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Author Topic: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)  (Read 229904 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3525 on: June 28, 2012, 10:20:38 pm »

Moral was sitting by under tree looking really sad. He just saw something that about ruined his good day and now he felt really bad. He was trying his best not to cry, but he just felt so sad right now that was hard.

Marilee happened to be trotting by, when she noticed the poor stallion sitting beneath the tree, and came over to sit by him. “Uhm... hey there Moral, remember me?”

Moral sighed. “Yes I do um... Marilee?”

Marilee smiled at him. “Yes, that’s right. Is everything alright? You don’t look so good.”

Moral tried his best to be calm. “W-well I feel kinda... um... sad right now...”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Would you mind telling me what’s the matter? Maybe I can help.”

“Well... um... uh.. I kinda saw a foal with his parents.. and It made me sad because I don’t remember my mommy or daddy...”

Marilee winced sympathetically, “Y-You don’t remember your parents? At all? Oh, Moral,  sweetie...” She leaned in to give him a hug.

Moral accepted the hug, but still looked rather sad.

Marilee draped a wing across Moral’s back, scooting a little closer to him. “Say, Moral... what do you remember? Before you came to Dawnpick, I mean.”

Moral shrugged. “I don’t”

“Y-You don’t remember anything? At all? Oh, Moral...” She hugged him more tightly.

“Yeah, me not have good memory.”

“B-But... I’ve heard ponies talk about you being a very powerful wizard. You must have gone to a school somewhere to learn that, surely you remember that?”

“Well, I know that I powerful wizard, and I know I went to school, but that doesn’t mean I remember it.”

“I... I’m sorry to hear that, Moral. I don’t know how I could help, though...”

Moral started to get a smile back. “It okay, I actually feel better just having you being nice and listening.”

“Oh? Well then I’m glad I could help you.”

Moral continued to smile and gave marilee a hug with his wing.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3526 on: June 30, 2012, 04:45:15 am »

Marilee hurried to Jaxler’s home, almost at a gallop. She simply couldn’t believe it was true. Surely what she’d overheard the guards saying in the dining hall was just a rumor going around, right? But nonetheless, it had worried her. She simply had to hear the truth from Jaxler. She arrived at his door and stepped inside. “Jaxler, are you there?”

Jaxler was sitting in his chair not doing anything in particular, when Marilee busted into his room without knocking, which was really odd for her. “Um... yeah...”

Marilee smiled, trying her best to hide her anxiety. “Hey Jaxler, how have you been?”

Jaxler smiled back. “I’m fine... pardon me but something seems to be troubling you.”

“Oh, it’s nothing, really.” At least, she hoped it was nothing...

Jaxler got out of his seat and walked up to Marilee and placed his hoof on her withers. “It’s okay for you to tell me.”

“Uhm... okay...” Marilee sighed. “I, well... I heard some rumors around town, and. I know they’re just rumors and I shouldn’t pay much attention to them, but. they worried me. A lot.”

“What were the rumors about... they weren’t lying about you, were they?”

“Oh no, nothing like that. It was... about you, actually.”

“Well, what exactly did they say I did?”

“They said... well... they were saying you’ve been stepping out with a-another mare...”

Jaxler sighed, and sat back down in his seat. “With who?”

“Well, that’s the weird bit. They said you were with that big alicorn mare, Miss Stiletto? But I’m sure you told me you don’t like alicorns.”

Jaxler started to look nervous, upon realizing how Marilee and the people making those rumors could have mistaken. In the end he found it best to try to steer the conversation in another direction. “Well, I don’t really hate alicorns anymore...”

“Oh? Well, I’m glad to hear that, but how did it happen?”

“Well, it’s hard to explain...”

“I’ve got time.”

“. . .” Jaxler paused as he tried to think of an explanation. “Well, a couple years ago, I kinda had to act like a meat shield so that Flux could get away from a couple cave monsters. I was on the ground dying when Stiletto saved my life. I was loosing my hatred for alicorns ever sense and in light of recent events, I’ve dropped it altogether.” Jaxler really hoped he didn’t have to have to explain what the recent events were.

“It must have been something pretty profound to make you change your mind like that.”


“So... have you been talking to Stiletto more often lately? Something that might make ponies think you were together?”

“Well, a few days ago, me and had a run in...”

“What did you talk about?”

“um.. stuff.”

“Jaxler...” Marilee looked pointedly at him. “What kind of stuff?”

Jaxler really had a feeling that if he didn’t tell her exactly what happened then she’d think he was cheating on her. “Well, it’s kinda personal, and It’s not really what we talked about, but the events leading up to it.”

“Well, could you tell me about that, at least?”

“I’d rather not.”

“You know you can talk to me about... sensitive subjects, Jaxler.”

“Well... she found me in the crypts... and I was about to kill myself...”

Marilee gasps. “K-Kill yourself? Oh, Jaxler... why would you do a thing like that?”

“I...” Jaxler cut himself off and didn’t say anything else.

Marilee just stepped forward and hugged him. “I-It’s okay... if it’s too much to talk about...”

“It’s fine...”

“Okay... so, miss Stiletto found you, and stopped you?”


“And... what happened after that?”

“Well, she kinda had me leave the crypts and tried to comfort me. Which, involved keeping me under her wing as we walked around town.”

“I see... she does seem very, well... affectionate?”

“Well, she is. Though, aside from hugs we didn’t do anything that could make somepony think I was cheating on you, which I wasn’t.”

“I understand. I suppose I should thank her for helping you like that. I-If you had gone... I...”

“I-I’m sorry that I almost did anything that would have hurt you...” Jaxler then gave Marilee a hug.

Marilee snuggled closer to Jaxler. “Thank you... and thank you for being truthful with me, Jaxler.”

“Thank you too... Though I have one question.”


“Considering how you feel about your brother, why did you react so badly to hearing about me and stiletto?”

“I...” She paused for a moment. “I... guess now that you mention it, that would be rather hypocritical of me...”

Jaxler tilted his head in confusion. “Wait...”

Marilee looked up at him. “What is it?”

Jaxler still looked confused. “What were you implying?”

“Oh? I didn’t mean to imply anything, I-I’m just saying, it was wrong of me to be upset at the possibility of you two... being together.”

“okay then...” Jaxler then tried to give Marilee a kiss.

Marilee accepted the kiss, breaking it after a short moment and turning it into a nuzzle.

Jaxler smiled and started to nuzzle Marilee back.

Marilee moved in for a longer, deeper kiss, gently pushing Jaxler back into his chair.

Jaxler held this for as long as he could, before breaking it. “So.. what now?”

“Well...” Marilee grinned wide. “Why don’t you just sit back, and I’ll show you...”
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 05:53:28 pm by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3527 on: June 30, 2012, 05:01:12 am »

Jaxler was in the meeting with Granite. He was already thoroughly drunk, and by all means probably couldn’t think anymore. Three empty barrels and one full, lay next and to him and he probably could shouldn’t even be alive right now. “Hey, HEY, Gran-*HIC* Granite... I-I thiiiiinnnkkkk I’m goooooooona go for barrel” Jaxler pauses in order to cause suspense “Number 4!”

“Dud, dude THAT’S a friggin brill-*HIC* brilliant idea!” Granite slurs, taking a step back and knocking over a nearby table. “Go! Go! Go!” He chants, stuck in a broken table.

“Yeah, yeah... LETS... um... LETS DO THIS!” Jaxler chugged the fourth barrel. it took him around a few minutes to down it, but eventually finished the barrel and dropped the now emptied receptacle to the ground. “Igh NOdon’t fell so okay...”

“You-*HIC* you should... like... drink more, y’know? Like *HIC* booze always... helps!” Granite said. He struggled in vain to break the grip of the table on top of him.

“I-sh meh... neehad halp...” Jaxler’s leg gave up from underneath him. He hit the ground and stopped moving altogether. He laid there sprawled across the floor.

Flux was looking forward to dinner after a long day of smelting.  He enters the dining hall just in time to see Jaxler tip over backwards, a pile of barrels and Granite around him.  Flux shakes his head and bids a tearful farewell to thoughts of eating.  Looks like he’d need to help Jaxler home so he can wake up somewhere that’s not the top of the water purifier or something.

Granite breaks free from the malevolent grasp of the broken table and stumbles over to Jaxler. “Da, dad? Are you *HIC* alright? Jaxl*HIC*ler?!” Granite slurs. He starts trying to shake him awake in his drunken stupor.

