:17 pm »

« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 10:47:20 pm by Omicega »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3490 on: June 15, 2012, 04:40:03 pm »

((A few days after the previous scene.))

Balisong sat on the top of the keep. A number of small objects in front of her. While Moral’s teaching had helped her, she still couldn’t match the raw power of her brothers magic, but she thought, with practice, she might be able to gain greater control over her lesser power, than her less patient brother. As she began to concentrate she lifted a small rock, and there it was again, that humming sound, why did her magic always make that sound, she wondered, her daddy’s didn’t, nor did her grandpa’s. She then while still holding the rock, she began to levitate her mother’s hair brush that she had stolen borrowed. Why is that humming getting louder...wait... she strains her ears to listen, ’No, it didn’t get louder exactly, it’s now coming from both the rock and the hairbrush...’ She then turns to the other objects, a cerulean feather (one of hers) and a red russet feather (That she had plucked from her poor unsuspecting brother, a few hours ago.) and she begins to levitate them as well. The sound only growing in intensity as she did this.

The young alicorn then began to cause the objects to move in a circle around her, keeping them all equidistant from her and from each other as they orbit around her. However as she does this the sound becomes less of a consistent hum and more chaotic, like plucking at the stings of an instrument randomly without any sort of rhyme or reason. As she tried to block out the sound and focus on her magic, it only grew louder and more difficult to ignore as the items sped up.

She let out a frustrated shout and dropped the items to the ground. She begins to examine the threads of fate surrounding her. “Why threads! Why do you make this noise!” she shouts at the world as she feels the threads around her. “Its...its like your” and with that thought Balisong had an epiphany, “Father was wrong! You aren’t like the threads of a grand tapestry. You...You are like the the stings of a grand instrument! Magic is more like playing music than weaving cloth. I wonder...I wonder if I can...”

Balisong begins to focus on the strings of the world around her and with a few gentle plucks creates sounds quite similar to the ones her harp makes. That’s amazing! I can’t believe that worked. I wonder... The filly next tries several different methods of plucking and striking and vibrating the strings of fate to create several different sounds. Her experimentation would have sounded like noise, had anypony been around to hear it, but to her each new sound effect was another possible note she could play.

Within the hour she was already playing a simple melody with nothing but her magic. The music was less complex than that which she could play with an instrument, but all the same the young filly’s heart soared, she was so happy and excited about this new found ability that she didn’t even notice the small flash of light and the G-clef mark that appeared upon her flank.

In her excitement she bounced up to her hooves and decided she needed to show her new skill to her brother right away. She half ran, half flew down the stairs to their new home in the keep. When she arrived she found that Falchion was not alone, but was with Friesden.

“Hello Balisong,” Friesden says as she comes into the room.

"Hi Bali!" pipes up Falchion, smiling at his sister's obvious happiness.

Balisong appears to be very excited, she is smiling wider than either pony can remember seeing her smile before. “Falchi! I learned how to do something really neat with my magic! I wanted to show you first.”

"Well, go on then, Bali, don't keep me waiting!" exclaims Falchion.

Balisong begins to focus, her horn glows with cerulean light. Suddenly, seeming to come from Balisong herself, begins a simple but pretty melody. It sounded as if she was playing her harp, but she was clearly not using an instrument of any kind.

Friesden smiles at the music, quietly enjoying it.

After a moment Balisong stops her song and smiles at her brother and aunt, “ do you think?” she asks.

As the music finishes, Friesden claps her hooves together for her niece. “That was superb!” she says, enthusiastically.

Balisong takes a step closer to Friesden, “You...really liked it? It sounded okay? I could have done better with my harp but...”

“Bali?” pipes up Falchion, all of a sudden. “You have-” he gestures with a hoof, cutting himself off. He wears a shocked expression on his face, though he smiles broadly.

Balisong turns, “I have a what?” she says before she looks to where her brother was pointing and notices the G-clef cutie mark on her side. Balisong smiles wide and with much joy says, “I have a cutie mark!” before bouncing into the air, her wings fluttering to keep her airborn. “I have to go show dad!” she says before bouncing out the door as quick as she arrived.

“Well,” says Friesden with a smile, “she seems to be happy, at least.”

((A LONG time later, during the Poison Joke Disaster.))

Moral was stressed out of his mind. He only had a little bit of time before his mind got broken again, but he had right now, and only now to get some work done. The sane alicorn was sitting at his table, which now was covered in beakers and veils, and an endless number of books that he had filled with strange circles and all sorts of odd signs and glyphs and a small chalk board in the center. “Buck buck buck... SCREW it. I need some damn cave spider venom, how on bucking earth do I obtain it!” Moral then sighed and tried to calm down. “Bloody hell, why is this so hard!” Moral was so stressed he hadn’t noticed that his door was wide open.

Meanwhile Balisong makes her way down the hall and passes Moral’s open door. She looks inside and sees that the Grand Master is quite obviously stressed about something. “Master Moral?” she speaks, “Are you alright?”

Moral was visibly startled to hear the pony walk ask him a question. “Oh, Balisong, um.. I’m fine, I think? Do you know where one might obtain a gas mask and an organic poison?”

