Actually, the modern jeweled wedding ring was started by a catalog in the 1920's as a way for them to make money selling said rings, and it was so successful it got embedded in people's cultural norms. The practice of the rings themselves is quite older, but I don't think they're that valuable without diamonds or whatnot.
And the diamonds are only valuable because their price is artificially inflated.
Nonsense. They're valuable because of their utility! I mean, they're really, really hard! And shiny! These are valuable traits in our society.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go open my factory where we glue rhinestones to chunks of granite. Shit will be so cash.
On an unrelated note:
"His proposed bill would require a birth certificate to prove which restroom a person would be required to use."
A warning: listening to this guy talk might make you angry! He legitimately makes the "people will try to marry their dogs next" comparison.
"I'm just sick and tired of society having to adjust to every little alternate life style, or little whim or someone who thinks they're different," said Floyd.
You mean like me being sick of having to carry my fucking birth certificate if I need to take a piss
on in the state of Tennessee? Yes, let's keep from having to adjust to accomodate others (by doing nothing) by making a hugely overcomplicated fix that forces everyone to make unreasonable accomodations. </insanetrolllogic>
The logic here seems to be that TG women are actually men who want to be women
in order to perv on women. Rep. Floyd saw one too many episodes of
Bosom Buddies, methinks. I'm not denying that some men
could abuse such a privilege, but abuse of a privilege by a few is not sufficient grounds to deny the privilege outright. Otherwise, we'd have repealed the 2nd Amendment a long time ago.