Jaxler doesn’t awake, and just lays there, unconscious.

Flux walks over to Granite and tries to calm him.  “Granite?  He should be alright, you know how much he tends to drink.”  Flux leans down to get a better look at his friend, wanting to make sure he didn’t hurt his head when he fell over.

“He *HIC* he normally only has three barrels max... this... er... this is his *HIC* forth...” Granite says. “I, I think he needs... to see... Pana*HIC* Panacea...”

“Four barrels?  Ya, we should probably take him to her.  Just in case.  Here, help me carry him.”  Flux starts to lift Jaxler, though he’s going to need Granite’s help to actually move him.

“Right *HIC* I got this...” Granite says. He stumbles closer and lifts Jaxler up and almost bangs his head into a table. “We’re *HIC* going to the... to the well right?”

“No, the hospital”

As Jaxler is lifted he effectively emptied the contents of his stomach on the ground.

Granite’s gag reflex triggers at the sight of Jaxler vomiting, and so Granite starts puking all over a nearby table while a family eats their dinner nearby. “Oh... gods... I feel slightly better...”

Flux facehoof as Granite ruines a family’s dinner, but at least he got Jaxler to his back.  “Um... Granite?  Maybe you should help them.  I should be alright with Jaxler now.”

“B-b-but, he’s my buddy... *HIC* you... you... don’t leave a buddy... behind...” Granite says. A tear comes to his eye.

Jaxler vomits once more from atop Flux’s back, still unconscious.

Flux sighs.  “Fine, let’s just hurry!  All this vomit can’t be good.”  He keeps the fact that he can feel something... wrong with Jaxler to himself.

“Why... are we going... this *HIC* way?” Granite asks. “The wells... over there...”

Jaxler’s heart rate now started to slow dramatically.

“We aren’t going to the well!  Run ahead and tell Panacea to get ready, Jaxler really needs her help!”

“Okay!” Granite yells. He sprints full speed towards the hospital and trips at the door, effectively using his face to break through the door, causing him to stumble to the ground at the front desk. “Panacea! *HIC* We need you!!!” Granite shouts.

Flux hurries to the hospital as fast as he can.  “Come on Jaxler... stay with me...”

Jaxler’s breathing came to a halt as Flux carried him off.

Flux quickens his pace as he feels Jaxler keep fading, going as fast as he can without dropping his friend.

Panacea comes galloping down the stairs as Granite bursts into the hospital.  She glances around wide-eyed for a moment before settling on him.  “What?  What is it?” she asks urgently.

“Ja-Ja-Jaxler is *HIC* is dying of... alco*HIC* alcohol poison... poising... poisoning!” Granite slurs. “He, he *HIC* he needs help!”

“Where is he?” she demands, running through her mind what to do.  This might be out of her hooves already...  She swears mentally.  Why did it have to come to this?  Why couldn’t Jaxler just listen to her when she told him this would happen?

Flux dashes into the hospital, Jaxler’s still form over his back.  “Panacea!  He’s not breathing!”

She darts over to a bed and gestures for Flux to bring him over. “Has he been vomiting?”

Flux hurries to put Jaxler on the bed.  “Yes.  Um... a lot.”

“Alright,” she says, wracking her brain for what to do about the breathing.  This wasn’t going to be pleasant at all, but there was a life to save.  She steps over to Jaxler and begins applying compressions to his chest, hoping he’d start breathing again on his own soon.  When there’s no response, she gives him a few breaths, trying to ignore the smell, and taste, of alcohol and vomit.  “Come on...” she mutters, repeating the compressions.

Worry grows to fear as she continues to get no response.  She places a hoof to the artery in his neck and confirms her fear.  No pulse.  “Quick, somepony go get Chestnut!  She should be upstairs in her room.”

Granite stands up. “On *HIC* it!” He breaks into a full sprint towards the staircase. After many stumbles, trips, and crashes into the wall, Granite makes it to Chestnuts room. “HELP NOW!!!” He shouts in a rage. He then stumbles back and falls down the staircase. “I’m *HIC* okay!”

Snapped from her peaceful reading, the brass-eyed unicorn knew immediately to head to the hospital. Her heart rate increased, not knowing what to expect. She fumbled down the stairs in a hurry and galloped after the disoriented earth pony ahead of her. Finally arriving, she asked in worry, “W-who is it?”

In a drunken rant, Granite explains to Chestnut, “Jaxler *HIC* has no pulse, he’s probably dead, he drank too much and now he... he has alcohol poisoning... Panacea needs *HIC* needs your help, Chestnut.” He pauses. “Hur*HIC*ry!!!” Granite yells, hoping his only drinking father-buddy hybrid will survive.

Chestnut felt grave concern as she quickly made her way to unconscious pegasus on the bed, “Everypony! Give me some room!” Concentrating, her horn began to sparkle with golden magic as she pressed it against Jaxler’s chest. A brief jolt of electric energy jumped into the black pony’s body. Allowing the reflexive muscle spasms to reside, she felt for his pulse. Nothing. She gives another surge, this time with more power. This time, she feels a weak pulse, “I’ve got something! He’s alive!”

Granite cheers out from the corner of the room and started to vomit next to himself.

Flux releases the breath he’d be holding, so relieved that Jaxler is alive, and hoping he’ll stay that way. 

Panacea too lets out a relieved sigh. “Good work.” She begins examining Jaxler again. “He’s probably vomited up all of the alcohol by now... he’s going to need fluids, and some way to metabolize the alcohol that’s already in his blood.” She continues to feel his pulse and adds, “His body will take care of that if he doesn’t have liver failure.”

“Let me see what I can do about that,” Chestnut states. She walked over to a bucket of water that was regularly kept in the hospital room and levitated it over to the bed. Focusing her magic, she concentrated on slowly and carefully teleporting small amounts of the water into Jaxler’s bloodstream. This was going to be a delicate procedure; do it too quickly and the excess water could do more harm than good. The magic was keyed in on water specifically, so that impurities and germs would not be transported into his body as well. A dim and steady glow emanates from her horn.

“Yes, that should help,” Panacea says.  “We’ll just have to keep an eye on him and let his body do the rest of the work.  That’s going to take a few hours at least...”  She looks at Flux and Granite and adds, “You can stay if you want, but we’ll keep an eye on him.  He’ll be fine, I promise.”
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 05:16:03 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3528 on: July 01, 2012, 08:44:33 pm »

Sienna’s Diary

   Dear Diary, I think I saw a mythical creature today, A creature I thought for sure I would never see in my entire life! I think I saw a prince charming. After the most romantic dinner with moral, I’ve realized he’s...Well he’s different. ‘Good’ would be a word for it,  If I believed colts are capable of sort of thing. We’ll see If it’s genuine or not. I want to believe, I really, really want to. But I know better. This isn’t some sappy romantic novella, after all.  I’ll go on a few more dates, See what Midnight’s doing, keep the irons on the fire and see which one burns hottest for me.

Alpine’s Diary

(The Handwriting is jagged and scattered)

DiaryIHadTheMostExcitingDayOfMyLifeSoThereIWasThereWasAFelbeastStandingBetweenMeAndthefortsoIdidwhatIhadtoIleapedAtHimWithMyWarfaceAll’RAAGH’. Wait T’ill Clear Hears This!

(The writing calms down and becomes more structured)
I thought I was dead. For A few seconds, there, I thought the the calvary wouldn't come, and I’d be the next to be shoveled in the catacombs. When the monster leered down at me, salivating, Strangely the first thought that came to mind was about my dad, how disappointed he would be if I did nothing and how heartbroken he would be at my funeral. I took the practice sword Clear and I use to spar and started practice. Thrust, parry, parry, dodge, thrust. I defended myself until the cavalry came,  but for a second  ...  It wasn’t anything like the stories they tell you about as a foal.  at all. If I didn’t have that narrow piece of iron with me to protect myself, I (the next Three sentences are scratched out beyond readability and the paragraph stops)

Patina’s Diary

Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3529 on: July 01, 2012, 09:01:52 pm »

A while ago...

Sienna plays with the spaghetti on her fork, twirling it around over and over while she talks a mile a minute

“ - So, Is It just me, or is something, Weird, going through the fort? Granite’s a rock golem, Jaxler is a mare somehow, Stiletto’s a foal... whatever it is I hope I don’t catch it!”

“Well, if you do catch it I’ll make it go away.” Moral than began to nom on some letis. “I hope I no get it.”

Sienna looked surprised “Oh, you’re a doctor? I’d have never guessed.”

