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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180214 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #390 on: October 16, 2010, 08:10:58 pm »

Bax War Journal

This place is getting a little bit too crowded. There are freaks everywhere!
I tell you, No decency to be found on this accursed bearded fortress. I can respect the Beards, you know, they put up a good fight, and we have to... i mean, had to go out of our ways to get everyone riled up to siege them.
Humies? Too easy. They leave their children everywhere, start an attack by getting them first and they lose all focus.
Well, at least there is a Kobold for me to boss around and an elf kid to scare, I'll have a little more fun now.
I always imagine dwarves to train as if fighting pretend monsters. "It's a carp, use your sword!" "Shwish! Shwoosh! It's dead!" "Oh no, it's a giant cave spider! Noo, it's got me! Kill it with your axe!" "Swoosh, I cut off its head!"


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #391 on: October 18, 2010, 02:33:30 pm »

oh hey its been two days, we're on the second page, and this is completely unacceptable

And now to be an ass and make everyone hate me for thinking there's an update
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 02:58:30 pm by dermonster »
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.

Burnt Pies

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #392 on: October 18, 2010, 04:52:59 pm »

I hate you, derm. I really, really hate you.
I can read box now
Also, I am a bit drunk


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #393 on: October 18, 2010, 07:36:53 pm »

I hope aequor puts you on demolition duty
oh what, another false update?
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #394 on: October 19, 2010, 01:10:23 pm »

From the log of Fori

   Lots of new faces have shown up today. A group of refugees has arrived, seeking shelter from the hordes of the nothing swarming the surface. Not just dwarves, there were humans in the mix. One of them looked very strange and rather unnerving though. But an elf came with them too! I had heard news of the elves’ survival from the merchants, but to see one in person did my heart good. He may need my help in adjusting to life underground. At any rate, I want to talk to him, and see what news he knows of the other retreats. Oh, and the little child person, a kobold judging from the chatter of the other dwarves, he’s a little funny looking, but in a cute sort of way. I’d like to meet him too. Either way, I’m going to be busy with farming enough food to feed all of new mouths.

   But recently, I’ve been thinking. The only child I’ve seen here is Atis, the dwarf girl that the goblin is keeping. (I must admit, he is turning out to be a better parent than I ever expected.) We’ve been staring death in the face constantly with the defilers and the forgotten beasts, but no new life. No infants or children. I wish there were more families here. It would give some much needed hope, and a sense of purpose besides just existing or following Ibruk’s fanaticism. I wish I could start a family…


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #395 on: October 21, 2010, 03:27:59 pm »

I wish I could start a family…
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #396 on: October 23, 2010, 07:36:43 pm »

Gutanoth - Oops, should've noticed the complete opposite traits. I've changed them with the magic of Runesmith, she's still listed as clean-shaven, but the personality should be a bit more true to life. ;)

1st Granite 675 - Morning

"Please! Pilgrims! Pilgrims, please-" in vain Ibruk was trying to calm the Dwarves. After the refugees had arrived the entirety of Nomekast had gathered at the dining area to discuss what would happen. The refugees had brought in another Elf, but not only that, a Dwarf who acted like a Goblin and treated the Elf boy following her as a slave, a crazed philosopher who had torn his eyes out, a Human, what was apparently a Human but seemed mutated, and a Kobold. This had never happened in living memory. Each race kept to their own, occasionally you might get a Human living amongst Dwarves or even a Goblin outcast amongst Humans. But this wasn't just a single Human or Elf, this brought the non-Dwarven population up to a Goblin; three Elves, a Kobold, and two Humans, along with a Dwarf who might as well have been a Goblin, seeing as she did not even speak Dwarfish. That meant every sapient race now lived under Nomekast's stone roof. At the best of times Elves living amongst Dwarves was enough to cause a riot in a Mountainhome, but three of them, along with Goblins and Kobolds? Bax had been tolerated, but he had had to earn his place, helping to slay a troll and several forgotten beasts, and Fori had earned her place looking after the farms.

