Sadly, no. It was a solo queue game, and I don't bother to record those most of the time.
As for Singed... I play aggressively. Very. Once I get my ult, I will check with my laning parter if I can run off and cause havoc (Usually only if we've been dominating the lane and just got a kill (or two)), and then I do so. Position yourself in typical ganking position, throw down your goop and rush to a place that'd intercept if they tried to run, turning on your poison while on the move. Fling them towards your allies (Or if they didn't run and were quite a bit far forward, into your turret. Boom, dead.
Items I usually get:
-Token Mana Regen- Recently, Chalice has been a stalwart, though getting a Tear of the Goddess into Archangels (if you're going heavy AP) is also nice. It becomes a health-boosting item for via Singed's passive, after all, potentially adding 250 health.
Boots of Swiftness/Mercury Treds. The Merc treds can be ignored if they don't have too bad CC, you have your Ult after all.
Force of Nature. Usually as my second or third full item,, either just after or just before upgrading my boots.
Aside from that, it really depends what they're fielding and what you feel confident doing. Want to never die and piss them off? Banshees, Sunfire/Thornmail if they rely on auto-attacks. What to do a lot of damage with Poison and Fling? Pump AP and Mana to the max. Cooldown is also nice, though not vital. Grab blue buff when you can.
What to do moderate damage, heal fast, and really annoy them? Hextech Revolvers and a Will of the Ancients. As many as you can fit around your core build. 65% spellvamp is a glorious thing on Singed.
Edit: I also find a good theme song to be really helpful.
These are good for my playstyle.