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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 230100 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3495 on: June 16, 2012, 11:10:15 pm »

Jaxler walked to the keep. He really needed to talk to Virtue about what had happened with the poison joke, but had been reluctant. Jaxler really didn’t want to be sent back into that cell for burning those flowers. Though, as much as Jaxler’s visit had been put off it would have to be further delayed by the pony at the door. “For the love of buck Storm Cloud move out the way and let talk with Virtue.”

Storm Cloud had a double take as he saw the alicorn mare approach.  He glowered at the unknown pony and raised a hoof to forestall her.  “Hold on, who are you and why do you want to see her?  She asked not to be disturbed unless it was critical.”

Jaxler sighed, he knew this was going to happen. “Storm, I’m Jaxler, I have the same cutie mark and scars and I’m the same guy who beat the crap out of you whenever we spared.” Jaxler then sighed. “I need to talk to her about why I’m a mare, and why the town’s folk are turning into freaks.”

Storm Cloud didn’t look like he was buying much of the story, but he frowned and stepped aside.  “Alright, fine, there is something strange going on, that’s for sure.”  He returned his crossbow to a ready position and added, “I’ll be listening, if she asks you to leave, I expect you to obey.”

Jaxler walked in, but not before giving Storm Cloud a nasty look. Jaxler really didn’t like that the jack-ass didn’t give Jaxler any respect, the pony wouldn’t even have this job if it wasn’t for Jaxler. “Okay virtue I need to talk to you.”

Virtue was standing in the corner of her office, covered from view for the most part by the larger black pegasus that was her husband.  “It’s alright Virtue... we’ll figure this out...”

When Jaxler entered, she looked up slightly and said in a weak voice, “Storm Cloud... I don’t think I should see anypony right now... can you ask them to come back later?”  When Storm Cloud didn’t answer, she looked up further to see Jaxler standing there, and she took in a sharp breath.  In the dim light, she looked... off.  Most notably is the slight violet glow around her eyes.  She immediately looked down again and covered her face.

Jaxler grimaced as he took a seat. He really didn’t like what he was seeing, felt horrible for what he thinks he did to virtue. “Virtue, are you okay?”

“No...” she replied again, in a weak voice.  She shuffled in place next to Harvest Moon, still keeping herself as hidden as possible, but her eyes returned to Jaxler.  “I... I’m sorry... you know me... who are you?”  Harvest Moon looked uneasily at the alicorn mare, but a hunch was already forming in the back of his mind.

Jaxler sighed again, feeling even worse for Virtue. “It’s Jaxler...”

“Jaxler?” she asked.  After a moment, she cautiously stepped into the light.  Massive fangs hung from her mouth, her mane had been replaced by long serrated spikes, and a purple glow emanated from her eyes.  “Jaxler... what... you’ve changed too?”  She looked down a bit.  “I.... I’m a monster...”

Jaxler diverted his eyes, not really expecting ‘this’ to happen to anypony. “Yes, I have, and I believe I know why.” Jaxler then looked back at the scally form that was Virtue. “but first I’d like to tell you that this is just temporary.”

She looked back up, searching Jaxler’s eyes.  “It’s temporary?  You’re sure?”  She took a step closer, with an almost pleading expression on her face.  “B-b-but... how did this happen?”

“Well...” Jaxler had expected to be able to sugar coat this, or at least be able to make himself seem like less of a demon, but now that Virtue was [/i]changed he was starting to have doubts of her willingness to sympathize with him. “I kinda had some poison joke flowers burnt, while not knowing what it was... I woke up after drinking in the stuff. I was turned into a mare by it so I had it burnt. I honestly thought I was keeping ponies safe from it, but the smoke from the fire only spread its effects...”

“Poison... what?” she asked, looking from Jaxler to Harvest Moon.

The pegasus stallion blinked a few times and nodded slowly.  “Yes... poison joke, that makes sense... I thought it was just a myth, though.”  He gave both of the changed ponies another look over and said, “Did you destroy all of it?”  He looked down and mumbled to himself, “We should probably tell Panacea... she might know what to do...”

“Yes it’s all gone, I had Moral incinerate it, and again Virtue, you don’t have to worry, it should wear off.” Jaxler then scratched his head and sighed. “I’m sorry for screwing up...”

She hung her head and said, “Don’t worry about it... I don’t think anypony could have predicted...” She made a grand gesture at herself and finished with, “this.” She looked back up and gave him another pleading expression. “How long does it take to wear off? I... my daughter is terrified of me... I... I don’t know how much longer I can stand it...”

“The pony I brought this to didn’t know, though I doubt it would be more than a month...” Jaxler then gave Virtue look similar to the one she was giving him. “ Will I be going back in that hole for this.” Jaxler then pointed at the hatch that lead to the dungeon.

“No... no, no, of course not.”  She sighed and shut her eyes.  “You didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“So, I’m not going down for negligence?”

She shook her head slowly.  “No...”

Jaxler’s eye’s became the size of little tiny dots, but aside from that, Jaxler maintained most of his composure. “Um... I want my crossbow with me if I’m going back down there. The walls won’t kill me if I have my crossbow.”

Virtue looked back up with a bit of confusion on her face.  “Jaxler... I’m not putting you in jail for this.  I know you didn’t mean for this to happen.”

Jaxler tried to calm down after Virtue spoke, but still was visibly stress. “I-I also have something else I need to talk to you about.”

“What is it?” she asked as Harvest Moon strode over to her and sat beside her.

“I don’t want to go down in that hole ever again without my crossbow ever again.” Jaxler started to look slightly more stressed. “I don’t care if I don’t have bolts, I just want it with me”

She blew out a breath, and Harvest Moon laid a reassuring hoof on her back.  “Jaxler... nopony said you had to ever go back to jail...”

If I go back in there ever again I want my crossbow even if it’s not for this, I want it.”

If...” she began, before pausing for a few moments.  She really, really wasn’t in the mood to be discussing this sort of thing right now.  “ comes to that... I’ll do what I can.  But most of the law enforcement falls to Partisan and Jury now.  I don’t have a lot of say anymore.”

“Can you at least have it in my line of sight. I can’t handle that being trapped without my crossbow.”

“I can try,” she answered honestly.  “I can’t promise any more than that.”

“Can I just be beaten as opposed to being sent to jail, if ever required.”

Virtue looked horrified.  “I... I really don’t feel comfortable with that,” she answered.  “Corporal punishment is usually only given out for the most heinous crimes... like murder.”

“I was more stressed while in that hole, then I was when I was laying on the ground, almost dead with gashed lung, three broken ribs, a mutilated wing, and two broken legs while having a blind Cave ogre loom over me and plot out how to make my death as sadistic as possible. So, I’d much rather be beaten within an inch of my life, than be in that hole”

Virtue continued to give him a thoroughly concerned expression.  “I... well, I can’t just... I mean, it’s really Jury’s decision on sentences for the most part...”

“Can you do it, or can you not? If you can, then it’s my will that I get beaten.”

Technically, yes, but she really didn’t like the idea of it.  Still, lesser of two evils and all that...  “Maybe... technically I can overrule Jury, but I’d rather not unless I had a very good reason,” she said, implying that she didn’t feel this was a good reason,.  “It depends on the situation.”  She looked down a bit.  “I’ll suggest it to her, if you prefer it though.”

“I have a good reason. I become emotionally unstable without my crossbow and even more so when I’m trapped. I almost lost my sanity down there, and I’d much rather be beaten then stark raving mad.”

Virtue sighed and nodded slowly.  “Alright... like I said... if it ever comes up again I’ll tell Jury to consider it.”  She again was reminded of how much she didn’t like to think about ponies being beaten for crimes in Dawnpick.  She couldn’t help but think that Jaxler should be more focused on staying out of prison...

“Well, thats all. Also, can I have a document confirming my identity. I’m getting tired of having to explain why I’m a mare. Nothing is worse than when a medical pony thinks you're insane, for thinking you are yourself.”

She raised an eyebrow and considered what he meant. There wasn’t a whole lot she could do in that respect. “Well, the best I can do is just give you an official document saying that I believe you’re Jaxler...” She returned to her desk and wrote up a quick note before signing it. “I guess ponies will believe this.”

“thanks... I guess I’ll be seeing you later then.” Jaxler picked up the sheet of paper and walked towards the door. He really didn’t know if the paper would work, but at least it was something.

“Alright,” she said, watching him leave.  After he departed, she slumped into the hooves of her husband and shut her eyes.  She didn’t know how much longer she could stand being a monster... hopefully it would pass soon.  At least nothing had happened to Harvest Moon or their children.  Yet, anyway...  And as long as she had him, she would pull through this.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3496 on: June 17, 2012, 01:54:47 am »

Better late than never, right?  The quality is a bit higher this time I hope, but as usual I forgot to take pictures of the fights near the end of the update, so it gets a bit bland near the end.

I promised a download of the fort save with this update, and I'm still planning on releasing that tomorrow.  There's some hacking related stuff I need to clean up before I do that though (such as marrying Partisan and Jury).  Check back and it'll be up soon.

The download is now available here:

Virtue's Diary - 10th Slate, 263

I have never felt so absolutely terrible and awful in all of my life.  Whirlwind is very badly hurt, and his father Savory is dead.  His mother Detergent is currently in jail.

It started out innocently enough.  I noticed that we were running short on bins around the town, so I sent a word to the traders not to trade away any bins when they were dealing with the caravan.  That's all I ever said.  I just wanted Rose to keep the bins.

Late this afternoon, Jury came to me, clearly distressed.  She told me that she and Partisan had carried out the punishment that I ordered for the criminals, and that she thought that the punishment was too severe.  To say that I was shocked would be an understatement.

When I pressed her for details, she told me that I had ordered that several ponies be placed in jail, and for Savory and Whirlwind to be beaten.  Because they ignored my orders.  I was at a loss for words.  She and Partisan literally followed through with the beatings without coming to see me first, and beat Whirlwind to within an inch of his life.  Savory... resisted... and Partisan killed him.

He's dead.  Because of some bucking bins.

I wanted to scream at Jury for doing something so horrible... something so clearly defiant of everything I try to provide an example for in this town... but she seemed almost as hurt as I was.  In the end, I told her to never, ever, ever follow through with anything like that without coming to see me first.

The document had to be forged.  I don't know who would do it, or why... but Partisan is investigating who did it.

I immediately went down to set Detergent free.  I would never imprison anypony for trading away some worthless bins, much less kill them, and I don't care what Jury might think.  That has to be the most heart wrenching thing I've seen in my life.  All of Detergent's children were with her, mourning the loss of their father and what had happened to their brother.  When I let her go, she said nothing, even when I insisted that I didn't give the order and begged her to forgive me.  I mean, it wasn't my fault... but I didn't know what else to say.  Her children wouldn't even look me in the eye, and shied away from me.

I followed them to see Whirlwind, but he was in such bad shape Panacea didn't want anypony seeing him right now.  I left after that, not wanting to stir up any more animosity in the family.  Just seeing Savory and Detergent's children so hurt... that's something that is going to haunt me for a long, long time to come.  I can't imagine my father being killed on the same day my mother was thrown in jail, on the same day that my brother was beaten nearly to death.  I just ((wet spots mar the page))

I've thrown up twice thinking about this, and I don't think I'll be leaving the keep for several days.  Everypony is Dawnpick probably hates me now, or are scared of me, because of this.  I can't face anypony, especially not Detergent and what's left of her family.  I've tried so hard for the past decade to be somepony that nopony would ever have to be afraid of... and it was all undone in a flash.

I don't know who did this... or why... but if they wanted to crush me... they've succeeded.

I'm going to bed now, but I know I won't sleep.

Classic case of a noble issuing a trade ban after you trade something, then the merchants leave with it.  Three ponies were tossed in jail, Whirlwind was beaten and has several broken limbs, and Savory had his skull pulped by Partisan.  Detergent and her children are all still ecstatic, of course. ???

21st Slate, 263

Today was supposed to be a happy day, since our son Rampart is a stallion today.  It really wasn't though, since the gloom hanging over Dawnpick since Savory's death hasn't really even begun to depart yet.  We held a small celebration, but kept it here in the keep and just invited direct friends of the family.

Rampart deserves more than what he got, but given the circumstances it was the best we could reasonably do.  He's so shy, and never said anything about being unhappy about it, but I know he would have wanted more, like what Rose and Valor got when they came of age.  I hate that things happened like they did...

No, I'd best not start thinking about that again.  I was only able to sleep two nights this week... I don't want to go back down that route again.

Anyway, Rampart has been spending a lot of time with Billows lately, learning about crafting armor, and he'll be starting working at the forges helping out with creating the steel armor that we send back to Coupledye.  I know it's something he's been interested in for a long time, and I hope he'll be happy with working with Billows.

It might not have been a large party, but I'm exhausted all the same, and I'm going to bed now.  I'll check up on Rampart tomorrow and see how he's doing getting situated in his new home.

12th Felsite, 263

I've actually been considering expanding the hospital for some time now, but recent events put it back into the forefront of my mind.  The hospital hasn't really been improved since it was built, despite the fact that we have a hundred more ponies living in Dawnpick now.  I've spoken with the carpenters and they've drawn up some plans for a much better facility.  There will be private rooms for every patient now, and more room for Panacea to store supplies.

It's going to take months to finish, but I think it's long overdue, and we have more than enough money in the treasury to pay for the upgrade.  I know Panacea will be happy with the improvements.

21st Felsite, 263

The expansion to the hospital couldn't have at a better time, since today Panacea's children Lancet and Peppermint are now old enough to join the adults in helping out around the town.  Peppermint has been learning a bit from Skillet and the cooks, but Lancet has always had a lot of interest in the work his mother does in the hospital, and he'll be helping her and Chestnut out in the hospital.  It's going to be a little while before his room is ready, but in the meantime he'll be helping out however he can.

I hope that we won't need the hospital while the construction is going on (or ever again, really), but at least we're prepared if we need it.

27th Felsite, 263

Not a week after I wrote that I hoped we wouldn't need the hospital, something nearly tragic happened.  We're still investigating how it happened, but one of the monsters from the caverns escaped and attacked the ponies in the mines.  A lot of ponies were down there helping move stone up to the surface, and it was only by blind luck that Sarissa and Kukri were nearby when it happened.

Kukri and Sarissa managed to kill the monster, but Ocean Breeze and Diamond Shard were caught in some mysterious vapors from the monster, and are currently unconscious in the hospital.  Panacea doesn't know what's wrong with them, but she thinks they'll be okay.

I just don't understand why this keeps happening.  We've tried again and again to make sure that the caverns are sealed away, but we keep missing something.  I'm going to check with Mortar in the morning and see if he has found anything.

I forgot to lock one of the floor hatches, is what happened.  Duh.  So, that's been fixed, and no more FB escapees I hope.

2nd Hematite, 263

I was relieved to hear from Panacea this morning that both Ocean Breeze and Diamond Shard have woken up and are apparently fine.  She's going to conduct follow ups on both of them, but believes they'll both be okay.

We also had a few diamond dogs show up today, but the guard ran them off before they could do any harm.  Partisan killed one, he says, so it will hopefully send a little deterrent to the diamond dogs.  For now at least.

In less morbid news, we've started building some showers next to the hospital, so ponies can bathe in private if they want to.  It's really something we should have built many years ago, but was something that kept getting swept under the rug for lack of time.  Better late than never, though.

23rd Hematite, 263

I didn't think I'd see the day, if I'm completely honest, but Jury and Partisan were married today.  Maybe I've just gotten a bad impression from Jury, but I didn't expect her to really get close to anypony in Dawnpick.  If she and Partisan are happy together though, it's hardly my place to say anything about it, and I'm happy for the two of them.

The ceremony was nice enough, even if I felt a bit out of place there.  I decided not to stay too long after the ceremony was concluded.  I do hope the best for the two of them in their lives though.

25th Hematite, 263

Gust Front is a stallion today, and he wasted no time in hurrying off to join Partisan and the others in the guard.  It's starting to look like we won't see any large scale conflict with the rainbow ponies, but with relatively little work being needed around the town, it's not a bad choice of profession for him.

Otherwise, we've mostly been performing housekeeping work around Dawnpick of late.  We started moving around the forges and stockpiles to hopefully improve the efficiency of the metalworkers.  It's one more of the things that was on the todo list after I've organized some of Indigo's suggestions, and it took a while to get to.  And it's going to be a while yet before it's done.

