If surviving until the army supply drops is too difficult you can always set light eater as your starting skill. My second time playing 4.1 I thought I was doomed because I couldn't find food anywhere but I eventually stumbled across a supply drop and got some sleep.
I usually forgo most ammo during the first days. My survival plan is this.
First day
-Find basic items, shovel, stench eraser and some food
-Kite hell out of low level zombies
KILL fresh NPC zombies; a mutated fresh bunny will outright kill you in the first days (it takes around five kills to become one).
Second day
-Search the hell out of every place and secure some safehouse that I can easily come back to.
-Prepare to be outfitted to take on police station.
-Police bunny dealing equipment usually consists of a shovel, some pills (maybe), food (maybe two), stench eraser, and I'll usually take a shotgun for myself.
-Depends, if I'm optimally equipped for police bunny, I'll usually dick around for a few more days finding what I need if I don't have it.
Day five
-Take on police bunny to find the underground bunny hole. Equipping other prisoners can help eliminate bunny threat.
Day Six
-This will vary greatly
Day Seven to Fourteen
-Prepare to go down the rabbit hole
Day Fifteen
-Clear out bunny building if I have to.
Day Fifteen- typically around thirty
-Gradually clear out bunny hole of bunnies and activate lights or run away like a coward if things get too hairy.
In all honesty, this is usually as far as I get; I should probably get to the bunny hole earlier, as it is usually hell by the time I get there. The furthest I've ever gotten to beating the game was getting the lights working in the bunnyhole and than getting killed by a mutated bunny hole on the last of four blocks in the bunnyhole. >_<