"Please! Listen!" Ibruk tried again. Reg's voice could be heard over the hubbub,

"We let them live here and we'll soon find ourselves enslaved or murdered in our beds! Mark my words! The kind of wounds I've seen Gobbos inflict to the innocent, or the bodies of brave soldiers chewed by Elves-" He had found a few people who agreed with him amongst the refugees, two or three. The noise of the crowd was suddenly cut off when one of Kadzar's priests slammed her copper spear on the table, making a loud noise that silenced them all, it was Nish, lover of the farmer Sibrek who had been killed by Mysterydrip the giant cave spider, and in solace had espoused Ibruk's doctrines with a fanaticism that almost rivalled Kadzar's.

"Master Ibruk is trying to speak, show respect." she growled. Ibruk nodded to her,

"Thank you Nish. My friends and fellow pilgrims, what are we accusing these refugees of? Of daring to escape from their doomed homes? Of daring to seek a better, more pious life here at the gods' chosen place? Who here can honestly say we'd have survived without Fori's farming skills? Who here can honestly say that Bax has not risked life and limb as often as our own militia, slaying unholy beasts sent by devils? If we had turned them away, would we have been the better for it? It is not up to us to choose who among the righteous we harbour, for the Gods have sent them all to us, so let us accept them and grow stronger for it. Dark days lie before us as the gods destroy this sinful world and then rebuild it anew for us, the righteous, the pious, the holy."

"Are you suggesting Kobold thieves and Goblin scum are holy?" Reg cried incredulously.

"What does birth-race matter? The gods are the gods, no matter what name different races call them they are still the same deities."

There was a murmur of agreement, both from Ibruk's supporters (and the more pious Dwarves among the refugees) and from those that agreed with letting the other races live here and remain here, even if they did not agree with Ibruk's reasoning for it. Reg threw his hands up in rage,

"Are you deliberately trying to kill us all!?" he shouted angrily.

"We don't need the other races to do that. The Nothing and monsters in the caverns seem all-too-happy to do it for them." Rion said, leaning on his axe, "Now if you don't mind, some of us just want to eat breakfast, so if you're going to argue, do it somewhere else."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Loral Treesinger looked out over the vast cavern the Dwarves had colonized and lived in the past three or so years. He was pleased to see the great abundance of plant life, these Dwarves hadn't choked the natural world as many of their kin did. But looking up he could only miss the wide open sky, with the moon and the stars shining down on the forests. Standing on the bridge into the caves he looked down, and saw the large farms down below. If nothing else, he would be able to help out there, though he had heard there were a great many of creatures that could be hunted within the caves, though the Dwarves seemed reticent to opening the bridges out into the wide passages, citing giant cave spiders and forgotten beasts that had ravaged them before. With his bow slung over his back, he decided to go down and have a look round.

He passed the temple and dining area, having already been introduced to them, and took a cursory look into the communal bedroom and the food stockpile, along with Tarran's unfinished cottage. Then he went down to the farms. He thought he saw a child working there, picking up a few plump helmets, but upon seeing the ears and skin he realised it was the Kobold that had escaped into Nomekast shortly after his own refugee group had. The Elf approached the rodent-like creature, supposing he might as well introduce himself. When the Kobold looked up from taking the plump helmets and saw Loral he jumped back, eyes wide with surprise, dropping his harvest.

"Calm down." Loral said in what he hoped was a calming voice, "I'm not going to hurt you." he wasn't sure if the Kobold could understand him, after all, nothing like regular speech had really ever been observed in Kobold society. He pointed at himself,

"I'm Loral. Loral." he said slowly. The Kobold nodded at this, relaxing when he saw the Elf was not one of those pointy-eared self-righteous ones that had razed his home. The rodent-like creature indicated itself, with a thump of the chest,

"Xenos." it said. Loral nodded,

"Pleased to meet you." he said. Xenos nodded, but said nothing more. Shrugging, Loral left with a goodbye-nod, leaving Xenos to pick up his plump helmets.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"So hoo here iz da shmot guy?" Meinhard asked Shin, stopping her in the hallway.

"The what?" she asked, staring up unimpressed at the tall, bluish green-skinned man,

"Da shmot Dwarf. Da one with da brainz." the mutated Human repeated, tapping the side of his head for emphasis, "Hy have to give dese to da shmot Dwarf." he continued, indicating the leather scroll case that held the schematics of his previous employer's work.

"Well there's Torvold, he's 'shmot' I suppose, and then Reg is 'shmot' in medical knowledge, Urist is 'shmot' in mechanical matters and-"

"No, no," Meinhard said, holding up a finger to interrupt her, "Hooz the shmotest?"

"Just give it to Torvold." the architect said exasperated, walking off and leaving the Human behind. Meinhard scratched his head,

"But ver's Torvold?" he muttered, "If he's da shmot Dwarf he should have a lab."

As it happened, Torvold was the next person to stride down the hallway, plans tucked under one arm. Meinhard recognised what was on those plans, schematics for various devices, just as Dos Panzermench's own plans had on them.

"Hey!" he cried out, stopping Torvold, "Are hyu da shmot Dwarf Torvold?"

"Smart?" Torvold raised an eyebrow, before letting a rumbling laugh, "I'm more than smart, my tall friend! For you see, I have developed-"

Meinhard interrupted him, holding the scroll case out,

"Hy vas given dese by Dos Panzermench, the shmot guy at da court ov da Vimsical Convederacies."

Torvold took the case curiously, unscrewing the top and pulling out all the various plans and schematics Dos Panzermench had thought up and worked on. His eyes lit up and a manic smile grew on his face as he read them,

"Why, these are really quite amazing! And if I modify this with...yes!" the Dwarf gave a loud round of laughter, reaching up and clapping the Human on the shoulder, "Thank you for getting this to me, it seems your employer had some very...interesting ideas, ideas that may be very useful..."


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #397 on: October 23, 2010, 10:25:33 pm »

I sit over on a small bench as the newcomers awkwardly situate themselves around a table as Ibruk gives his little speech.

Fori over on the right seems like she desperately wants to talk to the new elf Loral, but right now isn't the best time.

I frown as I chew the rubbery Plump Helmet. I always prefer them to be plucked a little earlier than usual. Gives them the texture and consistancy that I favor.

The Dwarf over near the Elf child... Gutsup I think she was called. Red haired, More insane than Bax to be sure. Being raised by goblins isn't an excuse to be a narccissist. The elf girl looks a bit thin too.

I worship the god of Plants and Rain, (And after she gave me direct inspiration my faith has skyrocketed, but not to the level of Ibruks fanaticism. She made me make a coffin. I believe in her, but its just a neutral belief.) so I have a lesser dislike for Elves than the average Dwarf. I actually sympathise with them a bit, but the majority of them are still arrogant. Fori and (Hopefully) Loral are the exceptions, not the rule.

Back to my main point, the elf girl doesn't look abused or anything, but she still seems like she's been through harder times than a child should be, even accounting for the Nothing. Still seems exceedingly loyal to Gutsup. Maybe Fori should look her over.

The humans are a welcome addition. Most Humans prefer milk to alchohol, but quite a few Humans seem just like exceptionally tall dwarves at some points. The blue-green one worries me somewhat, but I dont seem inclined to find out exactly whats wrong with him. He seems like a nice one, if a bit dim.

I suppose I'll introduce myself to them at one point. My trip through the Hellbore could use some more volunteers. I don't know if Fori was going to come along, I should ask her again. Hopefully I won't get interrupted by a forgotten beast, which I still need to work out plans to capture one for questioning.

I suppose I should head off. Mushrooms eaten and Everyone is returning to their tasks or introducing themselves to others.

OOC: At least, I think I worship a god of plants and rain. I can't Find a list of Nomkast gods anywhere. Can you put a list of gods in the main post? Also my posting box keeps scrolling to the middle of my post whenever I Type something and it's really annoying cause I can't spellcheck as I type. I'm OCD about Spelling. I also Capitalize the first letter of random words And I have to go back and keep Fixing it.