The hospital is also coming along, but there's a fair bit of work left to do there as well.

11th Malachite, 263

We finally managed to finish moving around the metalworking supply chain and workshops, and already I've heard Cast Iron and Billows praising the changes.  I'm glad they're happy with things now, I'm sure there's less walking involved now.

I'm happier to record that the hospital is finished again.  There's room for one more patient before, but more importantly there's room for Lancet and another doctor in the future to move in, and each patient will have their own private room.  There's also a bit more storage space for supplies, so hopefully Panacea can keep everything she needs in the hospital now.

After we secured a section of the upper caverns, we no longer had an easy method of disposing of the monsters that arrive there, so the miners have begun digging out a new trap for them that bypasses the secured area.  It's going to take a while to get it finished, and hopefully we won't have any mishaps this time.

15th Malachite, 263

I was so sure we had the caverns sealed off again, but we had yet another monster break free!  It also attacked the miners and workers who were helping bring stone up to the surface.  This time Bardiche was the first to respond, and he nearly lost his life in the process.  He never fully recovered from the last monster he fought, and had two of his hooves broken in the fight.

Estoc and Rondel managed to join the fight before he was killed though, and Rondel finished the creature off with his axe.  Even Alpine added his woodcutting axe into the fray, and may have been the one who bought Bardiche the time he needed.

Bardiche is currently recovering in the hospital, and Panacea told me he was going to be alright.  He's very shaken up by this though, and I don't blame him.  I offered him a chance to retire from the militia, and he's considering it.  I certainly wouldn't hold it against him after what he's done for Dawnpick in the short time he's spent here.

I'm not sure what happened this time.  I think I might have missed another floor hatch somewhere, but I went back through and checked them all again to be sure.  This is getting strange...

Although it was nearly eclipsed by the earlier events in the day, Kusari also gave birth today to an earth pony colt named Pommel.  Already the new private rooms are being appreciated, since Kusari could have the privacy she needed during the process.  Bardiche too appreciates it, I'm sure.

I'll go check up on the two of them in the morning.  Bardiche is going to need a long time to recover, but he will recover.

28th Malachite, 263

After so many near tragedies in the recent past, I knew something horrible had to be near.  Today, Arbalest was killed.

One of the monsters triggered the trap in the mid caverns, and Arbalest was nearby.  It looks like he tried to engage it himself, and paid the ultimate price for it.  Kukri was close enough to hear his cries and came running, but it was too late.

She slew the beast, but not before Arbalest was mortally wounded.  That pony has been through a lot... a lot I'll never understand, but he never deserved this.  I often question why innocent ponies have to suffer and die like this... but it's something I was never meant to understand I suppose.

We've buried Arbalest, but it feels like a hollow gesture for some reason.

I feel awful.

10th Galena, 263

As if to spite us, another of those monsters triggered the sentinel spells in the caverns late this afternoon.  If it comes close to Dawnpick, we'll kill it like their misbegotten kind have killed and hurt the ponies in Dawnpick.

There was also fighting on the surface.  A number of badger ponies arrived in a small raiding group, but they were driven back easily enough.  Partisan gave me the report and said that Jaxler killed two of them, while Saber and Kat killed another together.  Somewhat more alarmingly, he said that Moral ran into one and killed it by lighting it on fire.

No death is ever pleasant, but burning to death has to be one of the worst ways somepony could die.  I know the badger ponies are out to get us, but all the same I wouldn't wish something like that on my worst enemy.

I... I'm growing tired of this.  I want the badger ponies gone, and for this conflict to be over.  It's wearing heavily on my nerves.

In slightly happier news, we traded with the zebras without incident today.  We sent almost 100,000 bits worth of various goods back with the zebras.  We sent a little food with them as we usually do, but mostly sent a number of statues that the masons carved.  We ended up not having enough room for a lot of them, and the masons agreed to trade away some of them.  In the end we got a lot of wooden furniture and supplies from the zebras, so even though the zebras made a large profit I think we made off well.

20th Galena, 263

I'm pretty scared right now.  I don't know what happened... or how... but... I've been turned into a... monster.  Fangs and spikes... I look horrifying.  Harvest Moon and the children were all frightened of me when they first saw me, and I hardly blame them.  Serenity is scared to be near me, which is tearing my heart apart.

Harvest Moon spoke with Panacea, but she doesn't know what to do.  I don't suppose I should have expected her to.  I'm not ill, I'm just a monster.  How could this have happened?  Is this a curse from the gods?  What have I done?  I've never tried to hurt anypony in my life...

I guess I'll never leave the keep again.  Nopony would ever want to be near me like this.

I don't know what I'm going to do... I'm scared...

22nd Galena, 263

Jaxler came to me today with some reassuring news.  It looks like this horrible curse is actually from some magical plant, and that it will wear off eventually.  That's an unspeakable relief.  I was worried I might have to live the rest of my life hiding in the keep, a monster that nopony would ever want to lay eyes upon.

At least I'll only have to cower here for a short while now.

I'm also a bit worried about Jaxler.  He asked me while he was here if I would issue a beating for him instead of jail time.  I wish he wouldn't talk like that.  I wish nopony would ever mention beatings again.  After what happened to Savory and Whirlwind, I think he'd have to murder somepony before I'd even consider it.

But enough of that... I'm just anxious to be my old self again.

26th Galena, 263

It took longer than I had hoped, but the poison joke finally wore off.  I'm back to my old self, and being able to hug my daughter for the first time in over a week melted away a lot of the stress I've been harboring.  I still don't feel completely better, but I'm getting there.

I've also asked that everypony keep their eyes out for anything resembling poison joke.  We'll have to find a safer way to deal with it in the future if any more ever does turn up.

2nd Limestone, 263

I knew it had to be any day now, but Diamond Shard finally gave birth this morning to her and Ashwood's first foal: an earth pony colt they named Golden Sheen.  The two of them were elated to have the new little colt in their hooves, and I couldn't be happier for them.  Ashwood is one of my oldest friends, and to see him happy brings joy to my heart.

I really hope the best for them and their new little foal.

14th Limestone, 263

Today Violet is officially a mare, and a little celebration was held to commemorate the event.  She is going to be helping Harvest Moon and the other farmers out with the various farming tasks in the town.  We already have a fair few farmers, but I think having a few extras never hurt anypony, and if it's what she wants to do, then I'm all for it.

6th Timber, 263

We had another colt join the farmers today, this time it was Heliotrope.  He's going to be helping out more with the beekeeping with Cherry Pop, but having more hooves to spread out the labor is never a bad thing.

I just wish we had a bit more variety in the things the upcoming stallions and mares could do around here, but we'll have to make due with what we have I suppose.

Peony also grew up recently, but I'm not sure what he should be doing.  I left him as a hauler unless DVNO has any recommendations.

15th Timber, 263

We had yet another attack from the badger ponies today.  Two approached the main gate with what I can only imagine was the hopes of jumping the woodcutters who were busy felling trees to turn into charcoal.

Fortunately Estoc was standing guard and rushed off to assist when he saw the first come out of hiding.  The fight was brief from his account, and he was victorious, but the badger pony managed to slip a dagger between the joint of his greaves and wound his hoof.  He's currently recuperating in the hospital, but Panacea said he'll recover without issue.  Naginata was already there comforting her son by the time I got there.  I really can't imagine what it must be like having a child in the military.  I don't think I'd ever sleep again.

Anyway, the second badger pony was killed by Sarissa.  She was also standing guard, and when she saw Estoc wounded she charged into and slaughtered the second badger pony.  I fortunately didn't witness the fight first hoof, but Ashwood said there wasn't much left of it by the time she was done.

I wish I knew what drove these badger ponies.  The ones that are sent here never return, so why do they insist on sending more?  Will they not stop until they are all dead?

Or worse... will they send a larger force some day?
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 06:18:04 pm by Telgin »
Through pain, I find wisdom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3497 on: June 17, 2012, 02:04:58 am »

Arbalest was older than he looked.

It wasn’t something he kept hidden from the other ponies deliberately. More just...failed to mention it. It didn’t really come up in conversation. Nor did the other topic that generally went along with it.

He gently placed the rock in the catapult.

Family. Who was his family? His mother, his father, brothers, sisters. Did he have a lover, a wife? Children? If he did, where were they?

He sighted the target.

There was a reason he didn’t talk about them much. They were dead. Destroyed by the same mage who had taken away his sense. He still missed them, naturally, but a pony had to carry on.

He fired the catapult straight at the abomination.

There was Tessa, his daughter. Tertullian, his son. He smiled as he remembered them. Dahlia always had loved names beginning with T.

Almost on reflex, he brought the catapult’s arm down.

Dahlia...Words could never describe her, not properly. She was beautiful, sweet, lovely. The dear, green earth pony he had loved...the only mare he could ever love. She had won his heart.

Once more he loaded the catapult.

They had married in a year, and soon children were on the way. Tessa was their first, a sweet blue pegasus filly. He could still remember her love of riding on his back everywhere they went.

He fired again at the target.

Then, almost a year from the date, Tertullian followed Tessa. He was an earth pony, just like his mother, but orange to Dahlia’s green. A sunset orange. His favourite pastime of finding more and more places to hide, just out of sight of his frantic parents.

The catapult’s arm lowered again.

Arbalest had lost them almost twenty years ago today. The screams of his family, burning under the wizard’s cruelty, still lived in his dreams to the day.

Again he loaded the catapult.
Arbalest was tired now. He was too young to be so old. He should be at home, delighting in the grandfoals.

Once more he fired.

But he wasn’t. He was here, and nothing could change that now. Not even the abomination still approaching, seemingly unharmed by the three boulders he had fired at it. No matter.

He lowered the arm once more.

Dahlia...Tessa...Tertullian. He still held those names tight to him.

He tried to load the catapult, only to find out he had ran out of boulders to fire.

“Rest now, my love.” He couldn’t remember the voice for a second...Dahlia? He could see them now, all of them, around him. Dahlia, Tessa, Tertullian. “You don’t have to fight. Not anymore.”

He smiled, and sat down. Nothing mattered, he had told himself, if you were far enough away. And now, at last, he was as far away as he could possibly be.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."

Impending Doom

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3498 on: June 17, 2012, 04:18:37 am »

Jaxler woke up in his room with something stuck on top of him. He couldn’t really move much, or get any leverage in his current position. From what he could make out, he was pinned under both his cabinet and table, which were made of stone. If the pain in his head mixed with the strangeness of being trapped, was really starting to make him stress him out and the sunlight was able to go through his window, and lay right on his face. Jaxler hated being trapped more than anything else, but he could at least feel his crossbow laying next to him, so he didn’t start to panic, even though Riddix had woken up and started licking Jaxler’s vulnerable forehead.

As he lay there, Jaxler could hear a knock at his door.

“Um, please come in...” yelled Jaxler at the door, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Marilee opened the door slightly, poking her head inside. “Jaxler?”

“Um, Hi marilee, can I have a little help over here. I’m kinda stuck”

Marilee gasped. “Oh, how did you get under there? Hold on, I’ll try and get you out...” She stood by the cabinet and braced her forehooves against it, trying to push it off.

Jaxler tried his best to push as well, but wasn’t able to exert much force on his current position. “I don’t know, I kinda woke up this way.”

“I-I don’t think we can do this on our own. Hang on, I’ll go get somepony...” With that, she practically galloped out the door. Several minutes passed before she returned, leading two unfamiliar ponies: A lithe, athletic-looking zebra stallion, and a shorter unicorn stallion with a sandy pelt and dark brown mane. The zebra surveyed a room for a moment before his eyes came to rest on Jaxler. “Ah, Mari... this is your coltfriend?”

“Yes! Mbalo, this is Jaxler.”

“That’s a mare little one.”

“I know, it’s... can we just help him up first? I’ll explain it later.”

Jaxler sighed, he really didn’t have to explain why he was a mare again. “Can you please try not to hurt my crossbow when you move that furniture?”

“Ooh, yes!” Marilee moved in, picking up the crossbow and stepping out of the way while the two stallions set to work. The zebra - Mbalo, she had called him - turned around and braced his hindlegs against the heavy cabinet, while the unicorn lifted the table away with his magic. In only a few seconds, Jaxler was free.

Jaxler got up off the ground feeling relieved to no longer be trapped, he then walked over to Marilee. “Thanks you two, but who exactly are you? Also can I please have my crossbow back.”

Marilee held the crossbow out for Jaxler. “Jaxler, these are some of my father’s bodyguards.”

The zebra bowed slightly. “Mbalo Otona.”

The unicorn made a deeper bow. “Prickly Pear, ma’am.”

Jaxler took his crossbow.“Please, don’t bow, and also Prickly, I’m a Stallion and my current state is only temporary.”

Prickly grins. “As you say, ma-er, sir. I do hope the surgery goes well.” Mbalo raises a hoof and gives him a good smack upside the head, before taking a moment to size Jaxler up.

“...small blue flower, grows in large patches?”

“Yes, actually, and thanks for saving me the trouble of hitting Prickly.”

“Someone has to, when he gets away from his sister.”

“Why’s that...”

“He does not seem to know when to shut his mouth.” Prickly grinned sheepishly.

“Okay then...” said Jaxler

Riddix walked over from the other side of the room, and started to lick Prickly Pear. The gigantic dog had already deemed the strange pony his new best friend. Which, wasn’t a surprise seeing how the dog already had a couple dozen best friends.

“Well, at least someone seems to appreciate my unique wit.” Prickly reached down to rub the big hound’s ears.

Riddix wagged his tail as the little pony in front of him rubbed his ears. The big guy stayed for a while, and kept licking Prickly, but eventually walked over to Marilee and showed his affection in a similar manner as he did with Prickly.

“So, Marilee, when you came here earlier was there anything you wanted to talk about?”

“Well, I had hoped you’d like to meet the guards, though I didn’t think it would be like this.”

“Well, in that case how about we go meet them. Also, you two, never speak of this again.”

Mbalo nodded towards Jaxler. “Not a word.” Marilee took Jaxler by the hoof and led him out, with the two stallions in tow.

“So, what exactly are the other guards like?”

“Well, there are four more guards here. Tikkiri is Mbalo’s wife. She’s very smart, and very kind too. Then there’s Desert Rose, Prickly’s sister. She keeps him in line... most of the time. Kor’tann looks intimidating, but he’s really very gentle, at least with me and my sisters. And Fyodor is... well, he’s usually very quiet. He only took the job a year or two ago, so I don’t know him all that well.”

“Hmm, you’d think that after two years he’d be a bit more sociable.”

“Maybe he is with the rest of them, but remember I’ve been away for some time.”

“Yo, you two, does Fyodor talk much to you guys?”

Mbalo turns back to look at Jaxler. “All business, mostly. From what I gather, he does not have much in the way of family. Guess that’s why he throws himself into his work so much.”

“No family, aye? In that case, I wish him only the best.”

A few moments later, they headed down the hall towards Marilee’s parents’ room. As they reached the door, however, they instead turned and entered the room across the hall. Inside, it appeared as though two apartments have been joined together, with half of the room filled with bunks, and the other half left largely empty. Inside were four new ponies: a small slippy pony mare sat on one of the beds, with a mechanical contraption of some sort disassembled in front of her. A unicorn mare colored exactly like Prickly Pear lay on another, reading a book. In an empty corner, a mountain of a gorlak stallion sparred with a small, lanky darkbolt. Marilee stepped inside, smiling brightly. “Good morning everypony!”

“G’morning Mari!” They all answered in unison. The two combatants ceased their duel and came over to greet the little mare.

Jaxler walked into the cramped room. “Aye there everypony.”

After accepting a hug or a nuzzle from each of the newcomers, Marilee stepped back to stand beside Jaxler. “Everypony... I’d like you all to meet my coltfriend, Jaxler.”

The unicorn mare quirked an eyebrow. “Coltfriend?”

Mbalo piped up. “Poison Joke.” They all ‘ahh’-ed in understanding. Once that was dealt with, Marilee introduced each of them by name: the slippy mare was Tikkiri, though the kiss and nuzzle she shared with Mbalo would have told him that. The unicorn mare was Desert Rose, or ‘Rosie’ as most of them called her. Kor’Tann, the gorlak, rested his massive studde club across his back, while Fyodor carefully removed a set of long, thin training blades from his wingtips.

“So, it’s nice to meet you all.”

“Aye, nice to meet you too,” Rosie says. ”We were all pretty excited when we heard Mari found a nice stallion.”

