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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 229813 times)


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3540 on: July 10, 2012, 11:56:44 pm »

Sienna and Friesden were once again out and about on one of their usual walks around the the lengths of on of Dawnpick’s walls, chatting away.

“So, Frieden, Patina’s dating Granite, What's his deal? Anything I should know about him?”

“I...” Friesden shrugs. “He’s a nice pony... Just has a tendency to...I don’t know. To fixate. I...I tried showing him I wasn’t interested in him, he kept going for me.”

Sienna humphs “Great, Patina goes for the stalker! Of course she goes for the stalker.” she looks a little bemused “ I suppose I’m being a little over protective, I shouldn't care really, It’s just ... You and I know how harsh love can be, I don’t want her to break her little heart right out of the gate.”

“He’s...He’s not too stalkery...Look, I’m sure he won’t hurt her. Not deliberately, at least. He tries to be a good pony...sometimes he just gets things wrong.”

“Well, that’s a relief. It’s nothing, It’s probably just a fling...”

“Which also happens to be what I’m in with Moral right now.”

“Moral? The...The pyromancer Balisong was telling me about?” Friesden asks, curiously.

“Yes the Pyromancer” she makes a shocked expression “ I can’t believe how nice this pony is. It’s In-equestrian. He pays for everything, He’s a great artist, loves his work- have you seen it? It’s beautiful, And he’ll set fire to anyone in my way to boot He’s... well, perfect. too Perfect.”

“...too perfect?”

“Yeah, It’s ... It can’t be that easy, can it? Finding ‘the one’? I mean, I like him, I really do, but- My instinct just tells me something's amiss...”

“Well...All I can say is that...Well, I’ve found my ‘one’. Have you seen Falchion? He’s just the cutest, funniest, bravest, kindest, pony ever.”

Sienna feels a tinge of jealousy but keeps it well in check “Hmm, Must be nice. So you still do the bone crafting? Does he, you know, think that’s cool or is he totally horrified?”

“Oh, I don’t do it too much...I’ve actually only just started doing it again. He’s so nice. I don’t think he could ever be scared of anything I do.”

Sienna laughs “Must be nice. Hey, could you carve me a bone earring? I tried to get a good pair from the caravan but you make the best.”

“Oh, I’m sure I could do that. What bone do you want it made out of?”

she thinks “ hmmm, Outta something fierce, like a lion or something ... ”

“I’m pretty sure I could do that,” says Friesden with a smile.

“Great! I’ll give you ten bits, the usual.” Sienna said, pleased with herself ‘...and that’s how you stop your friend from talking about her boyfriend for hours, folks’ she thought

“That sounds good.”

Sienna looked perturbed about something

“What’s wrong, Sienna?” asked Friesden in concern.

“I...I.. This is such a stupid question.” Sienna grinned to herself

“If the world just ... ended, tomorrow, what would you do?”

“Well... Tomorrow? I guess...I guess I couldn’t do much if it just ended. Other than that...Probably stay with Falchi, show him how much I loved him...” says Friesden after a second’s thought.

“Well, If it all ever goes to hell, find me at the bar.” She smiles

« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 12:11:12 am by DVNO »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3541 on: July 11, 2012, 08:47:01 pm »

Well, this is it.  The last fort update for Dawnpick.  Once again, I'm sorry to those who weren't ready for this to be over, but after a lot of consideration, deliberation, and second-guessing, I think it's for the best.  The situation is complicated, but I feel that leaving Dawnpick going on while I don't have time to devote to it, plus the dwindling interest as a whole means that it's the best thing to do.  I'd rather end it now rather than watch it just sort of wither and die.

As of now, Dawnpick will receive no further updates.  I'm not locking the thread, at least not yet.  I'm going to give everyone a chance to post any remaining RPing that they've been working on, as well as encouraging players to write farewell posts that summarize your character(s)' current situation and what happens to them after it's all said and done, if you want.  I'll be posting one for Virtue soon, and at that point, my involvement in this will be officially over.

I've had a lot of fun with you guys, but it's time to move on to new things.

And here is the final save:

23rd Opal, 263

I've heard rumors around Dawnpick that the well has been getting a bit too crowded these days, and ponies have to wait in line for a while in the mornings and at meals.  I think it's about time we had a second well to help alleviate that, so we started digging one out to the south.  It's a bit out of the way for some ponies, but the metal workers will find it helpful if they need to refill their troughs for quenching.

I also started something today that I didn't think I ever would.  I've been pretty depressed about having nothing to do around Dawnpick lately, so Harvest Moon suggested that I burn off some of my free time in the gym.  I didn't think I'd like it at first, but after I spent some time in there I actually started enjoying it.

I'm planning on going a few times a week, I think.  I don't want to get too worn out from it.  Panacea warned me that I probably shouldn't over do it, and I think I'll take her advice.

13th Obsidian, 263

Today has been a little interesting at least.  We had another monster trigger the early warning spells in the caverns, but after triple checking everything we're reasonably confident that it can't get out.  We'll be keeping an eye on it to be sure.

We also finished the well today, and the miners dug out the trench to fill it from the existing well.  It's going to take a little while for it to fill up, but hopefully it will be worth it when it's ready.

It's actually apparently never going to fill completely, at least not to the second z-level.  Oh well, if it's a big problem I can reroute from the moat on this side or something.

20th Obsidian, 263

We haven't had many of these strange moods lately, but Amber was overcome today and was spotted out by the mason shops late this afternoon gathering things for whatever it is she's going to make.  Amor was particularly interested, which isn't surprising considering the time they spend together.

The merchants from Coupledye also arrived today.  Rose handled the trading as usual, which went off without any upsets, not that I really expected any.  We ended up exchanging a quarter million bits worth of steel and equipment for a lot of wood, bolts for our crossbows, medical supplies, leather and some exotic metal ores.

25th Obsidian, 264

Longshot spoke with me a little while ago about the fact that we're overflowing with barrels and bags, with nowhere to really put them.  So with my permission he had the masons start adding a second floor to the finished goods warehouse to store them.  It's coming along a bit slowly, but in the end it will be well worth it.

In more alarming news, Indigo took the reserves down into the mines a few days ago to investigate why we've had problems with the cavern beasts escaping.  He turned up a hole in the mines leading into the caverns far down near the marble.  I immediately sent the masons and an armed escort to seal the breach.  We can't afford to have any more mistakes with this.  Next time we probably won't be lucky enough to have Falcata or another experienced soldier to deal with it.

I can't remember why I never put up a drawbridge at this hole, but I did indeed forget about it.  It's going to be plugged soon though.  I forgot to take a picture before I started work on it, unfortunately.

6th Granite, 264

Amber finished her special project today, which turned out to be an exquisite millstone.

I never thought I'd say that I'd seen a beautiful millstone, but this one qualifies if any does.  Unless Amber objects, we'll replace the existing millstone with hers, since it would be a shame not to display it.  The poor mare never really did recover emotionally from what happened to her in the accident, and I hope this helps restore some of her spirit.

Also, I heard from Halberd that Bardiche was relieved of duty today.  He never recovered from the fever he contracted from that underground beast, and Panacea doesn't think he ever will.  It doesn't seem right to ask him to stay in the militia like that, and he took Halberd's offer to retire before something else bad happened to him.  Sick like he is, I don't blame him.

I just wish there was something we could do to help him.  In the meantime, we've drafted our first recruit from the reserves to replace him: Zearoth.  His experience training under Indigo should help out a lot there, I think, and he'll be starting his training soon.

14th Granite, 264

I was beginning to wonder if it would ever happen, but Willow and Longshot were married today!  The two have been dating for over a decade now, but it wasn't until recently that they got serious about it.  I was very happy to preside over the ceremony, and I don't think I've ever seen either of the two so happy.

I wish the best for them both in their lives.  Marrying Harvest Moon was the best decision I've made in my life, and it will be no different for the two of them.

3rd Slate, 264

After we sealed off the section of the caverns, we ended up using the old monster trap as an entrance.  That let us with no way to deal with the monsters accumulating down there, so we started building another trap a little north of it.

Today, we finished the trap and proceeded with breaching into the caverns.  After having so many problems with this in the past, Falcata personally volunteered to oversee the breaching, in case a monster appeared when the miners broke through.

Thank goodness she was there.  A monster immediately sprung upon Chic as she hacked through the stone into the caverns, no doubt attracted by the commotion.  Falcata told me that the fight was over very quickly.

I don't think we'll be building any more of these traps though.  Something almost always goes wrong, and we've been extraordinarily lucky that nopony has been killed yet, despite many close calls.

I'm going to go see her in the hospital now.  Although she was able to kill the monster in seconds, she was caught in a burst of some of that accursed dust, and now has blisters forming all over her body.  Worse, Falchion and Balisong followed her down there, and were caught themselves in the burst and are too badly blistered.

Lancet told me that Panacea has looked at them and believes it will clear up soon.  I hope so, seeing them in pain, especially the children, is difficult on me.

13th Slate, 264

No sooner had we rid the world of one of those horrible monsters than did another show up.  It triggered the early warning alarms early this morning, although it hasn't come near the traps yet.  If it does, we'll rid the world of it as well.

22nd Felsite, 264

We were overdue for another group of badger ponies assaulting us, which we got today.  A total of five of them approached Dawnpick in their usual fashion.  I suppose none ever live to go tell the others that it's a bad idea, so they keep trying the same tactics.

Nopony was hurt at least.  Four of the badger ponies were caught by Flux's traps at the entrance, while Partisan killed the last one from the watch tower when it charged at Sushi.

4th Malachite, 264

Amber was the first pony to experience a strange mood in a while, but today Crimson joined her.  He took over one of the craftshops and had already hauled a log over there by the time I caught wind of what was going on.  As usual I've asked ponies to keep an eye on him to make sure he's alright.

I'm anxious to see what he produces.  Amber's millstone has been quite useful so far in milling flour, so maybe he'll produce something useful too.

10th Malachite, 264

Well, it didn't turn out to be something that the town could put to use, but Crimson made an amazing necklace.

Since the town has no use for the necklace, I'm going to let Crimson keep the necklace and do with it as he pleases.  It would make an amazing gift to somepony, perhaps.

26th Malachite, 264

I feel sick.  Yet another monstrosity appeared this afternoon in the deepest depths of the caverns, and it immediately entered the trap down there. 

Something went wrong.  Horribly wrong.  The inner door to the trap wasn't sealed for some reason, and the monster escaped.

I actually have no idea what I did wrong here.  I think I was installing spears in the trap and didn't realize the outer door was open.  In any case, I saw the FB show up and decided to watch it for once, and noticed it was headed toward the fort.  Sure enough, the door was open and no civilian would make it in time to shut the door.  The militia were sent in, and the results were unfortunate, to say the least.  :(

The militia were all scrambled to keep it from making up to Dawnpick.  Even Friesden joined them in the attack.  Stiletto was the first to engage it, and she destroyed it with just a few blows of her greatsword.  Naginata says that she was caught in a blast of some strange dust during the fight.

After that, she began to grow listless and weak.  They rushed her up to the hospital, but it was too late.  Panacea... Chestnut... Lancet... there was nothing they could do.  The paralysis overcame her, and she suffocated.

I feel sick to my core.  Stiletto has been the subject of a lot of controversy in Dawnpick, but she has been nothing but a friend to me, and I have always believed that her heart was in the right place.  She proved that today by sacrificing her life to spare that of many others.

She is the first soldier to be killed in action in Dawnpick.  After so many close calls I was beginning to genuinely believe we would never see any of them be killed.  But I watched Stiletto be interred today, and the finality of it all...

The other soldiers were all very upset too.  The ceremony was grim and heart-wrenching.  I feel awful... almost like this is my fault somehow.