“Nope, I just no wanna um... uh... buck... OH! I no wanna see you sad.”

she chuckled “Me? Sad? I’ve never been sad and never will be sad. Why waste the effort?” she grins slyly “Especially when you can spend it getting even.”

“So, if you’re not a doctor, what do you do?”

“Oh, I waste the effort because you're nice to me and make me happy so I want you to be happy.” Moral then got a big smile. “and I make wooden crafts and stuffs form money, and for some reason always get a lot of money whenever a caravan comes...”

“Mmm, An artist. Being an artist isn’t easy, you just have to put your work out there, and if the world doesn't like it? Don’t worry, everyone’s a critic. Sounds like you’ve made it, though. Have a gallery? Maybe I can see some.”

“Oh, I no has gallery, but and I no care if anypony no like my stuffs, but, I do wish more ponies would like me... But you nice and like me, so I’m happy!”

she grins at him incredulously “Yeah, I don’t know why anyone wouldn't like you, you’re just a pyromaniac.”

Moral looked both shocked and sad by the insult. “W-w-why did y-you have t-to say that...”

“Relax, It was a joke! You wouldn't hurt anybody.” she chimed ‘I mean, hopefully...’ she thought

Moral sighed. “Can I please has hug?”

“Uh, sure, ‘you can has hug’.” she looks down at the food and the table keeping her from doing that “I mean, I would, If I wasn't in the middle of having a dinner with you. After, maybe?”

Moral sighed again, “okay...” and continued to eat his dinner. “you know... other ponies call me that word.. um.. uh.. pyrotrainiac or whatever... I not even know what it mean, or why you guys hate me so much...”

“Hate you? No. That’s respect, my friend. They respect you. and maybe tiny pinch of fear. but that’s not a bad thing! Means they’ll never step on you. And hey, I like you.”

she takes a sip from her mug

“Then why you call me that word that mean you fear and dislike me, and you called me that...”

“The same reason my brothers call me a slut behind my back.” she said simply “ The ponies just see it a way, we see it another. I’d just thought you’d be numb to it like I am. I stopped caring about the labels a long time a ago.”

she slurped down a particularly thick noodle

“Well, I just would like pony to like me... but you still like me, so I’ll be okay” Moral got his big smile back.

“Guess I don’t understand why you care much about others opinions, honestly. Someone has a problem with you? You can set them on fire. it’s pretty clear who’d win ... Sorry, I’ve been spending too much time around my brother Sheer Delight ...” she frowns “Then again, you might be right. He’s kind of a prick.”

“Well, I just want to be friends with ponies, and when they don’t like me, they don’t want to be friends, and when they on fire they really don’t want to be friends.” Moral still kept his smile going though. “So, what does that word you said earlier mean? sult I... um... DAMNIT! Oh! Sult I think it was.”

“Oh? ‘slut’.” the glow in her eyes dims a little “It’s something bad and it’s something I’m not. I’m not. So it doesn't bother me.” she said the second 'not’ a little more aggressively than the first, trying to assure herself more than anything

“”Well, you're not one!”

“Can we change the topic?” the said hotly “So do you make a lot of money doing what you do?”

“Well, no, I’m no the best at making crafts, but I do get pain money for it, and it fun, but I still gets lotsa money from other people. In fact I be rich!”

“I’m liking you more and more, Moral.” she grinned “I make a few things here and there, Dad’s still has a few of his old chisels and brushes around, and I dabble. But never sold anything.”

“Why you care if you sell something, it just fun to make stuff.”

“Ever heard the term starving artist?”

“You wouldn’t be starving, I’m rich remember!”

“Hey, I have a crazy idea. What if we like, I don’t know, make a giant mural over Virtue’s office or something! someplace public, where everypony can enjoy it!”

“I say go for it. If you um... uh... bucking hell.. what’s the word... OH! if you um... uh... if you want to do it, just do it... I’m Moral!”

“Yeah” Sienna agreed “If you want to do it, just do it... that’s some sage stuff, Moral.”

“Thank you. Ponies sometimes don’t be happy because they no do stuff they wanna do, so they get sad, and I no want you sad.”

Seinna just sat back and admired Moral. He’s just so... Simple. No judgements, no snappy comebacks, no... need to have a guard up. She found it so refreshing after all the bickering and chaos she puts up with from her family daily.

“And...I appreciate that.” she said, letting her soft side show just a little 

Moral smiled at Sienna. “Thanks.”

“Uh, heh, I- yeah...” Sienna blushed, this whole ‘having honest intentions’ thing being new territory to her. She finished off the last bit of her meal.

“Well! It’s getting late, want to get the check and get some dessert?”

“Oh, sure!” Moral then levitated something out of the saddle bags laying next to his seat. It was puch filled to the brim with bits. “Um... do you think I has enough pocket change of this?”

Sienna raises her eyebrows in surprise “Yeah, Yeah I think that’ll do it...”

Moral smiles and leaves the bits on the table. “So um... uh... what you gonna get for uh... dessert?”

“I make the best cupcakes, maybe I can come over to your place and make some?”

“Oh, that would being great, I love cupcakes!”

“Sounds good. Oh, And  about that hug...”

She gets up flings her arms around moral

“Thanks, thanks for just listening...”
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 09:06:08 pm by DVNO »
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3530 on: July 01, 2012, 09:04:46 pm »

Before the alcohol poisoning...

Clear Skies was out in the courtyard, making slow, concentrated movements with his hooves. This was seven o'clock, this was his this was his time to block the world out and center on nothing but his inner spirit animal.

Jaxler and Granite walked over to the courtyard. Upon seeing the odd thing that Clear Skies was doing with his hooves. Jaxler was the first to talk. “Da’ buck you doing over there?”

“Trying to achieve inner peace and enlightenment. Mother says I get too angry at things so I’m trying this. What are you doing over here?” he growled 

“You need to move around like a moron to calm down? Do you have any mental problems we should all be concerned about?” Granite asks, chuckling slightly.

“Granite! Stop making fun of him immediately! It’s not correct to make fun of the simple minded!”

Clear cocked his head to the side and made a wide circle with his hooves slowly

“It’s an ancient art of the zebra, and It’s proven to work. The Zebra merchant from the caravan told me himself.” he made a sour face “And for thirty bits it better..”

Granite burst out in laughter. “I’m sorry, but thirty bits? You payed a zebra thirty bits to learn how to calm down?”

“GRANITE! Remember what I just told you about the simple minded!He shifted his entire weight on one leg and exhaled deeply

“So, Did you come all this way for something, Or is Virtue paying you to sit here and laugh at me? I don’t think she is. Have anything better to do, Guardsmen?”

“You know both of us aren’t guards right? And I wish Virtue was paying me.” Granite pauses. “Maybe I could go spend thirty bits to learn all about this very interesting concept of stress relief.”

“Virtue pays your boss, your boss pays you, you know what I’m saying.”

Jaxler laughed a little bit. “Really? thirty bits for stress relief, what kind of fool would pay that?”

“Evidently this clown, Jaxler.” Granite answers, grinning viciously.

‘you are a crane, you are a mother-bucking crane, flying free...’

“The kind of fool who has two arsehats egging him on.” Clear said with a tinge of anger “Do you two want something?”

“Do you want something? You’re being really annoying right now. I’m just trying to carry a conversation on with my good friend and you keep on interrupting.” said Jaxler

“Jeez louise, the nerve of some ponies.” Granite says.

“yeah, the nerve of some ponies. like feeling up my sister? that kind of nerve, Granite?”

“Hey she came on to me, my friend. Guess I just got that winning personality.” Granite says.

“Meh, I wouldn’t expect somepony like Clear to actually understand what it’s like when mares actually are attracted to you.”

“I don’t think she’s your type. In fact, I don’t think mares in general are your type.” He grins “you and Jaxler are such great friends! You’re practically inseparable. wonder if you share each other's beds too?  I bet Jaxler as a mare was a wet dream come true for you.”

Granite laughs. “Don’t worry, I have a cosy little apartment all to myself... well now also to Patina, too. I guess you can ask her all about my bed if you really want that information.”

“She’s. Not. Getting. Ten. Feet.  While. I’m. still. Breathing.” He growled while he swayed side to side “So how was being a mare, Jaxler? was It fun?”

Jaxler shrugged. “Could have been worse.”

“Ha, Couldn't have been worse for your reputation. Of course, your reputation’s always been down the shitter, why start caring now?”