Jaxler grinned a little bit, and rested his forehoof of Marilee’s withers “Well, Marilee does deserve somepony nice.”

Marilee smiled, planting a quick kiss on Jaxler’s cheek, illiciting a cheer from the assembled ponies.

“D’aww, what that for?” asked Jaxler

“Ooh, nothin’...” She grinned at him.

Jaxler put his wing around Marilee, but diverted his attention back to the crowd of ponies. “So, how long have you guys know Mari.”

Mbalo climbed onto the bed beside Tikkiri. “Kor and I have been with the family since the twins were little. We’ve known Mari her whole life.” Tikkiri chimed in. “I got the job just after she was born. Boss wanted to make extra sure his new little girl was safe.”

Rosie shut her book, standing beside her brother. “The boss hired Prickly and me just about ten years or so ago.”

“So, I guess you must be pretty loyal to Gregor’s business then.”

Kor set his club in a corner. “The company? Maybe not. The family? Yes.”

“That’s honestly, pretty touching... So, out of curiosity, what was Mari like as a foal?”

“Adorable, ” Mbalo responded. “The sweetest little filly you’d ever see. Especially around her big brother. She positively adored Starkey. Still does.”

“How so?” asked Jaxler.

“She hardly ever left his side. the two of them were inseparable, did everything together.”

“Heh, everything is ri-urk!” Prickly received a jab in the stomach from his sister.

“What do you mean by everything...”

Marilee turns a particularly bright shade of pink. “Uhm...”

Jaxler gave prickly a rather menacing gaze. “Prickly, I asked you a question.”


Prickly Pear can feel the menacing gazes of five very displeased ponies boring into his skull.

“...I-I really don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Jaxler’s gaze managed to get even more cold as Prickly made the mistake of lying to his face. “Prickly, I... don’t... like it... when ponies... lie to me...”

Immediately, Mbalo placed himself between the two ponies, meeting Jaxler’s glare with a stony, emotionless facade. “I believe there are... things that the you and miss Mari should discuss. In private.”

“Yeah, your probably right Mbalo.” Jaxler seemed to drop his attitude instantly, which was odd. Usually Jaxler was 100% direct when he was displeased by something, as horrible as lying. “Mari, shall was talk outside for a moment.”

“U-Um... okay...” Marilee, for her part, looked quite terrified. She stepped quietly out the door and waited for Jaxler.

Jaxler walked out after Marilee, seeming oddly calm under the circumstances. “Okay... why do I think Prickle Peach just about narked on you? And don’t lie.” Jaxler’s tone was just as calm and controlled as he usually sounded, which again was strange.

“I-I...” Marilee began, having trouble forming the words.

Jaxler sighed. “I what?”

“Y-You know how h-he said Starkey and me did e-everything together?”

Jaxler knew that if she was getting this nervous, it was probably bad.“Yes.”

“W-Well... he really meant everything...

“I don’t want implication. Tell me what you mean by everything.”

“W-We were close... very close...”

“Do you just love him or is he your lover.” Jaxler’s voice quivered a little bit as the sentence was finished. Jaxler was really starting to feel hurt.

Was, Jaxler. We haven’t seen each other in years.”

Jaxler sighed and diverted his eyes. He was really starting to feel horrible. “Do you still love him that way, and do you love him that way more than you do for me?”

“I-I...” She sighed, composing herself. “...I do, but... not more than you.”

“I...” Jaxler paused for a second. “Would you ever leave me for him?”

“No, I wouldn’t.”

Jaxler sighed. This was odd, and really, really strange, but when Marilee said that she wouldn’t leave him for Starkey, he really didn’t care all too about it much anymore. “Okay then.” Jaxler then walked up and tried to give Marilee a hug.

Marilee simply leaned against Jaxler, allowing him to hug her. “I-I’m sorry Jaxler... I should have told you sooner...” She sounded as though she would burst into tears.

Jaxler hugged Marilee a little bit tighter when he heard the tone in her voice. “No, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry.”

Marilee finally returned the hug, squeezing Jaxler tightly and trying her best not to cry.

Jaxler kept hugging Marilee. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I-I know...”

Jaxler sighed, still hugging Marilee. This honestly had worked out better than he planned. though, he probably needed to ‘spar’ with prickly peach for lying to his face like that. “I love you.”

“I l-love you too...”
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3499 on: June 17, 2012, 10:37:30 pm »

Moral was sitting alone inside his craftspony’s workshop. Moral would usually be super happy, but right now he wasn’t. He was holding in his hooves his pointy hat, which had a big tear in it. The sad little guy looked like he was about to cry.

Marilee trotted down the hallway towards the craftspony’s shop. She had gone to Jaxler’s home earlier only to find it empty, but she knew that he didn’t have any training scheduled today. As she reached the workshop, she peeked around the corner.

“Hello? Jaxler?”

Jaxler, however, was nowhere in sight. Instead, she saw a very pitiful-looking red alicorn holding something in his hooves. She stepped quietly into the room, and spoke again. “E-Excuse me sir, but have you seen my coltfriend Jaxler? He’s a pegasus, with a bright red mane, and a black coat...”

Moral the sniffled a little bit. “No, I no see Jaxxy.”

At once, Marilee could tell something was amiss. “Uhm... is everything alright, sir?”

Moral’s sighed deeply, trying not to cry. “No...”

“Oh, what’s the matter? Can... can I help?”

“Some mean ponies came in here and called me names, so I told them to leave and they did this to my nice hat.” Moral then pointed to the huge tear in his favorite, and only, hat.

“That wasn’t very nice of them, but can’t you go and have it mended?”

“I-I-I-I... I don’t know” Moral then started to cry.

Okay, this was more than a little bit odd. A fully-grown alicorn stallion sobbing like a foal over a torn hat? Well, the best thing Marilee could do was try and console the poor buck. “Uhm... there, there... why don’t we go down to the clothier’s, and see if they can fix it up?”

“I-I-I don’t know... know where o-one is.” Moral continued to cry. “why do ponies no like me.”

“I don’t know, but you seem like a nice stallion to me.” Marilee took the poor little pony by the hoof and led him down the hall. “What’s your name, by the way?”

“M-my names Moral...” The odd pony was still crying a little. “Can- can I has hug?”

“A hug? okay...” Marilee gently put her hooves around Moral’s neck. “It’s nice to meet you Moral. My name is Marilee.”

Moral hugged back and stopped crying. “It’s nice to um... meet you too!” Moral then got his normal smile back. “Thank you nice pony... um.. uh... what’s your name?”

“Uhm, Marilee? I just told you that...” Curiouser and curiouser...

“Oh, sorry, I no good with my memory.” At that confession Moral’s smile seemed to shrink a little bit. “Do you think my hat can be nice again?”

“Oh, yes, I just need to find...” Marilee examined the signs on each door, before finally locating the one in question: a small plaque depicting a few spools of brightly-colored thread. “Here we go!” she approached the door and gave it a light knock.

“Where are we?”

“At the clothier’s workshop. We were going to fix your hat?” Okay, so he wasn’t exaggerating about having a poor memory.

Moral got a big smile got really big again. “Oh, that’s good, I really like my hat and want it nice again.”

After waiting a few moments with no response, Marilee knocks a second time. Still, nopony comes to the door. “Huh, I guess nopony’s in?”

Moral started to frown again. “W-wat about my hat?”

“We could always come back...” Marilee’s words trailed off as she saw the despondent look on Moral’s face.

“B-b-but my hat...” Moral’s eye’s started to get watery and the poor guy looked like he was about to cry again.

That did it. As odd as this stallion was, she simply had to do something to help him. “Just a moment...” She turned back to the door and tried the knob. It turned easily, and she stepped into the workshop. “Come on in.”

Moral walked in and tilted his head. “What is this place?”

“It’s the clothier’s shop, Moral. May I borrow your hat, please?”

Moral handed Marilee his hat, still looking sad as could be.

Marilee took the hat gingerly, and set about searching through the bins of thread for just the right shade of green.

“What you doing?”

“I’m going to fix your hat. I’ll admit, I only know a little about sewing, but... I’ll do my best.‘ Finally, she found a spool of thread that matched Moral’s hat perfectly. She pulled up a stool and sat down, taking a needle and setting to work.

Moral got his smile back. “That nice of you.”

“So, tell me about yourself Moral. What do you do here in Dawnpick?”

“Um...” Moral put his hoof up to head muzzle as he thought. “OH! I make wooden crafts and stuffs.”

“That sounds like a nice job. My coltfriend Jaxler makes crafts too. Have you met him?”

“Oh, Jaxxy? Yeah I know him, but we usually don’t do stuff together, but he not mean to me.”

“Oh no, never. He’s such a kind, sweet stallion...”

“Well, he seems like nice guy.”

Marilee smiles, continuing her work. “So, this hat must be very important to you. Where did you get it?”

Moral smiled. “I got it back in um.. uh... oh! The capital, it masterwork!”

Marilee giggled. “Yes, it is a very nice hat.” With that, she finished up the last few stitches and tied off the thread, before standing to examine her handiwork. There was still a bit of a seam where the tear had been, but it was just barely visible. She presented it to Moral. “Here you go, all done!”

Moral’s eyes widened and he got the world’s largest smile on his face when he saw his hat all nice again. “You made my hat nice again! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!” Moral then placed his hat on his head and somehow his smile got even bigger. The big pony then gave Marilee a hug.

Marilee returned the hug gratefully. “You’re very welcome, Moral. I’m glad to have helped.”

“Thank you for being nice to me”

“Of course.” Marilee pondered something for a moment. “Moral... are ponies mean to you often?”

“Yeah, but they usually leave my hat alone... I not know why though.”

“I see... what do they usually do?”

“Make fun of me...”

“That’s terrible... none of them hit you, right?”


Marilee winced in sympathy. “Oh, you poor dear...” She rested a hoof on his shoulder. “You know, if you ever need to talk about it with somepony...”

“Okay” Moral then gave Marilee another hug.

Marilee returned the hug with even more enthusiasm. “Well, I need to go find Jaxler now. It was very nice meeting you, Moral. Have a nice day!”

“Okay um... Marilee! you too!”
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3500 on: June 18, 2012, 10:47:23 pm »

Jaxler was down in the crypts. It was a few days after a recent tragedy, and the time that had passed hadn’t dulled its sting. Arbalest was one of the first ponies Jaxler had actually made friends with in Dawnpick. The poor siege worker could have been the first pony in the fort to call him a friend, and Jaxler made the mistake of letting them grow apart, and now he’d never get the chance to be friends again. Aside from the regret he also felt the normal amount of guilt he felt when somepony got hurt. Jaxler had effectively stayed down in the dark crypt for about a day by now.

Stiletto steps down from the world above. Slowly, she walks through the halls. Usually she only comes here on Slate 18. Flowers for Brook, every year. Today she came for another reason. Poor Arbalest, she always wanted to understand the unicorn, after all, they shared a love for machines. The amethyst Alicorn walked to to his grave. “Jaxler?”

Jaxler was in deep thought when Stiletto’s words knocked out of his trance. “Oh, um, aye stiletto.” The pegasus didn’t feel much if any malice towards the alicorn in light of recent events.

“Are you here to place flowers for Arbalest as well?” Stiletto asks with a soft tone.

“I’m just showing some respect to and old friend.”

“Myself as well. I wish I had known him better, and Boo, I wonder what will happen to the poor thing.”

“It was wild animal before he adopted it, I assume it just returned to its old career.”

“He could... Jaxler, do you come down here often? I have heard that you spend a lot of time in these crypts.”

“Only when I get depressed.”

“Does that mean you are depressed now?”

“I’m in the crypts , aren’t I?”

Stiletto lowers her eyes “Yes, can... can I help?”

“If you want.”

Stiletto steps just a little closer “I want to help, but you have to want me too first.”

“How would you help?”

“Jaxler. I... I want to help you, I admit, I am not sure how. I know so little about you.”

“Well, if you want to help me, then I’d want your help. What do you want to know...”

“You always look so sad, Jaxler. Can you tell me why?” Stiletto shuffles her hooves.

Jaxler sighed. He really didn’t want to talk to somepony he hardly knew about his past, but Flux had already told her why he used to hate her. “I’ve lost everything a few times, and I have a few scars.”

“Have you mourned?” Stiletto takes another step closer.

“Meh, why would I do that?”

“To move on with your life, Jaxler.” she takes a step to be beside him.

“If I started crying now, how do I know I could ever stop.”

"There is no need to fear your feelings." She wraps him in a wing. "Let it all out Jaxler. I will be here, until you finish."

Jaxler was caught off guard to have Stiletto’s wing wrapped around him, though he did feel a bit safer as he started to cry.

Stiletto gently strokes Jaxler's mane "Let it all out."

Jaxler stood there and continued to cry. “why can’t I protect anything...”

Stiletto hugs Jaxler tightly in her forelegs "Jaxler, you have always tried so hard to protect the ponies here. Somehow they just, keep sliding through our hooves."

“That... that isn’t enough though. I’m not good enough for the guard, and whenever I try to keep somepony safe they get hurt because of me.” Jaxler still was watering from the eyes.

Stiletto lowers her head to Jaxler’s “You still try, I do not know what more a pony can do.”

Jaxler rested his head on stiletto's shoulder, while still sobbing. “Then I can’t do anything. I can’t protect them, and everyday I’m getting worse.”

“Are you talking about, your drinking?” Stiletto strokes Jaxler’s mane. “Maybe you should try slowing down, or only drinking with friends.”

“If I don’t get smashed, I can’t handle everything.”

“Oh Jaxler, you do not need to be drunk to live your life.” Stiletto gives Jaxler a soft squeeze "You try your hardest to protect other ponies, you show loyalty to all your friends, and when you try, you are a nice pony."

“When I stop drinking, my depression isn’t dulled.”

“You have more things then boozes to bring you joy Jaxler.”

“I know...” Jaxler sighed. “But those things don’t make the scars go away.”

“The drink does not do that either, it simply makes you forget.”

“What else would you have me do.”

“Slow your drinking, spend more time with those you love.”

Jaxler sighed, and stayed quiet for a few moments. “You know... I don’t have much time left before I die.”

“You are here now, now is all that matters.” Stiletto closes her eyes and hugs him softly.

“I don’t want to die.”

Stiletto puts both her wings around Jaxler "Then live." she squeezes him again "Live Jaxler."

“I don’t want to go to hell...”

"You will not go to such a place. You will soar with your loved ones."

“The gods hate me in life and they shall in death.”

"Celestia and Luna will forgive you, if you try to be a good and joyous pony."

“The gods hate me.”

“You must help yourself Jaxler, forgive yourself, and other ponies."

“I thought I had...”

“Did you? did you forgive yourself for what was thrust upon you?”

“and how do I do that?”

“You let go. Let go of the things that haunt you.”

“How do I do that?”

Stiletto closed her eyes and leans into Jaxler, hugging him warmly “I do not know. Only you have lived your life. Only you can keep living it."

Jaxler sighed and was silent for a few minutes. “Why are you being kind to me?” Jaxler wouldn’t expect this kind of treatment form a stranger, even more so considering he’d hit her in the face before.

Stiletto spoke quietly with motherly tone "Because I care about you, because you are a good pony, because you need this." She ran her hoof down his mane as she said the words.

“But I hit you before.”

Stiletto looks up, remembering the incident. “That was along time ago, Jaxler. We misunderstood one another. I could hardly speak midpony then. You have done many good things for my friends and loves since that day passed.”

“What about Kat?”

The big Alicorn breathed out slowly “Kat is a strong filly. Trust me, I know."

Jaxler sighed. “Thank you.”

Stiletto holds Jaxler close to her breast "You are welcome." She nuzzles him softly.

Jaxler sighed. “So what now?”

Stiletto smiles softly “You can stay here, as long as you need Jaxler. I promise to stay as long as you want me too.”

“Can you stay a little bit longer then?”

Stiletto gently rested her head on Jaxler “Yes.” was all she said as her wings  folded around the black furred and red maned pegasus.

Jaxler sighed and started to lean into Stiletto, it actually felt oddly comfortable. After a little while he closed his eyes, and started to sleep.
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3501 on: June 18, 2012, 11:47:31 pm »

Jaxler was in the meeting hall in his favorite seat, with a few barrels of booze to his side. He had already finished one, and was having a relatively good time. He was still very lucid, and starting to enjoy himself. He had spent far too long today at the craftspony’s workshop and finally had some time to relax.

Fauchard made his way into the dinning hall. He looked around for the black furred pegasus that Glaive had told him of. Glaive had tried to do this individual a kindness while he was imprisoned, but his work seemed to have failed. Fauchard had not spoken to this Jaxler Blackflutes before, but at his son’s request had decided to speak with him.

After a short time looking he found the stallion partially obscured by a barrel of strong drink. Fauchard approached and said, “Hello Jaxler, Would you mind if I join you?”

Jaxler was surprised to be approached by somepony he didn’t know, much less be called by name. “Oh, I don’t mind. Drinking is always more fun with company, but do you mind me asking how you know my name. You also look a lot like somepony I know.”

Fauchard takes his seat across from Jaxler, “My name is Fauchard, my son, Glaive, visited you in prison daily. He has told me a bit about you, and I thought we could talk. That is all.”

Jaxler shrugged, the story Fauchard told made sense, but the idea of somepony’s father going out of their way to talk with a friend of their sons seemed odd.“Ah, that makes sense. So, is there anything you want to talk about?”

Fauchard looks to the barrel of booze next to Jaxler, and then back to him. "My son is concerned about you. He had hoped that you would give up, or at least cut back on the drink after being released. He took a personal risk...doing what he did for you, and yet the same day you were released you got drunk out of your mind again. Now he feels like it was all for nothing. You have a great potential Jaxler, yet you waste it like this. Why?"

Jaxler looked visibly stressed by the question and his tone was more depressed now with a hint of anger. He was just starting to enjoy himself and now this. “Sir, I’ve been through a lot of shit in my life. Your son’s plan was doomed from the beginning, and I would have told him so, given he asked. I would love more than anything to be able to stop drinking this medicine, but if this was simply an addiction I would have stopped pickling my liver more than a decade ago.”

Fauchard acquired a pint of ale to drink himself, and takes a sip. “I understand, however, I don’t think Glaive did, but I understand that you must have something you want to forget, and that that is why you drink. I understand how such a thing can ruin, even the strongest pony’s, life. But, Glaive tells me you have been in Dawnpick for what, ten years? Whatever it was that happened, is not it time to put it all in the past? Is it not time to move on?”

Jaxler sighed and gazed at Fauchard. “I don’t know you or your son well enough to tell you why, I’m this way or what makes me depressed, but I don’t want to forget anything, and I sure as hell have moved on.”

Fauchard shakes his head and then says, “Jaxler listen to what you are saying. You are contradicting yourself. First you say that you would love to quit drinking your ‘medicine’ but that it is more than an addiction, but now you say that you have moved on from whatever it was that drove you to drink in the first place. Which one is it Jaxler?”

Jaxler gave Fauchard a nasty look before responding. “Have you ever had a scar? Cause’ I have lots of em’ and the Huge one over my kidney isn’t anywhere near the worst.”

Fauchard looks to the scar along his left front leg, remembering his first real fight for his life, in which he earned it. He then quietly thinks back to remember the other, much worse, events of that same day.. “I have a few, but my worst ones are not things I can show.” says the old unicorn solemnly.

Jaxler sighed. “Ya’ know, some scars can be disfiguring?”

Fauchard nods, “Yes.”

“Then please stop harassing me over my drinking problem.”

“All scars fade with time, Jaxler. They might not go away entirely, but they do fade. It is a shame to see you waste yourself like this. Do you not care about the ponies of this town? Do you not want to be able to help them? To protect them?”

Fauchard was doing an effective job of probing Jaxler where he was most sensitive. “I would love nothing more than to protect them. Don’t you dare imply that I don’t.”

Fauchard’s expression and tone grows serious, “Then what happens if one day when you are completely wasted, we are ambushed by Rainbow Coalition soldiers, or Diomedian bandits, or Badger Ponies, or another dragon, or gods forbid, something even worse, and you can’t get up to protect anypony because you drank too much bucking moonshine?”

Jaxler was mad now. “Then... I spose’... Everypony dies.... and I put a bolt in my forehead.” Jaxler then gave Fauchard another nasty look. “Why the hell can’t you stop asking me questions? You're starting to get way too damn annoying.”

Fauchard stands, looking as imposing as he could manage, deciding that what Jaxler needed was a harsher teacher, "I'm trying to help you, fool! Whatever your past was, it doesn't excuse this kind of carrying on. You are a soldier, bucking act like one. Grow a gods damned spine, Jaxler, you don't need this filth." Fauchard knocks Jaxler's mug to the floor. "You can be better than this.”

Jaxler looked Fauchard right in the eye and laughed. If there was one thing Jaxler loved, it was enraging ponies he didn’t like. “Please, be quiet you senile bastard.” Jaxler couldn’t wait to see Fauchard’s reaction and even smiled in anticipation.

Fauchard looks down at Jaxler who is still seated smirking, “You are a coward Jaxler. You admit you have a problem, but instead of rising to face it like a stallion, you cower like a foal. I pity you. Have you not one speck of honor or pride left, in your miserable old husk?” says Fauchard with a look that one might give a small injured animal.

Jaxler still smiled. If his age didn’t enrage him, then assaulting his honor might. “Yeah, at least I’m a self-made man. I didn’t suck off my father’s achievements and waltz around being given handouts and opportunities because I knew somepony famous. I actually have to work, like a grown stallion.”

Fauchard chuckles, "You? A self-made stallion? You are nothing more than a self-made disaster without the backbone to even try and fix yourself. I worked my whole life to get to where I was before I retired, and my father's connections didn't get me one free handout as I climbed my way up the ranks from the very bottom. I earned every position I was ever given. While you couldn't even hack it as a city guard."

Jaxler smiled even wider. He knew exactly how to piss Fauchard off. “Your daughter is a stupid, mindless bastard, whose cruelty and disposition are despicable. How you could allow her to be so vile is beyond my comprehension. And how Glaive turned out so well, with such a rotten parent, is beyond me.”

Fauchard is momentarily stunned that a pony, even one as honorless as Jaxler, would dare to just insult his daughter like that in front of him. He glares at the scoundrel and says, "Take. Back. What, you said about my daughter, or gods help me, you will wake up in the hospital if you wake up at all."

Clearly this pony had no idea of Jaxler’s reputation for being tough as nails. “I never lie, and I’d be a coward if I took it back.” Jaxler then smiled ear to ear, almost waiting to be struck by the pony.

“I did warn you.” Fauchard's horn pluses white with powerful magic, as Jaxler feels a tightening around his throat, followed a powerful pull on his neck yanking his entire body toward the barrel of booze next to the two ponies.

Jaxler was surprised to feel his neck being constricted, but he kept his cool and appeared as if he didn’t even feel the life being choked out of him. The pony was able to fight the force of magic, and picked up the barrel he was being dragged towards and threw it at Fauchard.

Fauchard sidesteps the thrown barrel, while releasing the magical grip on the pony's throat. He flips the table that they had been sitting at and sends it magically flying toward Jaxler trying to pin the black hearted pegasus to the wall.

Jaxler flew directly up upon seeing that the table was being flung at him. The pegasus couldn’t completely dodge the projectile, which managed to hit his lower body, which dropped the pony to the ground.

Fauchard seeing his foe sprawled out on the ground, but still determined to teach the fool a lesson about insulting the Regshetbeth family, raises his left fore-hoof and aims to stomp downward onto Jaxler’s right fore-leg with just sufficient force to shatter the bone.

Jaxler sees a strike coming, but doesn’t try to dodge. The strike shatters his leg and makes a hideous cracking noise, but Jaxler ignored the pain, and threw his left foreleg toward his opponent's head.

Jaxler jumping up so quickly after having his leg broken surprised the old unicorn, and his reflexes not being what they used to, Jaxler’s hoof makes contact. Fauchard manages to roll with the blow a bit and avoids the worst of it, though one of his teeth felt a bit loose, and he would have a bruise there the next day. Fauchard then throws a right hook towards Jaxler.

Jaxler actually tried to dodge this time, and effectively rolled from being on his back to being his belly, but still failed to dodge the hit and instead took the strike to his back, before getting back on all four of his legs.

As Jaxler pulls himself back up Fauchard takes a step back, “Stand down and I won’t hurt you any worse than you already are.”

“You know, I have a high pain tolerance.” Jaxler had to change the way this fight was going. He couldn’t just back down like a coward, and wasn’t about to go down without a fight, but he his leg was near useless. So, he hovered a few inches off the ground. Jaxler then flew as fast as he could toward the older stallion while cocking his hoof back in preparation for a strike.

As Jaxler flew forward the unicorn moved sideways to Jaxler’s left trying to get out of the way. Fauchard’s horn was aglow, and Jaxler felt his wings pressed into his side as if a great weight were placed on them.

Jaxler felt his wings get shut as he collided with the ground. After being stunned for a few moments Jaxler got back on his hooves, while trying not to put any weight on his right foreleg. “Come at me!”

Fauchard lets out an exasperated sigh, as he magics Jaxler’s good front leg out from under him, but releasing his wings to do so.

Jaxler hit his head on the ground as his leg got took from underneath him, but the pony fought the magic and repositioned his leg back on to its original position. the stallion then forced himself back up. “Are you too afraid to actually come at me instead of zapping my leg, you saturated jerk off.”

Fauchard keeps his eyes focused on the pegasus, and allows the insult to pass over him without reaction. "I have no desire to kill you, and you certainly are not a match for me. This fight is over now, you have paid enough for you words. Go see Panacea for your leg and we can forget this happened. Be grateful I am giving you another chance. It is more than I would give to most."

Jaxler wasn’t going to just back down. He never backed down, and now some old geezer said he wasn’t a match for him. Jaxler sighed, when he noticed his crossbow laying a few feet to his side. Apparently it got flung there when the table was flipped. So, Jaxler started to fly toward his weapon.

Fauchard changes his magic once again as Jaxler’s crossbow begins to slide across the floor under a chair and table while wrapped in a pale glow, but Fauchard makes no other actions to stop the pony.

Jaxler was mad; nopony dared touch his weapon without his consent. Jaxler looked back at Fauchard, the pony was visibly pissed out of his mind. The pony then flew top speed at Fauchard, in an attempt slam into the pony and bring him to the ground.

Fauchard had expected the pony to follow the crossbow not fly toward him, he knew he didn’t have time to dodge so he instead braced for impact. The two ponies collided, hard, and tumbled together. Hooves began to fly as the two ponies tumbled together, both taking a number of hard hits, before they stop rolling with Fauchard on top.

Jaxler was now pinned by the old coot, which now had a sizable black eye, which by all means fitted the jackass. “Please get off, I’m 100% straight, and your making me feel uncomfortable, else I’ll have give you another black eye.”

Fauchard had no idea how the pony could still be joking after the beating he had just taken, a part of him wished he’d had a stallion like Jaxler working under him back east, all those years ago. Fauchard stood up and walked away, his back to Jaxler, he spits on the ground, his saliva mixed with a bit of blood, “Go see the Doctor soon if you want to walk on that leg again.” are his only parting words as he makes his way toward the door.

Jaxler got back up. “You're a horrible father and your daughter is sadistic!”

Fauchard turns back to Jaxler righteous fury in his eyes, "And you are an honorless coward, who is too afraid to face himself! And if I'm wrong you will drop this pointless fight and deal with your bucking problems! Or you can keep running from them like a foal and try and hit me again! It is your call, but there will be nopony to blame but yourself, if that is the path you choose to follow."

“If I’m an honorless coward then why don’t you just strike me down?”

"Because Glaive thinks you can be more than that, and I agree with him! You are wasting your potential Jaxler, and it is one of the greatest wastes of pony life I have ever seen. You could be one of the greats if you just stallioned up and dealt with your shit, instead of wallowing in it like a pig."

“I can’t fix myself, and if the gods won’t be kind enough to smite me then please STRIKE ME DOWN!”

Fauchard shakes his head, "You can fix yourself if you want to Jaxler. Ten years, maybe more, you've boozed yourself to near death every night! If you want it better then by the gods try. I can't help you if you won't try and help yourself."

“Do you realize that if I stop drinking, I will get so depressed that I will actively seek my own demise?”

“I’m not saying stop all at once, just reduce it, bit by bit, until you don’t need it anymore. Face whatever horrors you past holds, deal with them, and let them go. You have friends here don’t you? Flux, Glaive, and that Granite colt, if they are really your friends, they will want to help you. Let them help you!”

“If I stop drinking, I die, if I keep drinking I die, and if I fix myself, I’m still going to die before my time.”

"The pony I see before me is as good as dead already. He kills himself each and every night. But if you fix yourself, then Jaxler the pony can live again. All ponies die one day, it's what we do with the time we are given that matters, and we must strive to make those lives worthwhile, not waste them."


"If you will not help yourself, then what good are you to Dawnpick, Jaxler? If you won't even try, then you are worthless! Face your fears, overcome them and live as a noble warrior of Dawnpick, or die as you live now, a miserable wretch of a pony, and a blight on this town. Those are your only two options. CHOOSE!" Fauchard stomps a hoof on the ground with the last word.

“I can’t fix myself.”

“You can if you want to.” Fauchard turns to walk out again, confident his point had been drilled in deep enough, and that what Jaxler needed now was time to think about it on his own. Content with his victory today he adds, “It has been a pleasant chat Jaxler. Think about what I said. If you want to talk again...You know where to find me.”

“Go to hell.”

Fauchard stops only to right the table he knocked over and to leave a few gold bits on the table as an apology for the mess before exiting through the main door.

Jaxler shrugged as the pony left. Looks like Fauchard gave up, and Jaxler had won. The pony limped over to his where his crossbow was and slung it over his back. He then looked at his hoof, which probably needed surgery.  Jaxler sighed, if he couldn’t go drinking, maybe some pain killers from panacea would do the trick.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3502 on: June 18, 2012, 11:51:21 pm »

Jaxler limped over the hospital. He was having a hard time walking with his shattered foreleg, but still preferred it over flying. Once he got to the hospital, he knocked on its main door waited for panacea to answer.

A few moments later the door swung open gently, and Panacea appeared in the opening.  “Hello?  Oh, Jaxler, is everything...”  She sized up the pony in front of her.  “Your hoof!  Come inside, let me take a look at it!”

Jaxler sighed and limped in. “So... will I be able to use my hoof again?”

She directed him over to a bed to sit on and looked at the injury.  The hoof itself was quite badly mangled.  “Jaxler, what on earth happened?  This is bad... it’s going to take a long time to heal.”

Jaxler shrugged. He wasn’t overly shocked or afraid of the wound. “Meh, bar fight.” Jaxler then got a dumb smirk on his face, “And I won”

Panacea frowned at him and prepared to comment on how “winning” hadn’t gotten him very far, but she knew from his many visits to her in the past that it would go in one ear and come right out the other.  She took a closer look at the shattered hoof and grimaced  “I see... do you need me to get you something for the pain?”  She stood and made for a nearby coffer.

Jaxler tilted his head in confusing. His hoof really didn’t hurt that bad. “What? Pain killer for a little boo-boo like this? Why it hardly even hurts at all.” Of all the ponies in the fort, Jaxler expected Panacea to understand that he could put up with pain.

She paused in her tracks and turned back to him.  “Are you sure?”  She knew he was pretty stoic, but nopony should be able to ignore that much pain.  She trotted back over to him and began examining his skull.  “Did you get hit anywhere else?  Does your head hurt at all?”

Jaxler srugged. “Yeah I did get hit elsewhere, but I feel completely normal aside from my hoof.”

“Hold still a second,” she asked as she turned his face to meet hers.  She took a look into his eyes, and what she saw alarmed her a little.  His pupils didn’t seem to be responding to the light properly.  “Jaxler... does it look too bright or dark in here right now?”

Jaxler shrugged again, and scratched his head with his good hoof. “Meh, a little bit too light I guess.”

Profound worry worked its way onto Panacea’s face as she urged him to lie down on the bed.  “Jaxler, hold on a second, I think you might have taken a hit to the head.  I need to make sure it’s not too bad.”  She couldn’t quite figure out where he’d been hit though.  She didn’t see any bruising or contusions.

Jaxler laid down but didn’t understand why she thought he had any head trauma. “My head doesn’t hurt, and I didn’t get hit that hard.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, still finding no obvious injury.  “I’m just worried that you should be feeling a lot more than you are, and your pupils are too dilated.”  She furrowed her brow and considers another option.  “Wait a second, let me try something.”  She taped a hoof on his knee, trying to trigger a reflex.