More than ever I worry Indigo might have been right about somepony trying to sabotage us.  Who would have opened the trap?  Was it an accident?  Could I have prevented it somehow?

I don't know... and right now... I don't want to think about it.  I'm going to bed... although I don't think I'll get any sleep tonight.

Wherever her spirit is now, I know she is at peace.  I don't care what anypony else might think.

6th Galena, 264

Living in Dawnpick has begun to concern me more and more as of late.  Between all of the horrible things in the caverns and what they've done to us, the badger ponies and all they've done, the diamond dogs, the dragon... it's not a very safe place anymore.

And today yet another thing was added to that list.

Much to our horror, the gigantic... thing... simply strode over the moat and made a line for our gatehouse.  The guards positioned themselves to deal with it, but it turned out to be unnecessary.  Friesden was walking along the crenelations at the time, and when she saw the monster she flew over and engaged it.

The fight was short but brutal, from what the guardsponies said.  She was unharmed in the fight, but now the creature's corpse is lying in the moat.  I'm not sure how we'll deal with that, but for now I'll leave it to the miners or somepony else to deal with it.

I fear what might be next.

15th Galena, 254

The zebra caravan was quite late this year, but they finally arrived around lunch time today.  While their diplomat came to speak with me, Rose handled the trading like usual.  We've accumulated a lot of miscellaneous things that we have little or no use for, as well as a lot of crafts that have been collecting dust in the warehouse for years.  So we traded a lot of that away to make room for new things we actually need.

In the end, Rose ended up trading away about 25,000 bits worth of food and crafts for some of the zebra's exotic foods, some ores we can't dig up around here, medical supplies, thread, and cloth.  In the end, the zebras got a large profit, as usual, and we got what we needed.

All routine.

The highlight of the day... and indeed the past few weeks, was Diamond Shard giving birth to her second foal: an alicorn filly the family named Pearl.

While I was visiting her in the hospital, I couldn't help but think about Stiletto again.  Seeing the new life that entered the world today, and thinking about the lives that have been lost here... it's sobering and a bit frightening at times.

I often questioned if I really wanted to be the duchess of anypony, and today was another one of those days that I doubt that I do.  But again, today was one of those days that reminds me that not everything is bad here... that miracles happen here, and that happiness exists.

But... something more sobering is the fact that I've filled this diary up completely.  Hundreds and hundreds of pages of me recording every little thing that has happened in this town.  I skimmed over it some earlier today.  So much has happened.  So much sadness, happiness and everything in between.  It's astonishing how much has happened here in the past fourteen years.

But now that my diary is full, I don't know if I'll start another.  Maybe one day, but for now, I'm going to bed.  I'm so tired, and I don't really know why.  Maybe it's just all of the thinking.  In any case, I hope I wake up tomorrow a bit better rested, and hopefully with a bit brighter of a future to look forward to.

There are no more entries in the diary.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 08:32:55 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3542 on: July 11, 2012, 08:51:11 pm »


Friesden hurried along to the next pony she was going to see, Mister Flux. She couldn’t wait to tell him about how she’d killed the giant. He was going to be so amazed, just like dad and Falchi. As she arrived at his room, she knocked on his door three times, and waited.

She can hear some quiet response from inside, though the door doesn’t open.  It is, however, unlocked. Friesden hesitates for a second, before opening the door. “Hello? Flux?” she calls out.

Flux sits at his table, his attention on something small there.  He glances at Friesden and gives a small and obviously forced smile.  “Hey Dizzy...”

Friesden stopped. Even...Even mum didn’t call her Dizzy. Something was wrong. “Flux? What’s wrong? Am...Am I bothering you?”

His smile looks slightly more genuine as he gets up from the table.  “No... to be honest, I could use the company right now.”

“I...What’s up?” The purpose of her visit was fading into her mind’s background, only concern for Mister Flux filling it at the moment. She walks over to him, trying to show her concern.

“Stiletto, she...”  he chokes up, as if she might come back if he doesn’t actually say it aloud.    He closes his eyes and leans on Friesden as the tears start to flow.  “She’s... gone...”

The news shocks Friesden for a second, but she doesn’t let it shake her, supporting the stallion as best she can. “It’s...” she started, trying to think of some way to help Flux. “It’s...Just let it all out. It’s okay...It’s okay,” is what she settles with, though the words sound hollow even as she speaks them.

Flux throws his forelegs around Dizzy as he sobs bitterly, mourning the loss of his first real love.  Memories of her fill his mind: their first talk at the well so long ago, their first kiss, her song... He pours his tears upon Friesden’s mane as she supports him, his world seeming to have lost its mooring.

Friesden keeps silent, just supporting the mourning stallion.

“Wh-why... why her?  I love her... I need her!  She... she w-was...”  He dissolves into incoherency and more tears as despair seems to consume him, the weight of the pure unfairness crushing his spirit.

Friesden’s silent vigil continues, the words needed not coming to her mind when she most needed them.

It takes a while for Flux to finally cry himself out on Friesden, at least for now.  As he shakily withdraws and sniffles, rubbing his nose, it’s obvious by the look in his eyes that he’s not done crying for his lost love.  Not by a long shot.  “I’m s-sorry, Dizzy...”

“No...No, it’s nothing to be sorry about,” Friesden says, trying to keep her voice solid. “Do, uh....Do you...Do you want to cry some more? I can be here for you.”

Tears well up again and his lip trembles before he takes a few breaths and tries to maintain some semblance of decorum.  He still looks ready to crack at any moment, but is holding it together for now.  “Th-Th-Thanks, Dizzy.  Maybe... *sniffle* maybe l-later.”  He blinks slowly as he realizes something.  “You... d-didn’t know... did you?  Then... d-did something else happen?”

“I...It’s...It’s nothing,” Friesden lies, trying to keep her voice from betraying her. “Just...Just something at work. It’s not important.”

Her voice doesn’t betray her, but her emotions do.  “It’s... important to you...”

“It’s...I...It’s nothing. I...” Her voice drops to a whisper. “I just slew a giant...nothing important.”

Flux goes pale for a moment and almost loses it at the thought of Dizzy fighting something like that, then tries to stammer out something encouraging.  “Good... Good job.  Um... you’re alright... right?”

“I’m...I’m fine...It’s you who we should be worried about...not me...”

Flux blinks a few times, Dizzy’s comment echoing through his head, then his eyes shoot wide open.  “No, not me... Kat!”

“Mum? What about her?” Friesden asks in alarm.

Flux tries to shove Dizzy out the door so they can go find Kat.  “She loves Stiletto, too!  If she’s heard that... that... we need to find her!”

Friesden hurries alongside him. “We’ll find her, we’ll find her! Don’t worry!”

Flux bucks the door closed as they leave, the steel and sapphire ring on his table weighing on his mind as he prays the loss of one won’t mean the loss of both.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3543 on: July 11, 2012, 08:53:45 pm »

Granite walked out of his meager apartment with a purpose. He had a very important package for Jaxler and was determined to find him. After a few minutes of searching he came across the red maned pegasus. “Jaxler, you got a minute?” Granite asked.

Jaxler turned around to Granite, he had a stressed look, his mane looked messed up. Rehab was being horrible today, he recently had to do something demoralizing and his face couldn’t hide it. “A-aye Granny, what do you want?”

“Did you just call me ‘Granny’? Nevermind that... you seem kinda... messed up. Any reason why?” Granite asked. Come on, I don’t have time for this, I need to go now!

“Rehab... and I kinda had to do something today that sucked, and I had to talk Flux into letting me be alone for an hour... but still what do you want to talk about?” Jaxler’s forehooves were shaking, and something seemed off about his voice’s tone.

Granite sighed. “Jaxler, what did you have to do exactly?” I need to hurry this up! Patina’s waiting at the gates. Come on, hurry it up! He thought to himself.

“Well, I had to take a stud off my crossbow... I’m kinda using it as the centerpiece for a bracelet I need to have made... It’s kinda going to be my engagement bracelet for Marilee.” Jaxler started to get a small smile when he said Marilee’s name, even though he clearly still looked stressed.

Granite mentally kicked himself in the head for having to miss Jaxler’s wedding. “That’s good news Jaxler! I... I might not be able to make your wedding though...” Granite says, tears start to form in his eyes. “I... I... just take this.” Granite gives Jaxler the package he was carrying and quickly ran off.

Jaxler got a bit of rage written on his face. Why did Granite just run off on him, after saying he can’t be there for him! Jaxler charged off after the earth pony, throwing his wings into top gear. “WAIT!”

Granite hears Jaxler shout. He stops running and stands in front of him. Tears flowing down his face, he looks to Jaxler and says, “J-just look at that package, it... it should explain everything... d-d-don’t follow me, Jaxler!” He gestures to the package left on the floor behind Jaxler and runs off again. 

Jaxler doesn’t stop and charges Granite. “STOP AND TELL ME WHY YOU'RE LEAVING!”


Jaxler landed in front of the earthpony. “Damnit... Wait, I won’t stop you from doing this but we need to TALK THIS OUT before you run off!”

Why the buck won’t he leave me alone? Granite thought. “Fine, what the buck do you want to bucking talk about?!” He says, very agitated.

“” Jaxler walked over to pick up the package.

“If you care about me, let me go and open the package. Read the last page of the book in there, it should also be marked by a piece of paper...” Granite says. He starts walking past him. “I’m going to be late...”

Jaxler walked up to Granite after opening the package. “Can I at least walk with you there?”

“No Jaxler. You need to stay here.” Granite says. “I’m leaving Dawnpick, do not stop me, and do not worry for me!” He keeps on walking. “Just look at the contents of the damn package.”

Jaxler sighed and opened the package and looks at it. He stands there wide eyed at the items. A A picture of Flux, Granite, and himself, a flash with Granite’s history engraved into it. He continued to walk next to Granite as he read the page from his journal.

The journal page was written with the following:

“Journal Entry~ The Very Last One


   I'm glad you saved me from the kidnapper, and I'm glad you took me out drinking later that week. And I'm glad you trained me how to use my weapon and how to dodge foes. And I'm glad you taught me how to be a stallion. You've done a lot for me, and for that I thank you. But goodbyes are hard, and this is why I gave you my journal. And I hope you read this, because this is my goodbye. I have something that needs doing, and it will take me far across the world to see this task be completed. Do not worry for me, for I WILL make it back. You filled the role of my father very well, and I've already said my goodbyes to my family. Brownie Bits took it the hardest but they understood. By now I have left the gates, please don't stop me. I must complete this, and if I somehow fail, then don't worry, I would have given my life for the greater good, so do not worry for me. Pass the news on to Flux, Midnight, Silver, and all of them... for I know you will do a far better job then I could ever do. And I know you quit drinking, but I made you a flask, you can fill it with water or something, but anyway I want you to have it as a gift. I engraved our history on it, from the day you saved me to the day you woke up in the hospital. And all I request is that you do not worry for me. You must not spend your days worrying for my sake but instead spend those days with your family in the present. Be sure to pass this on to Flux and the gang in case they worry for me. And Jaxler, this is imperative, tell Friesden that I forgive her, I was a crappy colt friend and a crappy son, to both you and Cleaver. I kept to myself much too often and I do not blame Friesden for leaving me, and tell my family I will always hold them dear, weather in the thick of it in some haunted swamp or reaching shelter in a safe haven. And I want you to patch things up with Glaive and his family, and it was probably my fault that you couldn't get along with them... Feel free to read this aloud to our friends, I won't mind, and they should know of my whereabouts.

I don't ask for much, but I was still given the best foal hood ever, so please give me these last few things. In case I don't ever come back then keep the flask and this journal as a memory of me and don't grieve for too long, and move on to be there for your friends and family. But don't worry for me Jaxler,

I won't be long, I'll be back before you know it.

Granite Owlpastime”

Jaxler took a deep sigh, and looked like he was about to cry. “I-I... well.. I think... I think I understand... I won’t stop you... but before you dare go I have some bucking demands.”

Granite sighs. “And what are they?”

“In order from least to most important...” Jaxler sighed, this was harder than it needed to be. “number one: You make sure you come back once you’ve finished your quest. Number two: you make sure you write me a letter whenever you can. Number three: you don’t dare die on me and Number four... you remember that dad will always... I’ll... I’ll always bucking love the shit out of you.”

Granite looks at him, his face showing no emotion. “I’ll try Jaxler... but don’t expect me to write to you if I’m in the middle of nowhere...” Or on the ground with a bolt in my skull... Granite then took a few steps back. “I really have to go now Jaxler, I guess this is it...”

“whenever you’re in a town send a letter, and-” Jaxler ran forward and placed his forelegs around Granite’s neck. “now it is goodbye.”

Granite sniffled a bit. “B-bye... dad...” He then slowly breaks the hug and runs down the road to the gates of Dawnpick.

Jaxler looked back at the road as Granite ran off, and a tear fell from his eyes. “God- Celestia... please let him come back...” Jaxler then smiled and turned around. “He’s finally a stallion...”
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 09:04:20 pm by L1wW »


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3544 on: July 11, 2012, 11:16:40 pm »

(( 20th Obsidian, 263 ))
(( Warmwaddled the Net of Sparking ))

Amber was within her bed, snoring under a coarse pigtail cloth blanket, the sleeping mare reaches down to scratch her flank. Contained in her dreams was a vast eldritch library painted with stars and their constellations. The peach mane Little Pony could not care less of the tomes that ran wall to wall, she was more focused on finding the exit.

At the feather wood door, which Amber was heading, entered a mare robed in ethereal midnight blue silk robe, and crowned atop her head was an adamantine crown. The alluring mare shuts the door and trots up to the spooked Little Pony, casting a shadow with her long horn that rivaled that of Alicorns. “You are not one of Shin’s or Etom’s kin, you are one of mine.” The strange mare says in a siren’s voice, as she lifts a fringe of mane that hid Amber’s broken horn.

The copper coated mare topples on her docks, the imposing charcoal colored mare that was before Amber demanded her enthralled attention. “Aw, can I please leave, if that is alright with you,” asked meekly. Who does this mare think she is? The thought hangs on the edge of her mind.

The other Unicorn ran her emerald eyes up and down the copper mason-pony. “Who does this mare think she is, well she knows herself as Vumon the True Plan, and she knows you, Amber Gelezag?” As the Goddess utters that, the younger mare drops in prostration, causing a roll of eyes from Vumon. “As the skull of the mare grows broader, so do her creeds. And her gods they are shaped in her image and mirror her needs. And she clothes them with thunders and beauty; she clothes them with music and fire, seeing not, as she bows by their altars, that she worships her own desire.” Said as she walks around the worshiping mare.

Shooting her head up, she rises her voice, sounding confused and hurt. “What in nine hells does that mean?” The mare ponders and gets a hint of what the Goddess meant. Amber trails the other mare into a round room with desks, with floating pens which begin to write feverishly as Vumon enters. “May I ask a question?” Causing the goldenrod mane mare nod and answer; “I know everything that was and still is, but of the future I do not. Answer well I if it is within my knowledge.” This causes Amber to give her a peculiar look. “Wait, you are a god of knowledge, you should know everything.”

“What fun is there knowing everything, I can try and forecast the blooming roses that Dan loves so much; or deduce what great beast that Kat will challenge; or wonder what new trick Itdun will try to get Atol in her bed. If I known everything it would be a boring reality, for all knowledge and wonder is an impression of pleasure in itself.” Vumon reveals as she overlooks the enchanted pen’s work, her very own horn shimmered in the same glow.

Amber takes a deep breath. “Am I a Failure?” Her muscles tense and displayed her improved health from stopping her overindulgence.

Vumon giggles. “My Little Unicorn; failure is an event, not a pony. Yesterday ended last night. You are young, you will fail a hundred times before succeeding, and failure at most, precedes success. Amber do you want a taste of what triumph life has in store for you.” She reaches down, kissing the young mare where her horn once rested in full. “Then wake up.”

The Unicorn popped up from her bed, passing some gas as she stretched. A weight is felt upon her hind-legs, opening her eyes to find lying on her tingling extremities was what she considered a monster. It was not unlike that of a foal, but had the proportions of a full grown Little Pony; it also had wings, but unlike the Pegasi, it had butterfly wings.

Two more join the lone one in play, tussling on the sheets and flying acrobatic dogfights in the air, only for fun. All Amber can do is cower where the head of her bed met the corner. The strange alien ponies halt their play at the sight of the quivering Unicorn, they all set at the side of the bed attempting their best to look endearing and docile. They then float into the air and beckon the young mare to follow.

Almost against her will, the stout mare tags along, sauntering where the creatures take her and picking up items they desire. After awhile she claims a workshop under the pearl moonlight, she begins to labor and ponies take witness, but Amber does not notice them. The entire day passes and the copper coat mason pony continues for what seems like moments to her. As the bizarre Little Ponies leave, she comes to her senses and before her sets the ‘Warmwaddled the Net of Sparking, the artifact gabbro millstone. Her eyes light up, Amber was closing a sad chapter of her life and entering a new happy one.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 07:20:00 pm by Psalms01 »
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3545 on: July 12, 2012, 12:39:46 am »

and Patina

((some mood music))

Patina fastened the brooch across her neck. She checked her various saddlebags. A months worth of provisions? Check. Coin? Check. basic medical tools? Check. Max? Check, of course.

She looks at Granite

“Well, That’s everything, I suppose.”

“Yeah, hold that thought...” Granite says. He moves some fake grass on the ground revealing a trapdoor. He quickly goes in and comes out loaded with packs, all of which brimming with things from fire starters to canteens to rations and to random maps. Kept close to him were his chain and copper dagger and his lute was visible amongst all the bags strapped to him. “I made that awhile ago when I thought about running away... just in case I ever did... then I started updating it each week in case shit hit the fan...” He sighs. “Ready to go when you are.”

She nods “Yeah, Let’s go see the zebra, the hippogryphs, and all the wonderful places in between.”

the two walk out of Dawnpick’s gates and get a few feet on the road, when  Patina stops.

“well this is it.” she said, looking back nervously

“Yeah it is...” Granite says. “This is the farthest I’ve ever gone...”

“Me too.”  She looked at the invisible line they dare not cross, and took a tentative step over it.

“We’ll be there and back again like that, I’m sure.” she grinned, dismissing it

“I mean, look at all the maps you have!”

“Yeah, most of them were cheap too. I always liked the caravans, they always had cool stuff...” Granite says. “So where are we going first?”

“The Zebra forest retreat of Unpronounceable, Unpronounceable-” She grabs Granites map “ Is here.”

“Great.” Granite says. “Let’s get walking...”

“Right behind you.” She assured him excitedly

Max chirped happily

The two walked into the sunset, The brightest horizon they’ve ever seen.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 01:40:42 am by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3546 on: July 12, 2012, 02:19:25 am »

+Generic’s Journal+ (( Entry Number Three ))
The book is bound in Chestnut and pages are transmuted rope reed paper.

The pen-pony-ship is in overtly done by an Earth Pony, spelling and grammatical errors are common, but otherwise beautifully done.

13th Obsidian, 263

Today, I went to the ‘Stable,’ which is a place for foals to learn and to be safe if anything was to happen. Although, it is just barely too small for the number of foals in Dawnpick, my presence was tolerated. There was some hint of confusion between the present teacher Kat, who is an endearing petite mare, and I. Instead of teaching anything, I went there to learn, back where I was born, a proper education eluded me.

20th Obsidian, 263

I grown bored of the lessons for now. Also the Unicorn mare Amber entered a fey mood sometime during the night, because I found her working feverishly in a workshop on my way to the mines. There I spent my time smoothing the ground, a soothing endeavor, but it appears others see it as tedious.

25th Obsidian, 263

The reserve set out on a covert mission into the caverns and mines, where the only thing out of the ordinary was the hole I found before. If I did not know better, I suspect the Virtue Urist-Mc-Stupid-Noble thought my report was just routine, or did not believe me. I held my tongue, because at least we are doing something now. My body refused to sleep much of the time, this may have caused some friction between the Captain and me, but it was still my will to comply with his orders to rest.

6th Granite, 264

Today I assisted in the installation of the millstone that Amber made. It was a project and half, my hoofs and mouth hurt. It would have been great if the original engineers added a shut off lever to the windmills. Otherwise, after this, I am spending some downtime.

3rd Slate, 264

A militia pony, two foals of Falcata along with herself was covered in blisters from a forgotten beast that was slain earlier by the latter. Serve those two foals a lesson, let them learn from this, that their actions bring consequences. Also even if they are Alicorns, it does not make them less then any Pony, they bear a harsh world that does not play favorites.

13th Slate, 264

I treaded out Indigo at the dyer’s shop, it reeks and soiling, I enjoyed it. Though, I do not plan of doing it so habitually like the Captain.

22nd Felsite, 264

There was a badger pony assault upon the gate today, I respect their determination, but lack of reasoning is appalling. I spend much of my time this month exploring Dawnpick and such. There is this finely-crafted statue of ‘The Priest’ embracing an apple tree. The stallion by the name of Granite, he has made some idols of Tolum Peacefulrights, I can understand why, she is depicted as a very attractive mare.

26th Malachite, 264

My favorite past time it seems is working out at the gym and maintaining the equipment. It was there that I hear the report to move as a beast below came through the trapped airlock. We were too late, the libertine Stiletto was the first to engage and died shortly after making the kill. All death is equal, it is all grave.  Furthermore, it appears that she was the first to die in the militia, which should be morale breaking.

6th Galena, 264

I joined the masons this morning, asking for Mortar to show me ropes, instead he called up one of the legendary masons, Amor. It took one look, I realized that she and I would not get along. I voiced my reasoning before the group, she looks like an ugly inbreed noble, and my eyes are hard to fool. Their blood should be shunned. Amor stormed off, and the other ponies look at me like I done something wrong, so I excused myself.

15th Galena, 264

I finally was able to pick up masonry today, just some basics, seems that my truth upset some ponies enough for them not to work with me. That is their rightful will, as it is my will not to work with some ponies, I can sympathize with their feelings about me.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 04:29:53 am by Psalms01 »
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3547 on: July 14, 2012, 02:04:22 am »

Marilee woke slowly, feeling around for the pony who should be beside her. Her hoof found Jaxler’s belly, and she pulled herself closer to him, rousing him with gentle kisses.

Jaxler was surprised to be awoken by a kiss, but really didn’t show it on his face as he opened his eyes and put his foreleg around Marilee. “Good morning, my love.”

Marilee smiled wide. “Good morning indeed. How did you sleep?”

The markspony nuzzled Marilee. He really hadn’t slept well in the last 5 days since he had left the hospital and stopped drinking. “A little bit better since you’ve been staying with me.”

Marilee wrapped her forelegs around Jaxler, snuggling close to him. “How are you feeling? Still cold, any shakiness?”

Jaxler put his other foreleg around marilee and even put his wings around her. “Nope, actually.” Jaxler still felt depressed as of recently, but the support he was being given from his friends helped him greatly.

“That’s good to hear. So, you feel like getting some breakfast, or would you like to stay with me a little while?”

Jaxler held Marilee a little tighter. “breakfast seems nice, but staying here with you seems a little nicer.” Jaxler then gave her a kiss.

Marilee leaned into the kiss, holding it as long as she could. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Jaxler breaks the kiss regretfully and gives Marilee a squeeze with his forelegs. “So...”

Marilee rested her head on Jaxler’s chest. “Mm-hmm?

“Is there anything you’d like to do?” asked Jaxler as he stroked Marilee’s mane.

“Well, there is... if you feel like you’re up to it.”

“I’d say I am.”

Marilee replied by kissing Jaxler deeply, pulling the covers over the two of them...


The two ponies huddled together, content in each other’s company. Marilee laid with her head on Jaxler’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. She let out a contented sigh. “...I love you, Jaxler.”

Jaxler sighed as well. “I love you too...”

Reluctantly, Marilee sat up. “Well, we really should be off to breakfast now.”

Jaxler followed Marilee’s que and sat up too. “You're probably right.”

Marilee gave Jaxler one last brief kiss, before climbing out of bed and going to the dresser to freshen up.

Jaxler lingered in bed a little longer before finally getting up and picking his crossbow up off the cabinet and slinging it over his back. He then walked over to his coffer and after fiddling with the locks he picked up something covered in cloth as well as his quiver and hid the cloth covered item in said quiver. He didn’t really mess around with his mane, and hoped Marilee wouldn’t say something about it. This was, of course, fruitless, because as soon as she had finished with her mane, Marilee came over with a brush and proceeded to attack the tangled crimson mess atop Jaxler’s head.

Jaxler sighed as his mane was assaulted by the brush. “Do I look nice?”

“Just a little more...” Marilee gave his now neatly-combed mane one more stroke. “There, all done.”

Jaxler smiled. “Thanks... I have a question for you. my hair naturally has purple and light and crimson red stripes in it, kinda dye it all crimson and my wings are naturally purple as well. do you think I’d look okay if I stopped dyeing them?”

“Oh? You’ve never told me that before. Why did you dye them in the first place?”

“Well, thought I’d look nicer if my mane and body were just one solid color.”

“Well, if you think it looks better, then you should keep it that way. You’ll have to show me how you really look some day, though.”

“Well, maybe I could stop dying it from now on.”

“you don’t have to. This look has suited you well thus far, hasn’t it?”

“It has, but It really isn’t me.” said Jaxler as he walked over to the door.

Marilee followed him out. “Well, it’s your body after all.”

As the two left the apartment Jaxler put his wing around Marilee. “So, There’s something I’ve been wondering for a while.”

“Yes?” Marilee snuggled into Jaxler’s wing.

“If your father is a shadow bolt, does that mean that if we had a foal, it could be one?”

“Yes, it does...” Marilee replied, cautiously. “That’s not... a problem, is it?”

“Well, yes. I’d love the foal all the same, but I’m not sure if all the other ponies here would... and aside from that are the rumors of darkbolts enjoying blood true?”

“They’re certainly able to drink blood, though they don’t need to feed on ponies like a vampire. As for enjoying it, well... I imagine that’s a matter of personal taste.”

“Okay, but what if the foal was discriminated against?”

Marilee sighed heavily. “I... well, I’ve always thought that ponies here in Dawnpick were very tolerant and open-minded, so I hope that won’t end up being a problem.”

“Most are, but still many ponies here have had things ruined by what some call ‘devil’ ponies. They’ve lost family to them, and fear them. it’s not all of us but a few, but it could still be a very real problem.”

“I understand. But I think the best we can really do is deal with the issue when it happens.”

“Okay... Just one more question, do you have anything other than pegasus and shadowbolt blood? Just out of curiosity.”

Marilee paused to think for a moment. “Well... my grandma on my mum’s side was an earth pony. Dad was the first in his family to not take a shadowbolt wife, so there isn’t anything else on that side of the family.”

“Well, I’m a pure bred Pegasus, so I guess That means if we had a foal, it would either be and earth, pegasus or shadowbolt pony.” Jaxler then Gave Marilee a nuzzle. “Would you be okay if I named our son if we had one together?”

“It would be our foal, shouldn’t we work together to name them?”

“Yes, but... I want to name him after my Grandfather.”

Marilee pondered this for a moment. “I see... what was his name?”

Jaxler sighed. “Lieutenant Meldrich, blackflutes...”

“Meldrich...” Marilee let the name sink in for a moment. “That is a nice name.” She chuckled softly. “Alright, if we do have a little colt, that’s what we’ll name him.“

Jaxler smiled. “Thanks...” He then continued to walk into the meeting hall. “You know, G-pa never exactly told me how he made it all the way to lieutenant, he never went to military academy.” Jaxer then sighed. “I guess when you loose enough officers you just rank up whoever tends to not kick the bucket.” He then looked down to his crossbow, “He was a good pony... “ He looked a little water eyed. Marilee’s company had really put a dent the in potency of his depression, but he was still easily worked up. In fact, he would be at the reserves right now, if he hadn’t broken down during training and been told to not show back up until he recovered. “why can’t I protect anything...”

Marilee snuggled a little deeper into Jaxler’s wing. “Why would you say that? You’ve done an amazing job protecting the ponies of Dawnpick.”

“I... before that... I couldn’t do anything...” As much as Jaxler wanted to break down again, he held it in and guided the two to his favorite seat. “You know... of all the seats in this room, this was the one where I drunk my brains out the most...”

Marilee put out a hoof to gently stop Jaxler. “Do you think maybe it would help if you chose a different seat? Somewhere you didn’t drink very often?”

Jaxler sighed. “Yeah... might be best... could we actually, eat breakfast somewhere other than the meeting hall...”

Marilee smiled. “That sounds like a good idea. Did you have somewhere in mind?”

“Maybe by the river... under a tree.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“Okay then.” the two walk over and grab some food before leaving the hall. Jaxler didn’t take his wing off of Marilee for a second, as if he was afraid of losing her. “So... how long till’ you leave for GlitterGlen?”

“Well, miss Virtue seems to think that we shouldn’t have to worry about an attack any time soon, and dad seems to agree. So... we could be ready to leave before the end of the month.”

“Oh, well, are you sure you’d want to do that? I have some plans I’d hate for you to miss.” Said jaxler as the two exited the gate.

“Oh? Well, then... I guess I could ask them if we could stay a little while longer, but... well, I had hoped you’d like to come with us.”

“Well, I’d love to come with you and meet your brother... just, I think you need to hold off on leaving...”

Marilee was silent for a moment. “...Okay. I think I can wait just a little while longer.”

“Good... “ the two make their way to a tree near the river. Jaxler knew this spot well, it was where stiletto brought him after Arbalest died. He sat down with marilee, and let their breakfast laying next to them. “So... did you hear about Granite left town on a deadly quest that could very well end his life...”

Marilee froze. “What? Why? What does he think he’s doing?”

“He... he didn’t say... but he left, and I couldn’t really do anything to stop him... He was sure he had to do it though... so I gave him my blessing... I had him promise to send me letters...”

Marilee stepped forward, wrapping her forelegs and wings around Jaxler. “He... he’s a strong buck. He’ll be okay. I believe he will.”

“You know... for the first time in decades, I actually asked god for something... I asked celestia to let him back... do you think she won’t take another pony away from me...”

“I don’t think she wants to see you lose anypony else. I think she’ll keep him safe, in whatever way she can.”

The depression was making it hard for Jaxler to maintain his composure. “He... he’s my son... if he died, I’d never know... he’s my son.. and I can’t keep him safe.. why can’t I keep ponies safe...”

Marilee held Jaxler close, comforting him with gentle kisses on his cheeks and forehead.

Jaxler sighed gave Marilee a nuzzle. It almost seemed like whenever he was with her, he could never feel bad for long. “Aye, I need to give you something, and I’d like if you closed your eyes while I do so.”

“Oh? Okay...” Marilee let go of Jaxler, stepping back and shutting her eyes. “I’m ready.”

Jaxler took off his quiver and emptied its contents on the ground, a few bolts came out, and a small object wrapped in a cloth. after picking up said object, he grabbed Marilee’s hoof gently and placed it on her hoof. “open up your eyes.”

Marilee opened her eyes, and gasped: upon her her hoof rested a plain steel bracelet, unadorned save for a single stud of bright, glittering turquoise metal.

“Oh, Jaxler... Is this... from your... Oh, sweetie, you shouldn’t have...”

“Well, I should, I mean, I am proposing to you right now.”

Marilee couldn’t answer, raising the braceleted hoof to her mouth in stunned silence.

Jaxler smiled at the mare’s response. “Would you be willing spend forever with me?”

“I-I... I... yes! Yes, oh yes yes yes...” Marilee threw her forehooves around Jaxler, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss.

Jaxler was surprised by the sudden kiss, but didn’t hesitate to accept it and hold it for as long as he could.

After a long time, Marilee broke away, catching her breath. She stared into Jaxler’s eyes. “...Yes, Jaxler. I do want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Jaxler sighs and gives Marilee a nuzzle. “thank you... now I’d love it if the wedding happened right after I’m done with rehab... and the trip to Glitterglen can be our honeymoon.”

Marilee accepted the nuzzle. “I can do that. Oh, I just can’t wait to tell mum and dad...”

“Oh, I bet they’ll be proud...”
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3548 on: July 14, 2012, 01:37:42 pm »

(( 22nd Obsidian 263. Mission Z120: Inrtoduction. ))
(( Another FB showed up on 13th Obsidian, but didn't do any damage. ))

The beast attacks in the mines were unnerving and dangerously frequent. The worst part was that they shouldn't happen at all. A few ponies spent hours looking over maps of the shafts and corridors below Dawnpick and found no way for the monsters to get inside from the caverns, yet they somehow did. Nopony seemed to know what to do about it and the miners and haulers still had to brave these dangers each day. There regular military patrols helped, but that was only a half-measure that didn't get to the root of the problem. Besides, some soldiers got wounded down there, most notably Bardiche. The whole point of walling off a section of the caverns for a year was to gain secure access to the resources there, but that was moot if there was still a way for nasty things to get inside Dawnpick and threaten ponies. After thinking about it and making preparations for a few days, Indigo's mind is finally settled. In the evening he puts on his best robe, takes a few things and goes to the Keep to see Lady Virtue. After a short talk with the guard he is let inside. He leaves his saddlebags by the door. The guard steps inside and watches what happens. "Hello Lady Virtue."

Virtue is looking over Longshot's report concerning steel production, prior to trade with the next caravan from Coupledye, which is expected soon. As usual, it all seems to be in order. She looks up to her guest and gives him a small nod. "Hello Indigo, how can I help you?"

"I come to you, because I've been thinking; there were some attacks in the mines over the years, where there should be none. We checked and double-checked the maps, but found nothing, right? Well, since the warrant about bins was falsified, would it be possible for the maps to be altered as well? Even if they are authentic, there could be an honest mistake in their making, or they could simply be out of date." explains Indigo.

She frowns a bit as he brings up that incident again. "I... suppose it is possible the maps were altered. We have several copies though, some of which have been kept pretty secure." Not that it had stopped whoever it was from forging her seal... "A mistake though... well, I guess that's possible too. The mines are pretty large now and we don't go in many parts of them anymore."

Indigo nods. "There is a strong possibility, they are inaccurate. I propose an expedition into the mines to update the maps and look for any possible breaches, hidden passages, or any other ways for monsters to get inside."

Virtue nods slowly as he speaks. "It has been a long time since we last updated the maps, and a lot has changed. The miners know it better than anypony else of course, so I suppose they could lead it." She raises a hoof to her chin. "But if they did come across something dangerous, we shouldn't send them alone..."

"I volunteer to do it. I know enough about maps, stone and masonry to be of use. I can also look for residues of spells. If you don't trust me with this, please send some other ponies instead. I have a hunch that this is important."

Virtue shakes her head quickly. "Oh, no, no I trust you to do it. It's just... well... after what nasties have been encountered down there, are you sure you want to do this? Hopefully you won't find anything, but if you did..."

But the whole point is to find something... oh, she means lurking monsters. "I intend to have an escort. I don't expect there to be any actual danger, but neither did the ponies who got killed or wounded in the mines. Asking Halberd for soldiers would cause too much hassle and too many raised eyebrows, so I'd like to mobilise my own squad and take them with me."

"Oh, well, yes I'd think that the reserves should be able to handle anything you might run into." She raises an eyebrow of her own. "But why are you concerned about raising suspicion?"

"If we have a mole and he is involved in the cavern incidents, he could try something to stop me. There are basically two ways to deal with it. Either try to set a trap with me as a bait or try to keep it under wraps. Since I already intend to take an escort, I think that the best course of action would be to avoid any possible further tampering with whatever evidence may be in the mines. Therefore I ask, that our mission be kept a secret and while we are down there, the mines should be closed and guarded. If anypony has a very good reason to go down there, you should be informed about it. Otherwise tell them... that the mines are dangerous and closed for the time being."

"I see... yes, that makes sense," she says, trying again to picture who in Dawnpick might do such a thing. For a very brief moment she wonders if maybe it was Indigo himself, but she immediately tosses the thought aside. "Perhaps it would be for the best to keep this as quiet as possible. I'll do just that. We shouldn't need to mine any more ore or stone for some time now, so it shouldn't be overly unusual to close the mines off."

Indigo nods. "Yes, I looked at stockpiles today and there is enough material for masons and forges over two weeks." He sighs. "Alright then, I believe I should start soon. If we wait till the next captain's meeting, more ponies will know about it. When can I get an up to date copy of our best maps?"

Virtue searches through a drawer in her desk and produces a small scale map of the mines. "I always keep a copy here, if you want mine. Diamond Shard or Chic might have more up to date maps though, since they work down there."

Indigo accepts her map. "We will of course need provisions... food, writing utensils, tools for measuring and for checking the walls, metal bolts. I can get those myself, with your permission." I already took the liberty to move them together to a few bins and barrels, so they can be picked up quickly and easily, but I can't just take them with us without informing either you or Longshot first. He fetches a list from his saddlebags.

She nods and again rummages through her desk. "Of course. I can write up the authorizations just in case."

Indigo nods. "Another thing... well, I'll be pulling ponies away from their work, so we should be compensated. Considering there is some danger involved, regular guard pay should be about right, I believe."

With the overflowing treasury, this is hardly going to be a problem and she wouldn't dream of asking ponies to work without compensation anyway. "Oh, yes, of course. I'll get with Longshot and Rose later to arrange all of that."

Indigo nods again and pulls out a small carved object made of stone from under his robe. "Take this. I carved myself two matching seals. Nopony else knows about it. If I find something important down there and want to stay for some reason, I will send two ponies with a letter with this seal. Otherwise assume, a message from me was forged, unless it is a single pony yelling for backup."

Virtue takes the seal and gives it a quick look over. Well, if Indigo was able to carve this... maybe he really could have forged the other document. He'd seen her seal often enough... no, best to stop thinking that right now. "Yes, that's probably a good idea. I'll keep this safe."

"Please do so. I'm leaving it just for reference. Finally, I'd like you to take this for safekeeping." Indigo walks up to his saddlebags, pulls out a miniature chest with only a hook for a lock, opens it to show her three scrolls inside, then closes it and places it on her desk. "I don't intend to, of course, but if I die or get lost down there, this is my final will and a few letters."

Virtue accepts the chest with a bit of apprehension. She didn't like the idea of Indigo heading off to what might realistically be his death, especially if Bardiche had nearly been killed while wearing far superior armour and equipped with a better weapon. Still, Indigo was making good points about keeping this secret, and he was probably one of the best choices. He'd be fine, she assured herself. "I... uh... alright, I'll keep this safe until you get back."

Indigo blinks and nods. "Very well, I'll go talk to Halberd and secure the needed equipment. Goodbye Lady Virtue."

"Goodbye Indigo." As he leaves, Virtue sits back into her chair and rests a hoof on the chest now sitting on her desk.  He'd be back to recover this. She didn't need to worry about him. She doubted he'd find anything anyway, and if he did find something, the odds of it being a towering monstrosity were remote enough...

(( 22nd Obsidian 263. ))

Indigo knocks on Halberd's door. "Halberd? This is Indigo. We need to talk."

Halberd sighs and moves to open the door. "What is it?"

Indigo speaks quietly. "I've talked to Lady Virtue about the attacks of beasts from the caverns. At least two of those seemed to be honest accidents with the airlocks, but there were far too many unexplained ones. I suspect that our maps are inaccurate and there is an unmarked way into the caverns. I intend to go down there to check and measure all the walls. I want to take my squad with me as help and as an escort, so I need to ask you first... and I'd like to get our standard equipment and some metal bolts for the expedition."

Halberd frowns and raises an eyebrow. "Just the reserves are going? Are you sure that's a good idea? What happens if you run into one of those beasts? Have you seen one up close while it was still alive?"

Indigo scratches his horn. "Well... I understand, but the risk isn't much greater than what the miners and haulers brave every day. Besides, we had some training sessions to fight bigger and stronger opponents as a group." Not in tight quarters, though. "I wouldn't put myself or my squad at risk without a very good reason and if we do run into something dangerous, I'll send somepony to get help."

"Fine, if that's what you want, go right ahead. Your gear is in its normal place in the armoury. I think you know where the bolts are," he says as he fetches the key to the armoury.

"One more thing. I talked with Virtue and she agreed that our mission should be a secret and the mines will be closed while we are in there, to prevent eventual saboteur from tampering with anything... if it is indeed his fault. Maybe I should tell that to Partisan (( Kat? )) instead. the fewer ponies know, the better, but when the mines are closed, some ponies will ask questions. Actually have guards remember who asked and include that in their reports."

Halberd gives the key to Indigo. "A saboteur? I'm not sure if I really believe that, but whoever forged the order to Jury and Partisan might always try something else," he says with a glare and a snort. "If I find out who did it, Jury and Partisan won't have to worry about punishing him..." Halberd grumbles. "But yes, it might be a good idea to let Partisan know. Was there anything else?"

"Well, there are two theories. One that the falsified warrant was dropped by some pegasus from outside Dawnpick and another that we have a mole. I don't know which is true, but find it safer to assume the latter. If that is true and you happen to find him, it would be much better for you to just maim him, so we can get some answers. That would be all. Thank you. I'll give you back the key in the morning. Goodnight."

Halberd nods. "Yeah. Be careful," he calls in a warning tone.

Indigo leaves and goes to tell his squad to be ready in the morning. So far everything is going according to plan. Come to think of it, if the mole theory is true, Halberd should check it when a pony comes to him and claims that Lady Virtue ordered something out of the ordinary, but if I tell him that he will stall me.

(( This scene was supposed to be a bit longer, but you know, budgetary cuts. (That was a joke. Telgin is busy and I don't want to overload him.) After this Indigo either talked or didn't to captain of the guard, whichever you think would work better. If he didn't, he was reprimanded for it during the Granite 264 monthly captain's meeting. ))

Fan art unrelated.

(( If you don't get it: After Kit was wounded fighting a Draltha and the reserves saved her, Indigo was shaken and went to see Amor. Afterwards he felt much better and she had a nightmare. ))
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3549 on: July 14, 2012, 03:55:50 pm »

(( Evening, 22nd Obsidian 263.  Mission Z120: Goodbyes. ))

After his conversations with Virtue and Halberd, Indigo still has a few errands to run. A certain unicorn mare is one of them. He knocks on her door. “Amor, are you in there?”

The mare in question is resting on her bed after a long day of masonry. A knock at the door draws her curiosity, but she already knows who it is, even before she hears the stallion's voice. She gets up and opens her door, “hello Indigo, what brings you here?”

“Let me in, and I'll tell you. Hurry up, I still need to talk to a few more ponies today.” answers Indigo, looking around and seeing nopony in the corridor.

After the incident with the bins, Amor reads Indigo's voice and actions apprehensively; even if Indigo was to let her in on what he knows, it would do little to diminish her fears. Nonetheless she moves out of the way and lets him in, but not before taking a peek outside. When Indigo is in her room, she closes the door and looks at him. “Is anything the matter? Have any more ponies been hurt or something?” Even though she was usually quite good at hiding emotions, her voice gives away just a hint of her worry.

“No. No, I just came to tell you that I'll be gone for a few days. That's all.” whispers Indigo.

The mare is hesitant to ask where or why, but she does anyway. “Where to, why and for how long, if you don't mind telling me?” she asks with her usual low voice, shooting Indigo a puzzled expression.

Indigo sighs and says quietly. “I will tell you, when I get back. Sorry. This shouldn't take more than a week, in any case."

The curly mane mare huffs at Indigo's reserved behaviour, but thinks it best not to push him. “Is there anything you want me to do in your absence?”

Indigo frowns. “Well... you could water my flowers, I guess. I'll give you the key to my room in the morning.”

The mare misreads his hesitation for a scowl, which sows some distrust in her, but she has been in Indigo's room enough times to know, that he was not hiding anything that was not within his right to hide. She also fears that Indigo thinks of her as not worthy of his trust. He trusts me regardless, I can't take it all for granted. she thinks, as she sits down in one of her lemon wood chairs. “I will do that for you, anything else?”

“Not really, just not talk about it to other ponies. Well, unless...” He frowns again. “No, we will talk when I get back. Goodnight.” Indigo turns towards her door, unlocks it and leaves, giving her a nod, just before closing it from outside.

Amor says her goodnight and wonders what else her friend was going to add, but she already knows in the back of her mind. She goes back to her bed and tries to get some sleep, even though she is restless over what the next day could bring.

(( Maklak says: Lol, even when Indigo tried to tell her not to worry, the result was the contrary. ))

Second order of business is mobilising his squad. Indigo knocks on Midnight's door next. “Are you in there? This is Indigo.”

Midnight quickly gets up and makes his way to the door. He is surprised to hear Indigo's voice and even questions his ears for a brief moment, just before the pony announces himself. He quickly opens his door, “Indigo?” then steps aside, giving his captain the chance to enter. “What brings you here?”

Indigo looks around before entering and sees Floral in the corridor, but she doesn't appear to be interested in other ponies' business and just goes to her room after a day of work. “I will be brief.” Indigo enters and whispers “The reserves are mobilised. Come tomorrow morning to the archery range with arms and armour. Take some food and drink with you. If you made any arrangements for the next week, cancel them. Is this clear? Oh, and don't talk about it, if you don't have to.”

“Mobilised?...” He takes a moment to think, he didn't expect something like this to happen. “Yes sir, I understand. Can I ask, why the secrecy?”

“Such information will be given on a need to know basis. You will need to know tomorrow. For now let's just say, that it shouldn't take more than a week and that we are getting paid for this.” Indigo frowns. “The secrecy... is not to raise any panic. We normally don't train this month. That's it for now, I still need to tell the others. See you tomorrow.” The unicorn nods and turns towards the exit.

“Wait. I can tell the others I'm leaving, yes? I'd hate to disappear without telling them I'm going.”

Indigo sighs. “We are trying to keep this under wraps. Who do you intend to tell?”

“Just a few close Friends. Rose, for one.”

“Lady Virtue knows of course, so Rose can be trusted. Tell others only if you must and only as little as you have to. We will be away for just a few days.” answers Indigo, annoyed. This is harder than I expected. “Is there anything else?”

“No sir, I'll start getting ready right away.” Midnight says as he gives Indigo a short nod.

“Alright then, see you tomorrow at the archery range.” says Indigo and leaves.

Midnight waves him off as he walks away and shuts the door behind him, before getting to work on the preparations. He really hopes he won't need the entire week's worth of food...

(( This was before Jaxler decided to stop drinking. ))

Next on the list is Jaxler. Indigo doesn't even bother looking in his room and checks the dining hall first. Sure enough the pegasus is drinking in a corner. “Jaxler, we need to talk.”

“Ugh... this isn't about my drinking, is it?” Jaxler lowers his mug and sighs heavily. Looks like he just lost a pleasant evening.

Indigo sighs. “No, this is about something else.” he looks around, but sees too many ears to continue. “And this is something we must discuss in private,” he adds in a much quieter voice. “Your room would be good and we can take this with us.” he points at Jaxler's drink.

Jaxler rolls his eyes and picks up his crossbow and drink. “Meh, fine.” He hopes nopony is going to spread rumours about him bringing Indigo secretly into him room at night.

They reach their destination in silence. It is slightly messy, but Indigo barely even registers any clutter that doesn't get in his way. “Alright. This is isolated enough. The reserves are mobilised as of tomorrow morning. We are going on a mission. This is serious, so be there with your armour, weapons, and anything else you need.” speaks Indigo quietly.

“Okay, may I ask what our mission is?” asks Jaxler in an equally quiet tone.

“I will tell you tomorrow. It is a secret and you aren't allowed to talk about it. It shouldn't take more than a week and that's about as much as you need to know now. Just come to the archery range tomorrow morning and be sober.” answers Indigo.

Jaxler doesn't like that he can't be told what the mission is, but at least Indigo didn't lie to him. “I cannot go for more than two maybe three days without booze. I sincerely hope you can work around that.”

Indigo nods. “I included a barrel of alcohol in our provisions. It should be enough.”

Jaxler nods “Good. I have another question. Is this a suicide mission?” Something about Indigo's secrecy put Jaxler off; he doesn't like it one bit.

Indigo is taken aback by Jaxler’s question. “No... You can think of it as a patrol. Actual danger should be rather low.” Dammit, I said too much. “I wouldn't be going on anything even approaching a suicide mission, and neither Virtue nor Halberd would allow it.”

“Good... I'm going to need to tell Marilee that I won't be around for a few days because of the reserves.”

Why does Jaxler always insist on making problems? Indigo slightly grits his teeth hearing the name of one of the rainbow ponies. Still, if Gregor was a suspect in the bin incident, he would have to be very bold and surely Partisan has investigated that possibility. “Fine, I already let the others tell their friends they will be away for a while. Just try not to say anything alarming. I will tell you and the rest all you need to know tomorrow, once we are away.” says Indigo. “Is there anything else?”

“Can I bring my dog? I don't really trust him to be alone in my room for a week.”  Jaxler points to the huge ball of fluff sleeping on his bed.

“Riddix?” Indigo looks at the big furball. “If he can keep quiet and out of the way.... no, on second thought it would be better for you to leave him. I suppose you could just let him run around the town freely. He is friendly enough and I'm sure somepony will give him some leftovers when he begs for food.”

“Nah, he might jump up on some foal in an attempt to lick its face and knock him over. Or some jackasses might mess with him, and you know that if he bites somepony for hitting him he gets put down.” Jaxler pauses and scratches his mane. “Maybe Flux would be willing to babysit him.”

Indigo smiles slightly at the mention of Riddix trying to be friendly and instead scaring a foal, then gets serious again. “Yes, those are valid concerns. I'd much rather you found a way to leave him behind, but if that won't work, we could take him with us.”

“Good, I'd hate to see something happen to Riddix.” Hearing his name, the big ball of fluff wakes up and walks over to Indigo, whipping his tail. Apparently one of his best friends showed up so he decides to lick the blue pony.

Indigo is used to the dog by now and knows exactly, what he is trying to do. The pony doesn't like being licked, so instead he intercepts Riddix'es head with a hoof and rubs it. After a minute or so of this, he says to Jaxler “I still need to do some preparations, so see you tomorrow morning at the archery range.” he nods to his host, stops playing with his dog and leaves.

Jaxler sighs. He doesn't want to bother Flux and Marilee so late into the day, but he feels it is necessary. Marilee hopefully wouldn't worry about him, but Jaxler is unsure how competent Flux is at handling a dog.

(( After this Indigo had similar conversations with the rest of his squad. They told their darlings that they would be gone for a few days. ))

(( Presumably the day after, Rose had an interesting conversation with her mother, Lady Virtue. ))

(( To be continued... The next scene is "Expedition". There was supposed to be one with Amor freaking out on 23rd, then talking to Sarissa guarding the mines, who would be annoyed, because she doesn't know anything. After that Amor was supposed to go huff at Virtue, but you know, budgetary cuts. (That was a joke.) ))
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3550 on: July 15, 2012, 01:55:49 pm »


(( Morning, 23rd Obsidian 263 Mission Z120: Expedition.))
(( Indigo (UPM), Oil Macepony (UPF), Jaxler (PPM), Midnight (EPM), Generic (EPM), Castiron (PPM). ))

(( This was supposed to be a long scene or series of scenes with dialogue between Indigo, Jaxler and Midnight, but it doesn’t look like we are going to do it. On the plus side, this is the TL;DR version. ))

Indigo woke up with the sun, hastily washed, dressed up and ate his breakfast, then went about the final part of his preparations. He collected all the bins and barrels, he set aside earlier, leaving them with one of the guards to watch over at the archery range. (Possibly Kit) He gave the key to the armoury back to Halberd and the keys to his room to Amor. She tried to talk to him, but he just left her to her work, telling her, he was in a hurry and would speak to her later.

The rest of his squad gathers as he checks his supplies one last time. One barrel of wine, one of water, one with food, a bin from the armoury with what equipment they were allowed but didn’t keep in their rooms, as well as 100 metal bolts. Two bins from the warehouse with measuring tools, hammers, smoke sticks, lamps and fuel, chalk, writing utensils, blankets and a few other necessities. This is a lot of supplies for a short expedition and Indigo didn’t get any cart to carry all these things, which means they are going to have to carry them on their backs. The reservists don’t look forward to that.

The reserves gather one by one and by the time Indigo is done checking the bins, most of them are present. They talk to each other a bit, but Indigo silences them with. “I’ll explain soon.” When the last one shows up they pick up a bin or barrel each, with Jaxler carrying the barrel of wine and Indigo the one with measuring tools and follow their captain. Much to their surprise, he isn’t leading them outside Dawnpick, but east along the walls and into the mines. Amor works at one of the mason’s workshop at the time and notices them. They pass a soldier posted at the entrance, who nods in annoyance and lets them pass.

They enter the big chamber that serves as the primary iron mine with some veins still visible.
Indigo leads them in a corner. “Leave your load here. This will be our temporary camp.” When they do and look at him, he continues. “I owe you some explanation. As you know ever since the miners first found these caverns we had a few monster attacks per year and a few casualties. Even considering many of those were due to faults in the airlocks, designed by Stiletto, if you’re curious,” he adds, frowning, “there is a very strong possibility that there is some unknown way from the caverns into the mines. Our mission is to find it with any means necessary. I’m not exactly sure what we’re looking for, so we will use a few different methods. The maps I got are likely to be inaccurate, so I’ll be updating them. I don’t expect this to be dangerous, but there may be some lurking monsters somewhere, so we have our weapons, just in case. While we are down here, the mines are closed, so we won’t be disturbed. It is possible that there is a saboteur in Dawnpick, so I don’t want him tampering with whatever hidden passageway may be down here. I also want him to talk to the guard on the surface and be noted for it. Alos, I made sure we are getting paid as guards on patrol. That is all.” Indigo answers a few of their questions and they set to work.

The reservists spend a better part of the day checking the iron mine. They divide in teams of two: Midnight and Generic, Oil Macepony and Castiron, plus Indigo and Jaxler. The captain mostly deals with maps and measures as well as coordinates the other two teams. He also checks the walls for sigils and spell residues, but shares that responsibility with Oil Macepony. Jaxler sometimes holds a stripped pole or the other end of measuring tape, but for the most part acts as a lookout. He has the sharpest senses among them after all.

They look for hidden doors, hit the walls with small hammers and listen for strange sounds, Indigo and Mace use their horns to detect any lingering spells. All they manage to find are some old alarms. They also cover the floor in the big room by walking side by side and hitting it with hammers. It takes them a few hours to find a rhythm for their work that strikes a good balance between speed, accuracy and not getting into each other’s way. Listening to the sounds the walls make, is easier when they don’t hit them with hammers at the same time, so they alternate.

Finally they use open lanterns and smoke sticks to look for air currents. When they are done with the main iron mine, they climb the old stairs and check them out, together with the old entrance to the mines and the underside of the dodge trap. There is nothing out of the ordinary, but the trap hasn’t been used in years, has some tree-sized mushrooms and it still being connected to the mines is a hazard. Indigo and Jaxler measure the big chamber and the blue pony makes some corrections to his map, because some more ore was dug out since it was last updated.

They descend below the main iron mine. There is another room here. Still huge, but several times smaller than the one above. There are a few long exploratory corridors here. Again, they find nothing out of the ordinary. Apart from shale, there are big clusters of magnetite here, as well as some Cinnabar and red tourmaline gems. Below that there are more exploratory tunnels.

Finally, after a long day of work, they come back to their camp and sleep, leaving two awake guards at all times. They use an hourglass to measure time of their 3-hour watches. After 6 hours of sleep each, they eat, do their business on the side, take what they need and go back down. Generic wanted to pull an all-nighter, but Indigo ordered him to rest, so he could work tomorrow. The earth pony grudgingly agreed, but seemed to just be lying there with his eyes closed during Indigo’s watch.

------------- Day 2 ------- 

As they go deeper, shale is replaced by gabbro and they find yet more exploratory tunnels. While the rock formations aren’t very interesting, in one corridor close to the stairs, there is still some smeared blood and a broken bolt from an old fight.

After a long descent, they reach a set of floor hatches leading into the first cavern. There is also a corridor to the next staircase. Indigo fiddles with the hatches. He forgot to ask Virtue for keys and the locks look solid enough. Jaxler volunteers to pick them and does so in minutes, but not before they look closely at the locks and find no traces of tampering. When he opens one of the hatches, Jaxler is sent to look at them from below with Castiron. They find no evidence of tampering, but nonetheless Indigo writes that the hatches are a vulnerability that can be broken from below or the locks can be picked and recommends building solid floors instead. It is the only way to be sure. Indigo also has much more doubts about Jaxler, his past and his role in Dawnpick, after seeing his skill at opening locks, but doesn’t put those thoughts in his report. They close the hatch back and move on.

They pass occasional old smears of blood as they go down the stairs. They reach another large room, with slits carved in a wall overlooking the cavern floor. This is the mine of gold and nickel as well as stone used to secure a part of the caverns, which is connected to the mines by the oldest airlock and monster trap. A second, much bigger and better designed one, leads into the cavern beyond the wall. The reserves check all the walls, test the traps and the floor spikes and three of them even briefly go into the cavern to look around the new airlock. Everythings seems to be in order.

When they are done, they move their camp here, to a corner east of the stairs.

-------------  Day 3 ---------------

They go yet deeper down the stairs. Gabbro is replaced by Slate, then Quarzite with occasional Pinfire Opals. They reach another set of hatches blocking the way into the second cavern and do the same as with the first ones. There is another exploratory tunnel here.

