Yeah, this is where I had to stop.
You've taken the Catholic Church and turned it into the Fourth Reich. Seriously, you've blown this far out of proportion.
Also, the Vatican City, while small, is that the very least a Principality, and its ruler (the Pope) can make up whatever rules he wants, although if he is doing what is accused (which I'm pretty sure he isn't; Richard Dawkins is as reliable as Sun) it is pretty reprehensible.
And for that matter, I'd like to bring up another crime against humanity. I know many people in schools who are mentally abused by their own teachers because they do not agree with the theory of evolution. They are told they are wrong, that they are stupid, that their own opinion means nothing.
Richard Dawkins should be sent to jail for mentally scarring actions!
First off, you're an idiot. I'm sorry, but you are. I can't really address anything in your post, because it's all been addressed before and I'm lazy.
Before you rant off on how Richard Dawkins is a terrible person etc etc, try and remember some of us have been taught by Creationist teachers and so, despite a personal dislike towards Richard Dawkins, we can respect that he is entirely correct on this.
I'll address the evolution thing mostly because I feel that it isn't repeated enough.
Evolution is taught in schools because there is evidence behind evolution. A whole lot of it. Fossil records, intermediate species, vestigial organs in our own bodies, and so on. Creationism, I'm afraid, has no such evidence behind it. It has a book written more than two thousand years ago by unknown authors who make numerous outlandish claims. Thus, many teachers have no real choice in what they have to teach in public schools. You can't teach what there is no evidence for. I suppose if you repeat a lie enough times, it eventually does become a truth, doesn't it?
Arguments like 'irreducible complexity' are pointless, as well. The flagella that many creationists like to point out as being irreducible may have served a different purpose before it became a mode of locomotion for bacteria. In fact, there are many similar structures, minus the tail, in many single-celled organisms, such as the Type III secretion system and cytoskeleton (, Another common example is the eye, which you can find simpler versions in, say, an insect or crab, which shows that it can be reduced in complexity.
I am all for the Pope being held accountable for his crimes. And these are crimes. Not only are these pedophile priests getting away with it, they're given the opportunity to be exposed to, and rape, more children. He may not be raping children himself, but he is aiding those who are, which makes him, in many ways, more guilty than the original perpetrator.
Although, it is the nature of religion to dismiss that which does not agree with your beliefs, so I have no illusion that you'll even remotely start to see the reality of how the world works.