Jaxler doesn’t react to the tapping and just gives Panacea and irritated glare. “What was that for?”

“Just testing something...” she replied.

Jaxler sighed but kept glaring “Anyway, it’s not like the lack of pain is anything new, I mean I’d expect you to know by now. You did did do emergency surgery on me without any pain killers and I just pretended like it didn’t hurt too much.”

She paused again and looked at the ruined hoof.  That was true... but she’d just assumed that he was delirious at the time.  She had a hunch, but she’d probably need Chestnut to confirm it.  “Jaxler... how long have you been like this?”  She pointed at the hoof.  “Able to ignore pain like this?”

“Ever since I was I got the white plague, which happened when I was two years old.”

Her eyes opened wide at the revelation. “White plague? No wonder...” She ceased prodding at him and went over to the coffer again to fetch the supplies she sought earlier. When she returned, she said, “The white plague causes widespread, general nerve damage. You lived through it, which is rare... but it means you won’t get any worse at least.” She began examining his hoof to see where to begin and said, “You’re a very lucky pony...”

“If I was lucky I wouldn’t have gotten it.” Jaxler wouldn’t really consider himself lucky in any sense of the word. “Anyway, what do you mean by it causes nerve damage?”

She set to cleaning his hoof from the dried blood and said, “It usually kills the ponies who catch it, because it kills your nerves.  Like for your heart or diaphragm.  In your case, I think it must have mostly damaged the nerves in your skin.”  She started gently reshaping his crushed hoof and said, “Like the pain receptors in your skin.  Although a few deeper nerves too, from the looks of it.  This should hurt a lot...”

Jaxler grimaced at the feeling of his hoof being fixed. “Really? I just assumed that if you get hit enough times you just adapt or some shit like that.” Jaxler then diverted his eyes to his mangled leg and hoof, and realized something. “Are you sure it was just the skin? I’ve always had a difficult time dodging and have had a slow reaction time.”

Panacea nodded and began applying the first layer of dressing to the hoof.  “Yes... that’s all consistent with the white plague too.  Most of the damage is dermal... but not all.  Some of your deeper nervous tissue is damaged too, like some of your reflexes.  You’re pretty lucky to be able to walk, actually.”

“Really?” Jaxler’s had a looked shocked. “D-Does that mean I can’t be in the reserves anymore? and if I keep on drinking could it kill me. You said something about this effecting my heart, and I know booze lowers your heart rate.”

“Well, your condition shouldn’t get any worse, at least,” she said, gingerly layering on more dressings. “It’s true that your heart is probably weakened from this, but if you’ve managed this long it’s probably not bad. Still, drinking is doing irreparable damage to the rest of your body, so as your doctor of course I have to ask you to drink less.” She began applying wet plaster to form a cast and added, “If you wanted to get out of the reserves though, I’m sure Indigo would accept that as a reason. The health risk is... nonzero.”

Jaxler sighed. “I’d prefer to stay... you don’t plan on having them kick me out, me do you?”

She shook her head as she continued to work.  “No, I think you’ll be alright.  Just letting you know that it’s not without risk, and you could leave if you wanted to.”

Jaxler sighed again when he she said she wouldn’t force him out of the reserve. “Well, I guess that’s why I’m a markspony and not an axepony.”

Panacea nodded as she applied yet another layer of dressing and plaster.  “Yes, that would be better.”  She frowned at how her progress was going.  “And you’re going to need to stay off of your hoof for a while.  You’ll need the cast for a month or two at least.”

Jaxler didn’t like the idea of his leg and hoof being in a cast for so long, but figured he could wait. “So, how much of the other feelings should I feel? I don’t feel much pain, ever but what about everything else?”

“I’m not sure, actually,” she answered honestly.  “I would expect everything to feel less strongly.  Pressure, heat, things like that.  Of course you probably wouldn’t really know the difference if you’ve been this way since you were a foal.”

“Well, I guess.” Jaxler then looked down at his cast. “Are you about done?”

She nodded and checked her hoofwork.  “Yes, I think so.  We just need to let the cast harden, and you’ll have to stay off of it as much as you can for a while.”
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 12:25:06 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ἱησους Χριστος Θεου Υἱος Σωτηρ
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3503 on: June 19, 2012, 12:54:22 am »


Friesden was at home, having finished her daily effort. She was waiting patiently for her father to come home, now, and was as happy as she might be reasonably expected to be.

The door rattles as Fauchard fiddles with the lock, when it opens Friesden sees that her father is sporting a new black eye, a large bruise on the opposite cheek and a number of other minor scrapes and bruises along his upper body.

“Dad? Dad, what happened?” Friesden asks in alarm, rushing over to her father.

Fauchard smiles, though it hurts a bit to do so. “I had a chat with Jaxler Blackflutes, I think it went rather well.” he says with a chuckle, he makes his way inside, placing his axe on its proper resting place and taking a seat by his table.

“What do you mean, Dad? You’re hurt! What kind of chat did you have with Jaxler?” Friesden asks, still not calmed by her father’s attempt to shrug off the injuries on him.

“Oh, I’m not hurt that bad dear. Jaxler is much worse shape. He’s probably in the hospital right now...Anyway, your brother has been trying to help Jaxler with his problem. It wasn’t going well, so he asked me to talk to him. He...was resistant, and started insulting the family, and we got in a bit of a fight. Still, I think some of what I said afterwards got through to him. There might be hope for him yet.” Fauchard finishes still smiling.

“Dad, why’d you get into a fight just over him insulting the family? He’s a friend of Glaive’s...What aren’t you telling me?” Friesden continues to pester him

Fauchard’s smile fades, “Ah, well, it was mostly the things he said about you that...uh, triggered the fighting. I gave him a chance to take them back, you understand. But he would not.”

“Why?” Friesden asks. “What did he say about me?”

Fauchard hesitated, he wasn’t sure if he should repeat Jaxler’s words, but with the number of ponies who probably saw their fight, it would probably get back to her anyway, he reasoned. “He...He called you and I quote, ‘a stupid, mindless bastard, whose cruelty and disposition are despicable.’ Not the cleverest of insults I admit but an unforgiveable one. Though I made sure he paid his price for it fairly.”

Friesden’s face freezes for a second, before she forces a change. “If it was an insult to me, then shouldn’t I have been the one to repay him for it?”

Fauchard shrugged, “If you had been there I would have certainly thought that appropriate, but you were not, so I defended the honor of our family in your stead. Would you have done different if somepony insulted Falchion or Balisong, in front of you?”


Fauchard glances out his window for a moment then looks back at Friesden. “I did still send Jaxler to the hospital...If they arrest me for this, can you look after our new home while I’m downstairs?”

“I...I could go instead of you. It was...It was an insult to me, not you.”

Fauchard shakes his head, “No, even if Jury would permit that. I would not allow you to suffer in my place. If they come for me I will serve whatever punishment they give me. Just take care of the house...and polish my axe while I’m away. Okay?”

“If...If that’s what you want, dad...” says Friesden.

“Thank you Friesden. Now, could you please go and fetch me a bucket of cold water from the water purifier and a clean washcloth? Some of these are starting to sting a bit.”

Friesden nods, and heads off to get the requested items.

As Fauchard sits and waits for his daughter to return, he looks around their home. He didn’t expect Jaxler to press charges, but if he did, he’d miss their new home in the keep.

Friesden soon returned, carrying the bucket of water and washcloth. “Dad? I...I’m back.”

Fauchard forces a smile, “Ah, thank you Friesden.” he says as he uses his magic to take the bucket and move it over next to him.

“So...Um...” Friesden says as she dips the washcloth in the water before washing the cuts. “Do you think they’ll...They’ll actually arrest you?”

Fauchard shrugs, “I don’t know. I don’t think Jaxler would press charges, but we did cause a disturbance and he was seriously hurt. I suppose it’ll be up Jury and Captain Partisan.”

“Okay...I...I... I don’t want to lose you, Dad...”

Fauchard reaches out a forehoof to embrace Friesden. “I won’t be going anywhere. Even if they do arrest me, it won’t be for long, and I’ll be right downstairs. Okay?”

Friesden hugs Fauchard tight. “I...O-o-o-o-okay. Y-y-y-you won’t leave me, right?”

Fauchard returns the hug, “You are my family Friesden, and so long as I breathe I will never abandon my family.”

“O-o-o-o-okay, Dad. I’ll visit you as often as I can!” Friesden says through the tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

“Friesden...Please don’t cry about this...We don’t even know what will happen yet. Probably nothing will come of it, and even if it does, it won’t be for long. A strong warrior like you shouldn’t shed tears over me.”

“I-I-I know, but...First my...father...kicked me out...then...Then Glyph left me...I don’t want to lose you, too!”

“I promise I won’t leave you. I could never leave you.”

“T-t-t-t-thank you, Dad...I...I love you, dad.”

“I love you too, Friesden.”
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3504 on: June 19, 2012, 02:26:33 am »

+Generic’s Journal+ (( entry number two ))
The book is bound in Chestnuts and pages are transmuted rope reed paper.

The pen-pony-ship is in broad strokes, resembling calligraphy, but is full of errors.

> 2st Hematite, 263
I am content to write that I have been accepted into Dawnpick’s tactical reserves and because of my preceding through proper channels; I was waved in without any hassle. Mayor Longshot was friends with both the Duchess and Military commander, this allowed much of their side of the paper work to be done, and all that was left was my signature. This left some time for the reserve captain and I to talk as we fetch my equipment. My work outside of the reserves came up and he had to say this; "You are like a grease in a mechanism, that makes it run smoother" and "eventually you'll find something to be good at, focus your efforts there and let some other ponies do what you do now." That concept was both blood-curdling and ludicrous, but I held my tongue, the idea of me being limited to one ‘something’ is not in my will.

> 1st Galena, 263
I spent much of the days within the barracks, only left for nourishment and to drill. There were times when we were ordered to station, peculiar not for combat, but to assist at a wedding. I mostly washed the dishes before and after the party and enjoyed doing so, even if I am not one to take pleasure in playing in water. Another deployment came too late and was questionable as to how the Forgotten Beast found its way into the mines. I proceeded to navigate the mines in discretion and found a huge breach in the caverns, 23 levels down from the surface. Also, I note a many staircases that allow ponies to walk down into the open air of the caverns and causes a reaction of fear in me when I tread down or up them. Why these ponies seem to forget that they could have built the stairs in some other fashion is above me, maybe they are endeavoring to set an architectural example for the rest of the kingdom.

> 19th Galena, 263
A dark odious cloud drifted over Dawnpick today, some-ponies are burning something and the smoke is smothering the east side of Dawnpick. The barracks, wood burners, keep and east tenements were covered in the blackish-blue haze. I avoided the areas and many others did too.

> 21th Galena, 263
Many of the ponies are acting peculiar and look different, many have locked themselves in their homes. My best guess is that a afflict is present and the ponies are just sick, it would be better for them to proceed to the infirmary then keep it in their homes. I took to wearing a mask to keep from getting ailed myself and to keep others from catching something from myself if I was sick.

> 26th Galena, 263
Today I worked with bee’s wax, made a figure of seven ponies journeying to Dawnpick, as how I imagine it. Only two of the founders I have committed to memory, Halberd and Longshot, the rest I asked around and done my best. Oil Mace, my squad-mate stated I done a find job, but I disagree. We do not use much of the wax because it goes to the metal workers for modeling material.  Any reminder of wax was used to make candles, which was soothing to make. Also we were to move onto making wax tablets for the school and management but ran out of wax; no harm was caused by this oversight as Dawnpick had enough unused tablets and paper.

> 2nd Limestone, 263
Working with metal is dangerous and grueling, a novice I most certainly am. Cuppers, which are used to protect a pony’s flank is mostly easy to form. Peytrals protects the chest and is difficult to make as it connects to other barding. Chanfron lies atop the head and protects it; making one is beyond my knowledge at this moment. When it comes to statues and other objects, I do fine, just make a cast and let the metal cool. Axes are fun to watch being made too, especially when made by your own steel-shoed hooves.

> 1st Sandstone, 253
Done with metalworking, I return to working the fields and tending to the animals as I did with my family before immigrating to Dawnpick. I was disturbed by the condition of the animals, gazers need open plains, not lead cages. Toms in the cellar to catch vermin and female cats close to the butcher-shop along with bitches and pups, so the population does not get out of hoof. Others might oppose with this and say that it is malicious and/or tedious, but if it is their well, then so be it. Also dogs and pups that are capable of being trained should be placed near the kennels. Regardless, I sent a note with the strange mandate desiring goats’ milk, stating that the conditions for many of the animals is detrimental to their health and un-pony-like.

> 14th Limestone, 263
Grown bored of working with animals and the land especially seeing the bad treatment of the animals. I moved to make charcoal and used the fuel to smelt metal bars, lost count after four. Also worked some glass at some point, but otherwise made nothing of significance.

> 8th Timber, 263
I enjoy reserve’s training and make the best of it, unlike the rest of my unit, but I can pull their weight too. I stack up well with the others, Indigo is an adequate fighter, however becomes rusty during down time, the stallion is more competent with a Crossbow. Jaxler is better all around, but lacks grace and at times forgets to dodge. Oil Mace is competent, nothing more to say there; Castiron and Midnight are around my level. I much prefer to spar with ponies from the other branches of Dawnpick’s military, except for Indigo and Jaxler. Also, something embarrassing happen when trying to train with a crossbow; I got my lips caught in the string or mechanism and we had to have Panacea get me unstuck. Resting up from that and allows me to write this entry.
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3505 on: June 20, 2012, 10:23:31 pm »

((Jaxler: This takes place be4 Fauchard snapped Jaxxy's hoof))
((L1wW: Sorry for the inconvenience))

and also Patina

Jaxler was having a really fun time right now. He was sparring with Granite. Though the usual problem of Granite being exceptionally fast was still present, Jaxler still could take most his hits. Jaxler then flung one of his hooves at Granite.

Granite saw the blow coming and ducked out of the way. “Getting slow old man?” Granite taunted. “I thought you were faster than this, being the star of the reserves and all!”

“Learn to take a hit before you get so damn annoying.” Jaxler then charged the earth pony, with intent to tackle him.

Granite got bold at this moment. Instead of jumping to the side with a very high success rate, Granite took a risk, a flashy risk he’s been working on for the past week. He quickly performed what only could be described as the pony equivalent of a cartwheel and essentially cartwheeled to his left, his tail almost getting clipped by Jaxler’s charge. Of course he botched the dismount and fell on his ass almost a meter from Jaxler.

Jaxler saw the prone pony and pounced on the downed pony.

Granite pulled himself out of his daze and quickly rolled onto his back and flipped himself upright a half a meter back and braced himself for Jaxler’s tackle.

Jaxler jumped Granite and tried to pin him to the ground.

Granite gracefully jumped back and watched Jaxler fall at his hooves. “Come on Jaxler, you can do better than that! It shouldn’t be this hard to bring a pony like me down!”

Jaxler got up, got into a fighting stance. “Hey, you know what would be fun?!” Jaxler then pulled a bolt out of his quiver and broke its tip off. “This should hurt like hell!” Jaxler then put the blunt headed bolt into his crossbow and aimed at Granite.

Granite saw the blunt bolt loaded and went wide eyed. He reacted in the best way he could by sliding beneath Jaxler’s crossbow and kicking him in the chin. He then rolled to his right and tried getting up, not looking to see Jaxler’s reaction.

Jaxler had no reaction and just shot the blunt bolt at Granite.

Granite felt a sharp pain in his back. “Gah! Damn you and your pain tolerance!”  Granite yelped into the sky. He quickly turned around and charged Jaxler.

Jaxler laughed and let Granite charge him.

Granite side stepped to his right and brought his left foreleg up and wrapped it around Jaxler’s neck then used the momentum from the charge to lift and drop Jaxler on his ass in a graceful clothes-line style slam. Granite then kicked Jaxler in the ribs and laughed back at him.

Jaxler got up, looking like that didn’t hurt at all. He then pulled out another bolt cracked its tip of an loaded it. “You ready for another hit?”

“You suck...” Granite braced himself for the shot and bent his hind legs slightly, watching Jaxler intently.

Jaxler shot his bolt, aiming right between Granite’s eyes.

Granite saw the trigger activate and like a frog preparing to jump to a branch, he sprung into the air from his back legs over the bolt and at Jaxler. Lucky enough for Granite, the bolt flew just below his groin and he managed to dive directly for Jaxler.