I also seem to be completely Ignoring my prior character Discription. I listed Him as 'Overly bright and cheery' but I play him as 'Prone to adventure, occasionally given to bouts of introspection and is fond of being overly dramatic.'
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #398 on: October 23, 2010, 10:38:20 pm »

"I mean, really now. I try to get anything done and all of a sudden its everyone screaming about kolbolds and eyeless human philosophers and Reg freaking out about the newcomers again and goblonoid dwarves and the will of Ibruk's imaginary deity again and blah blah blah blah BLAH! I just wanted some damn breakfast."
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 12:16:14 am by MetalSlimeHunt »
Quote from: Thomas Paine
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
No Gods, No Masters.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #399 on: October 24, 2010, 12:14:24 am »

"Dot vent vell. Now, hy neek to get ze job. Hy tink hy shood talk vith dot Yburk guy. He gotz to haz a job fur mie, jah."

"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #400 on: October 24, 2010, 01:20:02 pm »

Breakfast was over and most dwarves had begun their daily business, but some had made the mistake of lingering.
"BAH!  Just because an elf or a goblin could do somethin' doesn't mean a dwarf couldn't 'ave done it better!  Aye, I've seen brave goblins rush into battle without a wiff o' fear (though dwarves always come out on top!) 'nd I've seen elven crafts that rival those of the greatest craftsdwarfs (but dwarven work will stand the test of time), but that's just it, yea.  A victory for a goblin is a victory for GOBLINS!  A master craft made by an elf is an ELVEN craft.  This isn't the dwarven way, it's the elven way, goblin, human... KOBOLD way!  I'll be a dwarf for as long as I live, 'cause I'll never need the help of greenskins and sun dwellers.  And I'll die before I see this fort I helped raise from the ground degrade into a generation of half-breeds and mutts.  Listen to me, brothers and sisters, we're the dwarves of Nomekast, a strong and proud generation!  If these creatures must seek refuge in our halls, so be it, but don't let their outlandish ways TAINT the dwarven code." Reg scanned the dining hall for any of his companions who would stand by him, but he could tell they thought him a fool.
"'tis a sad day for our kind when a dwarven fort falls without a fight..." he whispered, staring into the bottom of his empty mug,"a sad day indeed.
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #401 on: October 24, 2010, 01:53:21 pm »

*There was a load thump behind Reg. A sound heavy bronze on stone*

"Hoo do hyu tink hyu are! Asousink dot garbage.DIS FORT NEVER FALL! not while Hy'em here. Hyu bettah remember not ta offen da honor of da Jager, cuaze vhen hyu be all halone and da big shpider come, iz gonink ta be mhy spear dat getz 'im, right battveen da pelpitz."
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #402 on: October 24, 2010, 02:39:23 pm »

I am currently moving to an apartment and might not be around for a while.
Which saddens me.
Just letting you guys know.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #403 on: October 24, 2010, 05:49:01 pm »

I want in on this.
Proffesion-Wandering Paladin
Name-"Hammer of the Gods" AncientArmor<---Put last name in dwarven
Bio- An Goblin Outcast for believing and worshipping the Dwarven Gods. An officer in the military before being thrown out, she took to wandering the wilderness, slaying and sacrificing wild beasts to the gods, always trusting in her warhammer. When she makes it to the colony, she would most likely become the rightchous(so spelled wrong xD) protector of the Prophet.
Quote from: Veok
"I had a great fortress going on until Leonidas kicked open the door to my clown car, but my blue suede shoes weren't ready, so Uncle Sam and his friends went to town on my tax returns."


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #404 on: October 27, 2010, 11:59:22 pm »

I apologize for my absence from the adventures of the cheese themed glass maker.  Real life unfortunately got in the way and i've just started back into the thread.  anyone willing and able to give a quick summary of what's happened?  Muenster hasn't died yet has he?
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