He makes a little kung-pow move

“You can thank me for that little out-of-body experience, by the way...”

Jaxler sighed. “You implying you dragged me into that poison joke?”

“Why, No! that'd be incriminating myself! I’ll never admit to that...” he did a hoof-stand “But the pony who did laughed his ass off for weeks.”

Granite’s laughter stops. In a very pissed off tone, he says, “Did you make me into that golem? Is it because of you that I became a monster?!” He takes a few steps towards Clear. “Huh?!”

“Aye, Granite! I think he just contradicted himself! You know that a contradiction is just another type of lie!” Jaxler then pulled a bolt out of his quiver and broke the head off. “I wanna show Clear what I did during sparring!”

“Clear, answer me! Did you do that?! And Jaxler hold off on that, I wanna hear what he has to say for himself.” Granite asks.

“Wanna hear what I have to say? Go F*&K yourselves! You’re not going to break this Qi I’m work’in up! I’m a calm, mother-buck’in butterfly!”

Granite suddenly bursts into laughter again. “I just wanted to know who to thank for letting me feel like an unstoppable badass, albeit a slightly clumsy one, so I guess I should thank you for that. Anyway you should really learn to watch your language, possible future brother-in-law.” Granite walks back over to his original spot.

“Granite, I’m gonna stick him with one my bolts unless you have any objections.”

“Yeah go for it.” Granite says. “It’s beatdown time!”

Jaxler grins as he plotted where he’d hit the dumbass in front of him. “KIDNEY SHOT!” Jaxler then fired the blunt bolt toward Clear’s kidney.

Clear slumped from his hoof-stand and collapsed all over the place

“THAT’S IT!.” Clear yelled. he got back on his hooves and cracked his neck. “Sorry, Itdun, I tried.”

He takes a swing at Jaxlers face

Jaxler didn’t move an inch as the hoof slammed into his face. “Your nonexistent god cannot help you now, simple minded foal.” Jaxler then swung the butt his crossbow toward Clear’s gut.

“Ugh!” Clear took the blow to the gut “RAAGH!” He leans into the blow and grabs the crossbow, wrenching it away and throwing it a good few feet.

Jaxler sighed, he really hoped the guy wouldn’t have done that. His crossbow was of course unharmed but Jaxler still was pissed. So, he threw his brass horseshoe clad hoof at the dumbass’s side.

Clear grabbed Jaxler’s mane by the mouth and landed three more solid blows to Jaxler’s face

Jaxler didn’t even flinch as he flung his brass clad hoof into the dumb ass’s forehead.

Granite hangs back a bit, waiting for a more opportune moment to intervene.

Clear had to get his bearings after that strike to the head “Alright! I give up! I-”  his nervous expression turned into a big, dumb grin. He sees his brother Sheer Delight strolling up “ I don't think you’ve met my brother, Sheer, have you? He’s kind of a badass.”

“Jaxler I think we might be screwed here, but... eh scratch that, we can take them.” Granite says, sizing up his opponents. He quickly pulls out his flask and takes a few swigs. “Hey Sheer, you really wanna help this guy? He ain’t the nicest... or the sharpest.”

The mountain of a pony just gave a scowl, and took a vicious lunging punch at Granite, sending him flying back into Jaxler. Clear took the opportunity to squirm away

“Holy buck... Jaxler I think it’s safe to assume this guy is against us.” Granite gets up and unsheathes his chain. “I found it on my nightstand.” Granite chuckles slightly. He wraps the chain loosely around his fore legs.

“Can you distract him, I have a plan. I’ll need you to dodge /all/ his hits”

“Alright, fine.” Granite says. He leaves the chain wrapped around one leg and charges at Sheer.

Meanwhile, Clear starts to inch his way towards Jaxler’s crossbow

Sheer counter-charges, knowing who’d win in a straight collision, or maybe for total disregard of his life, who can say?

Granite mentally counts how many steps Sheer takes and instantly jumps to his left as Sheer Delight takes his second step. He spins his chain around close to him and leaps again behind Sheer, he then sends the chain out towards the back of his head.

Jaxler sees Clear inching toward his crossbow. “Bitch, da’ hell you doing!” Jaxler then flew as fast as he could to his crossbow in hopes of picking it up before Clear got it.

Sheer felt the chain slam against the side of his head. It hurt a little. He grabbed the chain on its receding arc and wraped it around his hoof, bringing Granite in close. he  then proceeded to headbutt Granite One,no,Two times. Clear scrambled in panic for the crossbow swung it wide. He lined up Jaxler and pulled the trigger. *Click!* No bolt. “Damn It!” Clear cried

Granite grinned wickedly as he was pulled towards Sheer. Without hesitation he put his back legs into Sheers chest. Granite was caught off guard by the first headbutt and with a mix of stubbornness, willpower, and really strong moonshine, he ignored the pain of the testosterone-fueled jackass headbutting him. He quickly ducked out of the way from the second headbutt and started to feel a slightly warm liquid trickling from his forehead. On the moment Sheer went for the third headbutt, Granite raised his side of the chain and jumped onto his back , managing to slip the chain beneath Sheer’s neck. He then slid off of his back and walked slowly away from Sheer, leaving five feet of chain hanging loosely between them.

Jaxler collided with the crossbow stealing jackass and pried the weapon from Clear’s grasp. He then got up and flew toward Sheer and started to fling his crossbow at his head.

Clear and Sheer nod silently at each other. Clear clings on to Jaxlers legs. Sheer flings himself into the air with his wings and lands on Jaxler with all his weight.

Granite noticed he was off the ground pretty quickly. Holding his side of the chain for dear life, he had a plan. “Jaxler quickly juke to the side and catch me!” He shouts out. Granite shifts his weight and swings himself unto Sheer’s back. Without fear, he jumps off of him into a dive..

Jaxler couldn’t help but get slammed to the ground under the weight of both Sheer and Granite.

Granite braces himself for impact as he hits the ground. He shakes off the fall and walks towards Clear Skies. “This ain’t my first fall jackass.” He says nonchalantly. Granite stands over Clear and starts pummeling him with his hooves.

while Clear took blow after blow, he kept shouting out “Sheer, help!”

Sheer looked at his brother, ignored his pleas, picked Jaxler up by the mane, dusted him off and slammed him back to the floor, dropping both his hooves on him like a hammer.

Granite starts laughing like a maniac. He kicks Clear off of him with his back legs and sends Clear flying into Sheer.

Sheer Didn’t like the laughter. Didn’t like the laughter of friends. Didn’t like the laughter of children. He didn’t like laughter because he knew all too well what they were laughing at. He suplexed Granite, grabbed him by the throat, and shut him up for good with a swift punch

Granite stood laughing directly into Sheer’s face as the hoof connected with his jaw. He kept laughing until he hit the ground unconscious, with one massive grin on his face, a final taunt to the huge motherbucker before him.

Jaxler really was having a hard time reorganizing himself after being slammed into the ground, but upon seeing Granite black out, he snapped. The irate pony walked over to the behemoth who dared hurt his son He brought his crossbow up into the air and swung the device down upon Sheer’s unguarded head with maximum amount of force the pony could muster multiplied the amount of rage he felt.

Sheer Delight took the blow to the head, the crack was audible through the entire fortress. He raised his bleeding head up to Jaxler’s, standing a little taller, snarled and just ... walked away.

Granite’s vision faded back and he remembered one crucial thing. Beat the hell out of Clear Skies. “Patina...” Granite mumbled to himself. He pulled himself up and limped over to Clear. “Wait! You win! you proved your point! Just don’t-” Clear pleaded. He swiftly choke slammed him into the ground and punched him out. “I win.” Granite chuckled. He tore a piece of his coat off and wrapped it around his head to stop the bleeding. He pulled out his flask, sat down, and looked up to the sky.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 09:06:38 pm by DVNO »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3531 on: July 02, 2012, 08:41:54 pm »

So this is my first post in quite a while, but it does feel like an important one. Could I get a migrant? Earth pony please. Must be female for my plan to work, would prefer dark blue coat with a black mane and tail. Exprence with a sword would be a plus. Name her Sabriel. Dont judge a book by it's cover...

I've had migrants turned off for a while now due to population issues, but if you don't mind just renaming another pony I can do that.  I'll try to get back with you on this ASAP.

I supose I could take someone with no relations and pretend they just got there. Same request otherwise.