Jaxler flew at Granite who was now in mid air, hoping to grapple the pony in mid air.

With outstretched forelegs, Granite pulled Jaxler into a hug and used his superior weight and momentum to slam Jaxler back to the ground. He then starts pinning Jaxler down.

Jaxler started to flap his wings, hoping to lift both himself and Granite off the ground, while also attempting to head butt Granite.

Granite tucked his head into his chest and lifted his lower body straight into the air. He then shifted his weight so that his body would fall forward, hopefully causing himself to be upright and Jaxler would be sent head first into the ground.

Jaxler hit the ground head first, but got back up, when he spotted something in the bush nearby. “Da’ hell?” Jaxler then loaded his crossbow and pointed at the bush, he wasn’t going to get stabbed by another badger. “Get out badger else I’ll put a sizable bolt in your skull!”

Granite stops himself from preparing to slam Jaxler into a nearby statue and looks over to the bush. “Something there?” He asks to nothing in particular.

“Yep, last time I thought there was something in a bush and we were sparring I got a dagger in my chest. NOW BUCKING SHOW YOURSELF!”

Patina made a little surprised sound when Granite called out

“Uh...N-No?” she called back from her hiding spot meekly

Jaxler then shot his bolt into the ground. “Okay, come out of your hiding place.”

Granite looks at the bush with slight curiosity.

“Heh, Oh gods.. Hi Granite, Its me, Patina. You know, the girl next door?” she said nervously

“Of course I know who you are, but the question is why are you in a bush?” Granite asks.

Jaxler sighs. “She was spying on us obviously. I’ve had my eye on this bush since we started sparring, and think she’s stalking me.”

What? No,no you got it all wrong!” she said, sweating bullets “I just dropped something in the bush.” she lied through her teeth “Something for Granite, actually...”

“You dropped something for me in the bush?” Granite asks. He started to walk over to Patina.

“I don’t like it when ponies lie to me.”

She hands Granite a stone statue of a pony fighting a fell beast “I heard about what happened to Arbalest and I just made a little something.”  she mumbled out, unable to unlock her eyes from Jaxler’s leering scowl

“If... uh... Jaxler’s freaking you out a bit, just try to ignore him. And... uh, thanks for the statue thingy? Arbalest facing off against the thing that horribly killed him... nice... I guess...” Granite said.

‘Oh no, he hates it. He hates it! what are you doing! You are blowing it!’ she thought

Jaxler lowers his hateful gaze. “Aye Granite. You should totally ask her out.”

Granite does his best to hide a faint blush, he quickly shakes it off. “Yeah, right...”

“Aye, she just gave you a gift, after stalking you around. She’s totally into you.” Jaxler then looked at the little stalker. “If Granite asked you out right now, would you say yes?”

“Jaxler what the buck are you talking about?” Granite asked, slightly confused by Jaxler.

Patina’s eyes bounced between the two frantically “Would I? I -Uh I-I- *Ugh*” She vomits on Jaxler's hooves from nerves

Jaxler puts on his best poker face as his hooves get covered in nastiness. “Yeah, she’s way into you. Hell, she’s so into you she actually gets ill at the thought of you not liking her.”

Granite stares expressionless at the scene. His face is a mix of humor, disgust, happiness, and a bit of affection; but mainly disgust. He remains silent.

Jaxler then poked Granite, trying to snap him out of his trance.

“I am so-so sorry! I-I-” she turns her head away and wants to just run straight out of the fort and start a new life in another one out of embarrassment

Granite snaps out of it and pulls Patina into a light hug. He tries to say something but can’t come up with anything, instead he awkwardly hugs her and tries not to appear disgusted or attempt to punch Jaxler in the face for his remarks.

She accepted the hug numbly, her eyes as wide as dinner plates

Granite’s eyes flash with a sudden realization. Granite breaks the hug. “Did Clear Skies put you up to this?”

“Sienna and Clear, actually...”

“So this is just another one of Clear’s pranks to tick me or Jaxler off for some random ass reason again, isn’t it?” Granite said, starting to get frustrated.

“No!, No that’s not it at all!” she said, confused “I do like you! It wasn’t a prank! I-” her heart was about to explode out of her chest “I always do this! I always  screw up everything.. I’ll just go...”

“Patina...” Granite says. “I’m sorry... please don’t go...” He tries to hug her again.

“This... was the worst way to say ‘I love you’ in the history books” she returns the hug

“Trust me, it could always be worse...” Granite pauses, enjoying the moment. “Would you be angered with me if say, Jaxler and I were to beat the crap out of Clear Skies in the near future?”

Patina slides her bang back “Oh, boy is that a loaded question. On one hoof, Yes. absolutely yes. No one has it coming more than him. On the other, He  Is my brother... I think he’ll figure out why you’d knock his lights out.”

“So you wouldn’t be that mad at me?” Granite asks. “Jaxler, I think we’re in business!” Granite quickly adds, “Um, if that’s okay with you Patina...”

“If it is I’ll go find a reasonably blunt chair.” says Jaxler

Patina knew there was a reason she liked Granite “ Really?? you would do that? If you did that I would, um..” she grinned evilly “Just do what you do best.”

“Jaxler get the chair, it’s beatdown time.” Granite says.

“Wait, wait, if we’re going to start a fight, we don’t want to just walk up to him and smack him around. For legal reasons is best if we have him attack us, and say it was all in self defense.”

“It’s Clear, how hard would it be to piss him off? Any suggestions Patina?” Granite asked.

Patina raised her hoof to her chin in thought “Hmm, I think the best time would be at around seven in the afternoon, that’s when he tries to mellow out... He’s been trying this whole new tai-chi routine...”

“So insult his thai noodle thing and he’ll get PO’ed?” Jaxler then gets a smirk. “If we got til’ seven I might as well get my brass horseshoes.”

“You still have those?” Granite asked. “Anyway, would mentioning us being together get to him, or is it not that simple?”

“C’mon, It’s Clear we're talking about, just walking in the door would probably do it” 

“Well, Granite, you gonna bring your chain?”

“Yeah about that, I think Indigo confiscated that thing, either that, or it’s buried under all the crap in my apartment...” Granite said. “Also I think that would be a bit overkill.”

“Meh, You obviously haven’t given out many random beatings.”

“Indeed I have not.” Granite responds. “But really, how much could Clear do to us?”

“Let him get a good few shots in, ask him to stop, then we flatten his sorry ass.”

“But, you're not going to put him in the hospital, right? Just a smack up the head, Okay?”
Patina asked worriedly

“Don’t worry Patina, we’ll control ourselves and just give him a few bruises... okay?” Granite spoke.

Patina pecked Granite on the cheek “Thanks, Hero.”

Granite blushes slightly. “Don’t worry Patina, we got this! Jaxler, lets go take care of anything else we got to do.” Granite and Jaxler walk off and prepare for the ensuing beatdown. 
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 06:53:15 pm by L1wW »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3506 on: June 21, 2012, 08:09:19 pm »

((Takes place on 163 8th of sandstone))

Jaxler was in the meeting hall. He had a barrel of moonshine and was sitting in his favorite seat. The pony had every reason to be happy today. Most other ponies celebrated their birthdays but Jaxler really didn’t seem to care that much, he even seemed more somber.

Flux hums to himself as he enters the dining hall, his lute slung over his back.  He had been practicing his music, trying to find the perfect way to merge a few of the songs, and now was a bit thirsty.  As he notices Jaxler, he waves at him and walks over.  “Heya jaxler!  How’re you doing?”

Jaxler shrugged, “Meh, how about you?”

Flux tilts his head slightly at that.  “Just ‘Meh’?”

Jaxler sipped some booze. “Yeeaahh... Just meh.”

Flux sits down across from his friend.  “Why meh?  Something bad happen?”

“Nope. Just today is kinda annoying.”


“Not that... how old do you think I am?”

Flux thinks for a moment.  “Hmm... 50?”

“Today I turned 80.”

Flux smiles at his friend.  “Oh!  Happy birthday, Jaxler!”

Jaxler shrugged. “Thanks... you honestly thought I looked like I was 50?”

Flux shrugs as well.  “I’m not very good with ages.  I wish I knew it was your birthday, though.  I could have gotten you something.”

“Well, its fine. You don’t need to get me anything just because I’m one year closer to kicking the bucket.”

Flux chuckles at Jaxler.  “But I want to celebrate another of having you as a friend!”

Jaxler sighed, “Well, I guess that’s a nicer way of looking at today.”

Flux nods, wondering if he could do anything for Jaxler’s birthday, then smiles as he figures it out.

“Um... why are you smiling like that?”

Flux simply unslings his lute and makes sure it’s still in tune.  “Because I know what I’m going to do for your birthday, Jaxler.  You know I like to write music, yes?”

Jaxler titled his head. “Uh, yeah. Do you plan on playing something?”

Flux nods, satisfied that the lute is still tuned propperly.  “Your song.”

Now Jaxler’s curiosity was peaked. “I have a song?”

Flux nods and closes his eyes, focusing on the music.  The song starts quiet, like a secret that must be kept.  Despite the lack of volume, it has a theme of adventure, of self-sufficiency and inner strength.  Soon, a heavy and urgent theme rolls over the introduction, seeming to snuff out the first melody under a marching beat.  It passes, and the opening theme returns, stronger and determined, though carrying a heavy undercurrent of sorrow.  It continues for a time, and the opening theme undergoes several subtle changes, sometimes growing more wild, other times becoming its own version of a marching tune, and always carrying that current of sadness.

After a time, another quiet theme joins in, a timid and subtle theme that slowly grows more bold with the first theme.  They play through strains of excitement and of enhanced sorrow, but each helps the other through the changes in the song, and eventually a third theme joins in: beautiful and straightforward.  The timid theme fades slightly as the new harmony helps the original melody, the sorrowful undertone fading.  The song fades out there, as the beautiful harmony and original melody continue, seeking to banish the subtle sorrow.

Jaxler listened quietly to the song, smiling more and more as the song went on. “...damn... that was pretty neat.”

Flux opens his eyes and smiles.  “It’s your song, heh.  And it’s still a work in progress.  It’s a good song, Jaxler.  Because you’ve lived a good life.  You have your dark times, but you’ve always gotten through them.  And I hope you get more happy times.”

Jaxler’s smile managed to get a little bit bigger. “Well thanks.. make sure you give me the finished version once it’s done.”

Flux chuckles and shakes his head.  “It’s your song, Jaxler.  It won't be finished until you are.”

Jaxler chuckles as well. “If I keep on dodging the proverbial bolt as much as I do, I might never die.”

“The only thing better than a good song is a long good song.”

Jaxler sipped some of his booze. “That would be true.”
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 01:32:57 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3507 on: June 22, 2012, 05:37:25 pm »

((Sorry for the wall of text. Will have to add in the pictures latter))

If it weren’t for the recent losses, They would have been more ambitious with their request. Non-the-less, the walls were draped with silk cloth dyed mid-purple, the floors, carpeted with midnight blue wool, and the tables were covered with plant fiber cloths, painted a deep dark magenta. The dining hall was decorated with carefully chosen statues, which were positioned and repositioned constantly. Tableware and food was switched from table to table, filling the whole room with wonderful aromas. While Partisan busied himself actually doing things, Jury stood on the sidelines of the whole affair, armed with parchment and quill and occasionally snapping at nearby ponies to do their jobs properly. Jury was without a doubt that, under her watchful gaze, not one thing could go wrong.

Jury has convinced Virtue her to allow her to have several statues moved, hoping to make it look like the Gods themselves had orchestrated the events that lead to their union. She managed to talk Virtue into having two sculptures, one of Kashez and one of Dan, moved to the background. It was enough to appease Jury, so she left to spearhead the many other tasks yet to be started.

While Jury was busy with yelling out command after command to Stiletto, who was, to her irritation, dancing the statues from one place to another, Partisan was making sure, that the food and festivities were all up to Jury’s standards, busying himself far from Jury, while she was in her perfectionistic tirade. He watched over the food preparation, adding his meager aid to Marilee’s well rounded talents. It didn’t take long for him to become a burden, though, and he was sent off. He took that chance to prepare other portions of the festivities, such as barely managing to yet again convince Flux to play his piccolo and making sure that he himself were ready for his new responsibilities.

As the sun began to set, the time of the wedding neared. The Ponies, young and old alike, intermingled and conversed as they filed the intricately designed room. Barrels of alcohol were put behind a counter, manned by Indigo, to keep the supplies from running out. Partisan and Marilee were busy spreading out the food that was made on all the tables in puzzling arrangements. Jury, on the other hoof, spent her time checking, double checking, and triple checking that everything was in place.

Zearoth looked around, seeming a little awestruck from the impressive arrangement. Having been the first time he’s seen anything this beautiful. Mostly keeping to himself, he wondered about, sometimes nodding to anypony that looked to him.

“Hello again Zearoth. Are you have a good time?” Said Stiletto stepping up from the left.

Zearoth looked to the large Alicorn and gave a modest bow.”Yes. This is... More than anything I’ve ever seen before. It’s amazing.” He replied.”And you? Enjoying yourself?” Zearoth asked as he turned to face her.

Stiletto nodded “I am enjoying myself, but I still do not understand these, weddings? yes that is the word.” She puts a hoof under her chin.

Zearoth cocked a brow at the ponies words.”You’ve never heard of a wedding before? Well...”Zearoth thought for a moment and decided that he would try to explain it, to the best of his abilities anyway.”A wedding is when two ponies that are deeply in love decide to bind to each other, in a way. To forever love each other and be one as a couple.”Zearoth said before rubbing the back of his head with a forhoof.”Sorry if it still doesn’t make sense... I never was good at describing things.”

“You are not the first to try to explain this. It sounds to me much like the declaration of a title, but the only title you seem to be declaring is ganz besondere Liebe.” Stiletto tapped her hoof on the ground.

“Ganz besondere Lieb? You’ll have to excuse me. I don’t think I’ve ever heard any language like that before.”Zearoth said in reply. For a well worded pony, he was still rather simple in knowledge.”Do you.. Know how to translate it?”

Stiletto giggled. “Highpony, the language of my homeland, and as close as midpony can come is ‘very special love’. It is not a very good translation.” She rolled her eyes.

Zearoth gave a nod.”It’s fine. I’m sure I can get what it means if I think on it. I guess where you’re from it’s not common for one pony to vou themselves to another pony they love in this way?”He asked.

“Speaking the title is enough. The thing that feels the most odd is, the fact that ponies here only do this once.” Stiletto furrowed her brow.

Zearoth again quirked his brow.”Well marriage is meant to be between two ponies that love each other. Isn’t it?”He asked seeming slightly confused.

“I have no idea,” Stiletto looked to the side.

Zearoth leaned in a little as she looked away.”You okay? I... I didn’t offend you, did I? I’m sorry if I did.”He said in a sincere tone of voice.

Stiletto looks back at Zearoth “You did not offend me. I am simply am a little embarrassed at my lack knowledge. The fact that nopony seems to be able to explain is also... confusing? no, that is not quite right, frustrated... umm no, midpony must have a word I do not know.”

“I think you might be looking for ‘Irritating’. I might be able to explain better if I learned more about your own ways, though... It’d at least give us more to talk about.”Zearoth said with a bit of a smile.

“Each Deutschmeiner has many Liede. One for being you and one for each point of your excellence.” Stiletto looked a little worried.”Do you understand, Sir Zearoth.”

Zearoth thought for a little.”So... Your people, the Deutschmeiner, are allowed to be in love with one pony, but are also allowed to be in love with more, if they do what ever it take to gain the... Excellence?”Zearoth asked. Hoping he was hearing Stiletto right.

Stiletto nodded “Yes, that is as close as we can come with midpony. ”

Zearoth thinks of her words a little. Trying to think of how to apply them to an explanation.”I think it’s just how different we might be to the Deutschmeiner. I think to most one pony is only allowed to love another pony. Well.. In a relationship I mean. And... Sometimes those relationships can end, and couples would break up for one reason or another. But if their love prevails and they feel like they want to love only each other forever more, then they might get married. Declaring that ‘I’m yours, and you are mine.’.”He said. Hoping this was a better crack at explaining it.

“It is the one pony thing that I truly do not understand. Do you all think you only deserve one?” Stiletto looked at the Earthpony quizzically.

Midnight noticed the two ponies talking. He walks up to the two of them as he pulls his hood down, and he pauses himself from talking, letting the two continue their conversation.

