So I was intrigued by this LOLReplay thing. I got it, signed up on this League of Replays site, and uploaded this. I titled it "A less than stellar job" because it is. It's also an hour long, but we win in the end despite a bad start. If any of you can be bothered to watch it and criticise I'd be much obliged, but for now I'm just going to bed.
I decided to check it out to see if I actually know stuff about the game now.
I'll just list things that stood out to me. I don't know what level you are, so this might sound a bit harsh, but I learned the game very well by umiman screaming at me on Skype for things I did wrong, so I think specific critique is good.
First off, any particular reason to get Ruby Crystal first? Sure, you can throw more cleavers, but you can do that with a Regrowth Pendant too and that one makes it less likely you have to hug the tower (losing exp and last hits) for 2 minutes and then die to a surprise attack.
Also, as Mundo against a caster like Brand, you are worse off staying in range than they are. So go through creeps, cleaver them and punch them a couple of times every once in a while, so they are forced back instead of you.
And one more from the early early game: If you are at 100 health without health potions as any champion, just go back. You lose less by healing up in base and running back than staying behind the tower and letting the opponents farm freely.
At 10 minutes, you had over 800 gold at base yet you bought nothing. Definitely should've got at least boots by then. Health potions are also really important on Mundo pre-level 6. They seem like a waste of money, but that's just 2 last hits worth, which is exactly how much you'll miss at minimum if you have to hide behind a tower with 100 health.
At 21 minutes, your teammates are attacking the tower, but you are not, despite you having minions there. Mundo does nice damage to towers with Masochism and if someone has to be risked to be caught from your team, it's Mundo with all his health.
At 27 minutes, they deal 2000 magic damage to you in 4 seconds. You do buy a Null-Magic Mantle, but a Negatron cloak building into Force of Nature would've likely made you survive future fights a lot longer, as Brand is always the one killing you.
At 35 minutes, your team had way enough damage already (Amumu with two Deathcaps(?!)), and just a problem staying alive, instead of a Stark's, going for more tankiness would've been good, especially with you getting destroyed in fights so fast. That would've bought your team more time to kill them all.
At 48 minutes, you are at full health in their base. Your teammates are getting harassed, but you are staying back? Actually your whole team should've backed away, but you as the tank should always be in the way of Morgana killing your Ryze.
At 51 minutes, you are getting chased, when that happens throw cleavers in your pursuers' face as much as possible.
At 54 minutes, you stay at their tower alone for way too long and Ashe comes to deal 3401 physical damage to you in 7 seconds. You approppriately buy a Thornmail, but you should've got some armor way earlier.
All in all, your build was good, but in sub-optimal order for your well-being. I like Spirit Visage early and have never been a fan of Warmog's. That's an issue of preference, but rushing Warmog's over boots is probably never a good idea. You played well in the late game though you weren't really positioned for tanking (which is understandable, as you were so underfarmed compared to the others). And you with your team stayed positive the whole game, which is the best thing and made you able to win.
I am by no means a Mundo or LoL expert so if anyone feels I said something blatantly stupid, please correct me.