League of Legends is free DoTA inspired game.
Click here to see some basic information about how game is played. I know it seems lazy but its much more complicated game than it seems at first glance. If I would try to explain how everything works by myself it would be simply tl;dr material.
Now to write something myself.
For me LoL is ultimate PvP experience. It involves reflexes like in action rpg's when you duke it out with enemy (though you don't need crazy skills like in Starcraft
), tactics (setting up ambushes, smart use of crowd control etc.), strategies (team composition, backdooring, controlling map and buffs etc.), teamwork (most important I'd say, better teamwork >> better skills). There is
over 50 unique champions to choose from so anyone should find something to suit his playstyle. Game is absolutely free (there are things like skins that can be bought with real money but nothing that gives advantage in game) so there is nothing to lose by trying it.
Shameless referral link:
Get game here!Here is a linky for all new players:
http://leaguecraft.com/Its good place to check out some guides if you have no idea what to do with your champion. I highly recommend to look for high rated ones since not every guide there is necessarily good, just so you know.
Players:If you want to be added to list write your name, server you play on and optionally champions you play.EU:Janekk (Rammus, Fiddlesticks, Karthus)
Mindmaker (Kog'maw)
Errol (Singed, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Amumu, Cho'gath)
Strange_guy28 (Master Yi, Nunu)
NA:Red Rooster
Urist McSummoner
wraith123 (Pantheon)
Fire Shrimp
Thendash (Olaf, Pantheon, Cho'gath, and Zilean)
Greiger (Tryndamere)
Fikes (Jana, Tristana, Karthus, Fiddle, Ryze)
War God Anya
SuperOwnage21 (Ashe)
Search option didn't show anything so here it goes. Thread about LoL. I started playing yesterday and its awesome. If someone doesn't know its DoTA clone (though I never played DoTA so its just what I heard) and its absolutely free to play (only thing that can be bought exclusively with real money are skins which "surprisingly" do not give any advantage). I just unlocked my first champion Master Yi
umm.. at least I think that's how he's named. I also played few games with Blitzcrank though he's way to expensive for me to unlock right now
. I had blast playing both of them. My in game nick is Janekk if anyone is interested in practice game.
Ps. Discuss