Day 35... Adwarf Has become Captain of the Guard!
The Waxing Moon sets and the sun rises on a new day, Within the fortress walls is crowded, with even the walkspace being filled with the nearly matured shoots of young plants. Blood Gnats still pester, but the days are becoming warmer at least. Oddly though , the swamp beyond sporadically bubbles suspiciously.
Cheddarius borrows the masons workshop, and quickly puts out a single rock throne and finishes the shift by contributing to the walls progress. (16/32%done). That same evening, he works outside and despite the blood gnats, and despite the windchill, he nearly half completes the breastplate (160/400,%), before eating and waiting for someone to open the front entrance so he can go to sleep indoors. (-13 rock -1iron bar +1 rock throne)
Cog The Fisher cleans fish
Cog ,The Glass one, Sleeps through the morning, and cuts glass in the evening (+7 cut glass? glass blocks? glass gem? and -7 raw green glass). before manipulating Ochita, he barely grumbles but agrees to do some tommorrow. He tries chatting people up longer but everyone is filling their bellies from the barrels before sleeping by nighttime. He searches for Nanothnir by the moonlight but he encounters Eral first. She she moans and grumbles in her bed and hardly seems to pay attention to Cogs words, occasionaly kicking in her sleep. Maybe shes sick. One of the puppies licks her face, magically healing her, or not. Oh well she sets up the glass statue atop some of the farm and it sinks in a little sideways, but it is quickly fixed.
Garul Equips himself. Passing through the perimiter walls open doorway, he patrols about, but nothing in particular stands out. At least not to his perception. he takes a break occasionaly, but he is ready if anything comes at the fort.
Hrodegr (-2 tent + 2 Overalls 120$ each) Works diligently, making something hopefully useful out of some unneeded tents
Nirur Equips himself a bit, and hurls sludge out of his other tower basement with his shovel. It is hard work, and his endurance is not enough to keep from being tired, but by the end the room is clear. Afterwards he lays a wood unit over the opening in case of a storm, so he doesn't have to do it again anytime soon. We walks back to his workshop, and gets to crafting. A MASTERPEICE. (Crit) The table and chest are both works of art. They belong in a museum or grotto maybe. zzz
Ochita digs through siltstone and other sedminentary layers in search of some possible flux stone, but instead finds entombed skeletal creatures that thrash about for freedom as he digs. They are easily dispatched.
Revist Goes out fully armed, he collects some wood. He has to go out pretty far now, the surrounding landscape is mostly depleted of wood, and it takes a longer and more dangerous journey to collect.
Urist collects soem of the group basics, and roasts meat and Hardtack, grinding it up with the meat juices. It is marinating all day and all night and he remarks it will be ready for tommorow. (-16 meat -16 bad food +32 Breaded Yum Yum Meat Rolls+)
Night 35 approaches... *Warning Claxon*