When Moral turns to see the filly he notices that she has grown a bit since he last saw her, she is still small for an alicorn, but is nearly as large as a normal pony by now. Also, she has gotten her cutie mark, a G-clef, since the last time he saw her.

Balisong scuffs her hoof on the floor, “A gas mask? I don’t think we have anything like that in Dawnpick...” she replies, “And why do you need poison?”

“Oh, !!Science!!... Basically I need to come up with something while I’m still sane if I want to keep getting money...” Moral then looked over to one of the books he had laid out. “Basically, I got an idea. What if I could take the effects of poison, like lets say, cave spider venom, and somehow create a gas that has the same effects as the poison.”

Balisong grimaces, but moves inside of Moral’s room, approaching the table, “That...That sounds horrible! That could hurt a lot of ponies. What would you want something like that for?”

Moral sighed, “Well Bali, yes it could hurt ponies, but you have to understand, a lot of drugs used in medicine are indeed poison. This could help the field of medicine and it’s not like poisonous gas hasn’t already been discovered.  Also I still get payment if I send a report saying I tried something but the results showed no success, so long as it furthers the general knowledge on transmutation of poison.”

Balisong looks confused, “But how would making gas help the medical field? Medicinal drugs have to have carefully measured does, filling a room with a gas of a drug sounds like it would always be a bad idea, and a good way to overdose somepony.”

“Yes, but lets say you don’t have much of the drug you're turning into gas, this could make it more potent or milder depending on the drug, but regardless of its uses in the medical field, given it has any use at all, I still get some pyromancy research done.”

Balisong nods slowly and hesitantly, she did not fully agree, but did not want to argue the fact. Then something clicked for her, Moral was speaking perfectly sanely, but he wasn’t looking at a candle or any flame at all. “Master Moral! aren’t looking at any fire!?”

“Yes, yes, but for a limited time only, which is why I’m required to get this reserch done now. I know as a fact that my mind will break again, and it’s not a matter of if, but when.”

Balisong then asks, “But...why? What happened to fix your mind, even if only for a time.”

“Apparently something called poison joke, and I’ve been played for a fool.” Moral sighed and backed away from the table. He really needed to get some research done, but he was in no position to continue working. “Anyway, all I can do is wait, and pray my mind doesn’t fail on me... I see you got your cutie mark, what’s it for?”

Balisong smiles, “It’s for this.” and with those words Balisong’s eyes close and her horn begins to glow with cerulean light. After a moment, Moral hears the sounds of a harp being played seeming to come from all around him. Then more sounds begin to chime in until Moral felt like he was sitting in the middle of four or five ponies all playing music together.

Moral smiled at the sound, actually starting to feel better now that the music was playing around him. He actually started to smile. “That’s just sublime, I don’t think I’ve ever heard such an amazing tune.”

Balisong ends her song and re-opens her eyes beaming widely. “Thank you Moral. I discovered how to make sounds by vibrating the strings of fate while I was practicing my levitation...and once I had some practice I found I could make music with them. At first I could only do a simple melody, but I’ve been practicing a lot since then, and well, now I can do what you just heard.”

“Well, that was simply lovely, I’m honestly amazed.” Moral walked over to Balisong and gave her a hug.

Balisong returns the hug briefly. “, would you like me to leave now so that you can get back to your work?”

“I can’t do anything without any poison and a gas mask so I have some free time.” Moral then sighed. “God, you’ve gotten bigger.”

Balisong backs out of the hug. “Yeah, I’m almost as tall as mom now, and dad says I’ll get even taller before I’m done.” She doesn’t sound as happy about that prospect as one might think.

“Your tone seems depressed. Are you not thrilled about being bigger than everypony else?” asked Moral

“Well, I...I don’t want to be taller than most everypony. It must be hard to go unnoticed when you stick out like that. You’re an alicorn too Moral, surely you understand. You can’t go anywhere without drawing attention.”

“I scarcely believe that is- erm... was a bad thing, back in the capital I could walk into to anywhere with my fine cap and robe and instantly get respect. Heads turned, when I came in. Size equals stature, respect and admiration, dear Balisong.”

Balisong hangs her head, “I...I wouldn’t want everypony to be looking at me.”

“Why not?”

Balisong looks uncomfortable, "I...I don't know why. I just don't like being the center of attention, and I don't like talking to ponies I don't already know. Doesn't matter who or what they are either. When...when I first met Kit, I hid behind my grandfather, and she is the sweetest, most harmless looking pony I know of.”

“Yeah... Well, I guess I understand, though I guess I never was the shy type.”

Balisong walks over to the table and looks at all the books laid out on it. “I didn’t know you brought so many books with you. Are they all on pyromancy?” she asks trying to change the subject off of her.

“Well, no, they’re on alchemy but they help with pyromancy” Moral then walked over to his table.

“Alchemy? Where did you get them? From the Zebras? They have a lot of skilled alchemists I’ve been told.” she continued her inquiry.

“No, I got them back in Coupledye.” The giant pony then started to flip through the pages. “Also, zebras aren’t the only creatures who are can accomplish alchemy.”
Balisong thinks, “You know. If you need the money. I don’t think my grandfather has any alchemy books in his library. He has books on history, philosophy, magic, mathematics, poetry, and works of fiction, but I don’t think any alchemy books. He would probably buy these from you if you wanted to sell them.”