Zearoth blushed a little and looked away.”I... I’m not even sure if I’m worth one...”He said in a low tone of voice.”But... In our culture we think that having one pony is something special. We do call them ‘special somepony’ for a reason. Because for us, once someone has a love, others can’t love him the same. Just the one special pony can.”

“That is absurd. Of course they can have more than one. Love is stronger than that.” Stiletto scoffs.

“Mind if I ask what you two are talking about?” Midnight asks as he looks at the two ponies.

Zearoth seems a little worried he had irritated Stiletto. He looked to Midnight as he heard his question.”Me and miss Stiletto were discussing marriage, and relationships. Her people have a very... Different, view of things.”He replied.

“As jealousy is the worst crime a pony can commit, we do not allow such things as encouraging it. Nor would we ever allow one pony to own another.” Stiletto states flatly.

Zearoth turned his focus back to the conversation.”Own? It’s not like that at all. It’s just... It isn’t like they’re slaved to each other. Just they’re bound by marriage to love each other. Just how some cultures are.”

“Love does not need to be forced. You know it is there, when you share in one another's excellence it is that much easier.” Stiletto looks to Midnight “Do you understand?” she said with a sympathetic tone.

“Yes, I think I see what you mean, and why it’s hard for you to understand the reasoning behind marriage.” Midnight replies as he looks up at the mare.

Zearoth gives a nod.”It’s just a matter of what you were taught... Different cultures just think differently and, for some, it’s hard for them to change from what they’ve been living with knowing.”

“I really do not think I should need to change to understand this.” Stiletto said, slightly flustered. She quickly shakes her head “Over all, it does not seem so important.” She clops her hooves on the ground “Let us forget this. Who would like to be first to dance?”

Zearoth gave a nod as Stiletto said to leave the subject be. Though promptly blushed at her question.”I’d love to. Just... Forgive me if I’m not the best dancer.”

“That will be all right.” Stiletto smiled.”I will lead.” With that she trotted slowly out onto the floor.

Zearoth followed Stiletto as they walked onto the floor. Pushing away his nervousness as he got ready to dance.

Midnight chuckled a little at Zearoth’s reactions, before walking off to see if he could find another pony to talk to, while the others danced.

Amber was invited to attend a ostentatious wedding marked with what she thought was boring imported dyed cloths and distastefully arranged statues. What the mare was there for was the food and she was not waiting for the ceremony’s end to devour the buffet. She sneakily walks on the tip of her hooves towards the platters until she was stopped by a silver white mane Pegasus. 

“Don’t touch that, please.” He said with a serious face plastered on. He was scared beyond measure now. He had just minutes to be in place and he was still trying to make sure everything was right.
“There will be plenty of food later, if you can bare to wait a little longer.” He walked off as quickly as he came, knowing that, If he were late, Jury would have his hide as a new purse.

Amor was setting across the table from Jaxler and was at one point, Amber too, but the other Unicorn mare let the peach mane mare trot off, knowing that somepony would catch her. Amor was half content sitting there talking with Jaxler, but wishing Indigo was there with her. A mug of red applejack was set down before her, but she waved off her favorite liquor. “This is Jury’s and Partisan’s day, not mine.” She said and turned to look at Jaxler who was giving death glances at the happy newlyweds to-be. “Are you not enjoying yourself Jaxler?” Amber soon rejoins them in half-defeat, munching on giraffe fillet.

Jaxler sighed. Somehow, being present at one of the happiest moments in the life of a pony that had put him through hell, really didn’t seem that spectacular. The only reason why he came over was because that backstabbing jackass Partisan wanted to make amends, and because he knew there would be free booze. “Nope.”

The mason-pony’s ears lay back and she look towards around, all the other ponies were enjoying themselves. This is a special day for us all, we should enjoy the joys of one another. She thinks as she looks at her red dress and back at Jaxler. “You could find something about this you could enjoy?”

Jaxler sighed again. “I guess I could get drunk.” drinking his mind away seemed to be the only way the uncomfortable little pony could enjoy himself. “You got any better ideas?”

“What's drinking? A mere pause from thinking. What best to be aware with a friend that takes your awareness away from life’s troubles?” The mare questions as she looks over to Jaxler “You could talk with me, is that better than booze?”

Jaxler sighed for a third time. “I rarely take my mind of life’s troubles, no matter who i’m with...” Jaxler then glared at the demonic creature that his old captain was about to marry. “You do realize that I’m at the wedding of the one pony who stabbed me in the back on more than one occasion and the pony who personally tormented me, and that the only reason why I’m here is because the back stabber seems to want to make amends.”

Amor was about to say something, but the wedding song begins, she looks towards the couple and Mayor Longshot. Of the obviously foolish there are but two: those who commit suicide and those who keep their mind drowned by drink. Jaxler gets up and takes his place with the groom, leaving the two mares there at the table.

The room silences as Flux begins to play. It was just a simple song he happened to pick up somewhere, but it served it purpose in leading out Jury. THe hush turns into a handful of stifled gasps as she walks out. Her beauty is astounding within the gown that was made for her and Partisan himself looks like nothing more than an added accessory, standing at her side. They both reach their place with Longshot in between And Partisan eyeing his bride to be.

  “Do you, Partisan, take Jury to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness, In health, Feast, and famine, so long as you both shall live?”

partisan looked into the emerald that he fell in love with and took in a slow breath.
“I do.”

“And, do you, Jury, take partisan as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness, in health, Feast, and Famine, so long as you both shall live?”

Jury held his gaze coolly, green orbs staring back into Partisan’s ruby eyes.
“I, as well, do.”

Then by the power entrusted to me as mayor of Dawnpick, I now pronounce you mare and Husband, You may now kiss.

Taking the initiative before Partisan could so much as move an inch, Jury lunged forwards and embraced him passionately, not removing her grip for quite a while.


Partisan was out of breath, still, after the unexpected display of affection from Jury. She, on the other hand, seemed to still be basking in the glow of attention that a newly wed usually received.

As if a to cause a slight distraction, one of the more drunken attenders trotted over to the table, were only the two of them sat, holding a freshly made barrel of booze.
“Here yah go. Made itsh special. Now have lots of foals you two!”

Those words were just too much for him and he nearly fell out his seat.
“Go away,” snapped Jury, also blushing red and snatching the barrel out of his hooves with her magic.

“T-that was an odd thing to say.” Partisan stated nervously as he watched the stallion skitter away..
“I mean. . . we may spend A lot of time together but. . . we’ve only. . .” he couldn't even finish the sentence in his own head as he burned red, just like before.
“Remember our first dinner together?”

Jury merely nodded, busy pouring out drinks from the barrel she had been given. “I remember.”\

“It was,” he tried to remember what happened that night three years ago, but drew nothing but blanks
“ . . . . I don’t know. I remember eating with you and then some drinks. And then I. . . woke up next to you.” His struggling became more visible as he continued on with his sentence.
“What happened in between then?”

“We slept?” replied Jury, busy trying to see how much beer she could get in her mug without spilling it. “Are there any more mugs?”

“I will go see if I can get one from Indigo.” He said as he stood.
A few minutes and a hollow attempt at conversing with Indigo later, he came back with a slightly larger mug than the one she had, and a realization of what she meant by, “We slept.”
“Wait. . .” he said as he sat the cup in front of her.
“You mean we just. . . slept. . . . like. . . just fell asleep right there. . . in the same bed?” The implications of that left Partisan confused as to whether it was a good thing or a bad. On one hand, it means that he had a little more fortitude than he though, so he didn't have to hold back on his drinking. On the other hand. . .

“Yes, you idiot. I was asleep before I hit the covers.” Jury confirmed without much interest, now filling the second mug as far as it would go. “Were there no bigger mugs than this one? It will do, though.”

Partisan just sat there, now that a feeling of dread and expectation where waring inside of him.
That means we never. . . I never. . . He frowned and felt the need to clear his head.
His mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. After several tries, he decided it would be easier just to go and come back later. He slowly crept out of his seat and turned to leave when he felt a force stop all his movements.

“Where are you going? Stay here, else I shall have nopony to talk to,” ordered Jury without even looking up from her drink, immobilising her newlywed husband. “You are going nowhere.”

He tried to leave still, struggling against the strong grip of her telekinesis, but gives up shortly, finding himself sitting back in his seat instead.
“Can I at least get a drink?” he asked, holding out a mostly empty mug.

“Of course,” she replies, swapping the smaller of her two mugs for his empty, larger one. “I would not begrudge you some, Partisan.”

He muttered out a thanks as he looked into the overly full cup of beer.
More than one way to forget your worries. He thought as he lifted the container up.
“To our marriage.” He said right before pouring all the contents into his muzzle.

Tilting her own mug high, Jury took a deep draught of drink before setting the almost-empty mug down, locking her eyes on the second mug. “I think I shall have two.” she says, eyes bright.

Partisan was midway through a second cup when her words hit him hard in the gut, causing him to nearly spit out his drink all over the place. He did all he could to hold his mouth close and swallow hard as the mix of the pressure and acidity burned at his throat.
Two what? he thought to himself as he watched the purple unicorn beam her eyes downward.

Jaxler sighed. This by far had been among the worst days Jaxler had been through. The amount of demoralization he had been through, in the span of 24 hours was ungodly. Standing and watching a back stabbing jerk marry somepony who personally took sadistic pleasure in watching him break down was soul crushing. All Jaxler wanted to do was drink his bottled up rage away. So, he sat near the refreshments and tried to do so, but just then, the one pony he didn’t want to talk to walked up to him before he could even start drinking.

Partisan himself, on the other hand, had finally found a way to escape his now drunk wife for time to clear his head. After wandering around outside for a few minutes, he came inside and just happened to spot his old friend, Jaxler, doing the same.
Might as well talk to him. See if he is at least enjoying himself.
“Hey Jaxler. How is the wedding treating you? Enjoying yourself?”

Jaxler sighed. “Nope.”

“Nope? Just. . .  nope?” That surprised him greatly, because he did his best to make sure that there was no one in Dawnpick who could say they weren't having a good time. In fact, the Pegasus gave up a couple months pay, just to make it that way.

“Yeah... just... nope...” Jaxler’s voice seemed hostile. He was having a hard time bottling his anger, and Partisan’s constant verbal prodding wasn’t helping.

“Anything I can do to change that?”


To Partisan, Jaxler seemed to be getting more and more distant. Maybe if he got to the bottom of the issue, he could fix it.
“Can you at least tell me what is wrong?”

Jaxler was seeming even more angry as the conversation went on. “It’s best... that you don’t know...” Withholding his rage was starting to become difficult, even painful.

“And how do you expect me to do anything about it if I don’t know what it is? What is the point of trying to make things better if I don’t know what's wrong?” Partisan said it as blatently as he could

“Do you... honestly want to know why I’m not happy?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

Jaxler sighed. “You do realize that I’m the best stallion at the wedding of the of the one pony who put a large dagger in my back on more than one occasion and the demon who took personal joy in my torment? And that YOU tried to make amends for all the bad you’ve done to me by having me sit here and watch a slimy monster that somehow crawled its way out of hell have the time of ITS life. By all means I know I’m being selfish right now, but I have HAD to sit by, and watch as you stab me in the back again, in front of the whole town.”

Partisan’s eyes narrowed at the mention of Jury being a ‘slimy monster’.
“First of all, you can say whatever you want about me, but don’t call my wife a monster. Sure she has her faults, but she is nice when you take time to get to know her. As for stabbing you in the back, I have done my best to look out for what could help you best, while not betraying Dawnpick, by having both me and Virtue arrested and incarcerated for incompetence. Not to mention keeping you from some of the worst situations Jury could think of. And marrying her is my choice. Its not like I am forcing you to do it.”

“Partisan, you also chose to demoted me, take away my crossbow, and to marry that monster, but most of all, the moment I trust you, The moment I ask somepony for help, you walk away, say nothing, and leave me for dead.”

“I did not leave you for dead. I did all in my power to keep you alive without shrinking back on your punishment. I did what any proper fa- friend would do. I did my best to help. And I was forced to demote you. It was the only thing I could think of to keep both of us off of the Crown’s watchlist, if your past were to get out.”

“I had gone years not being on a watchlist, you demoted me because you didn’t want me in the guard.”

“Then why would have given you the offer I did before? I didn’t demote you out of the guard. In fact, I left you plenty of room to get back in your old position. You didn’t take responsibility and shoved yourself off.”

“You gave me that offer knowing I wouldn’t take you up on it. You didn’t demote me from the guard, but you wanted me to resign and if I had stayed you would never have promoted me. And do you honestly think I could have gotten my old position back after trying my hardest to keep from losing it?”

“Why the hell else would I have. . . you know what. This is not worth it. If you don’t believe me, ask Virtue.”

“Buck you. Leave me the hell alone, and go away.”

“Watch your language, you filth,” chimed in a supercilious voice, Jury seeming to appear all at once beside Partisan. “Gods know Partisan puts himself through so much, for reasons I fear I shall never comprehend, to try and keep your company. I see nine months in prison have made you not one whit more suited to society, at least. Partisan, come here, leave this cur to poison himself with his precious moonshine as usual. Pity I cannot continue to stop him.” She beckoned her newlywed husband with a forehoof.

“I’m clearly not welcome here. Have a nice life, Partisan.” Jaxler got up and prepared to walk home.

Partisan turned to Jury as Jaxler turned away.
“You didn’t have to call him filth. He can act a bit uncouth at time, I will admit that, But he has some qualities of a good friend along with i-” Her angered eyes stopped him mid-sentence. Over the years, he learned that, when she wanted something done, sometimes it was best just to do it. So he sulked in her direction.
“Yes dear.”

“Dance with me.” said Jury. It was not a request, a fact that she made clear to him by deftly steering him across to a small clearing free from other ponies, tables and anything else that might get in their way.

((another scene will go in here when i add in all the picture))
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
  • The last Übermensch
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3508 on: June 22, 2012, 09:47:25 pm »

(( During Jury’s wedding ))
(( Amor, Indio and Jaxler’s reception scene ))

Jaxler has a horrible day. He actually hs to sit by, while the one pony he hates more than any other in fort has the best day of her life. Every bit of his soul wants to just walk up to that evil monster, Jury and thwack her in the face, and if it weren’t for Partisan trying to make amends, he would have. The amount of personal loathing and stress he feels right now is horrible, and him not doing anything about it is actually starting to make him feel ill. He hopes that drinking his brains out might actually make the sick feeling in his soul go away.

Amor follows Jaxler to the bar, after the vows and nuptials of Jury and Partisan. The copper unicorn takes a seat, but keeps an empty chair between Jaxler and herself. To her, the pegasus has been a real hindrance to the supposedly joyous day, celebrating the love between two ponies. The mare is a dry pony, but nonetheless she wants to enjoy spending time with Indigo and keep Jaxler from getting carried away with the intoxicants. She huffs and greets the blue pony stationed behind the tables; “Indigo, I hope you’re enjoying yourself.” Her statement betrays her perception; she can already tell the Unicorn stallion is annoyed.

Indigo just stares at her for a moment with sour expression and says. “Stop making fun of me. Do you want wine or juice?”

Amor mentally sighs at the notion of Indigo taking her greeting as a cruel joke on her part, when it was not intended as such. She places her fore hooves on one of the wooden tables that were moved to make the bar. “Sorry, I wasn’t poking fun at you, just trying to be sociable. Juice please, lime or orange if you have it?” She asks in a pleasing tone, almost drowned out by the reception music.

Indigo leans in to hear what she says, looks around, finds lime juice, pours it and places the mug in front of her. He sighs. “Ah sorry, I didn’t want to jump at you. This is just really not a good time to talk with me. So enjoy your drink, dance or do whatever you want and if you want to talk, we can do that some other day.” He sighs again, and moves to serve other ponies, leaving her alone.

Jaxler comes up to the bar. He needs something to drink, and doesn’t really care that Indigo might think otherwise. “Hey, bartender, I need a barrel of moonshine.” The goldenrod mane mare cuts Jaxler a quick glare, but looks at her own mug and sips a bit.

Indigo takes a look at Jaxler, and pours him a mug of sewer brew. “Here.”

Jaxler looks at the mug in front of him. He didn’t ask for sewer brew, and Indigo was being an ass. “Hey, I said bucking moonshine, and I demand a full bucking barrel.”

