I prefer the MAC-10 with a silencer and enhanced grip, but thats because I almost exclusivley melee and it makes a great side arm. As a main weapon, though, it chews through all your precious .45 ammo too fast. Other than that, i jump for joy when I find one. Thats how much i love it.
Mac-10 has way to much recoil to fire its burst size effectively unless you're the incredible hulk. With just the enhanced grip you're still dealing with 16 recoil. Even if your strength is 14 that's an average of about 6 recoil per shot, possibly reduced a little bit more for high SMG skill (average of about 1 per 4 skill, it's random too). It could be significantly improved with a shortened barrel or gyroscopic stabilizer though.
Firing a 20 round burst gaining 6 recoil per shot, the first few rounds will probably hit the target - the rest are going all over the place. If your strength is lower it would be even worse. I guess if you're just spraying into a group of zombies it might work ok though, you might even hit a few targets you didn't aim at. Huge ammo waster.
I downloaded this today and I'm really enjoying it; but I'm not doing so well. I randomly generated a nearsighted character with "pain tolerance" who rarely, if ever, left Intense Pain after getting smacked around by some zombies, no matter how much aspirin I took, any resting done, first aid, bandages, heck, even reading hurt. I'm a bit confused on this, but whatever.
Can a noob like myself get some pointers on how not to die? :U
I personally like starting with fleet footed trait. It makes it much easier to outrun things. Also, pick up caffeine pills and use them when you're in danger, the speed boost from stimulants helps tremendously. Even if you get addicted, kicking caffiene addiction isn't that bad.
Other than that, get yourself a weapon. My first weapon is often a two-by-four from bashing a door down, improved to a wood spear as soon as I find a knife. Machetes, wrenches, crowbars, and baseball bats are all good too if you see one. You'll also want some extra storage and a firearm as soon as you can. Search your house for a bag, things like fanny packs and purses and messenger bags and backpacks often spawn there. Try your house's basement too (starting house always has a basement), theres a chance it will have firearms in it if it spawns as the right kind of basement. Without extra storage you may not be able to carry what you find though. After that you just have to go out and search your town for supplies. Sporting goods often have backpacks, and gun stores obviously have guns.
Usually on the first day only normal zombies spawn so its the best time to go out looking. You can outrun normal zombies, so don't bother killing all of them. Also look for morale boosting things. Mp3 players, alcohol, marijuana, whatever - just to give you some morale to start getting xp, so when you do have to kill zombies you gain skill for it. Careful with alcohol though, alcohol addiction sucks.