“I’m not in a position to sell my reference work. How could I make any money if I had nothing to help my research.” Moral then looked at his books, they were slightly worn, and by all means of the highest quality aside from the wear of overuse.

Balisong nods, “Well then that is your choice...but will you be able to do research at all once...once you go back to how you were?”


“...Well then maybe you should think about it, unless you think you can keep yourself sane for longer. That poison joke stuff...could you find more? Could it help keep your mind together?”

“The books say it changes the joke every time... I... I don’t want to lose my sanity again...”

Balisong looks Moral in the face, “You know...that plant must be working some kind of magic on you. If a unicorn pony who knew a lot about magic looked at you...they might be able to determine what it is doing and either make it stay that way or be able to redo the enchantment if it starts to fail. Instead of wasting your time working on ways to kill ponies...maybe you should look for a way to extend the time you have.”

“Oh, the bucking hell.” Moral walked over and took a seat on of his chairs. “Honestly, I doubt a lowly sod like myself could ever extend this, and even then it might be best that I don’t get my mind back. This mark on my flank has already branded me as a demonic, slayer of ponies.” Moral then rested his head on his hoof, and looking rather depressed.

Balisong walks over to Moral and places a forehoof on his foreleg. “I don’t know what you did before you came to Dawnpick Moral, but you have been nothing but kind since you came here, (with one notable exception that Balisong decides it best not to mention.) you aren’t a bad pony, at least not anymore. But I didn’t mean that you could fix it alone. You aren’t the only learned magical pony here. There are many unicorns in Dawnpick that might be able to help with this.”

“Please, just leave...”

Balisong nods, “Okay...if that’s really what you want.” Balisong turns and exits. Before closing the door behind her she says one last thing, “I’m sorry if I said something wrong Moral...Goodbye.” and she leaves down the hall in the direction she was originally going.

Moral sighes as Balisong leaves the door. “Sometimes I’d prefer I was the idiot.”


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3491 on: June 16, 2012, 12:48:43 am »

(( Late Moonstone, 261 ))
(( For reference: 24th Timber, 261  --  Incident with Kit in the caverns; 19th Moonstone, 261  --  Kit gets out of the hospital. This is all months before Jaxler's arrest. ))

After finishing the training session with his squad, Indigo went to his room, left his armour and weapons to clean them later, washed himself by the well, fetched a bucket of water to his room and went to the dining room to eat dinner. Amor was in the caverns, so he didn't really have anypony to talk to, but at least Moonstone would soon be over and he could move back to doing civilian jobs, which he preferred. Surprisingly he wouldn't get a shift working as a mason any time soon, but there were always plenty of things to do around Dawnpick. He grabbed some food and took a seat in the dining hall, which was beginning to empty. He listens to rumours while eating, but the ponies around him aren't very informative. Well, at least nothing bad seems to be going on.

Kit is even more cheerful and happy than usual. She was let out of the hospital recently, and finally could come to eat some food in the dining hall again and drink something other than just plain water. Normally she would be with Kat or somepony else for dinner, but today it seems that every other pony is busy, so she came alone. It is before her shift, so she wears her white dress instead of guard uniform. As she enters, a familiar blue pony catches her attention. “Hi Indigo!” she chirps.

Hearing his name, Indigo rises his head. He recognises Kat... no Kit and returns her greeting. “Hello. It is good to see you got better.”

“Thanks! It's good to get better again.” Kit says cheerfully. “Mind if I sit too?” she asks, wanting to sit with another pony rather than eating alone.

Well, I might as well talk to her... even if she is Kat's sister. Indigo slowly nods. “Sit where you want.” he frowns and opens his mouth to add something, but shuts it again and silently continues his meal instead.

Kit beams up and says. “Alright, I'll be back soon!” She walks away to grab some food. Soon enough, she returns with a tray, puts it down on the other side of the table, opposite from Indigo and sits down. She gives him a friendly smile, then asks  “So, how are you?” before beginning to eat, not wanting to endure an awkward silence.

She is just like her sister. Playing nice. “I'm fine. A bit sore and tired, but nothing a good night's sleep won't remedy. And how are you? You got out of the hospital, which is good, but how is your hoof?” asks Indigo, looking at her.

Kit beams up even more, swallowing before replying “I feel great! I will be spending time with my sister again, and my hoof is surprisingly well, actually. When I saw it crushed in the Cavern, I was sure I'd limp for the rest of my life, but it healed just fine. I'm just glad I didn't get an infection or something. Those are nasty.”

Indigo nods. “That's good to hear. I did what I could to prevent an infection and Panacea is a pretty amazing healer. Just don't get separated from your squad in the future. Alone you are much more vulnerable than in a group. If you hear or see something strange, report it, rather than wander off to investigate. If you ever get lost again, there may not be a squad of soldiers around to help you.”

Kit nods, smiling. “Mm-hmm. Yeah, I've learnt my lesson. It's just that, I wanted to try and be brave.. like my sister, you know?”

