Thats why in each of those six games I got myself a vision stone thingy and a pink ward early, to compensate for the fact the lane will almost always be shoved up to the enemy's side. With proper vision placement you can predict any gank, and this is specially important with sion since he's not built as your run of the mill tank support with skills specifically designed to protect people (IE braum, thresh, taric, etc), meaning you can't do much if you adc gets caught.
There's been situations in which both the enemy jungler and midlaner came to our lane to stop us from continously crushing their bot lane and would still only manage to get one of us, usualy me, but who cares, I'm support sion, and I can sometimes still nab a kill out of my passive :v
Against the morg I went against, she was kinda in a pickle since I only started the combo when I knew her Q was down. And since morgs like to play agressive, this meant that she was actively trying to hit us with her Q everytime she had a chance to, and she got tilted when they couldn't just roll into us when one of us got snared, because their healthbars were chunked from all the E spam, to the point that getting a Q to the face meant certain death if my adc followed up. Sure, her shield did cancel my Q stun lots of times, but she still had to handle the E damage and slow, meaning she had to choose which ability she'd shield against, and she's also have to choose between protecting her adc or herself, and there were times both of them were getting hit with a single Q or E.
Ideally she should've shielded herself from the E's, since its the E slow that lets me chunk people with a Q and it does magic damage, but the E isn't exactly the easiest thing to predict since the skillshot from a launched minion is pretty fast and the animation is pretty quick, and its pretty hard to predict wether I'm aiming for her or the adc. Sometimes I just hit both with one E.
The fact that my ADC at the time was graves also helped a fair bit
, since he's a very harassy type adc and his Q goes hand in hand with sion's E, and he usualy doesn't care about shoving the lane since he's graves, meaning he will inevitably shove the lane just with rightclicks.