7 Granite 207 Chirpacted
While the ghosts of the test group have yet to rise the Mad Clothier has struck again. This time he tore the arm from the militia commander and again began standing silently after the deed this time with his body phasing through a wall. This proves that ghosts are able to become intangible but at the same time raises a series of new questions. All three attacks have been within twenty urists of the site of his death begging the question exactly how closely is he bound to the area. But most importantly was this random? First the Fish Dissector who serves as a swordsman in the primary infantry unit was attacked, then the Militia Captain of the primary archer unit, then the Militia Commander himself. Three things become immediately obvious; One, the specter may be targetting the military deliberately. Two, that he may be targetting dwarves by rank. And Three All of these men were sent to kill him. While he hasn't attacked the recruit who happened to strike the death blow it may be possible that he remembers who came for his life. Testing proves problematic by the very unscientific nature of his execution and it's unclear who arrived in time to attack him but it's wholly possible that these three men actively took part in the slaying. Had this revelation come earlier the test subjects would have been killed by military and not mechanical means. All data on the mad clothier is contaminated and hazy at best.