Indigo stops eating and gives her a hard look. “This is not about being brave. This is about completing your mission with everypony going home. We move as a group, which gives us an advantage, even against bigger and stronger enemies. It is one of the first things I taught to my squad.” Or tried to teach them in any case. “Is this why you joined the guard? To seek glory for yourself? By putting yourself at risk, you put others at risk as well.” Indigo sighs and looks back at his plate.

Kit sighs and frowns slightly, looking down. “No.. I joined the guards because I wanted to help my sister work, so she won't have to work so much, and to be of some help when it's time to fight. I don't want to be stuck in a position, where I can't do anything at all for her when she's out there risking her neck for everypony.”

Indigo looks at Kit and frowns. “I was wondering, why somepony cheerful like you would want to join the guard. You must be really fond of your sister. You... you realise of course, that your choice of job means you may have to kill to protect this town or be close to a fight where somepony dies. Have you thought this through? Are you willing to do it, if you have to?”

Kit nods, and saddens a bit. “I understand... and to be honest, it sickened me at first. Talking to Jaxler about it didn't help either. Not when we were shooting Diamond dogs. To think they too have their own family to feed, their pups waiting for them to return with some junk of ours that could be traded for food so they can survive another day. To know that we ended their lives for it... It really sickens me, you know.” She sighs, but smiles back up in a 'give your problem a smile' manner. “But as Kat has taught me, it's a harsh world. The Sisters might wish for us to all get along and make a paradise down here, but now it's either us or the Diamond Dogs. And I'd be willing to kill anything or anypony that wish my sister harm.” Kit finishes, nodding confidently. “It's the least I can do for her for all she's done for me.”

They do? Well, it makes sense, but how  would Jaxler know this, if he isn't working with our enemies? And why is she smiling, when she talks about death and makes threats? “Well, yes. I suspect the Diamond Dogs are drafted or otherwise sent here as some kind of trial, but I prefer not to think about it. They fight ferociously and kill us all the same, given the chance.” Indigo sighs. “So, your sister is the reason you joined the guard? To be closer to her? Protect her? Follow her hoofsteps perhaps?”

Kit nods. “Mm-hmm, she has always protected me when we were young fillies and she still does, even to this day. I want to return the favour, and getting to spend more time with her is a bonus; she's my everything you know?” Kit chirps, smiling happily again. “And, I wouldn't mind following her hoofsteps. She's an amazing mare. I don't think I can ever be like her... But I can still try.”

Indigo looks at Kit. “You can try, but if that's all you do, you will always live in her shadow. Always a few steps behind her, always lesser. If this is truly what you want, then go for it, but you are not your sister. Everypony is different, even siblings. Have you ever thought that by trying to mimic her, you are diminishing and limiting yourself?”

Kit just smiles a little more “Oh never, I know that I'm lesser than her, being her little sister and all, but I can still try to catch up with her. You know what I mean? I doubt I'll ever surpass her, but the more I stay with her, the more I learn and improve. I mean, I didn't even know how to shoot crossbows before I came here, or that it could be used as a hammer!”

She didn't understand, what I tried to tell her. Oh well, what did I expect. Indigo scratches his horn. “Well then, do what you will, but I have a warning for you. Whatever you do with your sister, stay away from that purple alicorn Stiletto. She is trouble.” He gives Kit a scrutinizing look, trying to gauge her reaction.

Kit raises an eyebrow questioningly “Stiletto? well, as much as I'm uncomfortable if I get too close to her, I fail to see why she's trouble.”

I'm relieved to hear that. There may be hope for you after all. “Stiletto doesn't respect our traditions or even common decency. She has several lovers, and there are always, always problems with that. She also corrupted Kat, who used to be my friend, and tried to use her against me. She bewitched Virtue to agree to anything she wants, and think Stiletto is the best of us. She calls her ideology 'love' and opposing it in any way 'jealousy'. We really would be better off without this self-righteous polygamist and filly-fondler staying and spreading corruption and debauchery in Dawnpick.” says Indigo, loudly and angrily. “Besides, when she went to the caverns to 'defend' us, she left the way into the mines open, so if she died fighting that monster inside the airlock, it would go after us next. Therefore she isn't as great as she thinks and can be a liability, even when 'helping'.”

Kit shrinks slightly at that, a little surprised at how loud and angry Indigo has gotten. “As long as Stiletto makes Kat happy and doesn't force her ways onto other ponies, I guess I don't mind it that much. Not that I'd want to join her or anything. It's just so... weird.” She says before taking another bite of her food.

Indigo stops eating and gives her a long look. “Well, it is good to hear, that you don't follow Kat in everything. And I suppose the less said about Stiletto, the better.” He sighs and looks back at his plate.

Kit nods and swallows her bit of food before continuing. “Well, what about you? You're quite a mysterious stallion and I don't think I know that much about you yet really. It would be nice to know you better.” She says, beaming a smile for him.

Indigo chuckles. “I've been called various things before, but mysterious isn't one of them. What would you like to know, then?” Of course it goes without saying, that I won't answer all of your questions.

Kit rubs her muzzle, having already finished her food and ponders what to ask. “Hmm... Well what is it that you really enjoy doing the most? Maybe something with somepony? Like, I enjoy picking flowers with my sister!” Kit asks, chirping happily.