Sorry I took so long getting back to you.  Bevel looks like a good match.  She's an Earth Pony and has no relationships of any sort.  I can rename her Sabriel, but I'll be honest in that I have no idea when I'll get around to making an avatar.  I have almost no time for this for the next 6 weeks.  :(
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3532 on: July 03, 2012, 09:50:19 am »

So this is my first post in quite a while, but it does feel like an important one. Could I get a migrant? Earth pony please. Must be female for my plan to work, would prefer dark blue coat with a black mane and tail. Exprence with a sword would be a plus. Name her Sabriel. Dont judge a book by it's cover...
^ that's where we organize most our scenes, if you want to join in, go there.
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3533 on: July 06, 2012, 06:02:56 am »

guys, hiatus week was called off
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3534 on: July 07, 2012, 03:06:08 pm »

So this is my first post in quite a while, but it does feel like an important one. Could I get a migrant? Earth pony please. Must be female for my plan to work, would prefer dark blue coat with a black mane and tail. Exprence with a sword would be a plus. Name her Sabriel. Dont judge a book by it's cover...

I've had migrants turned off for a while now due to population issues, but if you don't mind just renaming another pony I can do that.  I'll try to get back with you on this ASAP.

I supose I could take someone with no relations and pretend they just got there. Same request otherwise.

Sorry I took so long getting back to you.  Bevel looks like a good match.  She's an Earth Pony and has no relationships of any sort.  I can rename her Sabriel, but I'll be honest in that I have no idea when I'll get around to making an avatar.  I have almost no time for this for the next 6 weeks.  :(

Ok, that sounds good.
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3535 on: July 07, 2012, 06:24:52 pm »

(( Pony Espionage Action ))
(( 7th Timber, 263 ))

The Autumn wind blows upon the savanna at late afternoon, still warm but the temperatures are dropping and the ponies are going to be little willing to leave their dwellings. Amber’s horn and right ear pulsed with ache at every beat of her heart. Another thing that annoyed the mare was the cold, after losing weight, the nip of the chilly air was more felt. To remedy the cold, she hangs around the wood furnace, resting against the warm shale blocks. Her family has known many of the wood burners, through her father, who made potash from ash and Sienna who fells firewood. The peach mane Unicorn rested there, unaware of the midnight coated pony sneaking behind her.

Midnight steps softly as he closes in on Amber, a determined smile on his face. He slows his breathing as he gets closer to her, holding it finally as he got right next to the mare. He pauses just as his hoof hovers above Amber’s withers, a thought crossed his mind. He takes a moment, and looks to see her expression. A badly timed prank could make a bad day worse, rather than improve it.

Still unaware of the master ambusher, she laid relaxed against the bricks, as the hooded silhouette closes behind her, the flickering light from the furnace showing a little of Midnight's face. A smile hangs on her face, oblivious to the prank to come.

Midnight steps back a bit, and decides on a change of plans. He sets his weight on his back hooves before taking in a deep breath. “HI!” He shouts out before he quickly moves out of range of any attacks Amber could throw in her surprise.

Jumping from the stone walled furnace, Midnight’s interrupts never fail to surprise the mason-pony. She held back the urge to send her back hooves, to buck the blue stallion out in spite. “Midnight, why you intend on scaring a mare out of her coat.” Asked in a rhetorical question, as she tosses with her hoof, mane that covered her brass eyes, this displayed her broken horn. “How are you, Midnight?”

Midnight chuckles at the mare’s reaction, and gives her a wide smile as she addresses him. “I’m fine, thanks for asking.” He says as he walks back up to Amber. “I didn’t scare you too badly, did I? That was quite the jump.” He says, still smiling as he replays her reaction in his head.

“Just, I was expecting you and still let my guard down.” She said in a hushed tone as she spies towards the ashery that her father works. The mare struggles to hide behind the charcoal kilns even if her father is out of sight, or not even there. “Do you know where my pops and older sister are?”

“By now? I don’t know for sure, but I would assume that they were home. Or at least staying someplace that’s heated well.”

Amber moved on to her next question; “and how have they been doing for the last few days?” She said trotting back over to her friend’s side.

“Splinter has been doing fine, if not overworked, as normal.” Midnight takes a seat by the furnace he spent his day working at, and slide his hood off of his head. “And Sienna has been very upbeat for a while now.” 

Joining her hunches to the ground with Midnight’s, she breathes a sigh of liberation from having to get the information herself. “Is there anything else you know?” The mare’s voice comes out abrasive, as if something was stuck in it, she coughs.

“I haven’t heard much from Splinter. Though, Sienna does talk about Moral often. I’m glad she’s been enjoying her time with him.”

Sighing and looking away, the peach mane Little Pony hated her sister for playing with other-ponies’ feelings for her own ends, but moved on. “Sorry Midnight for my sister, she can be a little… slutty, and she has no right talking about another stallion in front of another… suitor like that.” She tripped over her mix of words and irritated throat.

Midnight’s cheeks turned a bit purple at that. “I-it’s fine. I’m only really looking to be good friends with Sienna.” He leans against the furnace a bit and stared at the flame as his smile faded a little. He hated hearing family speak so lowly about one another...

“I just hope you don’t get hurt from it; and thanks for the information…” She says fidgeting with her hooves, holding her breath as if wanting to say something more.

“It’s nothing, I’m just glad I can help.” Midnight says before he turns to look at Amber. Quickly he notices how she looks. “Um, is there anything else you wanted to know?”

The eldritch blue shine of Midnight’s eyes causes Amber to fight a short yelp; other Little Ponies’ eyes shined the same, but this Earth Pony’s was brighter and tendency to do so earlier than most. “No, nothing. Um how are you and Rose?”

“We’ve been doing pretty good actually. She hasn’t had much work to do so I’ve been able to hang out with her more.” Midnight says before leaning against the furnace again.

Amber feels sick to her stomach. “I am sorry how you found her at the depot crying like that, I’m very happy about hearing about her doing better.” She says and after a long enough pause, she changes the subject; “and how is work?”

Midnight’s smile disappears instantly as he stares at the flame, his mind drifting a little. Why did she ever have to mention that?  “It’s been good. The work isn’t very demanding. And the furnace does keep me warm.”

The mare runs one of her foreleg up and down the other one, blatantly upset that she upset Midnight. “Would you like to grab a bite with me, in the milder warm dining hall?” She asked as she thought. Why did you have to bring that up, stupid, stupid mare. Amber starts to walk off to the dining hall, but stops to see if the midnight blue was following.

Midnight stares a little longer before looking away from the furnace, and clearing his mind. The stallion quickly walking beside Amber. “Sure, thanks for asking.”
Victoria intus Amicitia; Amor et Patientiam; Salve ad Armentum.
-Psalms01, your Adoring Omnidimensional Overlord.
> Dues Ex Magma!
> "Nah, we're fine. We have too much food anyway, bad thoughts from seeing vermin never killed nopony, refuse stockpile is less clogged, and cats are safely tucked away in a cage." -Maklak
> Dwarfy Proverb: "Every-dwarf grows there beard to different lengths."
> Psalms tries to type, but the words are deflected by the Google Docs' +broken code+! -Telgin


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3536 on: July 08, 2012, 05:42:48 pm »

It's a bit difficult to write this given the current state of affairs, but it's something I feel needs to be put up to resolve the bin incident, as much as that's going to get done.  I really wish I had an opportunity to do this earlier, since it's already very out of date, but it's important.

Furthermore, I'm going to go ahead and make it official: Dawnpick is ending very soon.  I'll save the details for my next fort update, which should follow within the next few days.  I sincerely apologize to those who weren't ready for it to be over, but things have evolved to the point that I think it's unavoidable and is for the best in many ways.  It's not over right now, but it won't be long.  I also apologize to Paaaad and anyone else who was considering joining, but it's not really practical any longer.

16th Slate, 263 (The morning after Indigo spoke to Virtue about the bins)

As Virtue approached the dining hall, her already elevated heart rate jumped up a notch.  The murmurings of the hundred ponies crowded inside were very audible, if unintelligible, and she paused at the doorway.  Perhaps she should have chosen a better place to hold this meeting.  Outside maybe?  Too late to worry about that.  She had to get this over with.  Everypony in Dawnpick needed to know what was going on, and she had to be the one to tell them.  She was the duchess, it was her job.

She nudged the door open after a moment to collect herself, and stepped inside.  The ponies just inside immediately hushed as they laid eyes upon her, and prodded their neighbors to silence them as well.  Mortar, Ashwood, Billows, Carmine, Copper Trim, Diamond Shard... so many ponies she recognized, and wished she had no reason to address in this manner.  At least she still commanded enough respect among them that they didn't fly into a riot when they saw her, but soon enough she would know how they all felt.