Jaxler’s outburst is enough to grab Indigo’s attention. “You demand?” he rises his brow, but doesn’t replace the mug. When he was in prison, he was humble, and the moment he’s out, his annoying bravado is back again? Jury was right about him.

“A pony cannot be free if he does not know that he is subject to necessity, because his freedom is always won by his never wholly successful attempts to liberate himself from necessity.” Amor huffs as she looks away from the two engaging ponies.

“You're the bartender, so please, tend to what I want from the bar.” Jaxler tryies his best not to be loud or have his tone get overly acidic. Though he is clearly angry.

Indigo sighs. If I piss him off too much, he is going to do something stupid, I know it. “Fine. Look, we seem both pretty upset, so just find yourself some out of the way spot, wait a few hours and you’ll be free to go to your room.” He gives Jaxler what he wanted. Unlike me, I have to spend the whole night here. Indigo turns to Amor “Were you saying something?”

The mare glances back at the two stallions and collects herself as she runs her hoof around the base of her mug. “Just that not everypony is right for this sort-of event and the three of us fit the category. Why are you not enjoying yourself Jaxler?” She asks before turning her interest to her sour drink.

Jaxler sighs. “I hate the bride with all my heart and there is enough bad blood between me and the groom to fill the moat. I’m pissed off because I’ve had to say nothing, smile and do nothing, all day while I’m forced to be the best stallion at the wedding of two of ponies I hate the most.”

“You did fine so far, so just endure it for a few more hours. Oh, and try not to black out or do anything stupid. Think of it as just another mission.” says Indigo helpfully ((that was a joke)) and moves on to serve other ponies, leaving the two to talk. Well, maybe she can occupy him, or even make him feel better. She can be very helpful at times.

“Alcohol, if drunk with moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit and promotes health. Or perhaps I’m giving the demon brew too much of the benefit of the doubt. Just try not to do something that would disappoint your friends, Jaxler.” The Unicorn mare says as she takes another sip, already regretting her words. “Why not voice your concerns to Virtue, Longshot or even Partisan? He has at least tried to not feud with you, so why do you insist on skulking about it in a barrel of booze?”

“What would you have me do? Tell the management that Partisan shouldn’t have married Jury because she is a sadistic bitch? Oh, how about I walk up to Partisan after he’s wed and tell him that he should get it annulled because I don’t like him or his wife!”

Then this is a petty triviality and you are drinking and sulking yourself to death over nothing. Amor thinks to herself. Getting it through to Jaxler could be beyond her. To tell him that he has the power to choose how he feels about things and reacts. Also that he is doing far worse to himself then what Jury has ever done. “Maybe it would work, or perhaps you might enlighten them to their flaws and make them better ponies,” she says with a shrug and finishes off of her lime juice.

Jaxler gives Amor a stare. What is she thinking? “If I walk up and insult them on they’re most cheerful of days, I’ll sooner get kicked out than actually change them and as much as I hate being here I am compelled to stay.”

Amor sighs and adds; “Jaxler, you must be tactful, go up to them and say ‘I do not like you Lady Jury, but I am willing to work with you for Partisan’s sake.’ If you aren’t going to do it for your own good, then at least stop drowning yourself in alcohol and move on.” She slides her mug to the center of the table, waiting patiently for Indigo to come back and fill it up.

“I’m blunt, it’s an unchangeable part of my personality. I will not be tactful when I tell you why I’m irate, I’ll just tell you how it is and that goes for everypony everywhere.” says Jaxler.

Amor says nothing for a while and just thinks to herself before continuing. “And that might be your saving virtue.” Indigo returns to the bar and Amor speaks up. “Indigo, I would enjoy another fill, please. Also, why are you upset, if you want to tell?”

Indigo refills her cup, takes a glance at Jaxler, then says to her in an annoyed tone. “Fine. This is one of the worst jobs, I ever did in my life. Partisan used a loophole to force me to be a bartender, so now I have to deal with drunk ponies,“ he takes another glance at Jaxler, “and pretend I’m nice to them. Oh, and I’m not even getting paid for this. I have work to do and as I said, this is not a good time to talk.”

“Maybe, Partisan thought that the reserves’ compensation would pay for this job. Also, you can always make a few bits from tips, if you accept them?” She asks, preparing her purse. “I for one appreciate you doing this, Indigo. Somepony trustworthy must do it.”

Indigo glares at her, while gritting his teeth. “Tips? I don’t accept bribes. This is not about you dropping me a bit or two. This is about principles.” Doesn’t she get it? “If you want more juice, it is on that table over there. Now leave me be. I told you, I have work to do” She calls herself my friend? I told her twice, it wasn’t a good time to talk. Indigo moves on, to serve other ponies, trying his best to ignore Amor and more annoyed than before.

Just as Indigo leaves, the mare concedes; “then if you want to talk later, you have my ear.” Amor returns to her juice and contemplates leaving soon. And again I realize that I’m not good at these events. After downing her drink, she says her goodbyes and goes to her room. Amber is left gleefully at the buffet. Good food in one of the few things that can brighten up her day.

(( NOTE: While many ponies were fortunate enough to be invited to the wedding, some had to work overtime to finish the preparations on time and serve the guests. They didn’t get any compensation for this, apart from some leftovers. ))

(( NOTE: I’m not sure if it is worth making it into another scene, but Amor and Indigo reconciled in less than a week after this. It basically came down to Indigo acknowledging that she wanted to help and explaining some ground rules to her, such as “When I’m stressed, overworked and tell you that I don’t want to talk, I mean it.” ))

(( NOTE: Amor is really out of her element at parties and even more so during this wedding. She is the type that only enjoys herself when her friends enjoy themselves. Any future festivities she plans to attend, will be in favorable conditions, including Indigo being free from any ‘unwilling’ responsibly. ))

(( NOTE: Strawberry wine, which is plentiful, is served as a starter and stands in jugs on the tables. Mead is served with food. Strong booze, such as Sewer Brew and Moonshine, is available from the bar and served by Indigo. ))
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3509 on: June 23, 2012, 07:29:03 am »

(( 13th Slate, 263, shortly after the bin incident. ))

As Indigo approaches the keep and petitions Fuscina to enter, the mare shakes her head and raises a hoof to forestall the unicorn. "Sorry Indigo, Virtue isn't seeing anypony today. If something isn't on fire, you'll need to come back later."

Indigo is dumbfounded for a short while. This is the first time he is denied an audience. Ah, the tappings of power. She is going to have ponies waiting to see her now. A rather sudden change in attitude, but it is consistent with the bin punishment. Looks as if she has finally decided to demand proper respect from her subjects. I'll have to be extra careful around her from now on. "When may I come back then?" asks Indigo after a moment of stunned silence.

Fuscina sighs and looks back to the door behind her briefly, recalling the very emotional conversation that she had witnessed not long before. "I'd give it a couple of days if I were you..." She watches the unicorn slowly turn back and leave.

(( 15th Slate, 263 ))

Indigo comes to the keep again, and is reluctantly left inside. He wears his best robe and no saddlebags. He slowly approaches the Baronesses desk, stands in respectful distance from it and bows. "Hello Lady Virtue."

Virtue hadn't long managed to work up the will to return to her office, and she still really didn't feel like being there. In fact, she never wanted to be there again, but that wasn't much of an option. She sits up slightly as Indigo enters, but fails to notice his attire until he makes the overly formal bow in front of her. If she didn't feel so much like just dragging herself back to bed, she might have questioned the motion. Instead, she just sighs mentally and tries to put on a welcoming face, which came off a lot less inviting than she had hoped. "Hello Indigo... how can I help you?"

Careful now. "Well, um... My Lady, you made it quite clear that we are not supposed to carry bins to the trade depot. They were really convenient for it, though and of course they could simply be emptied at the depot and carried back to the warehouse. Well, the thing I'd like to ask about, is how are we expected to carry trade goods without containers? Carrying them one by one is of course possible, but will take up much more time." asks Indigo hesitantly.

Virtue's half-hearted smile immediately vanishes to be replaced with a concerned frown. Fantastic. This conversation was almost exactly the worst thing that he could have wanted to bring up. "Indigo... that was a horrible misunderstanding." She chews her lip and tries to avoid dwelling on the consequences of it too much. "...horrible..." As her eyes return to him, she adds, "Please... continue to use the bins like they're supposed to be used."

Indigo feels as if the ground under his hooves was burning. Somepony had to try and clear this up, but why do I always get involved in slippery situations? "Misunderstanding? Well... I... we will do as you order of course. It is just that, please understand My Lady, the bins were used to carry goods to the depot in the past and there were never any problems with it. Recently a few ponies were punished for this, some very severely, but with little explanation. I only ask that you make the rules very clear beforehoof, so that no further punishments will be necessary. Please forgive my boldness, but until recently the ponies of Dawnpick liked you, but didn't fear you. If this is how you decided to... command more respect from your subjects, there are smoother and less terrifying ways to do that." Indigo can't quite make up his mind weather to make a submissive gesture or send her a false smile and ends up doing a mixture of both.

Virtue is stunned by this comment. She stumbles over a few half-words and settles on a profoundly hurt expression. Did he really think she was capable of such a terrible thing, much less that she did it intentionally to command respect? What kind of pony did he think she was? Had thirteen years not been long enough to convince everypony in Dawnpick that she would never do such a thing? "Indigo... do... do you really think that's what happened? You think I did this to command respect?" She covers her face with a hoof and says, "I didn't do this... I... I would never do something like this..." She looks aside and says, "The order Jury received was forged. Somepony else wrote it... and signed my name to it."

"Falsified?!" Indigo sits on his rump and stares at the wall behind Virtue. After a moment he regains composure and speaks. "Ah, yes. That makes sense. If you don't mind me saying so, you were always very permissive and therefore a very severe punishment for something so minor seemed very out of character for you. It got me very concerned. The fact that the document was falsified is both reassuring and worrying, but for different reasons. Is there an investigation into this? Have you considered, who could do something like this and why?"

Indigo's response was almost reassuring. He clearly thought something was wrong with the order... maybe he was just being careful instead of accusing her of such a terrible thing. Still, it cemented in her head that ponies in Dawnpick probably did think she'd lost her mind. She sighs and nods. "I asked Jury and Partisan to investigate it immediately. And not to trust anything with my name on it without seeing me first. I don't know who in Dawnpick would be capable of something like this..."

Indigo is almost back to his former self. "I see. Partisan is currently depressed and drunk, so I guess I'll have to do something about it or talk to his second in command, Kat. She is quite dutiful and this is too important for our old grievances to get in the way. In any case, I think you could help by talking to the guard about how the documents are usually delivered, who could have dropped it, who might have access to your seal... although it could be falsified by any half decent carver who saw it on some document. Also, is there anypony, who could have some grievances against any of the victims? There are a lot of such little details that could provide insight into this matter."

Virtue swallows hard and nods understandingly. Jury had been torn up enough about what happened, as cold hearted as she was, so the pony who had been forced to deliver the beatings would surely have fared worse. She was beginning to feel awful all over again... just how many ponies had been hurt by this? "Yes... this is all a bit past my expertise. I trust Partisan, Kat, or anypony in the guard to do all that they can."

Indigo frowns "More importantly, who could have a motive to do this? I see two possibilities. The first one is stupidity. Some misguided and officious pony could have made the document in your name, trying to impress you. Of course this explanation is quite ridiculous and I wouldn't suspect Jury. She is arrogant, but dutiful and obeys the rules. It could be some kind of prank by a foal, maybe. If that's the case, I would expect the culprit to deny it, but show fear when asked about it."

He continues. "The second explanation is malice. Such an act is sure to sow dissent, fear and mistrust among the citizens of Dawnpick. It also crippled and undermined our justice department. Whoever did this wanted to weaken us. I never told you, but I suspected there was some kind of spy in Dawnpick for years. I kept it to myself, because I could never figure out the culprit. My theory is that this pony is somehow feeding information to the bandits attacking us from time to time and a bold move like this indicates two things. There may be further acts of sabotage in Dawnpick soon and all of this can be in a preparation for some major attack."

Virtue's continued nodding finally comes to an end as Indigo pauses, and she says, "Well... the first theory that came up was that it was done by the rainbow ponies to try to undermine us, since trying to kill me directly hasn't worked yet." She shudders mentally, but presses on. "That makes the most sense to me... but another spy, maybe one who has lived here for years... that makes more sense than I wished it did. That could explain what happened to the rainbow diplomat, and Wool..." She stops and shakes her head. "No... I don't have any proof of that. If... if you do though, please let me know."

Indigo grits his teeth. "I had some suspicions years ago, but was never able to confirm them. Later I figured that the bandits seem to follow the caravans. Then our defences got strong enough so that just a few attackers couldn't do much... Maybe Gregor was involved, but that would be too obvious and too clumsy for somepony with his kind of information about Dawnpick. Forging this document had a pretty good chance of failure; in fact I'm very surprised, Partisan didn't confirm it before following through with it."

Indigo continues "Your theory actually makes much more sense. If those assassins were able to make it to the keep, then Partisan's office is a much easier target. Besides, he mentioned something about the document just being on his desk. The severity and strange reason for the punishment also make some sense in this context. Using bins for trading is common knowledge and well... some rulers would actually administer punishments this severe. Therefore somepony with minimal knowledge of Dawnpick, possibly obtained from coming here with a caravan, could come up with a document like this by shooting in the dark."

"I just... I wish Partisan and Jury had come to me first... so much could have been avoided..."

"Well, for what it's worth, most of the backslash from this has been against Jury and Partisan, not you. Still, while the damage is done, I believe this matter should be explained to the public, before the resentment gets any worse. If you don't want to do it yourself, have the mayor make an announcement in the dining hall. It is better to let ponies know that some documents may be forged than to have them think, they can expect very severe punishments for nothing." says Indigo.

"You're probably right," she says in a weak voice, having already come to the same conclusion herself. Hiding in the keep was only going to foster rumours and hard feelings, although she didn't know if there was anything that could fix the damage with what was left of Savory's family at this point. Worst of all, she didn't want Partisan or Jury to suffer needlessly through this. They could have avoided a tremendous amount of grief if they had just come to her first... but that was behind them now. "I'll... call a meeting. Tomorrow, I think. I hope this can still be cleared up..." Already she was beginning to feel a bit queasy. She hadn't set hoof outside to look anypony in the eye since the incident, much less the whole town. That probably wouldn't end well...

Now at least I know what happened, but still don't know what to do. "Lady Virtue, I think I should go now. I intend to see Partisan and talk to him about the investigation and our theories, yours in particular. I can also talk to the mayor about tomorrow's meeting. If there is anything else you want me to do, just tell me."

Virtue slumps a bit and says, "If you happen to see Longshot, tell him to come see me. Other than that, I don't think there's anything you can do..."

"Goodbye then, My Lady. Please try to prepare yourself for tomorrow. An explanation for all this is needed badly." Indigo turns to leave and swallows hard, then looks back at her. "I'm sorry, I... at first I thought you passed that judgement." Indigo bites his lip, bows and leaves, looking tired and old. He goes to Partisan's office next, without looking forward to the conversation at all. After that he visits Longshot and finally invites Amor for a talk in his room.

Virtue places her face in her hooves as she props her elbows on her desk.  She seemed shocked when Indigo believed she issued the punishment, but how was he supposed to react?  It had come with her name on it, and her seal. Why would anypony think anything else? She sighs and shakes her head, with her face still covered by her hoof. Everypony in Dawnpick would be thinking the same thing. How was she going to face them all? What was she going to say?

At least she had some time to think about it...

(( NOTE: Indigo talks to Partisan, Longshot and maybe Jury about this. And Amor of course. Virtue either explains the forgery herself or has somepony else do it in her stead the following day. There probably won't be a scene of this meeting, but it happened on 16th Slate in the evening and the forgery becomes common knowledge, which eases the social tensions a bit. Though I imagine somepony from Savory's family, likely Storm Cloud or Detergent, had a few nasty things to say. ))

(( NOTE: From this day on, Indigo is more formal and polite when dealing with Virtue, just in case. ))

(( NOTE: While Indigo may be involved in the background, please feel free to resolve the bin crisis among yourselves. I don't expect the investigation to yield any results in any case. ))

(( NOTE: Funny, but somewhere in Dawnpick there is a statue of Virtue holding a bin. Psalms said it was close to the centre of the statue garden. ))

(( NOTE: An FB escaped into the mines in Felsite and two more in Malachite. This could be considered  acts of sabotage. ))
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
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Research: Crossbow with axe and shield.
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