“I enjoy dying clothes or thread. Some carpets were commissioned recently, so I help by making them more colourful. Apart from that, masonry or carving things out of stone isn't bad.” answers Indigo.

“Ah, So you like making things! I like making things too, especially metal ones, but I was never quite as good as my sister. I do enjoy trying to work metal into items, but it just doesn't always turn out great. I'm better at carving stuff out of stone, though” She chirps again, quite clearly enjoying the conversation. “And, what do you do in your free time to relax?”

Her sister knows anyway, so I might as well tell her. Indigo frowns. “Well, it is not exactly relaxing, but I walk around the town and watch stockpiles and workshops, trying to understand, how it all flows. It gives me a pretty good idea of what we have in warehouses, how fast some things can be made and what could be done to streamline the most important industries. I suppose, I double some of the work that Virtue does anyway, but it is quite interesting.”

Kit seems interested. “Ooh? Economic management?” she asks, wondering if it's the right word.

“I don't manage anything. Though I sometimes discuss my findings with Lady Virtue.” says Indigo, looking at Kit and frowning. Why would you want to know, anyway? You don't strike me as somepony interested in these things.

Kit nods again as she ponders once more “Mm... Well, It's great to know what you enjoy doing! But really, don't you like, relax at all? You look like somepony who could use it.”

Do I look tired? “What do you mean by 'relax'?” I don't think, I even want to know. “I get some breaks to lie in the grass and I sleep at night.” Indigo takes another bite of his food.

“You know? To rest and refresh yourself, so you'll be back happy and ready for work?” says Kit, doing a few hoof gestures “Like.. Just sitting under a tree enjoying the air and not really working for a little while.. or up in the clouds in the high cool sky. Maybe swimming in the river or just enjoying a really good meal?”

Indigo finds the idea of him sitting on a cloud pretty ridiculous and chuckles. “Oh, rest assured I get some more rest occasionally, but I do have a lot of duties and those always must come first. Swimming in the river would be dangerous though. Our first fisherpony, Brook, was ambushed by a bandit and died there. If you want to swim, get some kind of escort.” But then you have wings, so you should be fine anyway.

“Ahh.. I've heard of her..” Kit said, frowning slightly, but smiles back up again at the thought of making Indigo chuckle. “Hmm, say, Indigo? Do you mind if we spend some relaxing time together sometimes? Maybe more food like this? It's fun talking to you!”

“You know, I find your request strange. Hardly anypony finds talking to me to be 'fun'.” Indigo gives her a scrutinizing look. What do you really want? “Well, we can talk, there is no harm in that.” It keeps me informed about the events in the town. “So, is there anything that caught your attention recently? Or something, you'd just like to tell me about?”

Kit digs through her memories to find something worth mentioning.. “Hmm.. well, I haven't really heard much lately. But there's this something about Kat wanting to get married with Flux,”

Indigo grits his teeth. Marry. Ha, they are going to cheat on each other with Stiletto and who knows who else. “'This something'? I thought you knew your sister well, talked to her and cared enough to ask her, if it was true.”

“Yes, we talked about it. And I do know and care about my sister of course! It's just that.. you know? She's just not so sure about it. She told me, she'd want to marry Flux to be with him and declare their love, but she also doesn't want to upset Stiletto. I still really don't get what's with that, so I really can't have much say in it. Although if you ask me, I'd really prefer she just married Flux, so everypony can be happy.” Kit says with a little sigh.

I doubt, she would be loyal to Flux. “Happy? Happy marriage is often used an an ending for stories, but that is a misconception; it is a new beginning, needs constant work and can still go wrong. As for you, the only advice I can offer is: Stay out of this and let her decide what she wants for herself.” Indigo grits his teeth again and looks upset. You just had to bring Stiletto up, even after I told you the less said about her, the better.?

Kit nods in agreement. “Yeah, I probably should stay out of it... But she's still my sister and I just want her to be happy is all. Oh well, enough about that. What about you? Have you heard of anything interesting or has anything caught your attention lately?” Kit asks, changing the subject with a smile.

“Sometimes you just can't make ponies happy, or even agree to something.” Indigo sighs. “Things have been pretty slow lately, which is good. There were no more accidents or fights in the caverns, the walls are progressing, Autumn was struck by inspiration and there are going to be subsidised carpets for those living on the ground floor.”

Kit perks up slightly “Ooh? Do I get a carpet too? I'd like a carpet.”

Indigo shrugs “Yes, if you report it to Longshot, have a spare thousand bits and wait for about a year, after those on the ground floor, families and any important ponies get theirs.”

That makes Kit frown slightly. “Aww. I don't have that kind of money. Oh well.” She shrugs too. “Anyway, my shift will start soon. It's been nice talking with you Indigo! I wish we could talk again soon!” She says, getting up from her seat and picking up her plates.

“Alright then”. Indigo carries his empty dishes away and goes to his room. He doesn't mind talking to Kit much, but isn't looking forward to it either. She isn't all that interesting to him, at least not compared to Amor, who outsmarted or otherwise impressed him on several occasions. Indigo is also painfully aware of Kit being Kat's faithful sister and his trust is not easily won. Not anymore.

