Man, those random event tables like me.
For now. And your exploration rolls haven't been quite that good.
You might want to double check my food and money; they're a bit higher than I predicted. Also, would 954 "extra" population round up to a full extra labor unit, rather than down to 9 labor pool points?
Money should be correct. Food is 1 too high, true. Labor should be 16+2, +1 for filling the labor pool, so 19 labor is correct (should be 3/10 in the labor pool rather than 2/10 though).
Any chance of seeing a ship's stats before it's built, or do we have to learn through experience?
Small warships have a base <A2/D3/H15/S5/> before the "seaworthy" modifiers.
How do mills interact with improvements that produce "X or Y" and resources that produce "+1 X or +Y money"? If you have a watermill on a hunting camp, for instance, can the mill produce +1 leather if the camp is producing +1 food that turn, or does the "already produced" part mean it only works if the tile is already producing it that turn?
In a vaguely similar vein, would using a mill while producing money from a valuable metal mine produce +1 Money, or would it double the money production from the resource?
The mills can only add resources that are added during that turn. When working a hunted forest, if you don't produce the leather, the mill can't improve that leather production. You can't choose money as the resource to be improved.
Would a beast pen produce an elephant and a half, or an extra half-elephant?
How would it interact with a pasture producing +1 animal at the cost of food- would you get +2 animal and 1 less food, or would it cost an extra food?
Not applicable. Animal production can't be improved by mills, which I'll make more clear in the rules posts.
Was the part about "horse farms can never be improved to produce more than 1 horse" referring to researching extra-efficient horse farms, or trying to say you can't use mills to get extra animals?
You can't use mills to get extra animals. Research may be able to uncover more efficient farms which you'd then build over existing farms, similar to mines and deep mines.
Do players who ask difficult and complicated questions about things they don't even have the technology to pull off annoy you?
He he he...