They descend the next staircase. They find yet another blind, exploratory tunnel, at least according to Indigo’s map. Unexpectedly Jaxler notices that the flame is flickering and the air is sucked out of that tunnel, which is strange. Indigo carefully walks there first, with the rest of his squad in sight. He looks for anything out of the ordinary. The corridor hasn’t been used for quite some time. When he looks around the corner, his jaw drops, he tells his squad to have a look for themselves and focuses his light spell into a beam. The tunnel ends in a gaping hole into the second cavern. It is well above the floor. Jaxler and Castiron are sent into the breach to investigate and find some rubble at the bottom.

Indigo puts up an +alarm sigil+ in the tunnel and writes a letter, describing the circumstances. He uses his secret seal. Midnight and Generic are sent to deliver it to Virtue. They emerge from the mines shortly after 8 on a cloudy day. After they go to the keep, the pegasai start flying like crazy, miners are rounded up for questioning and masons told to build a wall. Jury and captain of the guard go look at the tunnel. They get a few soldiers as an escort. Amor panics and asks “Where is Indigo”, but calms down when she hears “Alive and unharmed, by the breach.” The second expedition takes bins with stone blocks and gravel with them and goes down with Midnight and Generic as guides. By the breach they meet the rest of Indigo’s squad, who are checking the walls of the tunnel. There is nothing interesting here, apart from the obvious hole. The two groups talk, Jury and Kat check the tunnel and look for clues, but don’t find any, apart from some claw marks on the floor and lots of fresh hoof marks in the thin layer of dust covering the floor. When they are done, a wall is built to block passage, while Indigo’s squad continues their mission and goes deeper. After this point their goal is no longer secret, but the mines are still closed.
(( Maklak says: I got a roll of 97 with a skill of 2 on that alarm sigil. Indigo really did his best, despite the circumstances. He could have gotten a *sigil* on 98-100 ))

The reserves check the airlock into the second cavern level. Three of them go look at it from outside and even go to investigate the tunnel and the pile below it, from the cavern floor. There is nothing wrong here apart from the trap being too small. Apparently the miners were using this place to get rid of much of their rubble, then forgot about it and it left it insecure.

They go deeper and quarzite is replaced by granite. The reservists examine the airlock and trap leading into the third cavern level. It is getting late, so they go back to their camp close to the first cavern, checking the newly built wall on the way.

-------- Day 4 -----------

They descend the stairs again and find still more old smears of blood. The mines have quite a bloody history, which makes their mission that much more important.

They find a wide gabbro corridor that leads nowhere. It is strange; not as narrow as exploratory tunnels, yet too small and deep to be a Gabbro mine. It would make a good place to move their camp, if they were to stay for another night. There is a second, similar but smaller corridor below.

Eventually they reach a big mined-out chamber. It is very hot in here and they sweat. A part of the stairs is broken, but it is not a problem, as what’s left is wide enough. This is the marble quarry. Some of its walls are hot to the touch and earlier dowsing revealed magma and molten rock close by. If there is a breach here, it would have to lead to hell itself, so the squad complains, that they already found what they were looking for, but Indigo insists on being thorough. His decision is rewarded by more corrections to his map from mined out marble and their flasks going dry quickly. 

Below there is another, smaller marble mine. After checking it and predictably finding nothing out of the ordinary, it seems that the opened tunnel was the doozy. They return to their camp by the first cavern entrance and breathe the cool air with relief. They drink a lot and prepare everything to go back to Dawnpick.

They emerge from the mines just after 18. Since it’s winter, this is already after sundown. Everypony in the reserves gets the next day off. Indigo and Generic make sure their equipment is returned to appropriate stockpiles, while the rest of them scatters.

After that Indigo and goes to the keep for a de-briefing. There were some inconsistencies with the maps, but they are corrected. A breach is walled off. If the miners used it to get rid of rubble, floor grates and narrow dumps in the cavern ceiling are proposed instead. Just before 21 Indigo is finally free to go talk with Amor and go to sleep.

(( NOTE: In real mines, big empty spaces are often used as rubble dumps. That way only the useful rocks need to be transported to the surface. ))


Indigo's report, short version:

* Found one breech into the caverns.
* The airlocks are obviously dangerous, but work for the most part.
* The floor hatches seem solid, but could be unlocked by a saboteur. I recommend to floor them over and dig stairs elsewhere.
* Marble deposits have some warm walls. If somepony breaks them, we are going to have an active volcano here. I'm not sure what to do about it.
* There is just a thin wall between the mines and the moat. That is also dangerous. As to that, the dodging trap should be disconnected from the mines and have an exit outside instead. Oh, and there are trees growing down there, so it could use a stone floor.
* Many of the high traffic passages are too narrow and should be widened to be easier to pass each other when walking in opposite directions.
* The place where the fortifications have pierced the floor over the old moat should be floored or at least put some grates there. It is a way for swimmers to bypass the gate and somepony could fall in there.
* Install weapon and cage traps behind the airlocks for increased security.


During the Granite 264 Captain’s meeting, a few ponies argue about Indigo’s secrecy. His idea of “beating the grass to flush the snakes” didn’t work, but made things difficult for Virtue for a few days instead. There are future expeditions like this, but they don’t look for secret doors, just check all the tunnels and machinery and update maps. They return to sleep in Dawnpick and the mines aren’t closed when they work. The general conclusion is that monster attacks originate from honest accidents rather than sabotage. Miners can’t really be trusted not to pierce holes into the caverns or report them if they do.

The idea about a mole being in the town is regarded as much less likely. The bin incident is accepted to be a work of somepony from outside. The suspicions calm down.

Indigo’s reputation gets better, just as planned. Well, at least until Stiletto’s death, but that was from leaving open one of the airlocks, not from some uncharted passage into the caverns, so Indigo’s expedition was still something of a success.

(( NOTE: Telgin built the wall on 1st Hematite 264 in-game, but this happened earlier in-RP. ))
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3551 on: July 15, 2012, 02:11:58 pm »

(( This is the letter Indigo sent to Lady Virtue after finding the breach in the caverns and her response. ))

"From Indigo to Lady Virtue.

We found what we were looking for. The staircase to the marble mine has an L-shaped corridor. On the map it is blind, but in reality it leads into the caverns. The area around it appears to be clear and the exit is well above cavern floor, so anything that gets here through that tunnel would have to either fly or climb well. There is some debris at the bottom of the cavern floor below the tunnel, so maybe miners used it to get rid of it, rather than carry it all the way to the surface. The tunnel looks to be well made, whoever dug it out was a good miner... well, apart from this being an obvious hazard. It is also wide enough for not just a pony, but even some of the bigger monsters to get through. I put an alarm spell there and recommend getting some masons to wall it off as soon as possible. The captain of the guard should also question the miners about it and possibly look at the tunnel itself. I include a drawing for reference. I intend to continue my mission and look for more breaches. There were a few inconsistencies on my maps, but so far nothing major or dangerous apart from this tunnel. We are almost done anyway."

[A hastily drawn, but pretty clear drawing of the tunnel, easy enough to reference with Virtue's copy of the cavern maps.]

[Indigo's seal in beeswax from a candle.]"

((Ok, here's Virtue's response to the letter:))

Virtue sets the letter down and stares at it in mild astonishment. Was this an honest mistake? How could something like this have gone unnoticed? Was it intentional instead, and if it was, who would do such a thing? She couldn't imagine any reason why any of the miners might do something like this intentionally. It had to be a mistake, it simply had to.

Regardless, she would follow up on what Indigo recommended. They had to get the breach sealed before anything else bad happened. She stands up and makes for the door, trying to get a plan of action together. First she would go speak with Partisan ((Kat?)) and ask him if he had any recommendations on how to proceed. If he thought they should question ponies before any workers went down, that might be for the best.

And while she still couldn't imagine why any of the miners would do something like this intentionally, it would probably be best to speak with them too, maybe with Partisan's help. And the guard would probably be needed to help with the work of sealing things off. She didn't want to take any chances on any accidents involving monsters, or even saboteurs if there were any.

Jury should probably get involved too. She and Partisan, or the guard in general, would probably need to look over the tunnel itself to check for any possible evidence of sabotage, or who might be responsible. If this wasn't just a mistake, of course.

As for herself, she really wanted to keep an eye on things and help make sure it was done well and quickly, but she'd probably just get in the way. That and she really doubted Glaive would appreciate her going down there where it was so dangerous.

They had to get this resolved, and quickly. She hoped this wasn't related to the forged warrant. That could imply a lot of things she didn't want to dwell on...

(( Maklak says: By the way, if I haven't said so earlier, this whole story arc is what I came up with after looking over the 263 save and finding a hole on Z120, that some monsters could got through into the mines. I wanted to give Indigo some credit. Even the shortened version turned out to be quite long. There is one more scene with Indigo and Amor after this. ))
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3552 on: July 16, 2012, 03:36:57 am »

Moral sat outside in front of the door into his room. He didn’t know why, but for some reason the door just wouldn’t budge. He kept trying to open it, but it would not move. He had no idea why, but wouldn’t. As he tried over and over to open his door, ponies would walk by, some would even stop for a few seconds and look at him try to open it, but it seemed nopony would help Moral.

Marilee trotted gleefully down the road, a massive smile on her face. It seemed as though she absolutely hadn’t a care in the world, until she happened across Moral trying in vain to enter his apartment. She came up to stand beside him. “Uhm, hey there Moral. Did you lock yourself out?”

Moral was surprised to be interrupted by marilee. “OH, hi! um... uh... I no think so... I never keep door unlocked...” Moral tried again to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge.

“ don’t? But sweetie, there’s a padlock on it right there.” She pointed at the offending obstacle.

Moral looked at the object. The pyromancer didn’t know how to operate or even get a padlock. odds were some jerk placed it there as a cruel joke on the simple pony. “Oh... I know what do!” after a few seconds the metal lock was covered in a sickening red glow, after a few seconds the lock suddenly turned into liquid and feel to the ground as a puddle of molten steel.

Marilee jumped back from the molten metal with an ‘eep!’ and stared wide-eyed at Moral. “W-Wow, um... I-I guess that works...”

Moral opened his door and smiled wide before hugging Marilee.

Marilee was surprised by the sudden hug, but accepted it. “S-So, are you going to be okay from here?”

Moral kept on hugging Marilee. “thank you for helping me ma... um... m-... oh... mommy!”

Marilee fell silent. Did Moral really just call her... ‘mommy?’ “Oh... uhm... You’re very welcome, Moral.”

Moral let go of marilee near instantly after seeing her react to his words and looked down at his hooves. “you no like that I called you mommy.. don’t you...” his ear fell flat to his head once he was done speaking.

“Oh, n-no, nothing like that! It’s just... hearing you say that, it reminds me of what you said about your mum and dad before...”

Moral sighed. “Well... I not have a mommy anymore... and well, you always nice to me and listen to my problems, I kinda like it if you were my mommy!”

“Wow... I’ve never been a mother before... I... I think I’d like that.”

moral hugged Marilee again and smiled. “Um... would you mind if I stayed with you and Jaxxy... I’m really no good at doing stuff on my own...” Moral looks into his apartment. The place is a complete mess, aside from his few personal belongings being everywhere, his bed was missing a leg, and his table was flipped. “I don’t know why... but I just no good at it...”

“I... I’ll have to talk to Jaxler about it. I’m not sure how he’d feel. But I’d be happy to have you stay with us.”

“Can I come with you and can you talk with him right now?” asked Moral with unimaginable enthusiasm.

“Uhm... sure! I was just going to see him.”

Moral smiled and gave Marilee a quick hug. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!”

Marilee accepted the hug, draping a wing over Moral’s withers. “Well, let’s get going.”

Moral smiled even wider as he felt Marilee’s wing come over him. “Do think Jaxxy will have problem with me staying with you?”

“I certainly hope he won’t. Jaxler is such a kind, caring pony... oh, and look!” Marilee raised her forehoof, showing off the studded bracelet.