Kit leaves the dining hall pleased. She enjoyed getting to know Indigo a little better and upon talking to him, it turned out, he's not such a bad pony after all, although he might be brash and can say really harsh things. She can't help but feel a little sorry that he and her sister aren't friends anymore. Maybe she should go talk to her sister again and see what's up with that.

(( NOTE: They talk occasionally after this. Indigo is guarded in his relations with Kit, but doesn't mind her company much and gets nicer to her over time. He warms up to her more after she gets in a relationship with Fauchard. ))

(( It took some work to get Indigo to not end the conversation with “I see” at some point. Just for the lolz, here is an older, bad, ending. ))

( After Indigo's rant on Stiletto: )
Kit frowns slightly as Indigo lets out his rant. “You know. this reminds me of back home. Ponies always say that Kat is trouble, that she is corrupting me for doing what we wanted... That I'm bewitched into agreeing in everything with her, that she's possessed for even wanting to fight or insane that she even considers defending us.” She says and looks down with a little sigh. “I thought, I wouldn't have to hear something like that again here. But I guess ponies are the same everywhere, no matter where you go and no matter how different things are. Why can't we just... ignore what we hate? to just... you know? Live and let live. It's useless to be angry and hating somepony just for how they are. I mean, I don't like that Stiletto, sure, but she makes my sister happy. So that's fine enough with me.”

“Oh, I don't mind her living. Preferably where she came from. She can take all her lovers with her, for all I care. But this is not her land. It is ours. Yet she comes here and spreads her ideology as if she owned the place. Perhaps she will, there were plans for her to get a mansion on the hill. Anyway, I get the feeling my words are wasted on you, so let's just finish our food and not get in each other's way anymore.” says Indigo disdainfully, and focuses on his plate.


(( Yet earlier ending: ))
“I see.” says Indigo and goes back to eating. That pretty much sums up everything I need to know about her.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 02:50:07 pm by Maklak »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3492 on: June 16, 2012, 01:55:52 am »

(( Felsite 262: Indigo visits Jaxler in prison. ))
(( This scene is long overdue and some possibilities were closed by other scenes. We tried not to contradict anything. ))

About two weeks after Jaxler's imprisonment, Indigo finally decided to pay him a visit. He wanted some answers and technically Jaxler was still a part of Indigo's squad, so he had an obligation to go check on him. He made his way into the keep and down the stairs, using his light spell on the way. To his surprise, Jaxler was put in what looked like an unfinished cell. The only light source around is used by the guard, Saber, and positioned so that Jaxler's cell is dark. There are two buckets inside: one for water and one for refuse. There isn't even a bed, and what looks like chewed-out version of Jaxler is covering in the corner and looking at the bars... Wow, he sure looks miserable. Indigo positions himself where he can see Jaxler, but outside of his range, should he try to kick him through the bars or do something similar. “Hello Jaxler.”

“H-h-hey I-indigo.”

“In case you were wondering, why I'm here, I came to check up on you. As far as I know, you weren't dismissed from my squad, so it is still my obligation.”

“W-well, why did y-you wait so long...”

“Because I was quite angry at you for what you did. I wanted to calm down before coming here.” And some duties are less pleasant than others. “So tell my, why did you have to go nuts and attack us?”

“I-I thought Sarissa was gonna d-decapitate me, and I t-thought K-kat killed the the c-closest thing I have to f-family.”

“That is not what happened, or how it started. You hit Partisan for trying to reason with you, and it went downhill from there. Did you really expect knocking out the guard captain to go unpunished? Or that you would be allowed to keep a weapon in prison?” asks Indigo, frowning.

“P-p-please, I do you have e-every reason not to trust me b-but I'm not lying... a-and I wasn't going to let somepony take” Jaxler started to shake a little bit. “Take m-my crossbow a-a-a-away..”

Indigo sighs, but keeps frowning. He has gone delusional. But then again, I wasn't really thinking straight during the incident with Stiletto, Kat and Sekashi. “Alright, so let's say it was an act of desperation and an error in judgement. Look, where it got you. Now you have an even longer sentence and still no crossbow.” And why is it so important to you anyway? “Oh and whatever Falcata says, Sarissa wasn't really trying to kill you. Just knock you out with the blunt side of her axe. It all happened in an instant, though, so you could have thought otherwise. As for Granite, he walked into a fight and was hit by accident. He and Kat are going to be fine, by the way. Partisan is fine already.”

“W-w-what if you saw somepony k-kill your s-son before your v-very eyes? W-would you have a-acted differently.” Jaxler started to shake harder.

Son? Was this supposed to be an example, or did Glaze actually cheat on her husband with Jaxler? Seeing how Granite turned out, it makes a lot of sense. “Once the fight started, I guess I would do my best, but you are missing the point. Partisan was trying to talk you into going to prison peacefully. You would get maybe two months of jail and that's it. The rest of us was there in case things go wrong. I would have surrendered, if I were you. You didn't and that's what started the whole mess. Not to mention hitting Jury for telling you to let her into her room. You are fortunate we knocked you out before things escalated any further.” answers Indigo, irritated.