As the room fell into silence, she strode down the empty aisle in the center of the room down to the makeshift platform that had been erected for this purpose.  Harvest Moon was already standing there, just as he promised he would be, and Glaive and Falcata flanked the platform.  She desperately hoped their presence wouldn't be needed.  She really didn't think it would.

She ascended the platform, gave her husband a weak frown, and turned to face the entire population of the town.  Two hundred and seventy eyes looked back at her, and nopony said a thing.  At least she didn't have to worry with that.  She swallowed hard, cleared her throat, and looked down for a moment.  Even after rehearsing this for an hour beforehoof, she wasn't ready.  "E-everypony..." she began in a weak, almost cracking voice.  "I... I think you all know why I've called this meeting."

Most of the ponies sat still.  A few nodded, fewer responded with quizzical expressions.  "I-I have no doubt you've heard of the terrible tragedy that befell our friends and family just days ago."  She neglected to mention Partisan and Jury's names.  It was probably best to keep this as neutral as possible.  "Savory and Whirlwind... what happened was... absolutely awful... and a horrible misunderstanding."

At that, most of the ponies flashed confused faces at one another.  Storm Cloud was standing at the entrance to the dining hall, directly across from her, and she could see his expression harden before he looked away.  It was his family that was harmed... that he was even here was more than she would have asked.

"I don't know what you've all heard about what happened.  I'm certain that there are many rumors have spread by now..."  She swept her eyes across the crowd and tried to guage their emotions, but that was hard to do when she was so mixed up herself.  "You've probably heard that it was I who... ordered the punishments."  She slowly shook her head.  "But I did not order anything, much less something so terrible."  She paused and tried to pick Partisan or Jury out of the crowd, but failed after a brief moment.  "That is what the guard received though."

A few hushed mutterings filled the room at that, followed by profoundly curious faces.  She went on, "That's right.  Somepony forged my name, my seal, and ordered corporal punishment for trading away the bins.  I did ask Rose not to trade away the bins this time, but never on my life would order punishment for something like that.  Not even a fine."  She ran a few things through her mind, but she wasn't sure where to go from here.  So, she said the next thing that came to mind, "I would never order corporal punishment for something like this.  If somepony stole everything to my name from me I'd never order something like that."

"I... I just..." she stepped back a bit and faltered.  "Nothing I say or do can make amends for what has happened."  Her eyes picked out Storm Cloud again, as well as Detergent and her other children at the far side of the room.  How painful this must have been for them she couldn't imagine.  "I'd give everything I owned if I could undo the damage.  But I can't..."  She frowned harder and her lip trembled a bit.  She wasn't going to cry in front of everypony.  She wasn't going to do it.  Finally she rallied and added, "I'm... I'm just sorry to everypony who was hurt... I wasn't the one responsible.  The guard aren't responsible.  It... it was whoever forged the warrant.

"I don't know who is responsible yet.  The guard are currently investigating it, and we will find out who is responsible and bring them to justice."  One last time she looked over the crowd.  "I don't believe anypony here would do such a thing.  I believe it was the Shadowglaze family again, but for now we just don't know."

She shut her eyes and recited the last of her speech again.  It was hardly appropriate anymore, so she finished with, "Again... I... I'd just like to say again that I can't express how sorry I am for this happening.  If I could have prevented it, you know I would have."  She stepped forward again.  "If-if there is anything I can do to make up for this... to help anypony who was hurt... please let me know."

The room fell silent, and she hung her head briefly.  She'd said enough.  "If anypony needs me... I'll be in my office.  I'm sorry..."

With that, she gave Harvest Moon a look, but what expression was on her face she could only guess.  He made to follow her as she stepped down from the stage, and the two slowly travelled down the empty path toward the exit.  Everypony around her were now whispering among themselves.  She couldn't make out most of the words, but their tones made it mostly clear.  "Does she really think we believe that?" she thought she heard somepony say.  "Just trying to pass the blame," another said, she thought.

Or maybe she was just hearing things.  Either way, she didn't want to be there anymore.  She stepped outside and made for the keep, where with any luck she would be able to hide for the rest of the day without irate ponies coming to accuse her of things she didn't do.  If only she had better answers for them.

A hoof rested on her withers as they walked along, and Harvest Moon said, "You did fine.  You told them the truth, that's all you can do."

"It won't be enough," she replied in a weary tone.  "And I have nothing else to tell them."  She sighed.  "I just don't know what to do..."

Harvest Moon rubbed her back and moved his mouth to her ear.  "Sshhhh.  It's going to be okay, I promise."

Virtue simply nodded in response.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 04:42:32 pm by Telgin »
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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3537 on: July 09, 2012, 03:49:17 pm »

Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?


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Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3538 on: July 10, 2012, 11:01:27 pm »

Jaxler woke up. His entire body ached and his head stung like crazy. He felt a small sting in his chest, as if he was burnt there, and the light in the room was horrible. He sat up, and looked around, he somehow managed to end up in the hospital. What was more odd what the fact that he saw Marilee sitting in the room with him. He didn’t have any idea how he got there. What was even more odd was the fact that the little pony was shivering.

As Jaxler sat up, Marilee threw her forelegs around him, holding him tightly. After a long moment of silence, She managed to squeak out, “Y-You’re awake...”

Jaxler was surprised by the sudden hug, but still kept shaking as if he had fallen through the ice on top a frozen lake. “Um, yeah... how’d I get here.” he then returned the hug, still trembling.

“Y-You drank too much. M-Miss Panacea said you went into shock.” She pulled away from Jaxler, looking into his eyes. “When they c-came to tell me, I-I thought... I thought y-you were already...” She broke off, burying her face in his shoulder.

“I... I had already died...”

Marilee nodded weakly, not taking her head from his shoulder.

Jaxler put his forelegs and wings around his love. “I... I’m sorry...” he still couldn’t stop his shaking.

Marilee raised her head again, looking into his eyes. “Jaxler... you got lucky this time. really lucky. What... what’s going to happen if this happens again?”

Jaxler still was trembling, as if something was haunting him. “I... I’d probably die.”

Suddenly, Jaxler’s world went spinning as Marilee smacked him hard across the face with a forehoof. “H-How can you do that!?” She cried, tears streaming down her face. “H-How can you be s-so calm about this? D-Do you not even c-care whether you l-live or die?”

Jaxler was speechless. He never expected this in his life.. He didn’t say anything for what seemed like forever. He still tried to pull Marilee closer to him with his wings and legs, as if he was afraid of her leaving him. the markspony only managed to shake even more. “I-I-I...” he kept quiet until he finally realized something. “I-I.. I need my crossbow.”

“Your crossbow is safe, I made sure of that. I promise you’ll get it back later. But not now. First, we need to talk.” Marilee got up from the bed, going to the door. “We all need to talk.” She opened the door, stepping out briefly to speak to somepony outside.

Jaxler felt a bit of fear surge through his being as Marilee got up and left him. He didn’t object to not having his crossbow, which was odd, and instead pulled the bed’s covers over him in an attempt to fend off the cold, but he still kept on shaking.

After only a few moments, Marilee came back into the room, holding the door open behind her.

Flux steps through, looking relieved that Jaxler is still alive. "Um, hi Jaxler"

Stiletto stands just behind Flux. She smiles at Jaxler, but her eyes hold sadness.

Jaxler sat up again, still trying to keep the covers of the bed over him. “Marilee... what’s going on?”

"Jaxler, honey... this is an intervention"

Jaxler gave marilee a stressed look. “Um... okay... before we do this, can I have my crossbow, and a few more blankets please...” the pony was still shivering.

The Crossbow was probably out of the question right now, but Flux saw no harm in some more blankets for his friend.  He grabs an extra blanket from a cabinet and lays it over Jaxler.

“F-flux can I have more than just one more blanket?”

Stiletto floats a blanket to Flux from the cabinet, who smiles in thanks at her before laying it over him as well.

“T-thanks.” Jaxler kept on shaking, but the blankets helped, but not much. “W-what exactly is a-an intervention?”

Stiletto looked to Flux and then to Marilee. The large Alicorn then looked at Jaxler. “We are intervening on your behalf to help you with your problem.”

“Okay then...” Jaxler didn’t complain and just sat there, shivering and trying to feel some level of warmth in the new sheets.