Moral was brought back by the bracelet, it seemed oddly plain aside from the single patch of blue. “Oh... jaxxy give you a bracelet... OH, look it has one of those adamantine studs from his crossbow!” how the pony was able to remember what the demonic blue metal was, or remember about Jaxler’s crossbow was anypony’s guess.

Marilee smiled wide. “Uh-huh. Can you believe it? He gave this to me, and then... he proposed! We’re going to be married!”

Moral hugged marilee again. “GREAT! mommy’s gonna be married!”

Marilee hugged Moral tightly, before continuing on down the path with him.

“So... how did you and jaxxy meet?” asked Moral as the two neared Jaxler’s appartment.

“Well...” Marilee stared off into the distance, remembering that day. “We met in prison, if you can believe it.”

Moral puts a hoof to his chin. “that odd way to meet... I think we here...”

“Oh, we are!” Marilee looks up, and goes to the door, giving it a knock.

The door suddenly opened, to reveal a drowsy looking Jaxler. The pony’s mane was still unkempt for the Jaxler had just gotten out of bed to open the door. “Aye Mari- Da-buq’ Moral doing here?” Jaxler’s voice wasn’t angry but had a hint of confusion.

Marilee stepped inside and gave Jaxler a quick hug. “Hey, Jaxler. Do you think we could have a little talk?”

Jaxler sighed and returned the hug. “um..... okay then....”

Marilee gently guided Moral inside, taking a seat at the table.

Moral smiled and looked around, the place looked pretty cool, but that’s because he’s never been in (well, remembers being in) another ponies house, but he tried to keep quiet as the two ponies talked.

Jaxler sighed. “What do you want to talk about and why is Moral here?”

“Well, it’s about Moral. You know him pretty well, right?”

Jaxler shrugged. “Yeah.”

“Then you’ll know about his...” She pauses, searching for an appropriate, but tame word. “...eccentricities? Well, he and I talked a little about it, and we were thinking... do you think maybe he could stay with us, so we could... keep an eye on him?”

Moral tilted his head and started playing with his hat but didn’t say a word.

Jaxler put a hoof to his mouth. “Wha... why would we do that, I’m sure he’s doing fine on his own.”

Marilee couldn’t think of an answer to that. Instead, she turned to the alicorn seated beside her. “Uhm... Moral?”

Moral dropped what he was doing and gave Marilee his attention.“Yeah?”

“Why don’t you tell Jaxxy what you told me, hmm?”

“oh... well Jaxxy, I no good at living on my own... I don’t know why, I just always mess up and can’t do nothing right...”

“well... why do we have to be the ones to take care of him?”

“Well, nopony else seems willing...” She stared at her hooves. “Nopony else seems to like him all that much...”

Jaxler sighed. “But... so you’re saying, is this guy can’t live on his own, and he wants to stay with us?”

“Uhm... yes?”

Jaxler opened his mouth as if to say no, but then he looked over to Moral. the numbskull was playing with his hat. The Alicorn giggled like a foal every time he poked off his hat and magicked it into place. “I suppose I can’t say no, then...”

Moral stopped his hat poking and pumped into the air and hugged Marilee and Jaxler. “YAYA! I GET TO STAY WITH MOMMY!”
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3553 on: July 16, 2012, 08:16:37 am »

(( 26th Obsidian 263.  Mission Z120: Epilogue. ))

After debriefing with Virtue and all the events of the past few days Indigo is very tired and his head is pounding slightly. Nonetheless he still has some explanations to do. He walks up to his friend's door. “Amor? This is Indigo. Would you,” he yawns, “come to my room?”

Amor was aware of Indigo's squad ascent from the mines, but has given him space to get things done, before catching up with him better than during her work on the barrier. She is sitting on one of her transmuted lemon wood chairs and enjoying her pony thoughts, but they are broken with Indigo's voice. The mare gets up and opens the door to speak to her friend. “Be right there Indigo.” She closes and locks her door from outside, then follows behind the blue stallion.

Indigo yawns again, nods and leads her into his room, tries to open it, checks one of his pockets, then remembers something and looks at her expectantly.

As they reach his door, Amor is already fiddling with her purse. She snaps the metal fastener open with her mouth and levitates the key to Indigo. “Oh, just to let you know; your plants didn't take too kindly to my care, and one is a little brown now. Sorry.”

Indigo rises his brow in mild surprise, but takes the key from her and opens his door. He lights his lamps with some more flame than usual and looks around. The plants will be fine, but... how hard is it to water a few flower pots and not botch it? She might have done nothing and they would still be fine. I was only away for a few days and it's winter. They aren't even anything fancy, just parsley, mint and a few other common herbs and vegetables. “Right. They will live.” And even if they don't, I'll just replace them. He yawns again and enters his room with her in tow. “So, I believe I owe you some explanations...” He puts his key on the table and leaves it there.

“Yes, you do, and why would you not trust me enough to tell me everything beforehoof?” She lightly huffs at Indigo.

Indigo looks at her sternly and answers in parental voice. "I assumed that the fewer ponies knew what I intended, the better. It is you, who didn't trust me, Lady Virtue, reason or even common sense. Do you think we would go down there by ourselves to hunt down something dangerous? Whenever something big invaded the mines, the militia was sent to deal with it in full force. Do you really think it would change all of a sudden, or that I would put myself and other ponies in danger needlessly? That Virtue and Halberd would allow it? In reality we were actually safer than miners and haulers who go there on regular basis." He finishes his rant and comes closer. "But thank you for caring," he continues in much warmer voice and gives her a hug.

The heat of the reserve pony's body makes her get sick in her stomach. After breaking the hug, Amor takes a step backward and sits down on her docks. “How could I trust Virtue or the others, when events have proven that I cannot? Besides, it is already apparent that either we have been compromised or just plain incompetent for a long time. Waterlogged artifacts, murdering ponies over bins because of a seal on a document, and one of my three friends cares more about drowning out his world with booze then our friendship. You are the only pony I can trust here and I do not want to lose that.” She looks away hurt, and thinks over the events during her time in Dawnpick.

Indigo yawns again, then refocuses on her and sighs. “I understand. Rampant incompetence aggravates me too.” He sticks out his tongue. “I remember now. I was supposed to tell you not to worry, but I had so much on my mind that I forgot. Besides, it would be quite unfair of me to tell you what I didn't even explain to my squad and when I didn't allow them to tell their friends any details, don't you think?”

Like telling me not to worry would have helped. The copper Little Pony sighs, looks at her friend and drops her anger. "Thank you for caring about Dawnpick so much. Maybe you can even make up for everything that is wrong here. Just... just thank you."

At least somepony here appreciates my efforts at fixing this town, such as finding an unmarked way into the caverns. He sighs heavily, then looks at Amor with pained expression. “Thank you. I'm doing what I can, but it is an uphill battle. I do have some small victories sometimes, but overall it seems that Ism loosing. This town doesn't lack for much, except discipline and common sense,” he finishes and looks at the floor.

Reflecting on Indigo's words causes some discomfiting thoughts for the mare. Founding and keeping a fort running is a uphill battle that is never done. As towns grow, surplus breeds some of the worst problems, because excess only makes ponies grow spoiled. Amor only has one thing to say. “I agree, but we can’t give up.”

What won't bend will break. “You know what, I'm too tired to even think about it now. Maybe I'll just tell you about the expedition. It was something of a success, but we found nothing apart from that hole. Nothing. The hatches over the caverns were locked, so it seems to me that either the corridor or the airlocks are to blame for monster invasions. Maybe there is no saboteur among us after all, just lots and lots of stupidity and I was too paranoid to see it. It seems that the miners poked a hole into the caverns, used it to dump gravel for a while, then forgot about it. Ugh.” He facehoofs, then sighs and slowly takes off his saddlebags, cloak and helmet and dumps them on the floor.

Indigo's disrobing and dropping his the armour on the floor surprises and slightly shocks the curly mane mare. She takes one look at the blue pony, but turns the other way, giving him some privacy. “Yes, but it is still best to have some healthy vigilance, and not get too comfortable, at least for awhile.”

“Yes. I believe the patrols will continue. I really hope that this was it and there won't be any more accidents. I'm going to recommend sending expeditions to check the mines every few months as well.”  He sighs, then puts off his mail shirt. He yawns again, looks with mild disgust at the things now scattered on his floor and mumbles “Nah, I'll clean those tomorrow.” The room is filled with the aroma of earth, smoke and unwashed pony.

Amor has no choice but to take in the musk. It makes her wonder what Indigo did underground, and if she should leave. The mare thinks about doing him a favour and cleaning up his armour for him, but is unsure if he would be willing to give her that responsibility, even if it was just an excuse for her to leave. What on this earth is he doing? Maybe he wants to relieve some tension and is not thinking straight from exhaustion? Her mind roams, and she briefly considers tossing him out the window, in case he tries something funny.

Indigo walks up to his bed and takes off the last thing he was wearing: his robe. Being naked offers him some relief, so he stretches, then shakes his mane. Finally, after he crawls into his bed under his blanket, he remembers about the mare still in his room. “Amor...” he yawns, “it's good to be home” he closes his eyes and quickly falls asleep.

She involuntarily plays with a button on her nightgown with her left hoof, but stops when she notices, while her mind continues to speculate. Her ears perk-up more at his serene expression; she is about to say something, but becomes aware of his unconsciousness. The blue stallion is sleeping with tranquillity, which is pleasant to Amor. She says in her whisper of a voice, "I'm glad to have you home too, Indigo," then remotely snuffs out the lights, exits the room and magically locks the door behind her.

(( Maklak says: Amor somehow managed not to see Indigo's cutie mark (bolts of dyed cloth (It was the first thing that came to my mind) ). ))

(( NOTE: This concludes the story arc of Indigo finding a breach from the mines into the caverns. ))
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 08:19:43 am by Maklak »
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
Military guide for FoE mod.
Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3554 on: July 19, 2012, 12:33:37 pm »

((This event takes place right after Flux urgently shoved Friesden out to search for Kat.))

Kat sat in her apartment's room in utter silence. These past few days have not been good at all, oh not at all.

She sat, she stared at the mirror with those beautiful golden trim hanging to her walls, to her walls.

They were Stiletto's gift to her, and it was the most beautiful mirror out of them all, out of them all.

her mind is blank, her heart broken and her skin paled, she have not eaten a single bite, not a single bite.

She sat with her diary open, her quill wet with ink, but she could not write, could not write.

She just lost a pony whom is much like her mother, she curse that she wouldn't break, wouldn't break.

So many things left undone, so many things were going to be done, all of them so close, so close.

Not a single word were wrote in her diary, the quill were let down. She stared, and stared.

The pages were blank, her heart and mind the same. She wished all of this wasn't real, wasn't real.

She hoped it've all been a dream, a nightmare, a curse, anything but real, she wanted to wake up, but she couldn't wake up.

She saw her crossbow, she saw her bolts, she couldn't think, she couldn't feel, the next thing she know, she's hugging herself, hugging herself.

Time lost it's meanings, things doesn't seems to move, the next thing Kat knows, she's holding her bolt and bow, bolt and bow.

She didn't cry, oh no she didn't cry. She didn't shred even a single tear, but she know full well her heart have a gaping hole, a gaping hole.

hugging to her weapon, clenching it tight, she rocked herself back and fourth, her eyes blank much like her mind and heart, mind and heart.

She stared at the mirror, the beautiful mirror trimmed with gold edges, the most beautiful of them all.. of them all..

Herself stared back, her eyes blank and her mind cleared. She tell herself, "These past few days haven't been good at all, oh not at all."

« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 12:42:24 pm by vkiNm »
Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.
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