I decided to review my previous posts check if it broke any of the following guidelines:
Because we've got Aqizzar's Dissolution of State Government, and I figured I wanted somewhere to throw links once in a while that wasn't the sad-and-rage threads.
Because I have a lot of them.
There are some rules for this thread. They will be subject to change. If they change, I will post in-thread. Violators will be warned or reported depending on severity.
The rules may seem somewhat absurd, but this sort of thread is often a hot bed for flame wars and all sorts of bullshit.
Let's try to keep this thread bullshit-free on our parts. Enough shit will be flying already.
1. Think before you post.
2. Do not troll. Victim-blaming and derailment tactics will not be tolerated. Shit-posting will not be tolerated, either.
3. Do not treat people as though they do not exist, or as though they are inhuman or subhuman. There will be no "othering" here.
4. I will try not to police language too much, but use common sense. If your common sense is subpar in this direction, you will be informed.
5. Evolutionary psychology arguments do not belong here. Keep them out.
6. You can post articles that are on-topic. I will probably ask you to remove off-topic articles, which include obvious things and not-so-obvious things. I do not want debates here about whether gay people are repressing straight people or something; if you want to make those arguments, you will be asked to take it out-of-thread.
7. I suggest checking out the progressivist bingo card for whatever you want to argue, if you find yourself with an "obvious" counterargument for why the status quo makes perrrrfect sense. If your argument is on there, you can find about a billion rebuttals elsewhere. This is the internet.
And, feel free to discuss and challenge the rules. Not constantly, because that's derailment, but a little talking is fine, and if they end up being too stringent or too weak, you can rest assured that I'll change them. I'm trying to show a strong face for the OP, but, uh... yeah. This is just plain old normal Vector.
So don't worry. Being an asshole is not on the menu for today.
On 1. I suppose I could have invested perhaps even hours of time into a single thread reply but merely invested 10 Minutes as I was assuming from the thread title is was going to be mere simple, casual debate (with rage), this is a review of all my posts on here.
On 2.
Shit man am I good or what? I can see them from a mile away huh?
I feel I could have posted more than 1 Reply or condensed my second one into that, but it pretty much conveyed my thoughts.
3. I'm not sure, I wasn't implying that "the people of the world", "sheeple" "general populace" and such were sub-human, but questioning just how many of them actually
took notice of things, a post Vector made linking to lesbians going to a hetero school was a very good example of how people are
not quite as observant as they should be, and rather than asking questions or looking at political news reports or other intrigue, a very vast amount of people will be tuning into American Idol, America's best, Knives & Guns sales or some other leisure time brain wank material on TV.
And there are "many" people who truly believe in the opinions of ggamer (uugh, or should I say share very similar opinions) which at the end of the day just adds up in my head as "wow, just how many people are this stupid?" And I don't see any numbers, any articles or such that discusses this from my searches as I stated in a previous post.
What I imagine you guys (only if you aren't trolling me as I really suspected as soon as cript made his very first post towards me) thought about my post and read was "I AM SUPERIOR IN INTELLECT TO YOU INFERIOR SWINE!" this wasn't my intention.
If I'm honest I read the thread and was enthralled by it's posters and wondered what groups they supported (posted this) then after that I thought I was posting about how educating people was important so that everyone could at least share decent minded opinions or find greedy corporation owners within congress and root them out, since no-one here to my knowledge was actually doing that (my idea of taking action is not sitting down on an internet board and just complaining, or at least this doesn't appear to have had any other impact on the situation other than making people feel better by validating that other people do feel appalled by an article)
And the reason why was "because I'm not elected official material", which saddened me, because great things were potentially being wasted because of low confidence.