“... I'm sorry”

This is the first step. “That's good. You earned your stay in here, so don't think otherwise. In fact the sentence is quite lenient. Anyway, the thing is, this place is horrible, but you are going to get out of here eventually. Hopefully your time here will teach you to think before starting a fight. Maybe where you come from it is normal, but here ponies usually just yell at each other when they have a grievance. There is actually a mental technique for handling anger. If you are very pissed off at somepony, try to delay hitting that pony for as long as possible. Grit your teeth, give a few sighs, yell, walk away, whatever works. The anger will often subside before things get really ugly." Explains Indigo. "Shall I tell you, what is the purpose of prisons?”

“N-no. A p-p-prison is a place w-w-where the government punishes t-those who defile it's divine all-mighty rule.” Jaxler sighs and closes his eyes, as the walls are beginning to kill him again. “Or at l-least that's how it was back w-where I was from. And, b-back there you got killed if you didn't fight.”

Killed? Possible, but only for the most severe of crimes. If I was operating under the assumption, that I was going to get executed, I don't know, what I would do. “You didn't even ask Partisan, what was in stock for you, and I think you should try reading the book of law sometime. The maximum punishment for hitting Jury was 6 months of jail and flailing, I believe. Anyway, I digress.”

Indigo continues “There are in fact four purposes to having prisons: 
First is punishment. It is just to suffer for hurting somepony.
Second is to serve as a deterrent. You are supposed to not like it in here and not want to come back here, and the same goes for anypony else, really. The possibility of going to prison is a strong incentive not to commit crimes.
Third is isolation. It is bad for a society to have various criminals walking around hurting ponies, so they are locked up to at least do no harm.
Finally, resocialisation. You are supposed to learn in here, how to act in the future to be a productive member of society and not get into trouble. But I imagine this place isn't good for it.” finishes Indigo, taking into consideration the living conditions in Jaxer’s cell.

Indigo sighs. “I'll try to explain something to you. When I'm angry or scared, I do stupid things as well, so I am something of a hypocrite, but it may be useful for you to understand. Anger is usually a bad advisor. If you get violent again, things are going to get worse and worse until one side ends the conflict. You may fight like a hero, but organisation wins against heroism almost every time. If you attack somepony in Dawnpick, you may hurt some of us, but the whole military will be against you and in the end, you will fail. So try to stay in line. It must be next to impossible to see this place as an opportunity to improve, but if you can do that, it will help you.”

“B-but he w-was going to take m-my crossbow.”

This again? It may be too early to try and talk some sense into him. Indigo sighs. “He had to. Prisoners aren't allowed to have weapons with them. There really wasn't any way for you to keep it. Just look where resisting got you. You still don't have it, except now you have to stay here longer and some ponies got quite angry at you.” I imagine, you will likely be kicked out of the military altogether and your crossbow confiscated, but it may not be a good time to talk about it. Indigo takes a deep breath. “Know this Jaxler, what won't bend, will break. Sometimes it is just better to swallow the pride and pain and accept the inevitable.”

“A-and what? Let somepony t-t-take away my crossbow? That thing mean more to me than any other item in the world...”

Indigo sighs. “Crossbow aside, you shouldn't have hit Jury in the first place. Bark at her maybe, but not bite.” 

“She took m-my crossbow”

“She was going to give it to Partisan for you to pick it up later. I did that a few times. You were angry, but didn't hit me. So why her? Besides, sleeping in the open with your crossbow around was a disaster waiting to happen. I'm honestly surprised, there wasn't any accident with some foal using it as a toy and hurting somepony. Or, I don't know, somepony could steal it, put it under a rock somewhere and sell it to a caravan later. As depressing as it sounds, it may in fact be better for you, that things turned out the way they did.” Indigo raises his voice. “What is so bucking difficult about drinking in your room, not wandering around at night, not sleeping in random places and keeping your weapon out of reach of other ponies? Not to mention morning dew. A few years of this and your precious weapon will deteriorate again!” he sighs.

“How can you s-say that of a weapon that fell 25 feet and had virtually n-no damage, a weapon that can knock out a c-cyclops is worth more than this freakin’ town...”

“Because I've seen how it turned out after years of your 'care', hitting things with it and leaving it wet. And that's just half of what I said. You should have kept it out of reach of other ponies, when you're unconscious. And what do you mean by 'Worth more than this town?' I never said that. Nor would I.” interrupts Indigo, looking annoyed. To you perhaps it is, but not to me.

“My crossbow is of the highest quality. It is by far the most resilient and indestructible item I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. It is more accurate than any weapon you could imagine, it can bash a giant cave swallow's head in and be perfectly unharmed. It is made of bloodthorn adorned with platinum and encrusted with opal. my crossbow, Ome, на счупената демон убиец на боговете, is by far the greatest artifact in this entire town, and it only degrades at the same rate I do.”

Indigo rolls his eyes. This is like talking to a wall. “Fine, I've noticed it is somehow more resilient than other crossbows. The point is, you were sleeping in the corridor, blocking the way, your weapon was unattended again and you hit Jury for pointing it out. None of which should have happened!

“W-why did you even come here? I thought you had a-already given up on me.”

Indigo sighs, closes his eyes and breathes a few times. After a moment he answers, calmer. “I've come here because I wanted some answers. I've come here, because I believed you needed to hear some things, nopony else would tell you, even though listening to me saying them must seem like a torture to you.” Especially given, how right I am. “Finally, like I said, I still have some obligations to you. There is still a chance, you might improve, or at least come out of here sane enough to continue defending Dawnpick ans working. In fact, I'm willing to do some small favours if you want me to. I can pass a message to somepony, answer some of your questions, clean your room after it got searched, talk to Virtue about your living conditions, things like that. Nothing against the rules, of course.”

“I'd L-like it if you'd leave. Y-your starting to make the walls c-close in again.”

Walls closing in? Sounds... bad. “If that's all you want, then fine. See you later.” Indigo leaves, taking his light with him and leaving Jaxler in darkness again. This is hopeless, he wouldn't even admit this whole ordeal starting and escalating was his fault, thinks Indigo angrily. Still, he is slightly relieved that the conversation is over. He still plans to visit his undisciplined subordinate in two weeks again, but doesn't really look forward to it. Maybe he will just ask me to leave and it will be brief. After Indigo exits the keep, his thoughts return to day to day matters and he calms down. So what Jaxler is in prison, life goes on for the rest of us.

Jaxler sighs as Indigo leaves. The pegasus has no malice towards the annoying unicorn. All the guy did was point out the obvious, and made Jaxler’s already horrible day even worse. Even after their conversation, the worst thing gnawing at him are still the hideous walls.

(( NOTE: After this, Indigo visits Jaxler once or twice a month, to check up on him. Less often after Moral gets imprisoned and more often in the last month of Jaxler's sentence. Those visits don't usually last more than 30 minutes. Indigo doesn't mind telling Jaxler some news or passing a message to somepony, but any of Jaxler's friends visiting a few times a week does that already. Indigo wouldn't mind cleaning Jaxler’s room, but it was already established, he didn't. ))
Quote from: Omnicega
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3493 on: June 16, 2012, 04:53:40 pm »

((This takes place after the poison joke has worn off.))

Stiletto lays with her legs tucked under her on Kat’s bed. The amethyst Alicorn is cradling the black maned and grey coated pegasus in her wings.

Kat happily sighs as she leaned close to the larger mare, nuzzling under her wings softly and comfortably.. “mmn.. so.. what do you think about it?”

“Still very confused I am afraid. So, we have a party?” Stiletto rubbed the side of her head with a forehoof.

“A very big and special one yep!” Kat chirped happily.

Stiletto tapped her chin “This party, it is somewhat like the declaration of a title, yes?”

“mmhmm! pretty much, yes.” Kat nods again

“Now, once more, why do you want to do this?” Stiletto furrowed her brow.

“well, besides that it’s my dream since I was a little filly, I also want to give this very special something to you and Flux.. Wanting to show you both how much I love you.” Kat answered before nuzzling lovingly at Stiletto’s sides where her wings usually rest at.

Stiletto sighed contently and rubbed Kat’s neck with her muzzle “I would like to know what I should do meine Liebe. Can you tell me please?”

“mm.. Well.. you’ll wear a very pretty dress and be the most beautiful mare at the party.. then we’ll take some vows.. and then we’ll have a really great time with our guests.. I have never done it before too you know?” Kat coos softly from the nuzzles.

Stiletto brushes her mane over her scarred eye. “Oh Kat, your own beauty will be incredible.” she then smiles. “What kind of dress should I be thinking about?”

“hmm.. something beautiful.. something.. white maybe?” Kat answered, unsure of her own answer herself.

“White?” Stiletto cocks an eyebrow “Why white?” her tone was filled with confusion.

Kat shrugs slightly “I don’t know.. because it’s normal? Although I think I’m going to wear red.”

“Normal?”  Stiletto tilts her head “Should I not wear red?”

Kat giggles softly with a smile “I think.. we can wear whatever colour we like..”
Meanwhile, Flux is at the jeweler's with his bags.  It took a long time, but he had finally gotten everything he needed.  Scraps from the forge would make the actual bands, and he had managed to sneak around the safer portions of the cavers to find the rough stones.  He’d never be able to afford what he intended if he paid outright for everything, but with some hard work, he’d be able to give the mares of his dreams something truly special.  He just hoped they’d still accept him after finding out what he really is.  He shakes the thought out of his head at the jeweler looks up, ready to talk business.  “Um, hello.  I’d like to commission two pieces.”
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 07:36:03 pm by TALLPANZER »
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3494 on: June 16, 2012, 08:51:44 pm »

((The following entry in Friesden’s diary is undated, and is not in sequential order, rather being at the very end of the diary. However, it was written prior to her getting Kit and Fauchard involved.))

To Lord Kashez;

Everything is lost
And everything I've loved before is gone

Like the coming of the frost
And a cold winter's chill in my stony heart

And where were You when all that I've hoped for?
Where were You when all that I've dreamed
Came crashing down in shambles around me?

Could you take away the pain?
If I find somepony to blame, would it make my life seem easier?

All my friends are asleep.
And I can't find anypony to stay awake with me.

Where were You when death stole my innocence?
Where were You when I was ashamed?
Hiding in a life I wish I never made.

You were gone in all of my suffering.
And You were gone in doubt and in fear.
I'm waiting on my hope to reappear.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."
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