the problem with the suites is:
these reactors are essentialy water filled concrete/lead lined boxes. and the radiation gets out when theirs no water to cool the rods to a degree were they cant burn through their caseings.
as such: a few millimetres or evern a metre of light weight clothing would be next to useless for anything but alpha or beta radiation, gamma in the quantitys that would class as a melt down will go through it like a knife through butter, lead is usefull because its so dense, that any radiation has a high chance of hitting an atom of lead and getting deflected or absorbed instead of walking through it like a pub door during happy hour.
density is required for deflection/absorbtion. but density = weight and makes it highly impracticle. untill they invent and use robotic anti radiation sutes, the poor buggers are going to get some degree of radation weather their in these sutes or wearing mankinis.
eather way, their damn brave and deserve a hell of alot of respect. many many more people would die if they didnt do this. and hundreds of thousands more would suffer. They are heros. more so than many a man in the world, their fate, is a quick death if they fail horribly, or a slow and painfull one if they succede partialy. I dont know their absorbed amounts of radiation, but i doubt any of them will get out without some adverse affects. just hope theyve already had children.
My apolagies for lack of spelling and lack of physics knowledge, but thats as much as i know on the subject and its as good as a dumbed down veiw of the entire affair as your going to get.