For anyone interested, i was arguing on another site about Leah-Lynne Plante with a fellow who claimed "the government / FBI just wouldn't target people without good cause".
I'd like to bring the 1990 Judi Bari bombing in Oakland, California to people's attention in case you haven't heard of this. The short version is:
Judy Bari was an anti-logging activist with Earth First!, they were targeting the Pacific Lumber Company in protests in 1990. Pacific Lumber was caught about this time, disseminating forged Earth First! literature, which used "Liberal Crime Squad" type violent language, but had errors like mis-spelling and mis-signing the name of the head of Earth First! (he was Darryl with 2 'R's and the literature was typed and signed with 1 'R').
Whilst driving on her way to a demonstration in Oakland California with the head of Earth First!, Darryl Cherney, a motion-sensitive
pipe bomb exploded under her ass, crippling her and injuring Cherney. Within minutes, an FBI counter-terrorist unit took over the scene, and declared her and Cherney as terrorists.
It came out later that all FBI agents present had been trained by the lead agent of the day in something called "Bomb School" about a month before the event, where they practiced blowing up cars with
pipe bombs and responding to the event. "Bomb School" was held on land belonging to Pacific Lumber.
Bari and Cherney won a $4 million dollar settlement from the FBI later on.
An important point is that not everyone in the FBI went along with what those agents were saying, the bombing survivors got a lot of good evidence from other FBI people who helped them. What this looks like is a clique of corrupt local agents getting kick-backs from corporations to discredit protestors. Here's an interview with Judi Bari: