Day 27,28,29,30, and 31
A Migrant has arrived!
Garul builds entrance doors suitable for a dwarven fortress, and smelts soem ore from the stocks, otherwise he recuperates and rests, some would criticize him, but his mood profits. (+2levers +1door -4 mechanisms -2 levers -2 doors -16 iron ore +16 iron bars, free time +++ hearty eating++)
Nirur Walls off the lower hospital. He notices a miasmatic hint of decay emenating from below as he works. He completes the wall and puts it off his mind for a while, but checking back on it he notices it has been partially deconstructed. it is re-walled off and reinforced and smoothed, so that no dwarf could tamper with it later. He completes a fine set of blacksmithing tools, almost as good as a real set of metal tools. It'll do. And practices his marksmanship untill he ruins 30 bolts (*walled off hospital* +Stone Blacksmiths Toolset -30bolts)
Cheddarius completes a fine crossbow, every piece is sturdy and it shows in its reliable accuracy. His ironwork finishes 2 of the fine breastplates, but 4 are left to go, a softer metal would have gone faster, but iron is better than that. He carves bone bolts 40 of them. and builds the walls up a little higher, though a few strategicaly placed fortifications are completed in little time.(-1 iron +very strong iron foot-crossbow accurate -2 bone +40 bone bolts -6 iron bars +2 fine iron breastplate -8 rock +2nd story wall completion 8/32% done +wall fortifications.
Cogs cabin is built up, an attic is added, a door is installed, a fence is erected, and an entrance alcove is built. (upgrades cabin, adds attic)
The other Cog (Cog the glassmaker) is welcomed into the fortress, dwarves bustle to and fro focused on their tasks. They seem helpful though and bring him his requested materials before days end. With building materials in hand he looks about for any empty space to put up his workshop. But is forced to place them outside the fortress walls. The surrounding swamplands are unfreindly to say the least. Before long he is gathering silt from the swamp with a spare 300$ fur fine bag. Regardless, he finishes a clear glass statue by days end (you may continue to contine to work on some projects, by keeping the end result in mind and taking extra time, by adding value to something this way you can create epic items or furniture, your skill influences limits and chance of failure. But i require exposition to add value this way, even if it merely menaces with spikes of something.) Later he raids the stocks when nobody is looking. And adds much coal and glass to the stocks. But he stops before burning the very last of the wood.( +7 charcoal +7 green glass -17 wood +1 clear statue of Cog -5 fish, Mood++)
Hrodegr 4 leather bags
Ochita mines 20 down, 20 towards under the swamp.
Revist creates 5 buckets 5barrels
Urist brews 20 fantastic Whip Wine(++)
Moods everyoen gets - for losing a fellow dwarf lately and - for being accosted by blood gnats
--Adwarf +Took joy in the slaughter -Has witnessed tragedy +Triumph
+Cheddarius +Satified at work recently
Cog +Made a satisfying aquisition lately
--Cog++ good food and eatery
---Garul +++Feasting ++Good eats +Satisfied at work
---Hrodegr +satisfaction
--Nirur +satisfied at work recently