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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 176918 times)


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[Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« on: April 05, 2010, 07:40:51 pm »

Sweat was pouring down Urist Tangakonul's forehead as he and his squad prepared for the inevitable attack. They had been forced to retreat to the magma forges as the enemy continued to pour in, a never-ending wave. Their iron armour was beginning to heat up uncomfortable due to their proximity to magma, but there were only two ways out, one led to the enemy, the other to where the civilians were evacuating.

They had to hold the line if the citizens were to survive.

The hammering on the door quickened, and soon the Dwarves knew it would collapse under the weight of the invaders' attacks. The rhythm got faster and faster.


And then, a crash as they poured in. Their hideous black bodies pulsating and their tentacles waving, the enemy swarmed in. Wave after wave.

Urist gave the order immediately and the Tin Crystals of Fury brought their shields and axes to bear. The monsters crashed into them like a wave onto a cliff; and battle was joined. The ten stout Dwarves fought fiercely slicing tentacles here and there, but it was to no avail. Weak though they were; pain and fear were alien to these creatures; the only thing they seemed to be able to do was single-mindedly claw at the Dwarves, ripping their armour off piece by piece and then shredding the flesh beneath.

Soon the forges were filled with the stench of melting flesh which would soon dissolve into nothingness, as the beasts' flesh did. The Tin Crystals of Fury had already lost four; cheerful Bomrek, somber Nish, mother-of-five Ast, and Urist himself. But still the endless sea of tentacled monsters poured in, nothing seemed to stop them, nothing seem to interest them but death, nothing.


"Don't you see!? This is a sign from the gods! They have sent down their fiercest servants; the great Nothing monsters of the sacred tomes to punish the monarchy!" self-proclaimed Prophet Ibruk ranted at the crowd. The Dwarf had never been a very stable one, and now he was worse still. The recent destruction of three mountain halls and the ravaging of several Human towns; coupled with the sighting of strange tentacled creatures seemed to have sent him over the edge. The crowd watched on as he preached; some with pity, some with scorn, some with laughter - few with respect. Ibruk didn't care, he had a mission.

"Only by leaving these cursed halls can you be saved from the coming destruction! Take your belongings and follow me to the chosen place where we shall build! Follow me to salvation or stay here and perish!"

So here's the story; a horde of creatures; known as 'Nothing' have overrun several mountain halls, Human towns and Elven retreats and destroyed them. Seeing this as a sign from the gods that the current civilizations are doomed and damned, the self-proclaimed 'Prophet' Ibruk has denounced the monarchy and called for Dwarves to follow him to found a mountain hall for the righteous or something along those lines. Obviously he's wrong and the Nothing will attack them too, and the fact that there will always be at least 30 and up to 100 on the map at any time; add to that the fact that they don't breathe, don't feel pain, won't stun and have buildingdestroyer:2 and you can be sure they'll be pain for the dorfs. And of course, if it gets too easy, I'm sure I can find a way to make it harder for them.

The embark site (which is not flat, it's actually in a valley, despite the map.) has over 100 underground levels and 20 aboveground levels, making for plenty of growing space.

If you want to claim a Dwarf on this holy expedition, then simply give me your Name; your Gender; your Profession; your Personality and Any Extra Info you feel is necessary, such as history or suchlike. The more information you can give on your Dwarf the more I'll be able to work them into the fort's life. Despite this being led by a holyman, don't feel pressured to have a pious dorf (though you can if you want to), you could just be escaping a crime, or looking for a better life.

Now let's get this doomed ambitious and sure-to-succeed expedition on!

Current Inhabitants:
Tarran (Tarran):
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Spartan (Spartan 117):
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Rovod Melbilcudist (Dervin):
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Reg Archist (ISGC):
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Shin (Shintaro Fago):
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Doc. Steve (Mangled):
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Urist Imiknorris (Urist Imiknorris):
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Fori (Fortis):
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Weiss Ironscroll (empfan):
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William de Mont-Saevo (Walton Simons):
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Nathaniel Stormwind (Zorrin_Drake):
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Litlbear (CaptainLambcake):
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Arcvasti (Arcvasti):
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PD (!!pyrodwarf!!):
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Sheodir Redsage (Sheo):
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Kaladin Sakrithtarmid Rithul Oram (Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum):
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Borzog the Unlucky (enso8):
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Pyre (Pyrefly):
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Ember (endlessblaze):
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Tribune (SlyStalker):
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Deceased Heroes of Nomekast
Rion Truthax (MetalSlimeHunt):
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Johann Schmidt (r3d5kull)
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Gutusp (Gutanoth)
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Torvold (Strife26)
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Volrath (AKingsQuest):
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Ocade (filiusenox):
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'Hammer of the Gods' Zustashtosid (Fisher-Risen):
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Muenster McCheeseMaker (masam):
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Eldrich Stormsap (TheOddDemon):
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Dohon (Dohon):
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Jessica von Sachsen (alienfetucine):
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BranRhi (BranRhi):
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Meinhard Adelrick (TALLPANZER):
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The Pantheon of Nomekast
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The World of Omon Rabin
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Timeline of Events

Spoiler: Nothing raws (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Flying Nothing raws (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 12:24:09 pm by Aequor »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 08:14:37 pm »

Alright, I'll bite!
how about one named Reg Archist, a male surgeon who does not believe that the prophet received a word from god or any holy sign, but feared for his own life in cowardice and knew that the party would need a doctor.  Despite his disbelief in the leader's divine communication, he will stay loyal and try and help anyway he can, even if it means staying out of the way or attempting a job he would not normally do/is good at. He's quiet in nature and often keeps to himself.
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 10:29:40 pm »

I want one!
Name: Rovod Melbilcudist
Gender: Male
Profession: Marksdwarf
Personality: A nice guy, fun to get drunk with. Though he may dislike people he doesn't hate anyone. He likes to say a prayer before going into battle. He will always be loyal to his friends and never betray them.
Extra info: Being a lowly private in the army back at where ever their from, he wants to rise to power in the military in the new place.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 11:04:20 pm »

Torvold, an engineering type.

He's got several plans for mechanical contrivances to forestall the Nothing with. He's a classic Mad Scientist, although he has a soft spot for cats.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 11:56:20 pm »

Now this sounds FUN.

Name: Rion Truthax
Gender: Male
Profession: Axedwarf
Personality: Hateful and Jaded by life and the emergance of the Nothing, unlikely to get along with most dwarfs. Coldly logical, and suspicious of others.
Extra info: Remains loyal to Armok even in these dark times, coming with with the so-called "prophet" only out of an intrest in staying alive. Will probibly clash with the prophet should he give an insane or reckless order.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 11:59:56 pm by MetalSlimeHunt »
Quote from: Thomas Paine
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
No Gods, No Masters.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2010, 12:00:55 am »

ME. I demand fun!

Name; Tarran.

Gender; Male.

Profession; Swordsdwarf, off time weaponsmith (if I ever get disabled, and before the start of the military).

Personality: A strangely stable dwarf, He is fascinated by every type of weapon and everything about them, especially swords. He came because he'd rather try his luck than stay and die, and also because he never got a chance to forge even though he clearly learned something from observation.

As soon as you can, replace his short sword (if he is using one) with a longsword, if he ever is crippled in any way and is not an elite or legendary, release him from the military, as he is more use to the fortress alive. (and I don't want to die. :P)
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.

Spartan 117

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2010, 04:55:57 am »

Name: Spartan

Gender: Male

Profession: Combat Miner

Personality: Melon.

Extra info: Has an insane dream of releasing hordes of demons in hope that they may vanquish the Nothing. He also thinks Nothing is a stupid name.
Well, you know how if you take your thumb and forefinger and hold them up to your eye, you can make it look like you're squishing someone's head? It's like that, only for real.
"Sometimes being a dwarf has it's advantages, KNEE-CAPPING TIME!"

Shintaro Fago

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2010, 05:06:19 am »

Name: Shin
Gender: Female
Profession: Architect, Stonecrafter/Mason with a point or two in herbalist
Personality: Being a royal architect in a fortress located deep in the southern jungle changed Shin. And imagine, dealing with elves wasn't the worst part, really (hence, Shin knows their language). Cat-sized mosquitos turned her near-blind and when the doctor couldn't help her, she just flooded his room. And a half of the fortress. Eyes got better by themselves but no one know to this day if that was just an accident caused by her temporary disability or one of the most morbid case of vengeance in the known dwarven history.

Also, if possible, have her tanned and clean-shaved.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 11:11:50 am by Shintaro Fago »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2010, 07:55:32 am »

Name: Steve. (Doc.)
Gender: Whatever you get first in a migrant wave.
Profession: Medical Dorf until you get the military going then make him a marksdorf/medic for getting wounded soldiers back into the fort where Reg can properly patch them up. (May have to use creative writing for this one methinks.)

He used to be a medic back in the Mountainhomes and would have died with Urist Tangakonu and his squad had he not been ordered to look after some wounded civvies.

Personality wise He's got a rather morbid sense of humor and is very sarcastic.
Despite this he's a pretty good doctor and does like helping people.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 09:02:46 am by Mangled »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2010, 08:16:08 am »

Muenster McCheeseMaker (Mune)

He's a black sheep in his family for going into the glass making business.

He left his home after hearing of this mad attempt to escape, for going his growing in popularity shop, "Glass Masters, We Blow!"  While he may not believe that the nothing are a purging force sent by the gods, he does believe that the nothing are dangerous and so has taken to crafting more than just glass, such as armor and weapons out of...ugh, metals, to protect his clan.  He's a straight talking dwarf, but one with a sense of humor that never stops.  He'd crack jokes in the dining hall, the bedroom with a lady dwarf, and staring a Nothing in the face with his dying breath he'd mock the thing.  The last one is the most likely to happen it seems.  While he can be serious when the time calls for it, he prefers to lace it with a bit of humor to keep hope alive.  Something he's noticed the prophet isn't very good at, and he's willing to do.

tldr version:

Profession: Glass/armor/weapons crafter and eventual soldier with a mace.

Personality:fun loving, Helpful joker, tenacious, believer in the Gods, not the armageddon speak, fights the doom in what ever way he can help the most.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2010, 02:30:47 pm »

Ok let's get this started! Shintaro Fago, Mangled and masam, you're all down for the first migrant wave.

Also, since dwarf companion doesn't work on the new version and I don't think it's possible to get a fully-male starting group, MetalSlimeHunt; you're a girl, but I'll refer to you as a man if it's no problem.

Also, Spartan - out of interest, what exactly is a 'melon' personality?

The sun was high in the sky as the wagon screeched to a halt. The stream - named Squeezemunched by the ancients - flowed right in front of them, an impassable obstacle.

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Torvold immediately threw his pack down and opened it, revealing various parchments covered with scrawlings,

"We'll need to make a bridge!" he declared, "If we use the teleological principle of geographical weight, we should be able to collapse that ledge by the stream and dam it, thus letting us cro-" but the scientist was interrupted by Ibruk. Complete in his silk cloak and naked mole dog coat and leaning on a cane, the Prophet held up a hand,

"No! Here is where we shall build our redemption! Here in this sacred valley! Here we shall build Nomekast - Godsaved! For the glories of Ogred of the Oceans, Id of the Mountains, Atir Purplemines of Jewels, Nekut Glowedguises of the Moon, Os the Hardy Gleams of Thunder, and all the Divines!"

The other six didn't complain or object. It had been a long journey from their old mountain homes in the deep south up here to the north.

But before any other words could be said or actions done, a yelp came from Reg Archist, the group's doctor,

"Nothing! Nothings on the mountain!" he cried, pointing up at the mountain behind them.

"See? This is why we need to find a better name than 'Nothing'. That's just stupid, 'nothings on the mountain', bah!" Spartan muttered as everyone turned their eyes up.

Misshapen shapes were crawling around the mountain top, red eyes glowing.

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"They haven't seen us yet." Rovod breathed, reaching for his copper crossbow. A thunk from behind them made them all jump and Torvold immediately found himself with a shortsword, an axe, a crossbow and a pick all aimed at his neck,

"What're you doing?" Rion hissed, "If they hear the noise you're making-"

"Nevermind!" Torvold interrupted, "Help me take this wagon apart into planks!"

"What? Why?" Rion snarled. Tarran stopped him, quickly saying,

"No! I think I see what he's doing! If we use the wood to build a makeshift bridge-"

"Then we can safely cross and leave the Nothing on the otherside." Ibruk finished for him, "Onto work, fellow pilgrims! We must build this bridge as quickly as possible!"

"What!? What if they can swim?" Spartan interjected,

"Well maybe we can stand here and you can ask them when they come." Rion spat.

The wagon was swiftly pulled apart by any means necessary and a unsteady bridge erected over the stream Squeezemunched.

"We need another plank!" Torvold shouted, only to be greeted Rion almost throwing a huge willow log at him. With this log, the bridge was complete.

"Hurry up! I think they've seen us!" Reg shouted, grabbing a barrel of Dwarven ale and literally sprinting across the river.

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Tarran grabbed his sword,

"I'll keep watch!" he cried, "You get the food and booze over!"

They did just that, snatching at the booze barrels and the cave fish and lobsters that they had brought with them, dumping them unceremonously (but carefully) on the other side of the river, and returning to move more. Soon they had moved the rations and were lugging the picks, the few medical supplies, and the anvil across.

Tarran stood resolutely as a Nothing moved towards him, tentacles quivering as though in anticipation of a kill. He brought his sword to bear, and quick as a flash sliced one tentacle clean off, then another, and then the last two with one swift slash downwards. Then, without hesitation he drove the copper sword straight into the beast's body, causing bright red blood to gush out and splatter him. The body then melted down into a thick goopy mess of pure darkness, before melting into the ground.

There was no respite for the swordsdwarf though, as another Nothing screeched towards him. He dispatched it without any problems, but three more soon moved up and he was forced to play a sort of cat-and-mouse game; slashing at the enemy and then retreating, only to repeat it. But eventually they melted down; but more were arriving down the valley slope, clawed tentacles at the ready.

Then came a well-anticipated cry,

"Tarran! Get over, quick!" the swordsdwarf instantly spun round, sprinting across the bridge. Then, just as a dozen Nothings reached the river, Reg eagerly pulled the bridge down.

The creatures sat there for a few moments, then retreated back up the valley, eyes still fixed on the Dwarves.

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The group sat there for a long time, breathing hard. Ibruk was the first to speak,

"We are safe, pilgrims. This is a sign from the gods that they will not allow us to fall into the same apathy and decadance that has led to the destruction of the cursed monarchy." He pulled himself up by his cane, waved a hand towards the mountains and declared,

"Now, let us delve deep to build Nomekast!"


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2010, 02:46:25 pm »

Yeah, continue refer to me as male. If Dwarf Companian's 2010 version is releaced, would you change it? I always seem to get female dwarfs in any fortress I contribute to. It's weird. Did you tweak the starting dwarfs or the Nothing at all? The stats you gave for them are pretty high for one starting swordsdwarf to take on two of them and come out without a scrach. The sprite you chose for the Nothing seems pretty spot on for your description of them. Did you make it?

Quote from: Thomas Paine
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
No Gods, No Masters.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2010, 03:00:52 pm »

The starting Dwarfs aren't tweaked, and the Nothing has all the tags to make it fierce. However, individually they're very weak, which they make up for by having at least 30-40 on a map at a time, sometimes going up to over 100. They'll get stronger as the Dwarves get stronger for...erm, story purposes?

The graphics for the Nothing aren't mine, it's the tentacle demon sprite which comes with the Mayday sprites which I've just coloured in as black with red eyes.

[EDIT: I've added the bio's for each dorf to the first post.]
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 03:56:46 pm by Aequor »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2010, 04:10:42 pm »

... Wow, I'm freaking badass/lucky, no armor, no shield, just one shortsword. ;D

Edit: I'm also really weak, and yet I kick so much ass!
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 04:24:41 pm by Tarran »
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from the Apocalypse
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2010, 04:16:23 pm »

looking good so far!
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
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