Marilee sighed, stepping forward. “Jaxler, I know you promised you’d try and slow down your drinking, but, well... we can all see that’s not working out.”

Jaxler remembered promising her he’d cut back, and how he didn’t follow through. He realized he had told a lie. after how many years had of nothing but the truth, he told a lie... he actually felt sick about it. “I-I’m sorry for lying Mari...”

Marilee laid a hoof on Jaxler’s shoulder. “You didn’t lie to me, Jaxler. I know you really thought you could do this. But the truth is, it’s just too much for you to handle alone.”

Jaxler hung his head down and didn’t say a word. He still felt badly for lying, and for some reason the bed sheets weren’t working

Stiletto stepped closer and put a hoof on Jaxler’s withers, opposite to Marilee’s hoof. “Jaxler, we have come to help. We will keep watch over you and work to keep the alcohol away from your muzzle.”

Jaxler kept quiet again, and and tried his best to sink into the sheets.

Flux nods.  “We’re not trying to blame you or make you feel bad... we’re trying to help you, Jaxler.”

Jaxler kept quiet for a while before speaking. “I feel cold...” The pegasus continued to shiver.

Slowly and carefully, Stiletto placed her foreleg around the shivering black furred and red maned pegasus.

Marilee followed suit, draping a wing over her little pony’s shoulders.

“is... is it normal to actually remember dying... or at least when my heart stopped...”

Flux lays a hoof on one of Jaxler’s.  “I... don’t know?  I never met anypony who, um... died before...”

“All I felt was cold.. there was no heaven or hell, just soul crushing cold...” Jaxler tries to get his covers more snugly around him. “I didn’t know what was going on.. but I thought I was never going to see you all again... the only thing I could sense was cold.” Jaxler starts to shiver more.

Marilee pulled Jaxler a little closer. “I don’t know where you went Jaxler, but you’re here now, with us.”

“Was that hell... after everything... am I still damned... why the hell can’t I make the cold go away...”

Marilee eased her grip on Jaxler. “Maybe you should have something to eat, or a warm drink? Tea, of course.”

“I don’t want to go to hell”

“Jaxler.” Marilee pulled back, taking Jaxler’s chin in her hoof and gently raising his head to look her in the eyes. “You are not going to Hell. Not if we have anything to say about it.”

“Okay... “ Jaxler was feeling a little bit less cold now that he had everypony around him. “I still feel cold though...”

“I’ll go get you that tea, see if that helps.” Marilee stood up to leave, giving Jaxler a kiss on the forehead before stepping out the door.

Jaxler nodded and tried to bring the blankets tighter around him. “Stiletto, Flux... why can’t I stop feeling so cold...”

Stiletto put a wing around Jaxler and hugged him close “I am sorry, but I do not know.”

Jaxler sighed and allowed  to hug him, but still tried to keep the sheets as tightly around him as he could. “I don't want to go to hell” Jaxler wanted another blanket more than anything else right now.

Moments later, Marilee returned, a tray and teapot balanced on her back and two woolen blankets draped over her wings. She set the tray down beside the bed, and carefully draped each blanket over Jaxler.

Jaxler grabbed the new blanks and put them as tightly on his as he could manage. “I don’t want to go to hell... I don’t wanna go to hell...” Jaxler closed his eyes and leaned more into stiletto and kept on shaking.

Gently, Marilee crawled up onto the bed beside Jaxler, snuggling up to him.

“I don’t want to go to hell!” after his outburst Jaxler sighed, and laid down, trying to keep his blankets as snugly around his as possible.

Marilee just snuggled closer to Jaxler, providing silent support. She poured a steaming cup of tea and offered it to him.

Jaxler sat there and sighed and accepted the tea. “why did they send me to hell...” Jaxler shook some more. “Am I evil... am I not good enough for heaven...” he sipped some of the tea and lowered his head.

Stiletto stroked Jaxler’s mane, trying to comfort him in the only way she could think of. The amethyst Alicorn knew nothing of Jaxler’s beliefs in the gods of his people.

Jaxler put his forelegs around Marilee and held her as tightly as he could, and as if he was afraid she’d leave him forever. “I don’t wanna die... I don’t want to go to hell... and I don’t wanna be alone...”

Flux stands next to Jaxler’s bed, unsure of himself.  He didn’t know what to do about Jaxler being cold, but he could at least try to lift his spirits.  “I... I don’t think you went to hell, Jaxler.  It’s supposed to be hot, isn’t it?  I think... the Sisters put you, um... nowhere, for just a moment.  Because it wasn’t your time yet.  You’re a good pony, Jaxler.  Remember your song?  All the hardness and sorrow... it’ll make the happy ending all the better.”

Jaxler nodded, and even smiled a little bit but kept quiet for a few moments before speaking again. “Please don’t leave me Marilee...”

Marilee hugged Jaxler tightly, stroking his mane with a forehoof. “I won’t leave you, Jaxler.”

“I don’t want to go back there... I don’t want to be anywhere without you...” Jaxler hugged Marilee tighter and rested his head on her shoulder.

“You’re not going back to Hell, Jaxler. And I promise I won’t ever leave you.”

“can you not let go of me then... please?”

“I won’t.”

“Okay... is there anypony else here right now? I mean waiting for me?”

“I think I saw Midnight.” Stiletto spoke with quietest voice she could muster. Her forelegs hugging Jaxler to try and give him warmth.

“Okay... then can you please let them in...” Jaxler stopped shaking, but was still feeling a little cold.

“I’ll go get him.” says Flux, letting Stiletto and Marilee try to keep Jaxler warm.  He heads to the door and looks around, then motions in anypony outside.

Amor enters the room along with four other ponies, she proceeds to one side of the wall, beside Jaxler’s bed. “How are you feeling Jaxler?” The mare takes a peek at the mound of blankets that made up her friend.

Midnight walks in behind Amor, with Rose following beside him. The pony looked tired and a little stressed, even so, he wore a warm smile on his face as he looked at his cloth cocooned friend.
they stopped a few feet away from Jaxler’s bed and kept quiet, letting Amor talk without interruption.

Granite broke the silence by stumbling his way through the doors. A tree branch was stuck in his mane but he didn’t seem to notice it. “Ugh... Is, is Jaxler okay?” He asks to the crowd of ponies.

“I’m feeling better, Granite and Marilee...” Jaxler then sighed. “everyone, after talking with Marilee Flux and Stiletto, I’ve chosen to get sober...”

Both Midnight and Rose look to Jaxler with a surprised expression. “Really?” Midnight asks “You mean it?” Rose adds as they both smile wider. The mason-pony’s ears fly forward at the news, she was ecstatic, but unsure if Jaxler could do it.

Granite stares at Jaxler almost dumbfounded. His best drinking buddy ever decided to stop drinking, he frowned slightly. But then he realized something, and that frown turned into a smile. Granite’s eyes flashed with happiness as he finally took the tree branch out of his mane. “Jaxler, I should be pissed at you, you know? You would always drink with me, but I guess that’s going to change, and I think that it will be a good change...” Granite pauses. “Because that means you can spend more time clear headed amongst the ponies that care about you instead of waking up in some random section of Dawnpick. I’m... I’m happy for you Jaxler, I truly am. But I’m still pissed that you’re leaving me to drink alone!”

“Granite... please... I can still be with you while you drink. I’d never leave my son, if you’d prefer, I can still spend most everyday with you while you drink, and I can just be eating out with marilee or talking with Flux while I sit with you and you get drunk, or just me and you.”

Granite sighs. “I guess I can accept that... for now... at least...”

“All excess is ill, but drunkenness is of the worst sort. It spoils health, dismounts the mind, and un-mare mares. It reveals secrets, is quarrelsome, lascivious, impudent, dangerous and mad. She that is drunk is not a mare, because she is, for so long, void of reason that distinguishes a Little Pony from a beast.” Amor spouts out at Granite. “This could be a good time for you also to quit.”

“Amor... please don’t do this now... I’d like to be able to help Granite when he quits and I can’t do that right now...” Jaxler then sighed. “Can we please just focus on trying to get me off the bottle right now?”

Feeling scolded the Unicorn mare hides it well. “You're right that this may not be the best time, but being so close to your vice might be foalish. I am only looking out for you. Honest bread is very well.” She says pointing a hoof in green mane pony’s direction. “It's the butter that makes the temptation. Anypony else have anything that would help?”

Granite looked at Amor. He opened his mouth but promptly closed it. He made his way to the exit. “Yeah, I’m gonna go clean myself up a bit and come back later I guess... good luck on quitting the bottle Jaxler... sorry for bailing out when it started getting awesome!”

Jaxler froze for a second... “um... okay then...”

Midnight and Rose both watch Granite as he departs. Midnight quickly turning to look at Jaxler before walking up to him. “... Jaxler, thank you, for doing this... I know it’ll be tough, but.” Midnight sets a hoof against Jaxler. “I’ll help you, I’ll do what ever I can to help you get through this.” Midnight says before moving up, hugging Jaxler tightly.

Rose walks up to them. “Me too... If I may. Seeing this... Seeing you breaking your need for that poison... It'd be wonderful.” Rose says as she smiles down at Jaxler, then she moves up beside Midnight, and joining in on cuddling up to both of them as best she could manage.

Jaxler sighs as more ponies started to hug him. “I... you all...” Jaxler then closed his eyes, and finally started to feel warm again. “Okay, if we are going to do this, then you all need to know that the moment I stop drinking, I’ll get depressed. Really, really, depressed and I shouldn’t be allowed alone with myself at all until I’m starting to feel better... and I’ll need you guys to do that for me. I know there is magic to fight withdrawal so I’d like to drop drinking immediately and just go cold turkey.”

Midnight tightens his hug. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave your side as long as I can help it...”

“No, we won’t, none of us will” Rose adds. “We’ll keep you safe, jaxler, I promise.”

Amor was glad that her friend was quitting and more then happy provide companionship in this trialing time. “You have my company, anytime you may need it Jaxler.

Stiletto nods “I promised I would be here for as long as you need me.”

Flux smiles at Jaxler.  “I won’t let you down, Jaxler.”

Jaxler Gave marilee a nuzzle. “thank you all... and well, I don’t really know how to say this but I love all of you...”
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 12:40:25 am by jaxler »
I've decided to say "fuck it" and will just implode my fort.

“Ok, Neo ChosenUrist, before you is two levers. Pull the Kimberlite lever -- you wakeup in a random bed and have whatever thoughts you want to think. You pull the Bauxite lever -- you stay in the caverns and I show you how deep the adamantine hole goes.” - psalms


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Dawnpick (My Little Fortress)
« Reply #3539 on: July 10, 2012, 11:14:36 pm »

and Patina

“Hey, Granite!” Patina shouted excitedly, Interrupting Granite’s usual training.

Granite momentarily paused beating the training dummy to look over to Patina. “What is it?” He asked.

“ I wanted say thanks for-” she sees the scar on his head from where Sheer headbutted him “Ooh! I wanted to say thank you, But don’t get yourself killed over me, okay?”

Granite nods. “Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid...” He pulls out a strip of cloth and ties it into a makeshift headband. “We... underestimated Sheer.”

Her eyes widened “Sheer did that to you? He and I are going to have a talk about that..” She looks a little pensive “though I don't know how, the pony doesn't talk.”

“Don’t- Er please don’t... I’m fine...” Granite pleads. “I wouldn’t want any harm to come to you... even if he’s your brother, he seems pretty... sketch.”

she smiles “Oh, He’s an angel. If you get to know him ... the problem is he doesn't let any get to know him, he just spends all day chopping wood for the fort. Won’t ever speak. Anyway.” She grins “I suppose you want a reward something. Am I right?”

Granite grins and playfully shrugs. “Eh I don’t know, beating the crap out of Clear was a reward in itself... but if you insist... I can’t really say no...”

“Alright, Here’s the plan, come over to the apartment, sometime, Don’t let Splinter catch you, alright?”

“How hard could it be?” Granite says. “The building itself, it has windows right? And which floor is it on?”

She thinks for a sec “I know you’d rather do the whole ‘climbing up three stories to my room with a grappling hook’ routine, but I can leave the front door unlocked and get the parents out, that’d be easier I think.”

“But that’s so easy and simple!” Granite says sarcastically. “Sure, I can do that... also... what would happen if your folks were to see me?”

She looks at him shrewdly “Soo ... you don’t want to be seen with me is basically what you're saying?”

“No!” Granite says defensively. “I just don’t want your parents not wanting me near you!”

she laughs “Doesn't matter how you do it. Sneak around, conceal yourself with a cloak and cape, I don’t care.” she said excitedly

“Very well.” Granite said.

“Remember don’t keep a girl waiting!” the chimed as she walked off

~Later that night~

Granite stayed in to the shadows and held Patina’s house in his view.

Patina opens the window and looks around pensively. “psst! come on in!”

Granite sees the coast is clear and quickly knocks on the door.

She unbars the door and let’s Granite inside. The two jot up to Patina’s room.

“So how did you get your parents out of the house anyway? And what about all your siblings?” Granite asks, slightly curious.

“Oh, the boys are having a campout in the forest, I declined. Told dad Sienna was staying over at Moral’s, he’s paying him a visit, and mom?” She rolls her eyes “she’s doing what she always does...” she grins ”See? had it all planned out!”

“Oh... awesome!” Granite says. “Nice job... so... now what?” He asks, still curious.

“Now, I’m gonna show you something you can’t tell anyone about!” she looks a little nervous “I can trust you with something, right?”

“Yes you can trust me, but if you don't take my word for it then I could drink until I pass out and forget this entire day... but please take my word for it...” Granite says.

she grins and feels assured “Ok”  she opens her bottom cabinet and pulls out a bird-thing.

Granite looks at the bird-thing. He looks at the object with curiosity shining in his eyes. “What is it?” Granite asks, intrigued by the bird-like creature. 

“A baby hippogryph. See? Look at him.  A real, live, baby hippogryph. Never seen A hippogryph before.” she said ecstatically “Look how cute he is!” she cooed

“I have not actually... he is pretty cute though.” Granite says. “Where’d you find him? Does anypony else know about him? Also... does he have a name?”

she looks sad “That’s the thing. I found him all alone in the forest with no parents! all alone in the jungle...No pony knows but you, I think. His name is Max.” she sighs and starts pacing around the room. “I don’t know what he should eat, but fish does the trick...Oh, just wait until he starts talking and flying!”

“If you want, I could ask some of the zebras from a caravan about what to do... those pansy’s probably have answers...” Granite suggests.

“Yeah, they are good friends if I recall right....” she sighed “What am I gonna do, Granite? I can’t keep him cooped up in my room forever...” She looks back at max “ But I can’t just throw him back in the jungle either!”

The hippogryph coos back at them

“Maybe the zebras could point us in the direction of the little guys home land... like where they would all most likely be found in the world.” Granite says. “Then we can go over there and leave him amongst his kind... if Virtue could allow our leave...”

She ponders Granite’s crazy plan for a second, then a wide smile “ You know, I always wanted to travel the world...” she nods “yeah, Why not? I was getting a little sick of Dawnpick’s walls anyway.”

“Dawnpick will always be my home, but I do wonder what’s outside it... however we will need the information from the zebras first... and I might need to say a few goodbyes...” Granite says. He looks over to Max. “If only we could ask him where he came from...”

The six month old Hippogryph cocks his head to the side, keeping one eye trained on each of them.

She sighed “ Right, I need to pack a few things, fashion something to hold him in, say a few goodbyes too...” she hugs granite “ but It shouldn't be too hard, I’m taking the best thing here with me.”

Granite returns the hug. “Yeah, I’m just worried how Jaxler will cope...” He starts mentally preparing a list of things to bring.

“He’ll understand, I’m sure.” she said with a twinge of sympathy ‘Ol’ Splinter’ kept repeating in her head. “You hear that, Max? we’re going to bring you home! That’s a promise!” she said ecstatically.

“Yeah, how hard could it be to travel an unknown distance into an unknown land facing unknown dangers...” Granite says with a cheerful tone. “Don’t worry, we got this!” He exclaimed. We can pull this... I can pull this off... Granite thought to himself slight look of doubt creeped onto his face.

Patina sees his doubtful gaze “Hey, What’s life without a little adventure?” she said nervously, excitedly, and all the emotions in between.

Granite smiles a bit. “Not a life at all...”

 “Well... guess we have some work to do! I’ll leave you to it... three days. Let’s set off, just us two.”

“And I’ll be sure to try my damndest to protect you two.” Granite said. “But... I... nevermind... we can do this!”

The two said their goodbyes and part ways for the night. They had a lot to prepare for the adventure that will change their lives for ever...
Al mondo mal non e senza rimedio

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