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Author Topic: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" Chapter 2, Page 1  (Read 18970 times)


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #120 on: February 17, 2010, 07:16:56 pm »

Head into the cave cautiously and if the bear if awake then attempt to draw it out, if it is asleep (it is winter right?) then slit it's throat.


There were tracks outside. Bears don't leave tracks when they're hibernating.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #121 on: February 17, 2010, 07:17:58 pm »

good point and I guess if it's snowing the tracks must be pretty fresh.

I guess I'll be luring it out then.


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #122 on: February 18, 2010, 03:30:39 am »


  With the bitter winds starting to whistle through the pine, the party of four decides against making the 30 - 40 minute trek back to the camp site.  By the time they would have made it back, the storm and failing light would add further difficulty to an already difficult task.  Rame and Jon would not be present for this kill.  More glory to be spread among the victors, should they survive.

   Tarn, his adrenaline now pumping, slides down the slanted log <11> to the floor of the pit below.  The odor of bear.. is unmistakable.    Peering into the darkness, and then realizing he has no source of light, his 3 companions are able to get a small fire going sheltered against the wall of the pit.  The young clansman now has a spear in his right hand and a flaming pine branch in his left that spatters and crackles softly as he approaches the cave entrance.  Crouching low, as to lower his profile he takes a deep breath as he slides into the cave.

   The light cast by the makeshift torch dances on the back of the cave.  It is easily 15 degrees warmer in here.  Roots hang from the ceiling and mosses of various type speckle the hard packed earthen floor.  The floor angles downwards sharply, <15 Cunning> making note of the best footholds should he have to move up this slant at speed, Tarn advances slowly to a twisting passageway formed by great boulders of granite split by floods of eons past.  The smell of bear is strong now, almost overpowering.  Your heart beating though your chest, you take care not to tread on any stay twig or rock that may give away your presence <?>. 

   Rounding past the split boulders, rustling in the back of the darkness can be heard.  Tarn saw the eyes first.  Large brown in brown shining disks through the silky dark, catching the flickerings cast by the torch.  A low growl slowly builds with ferocity as Tarn catches the full sight.  Equal to your height on all fours, this is not just any bear.  This bear is a giant, the stuff of legend.  The stories to be told in the longhouses quickly pass through Tarn's mind.  <18 Determined!> Stealing his grip on his spear Tarn lets out a battle-cry to be heard throughout Valhalla.
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Casting caution to the wind, along with his torch, the lad lunges at the beast <14> <10 Bear> driving the point of his spear deep into it's matted chest.  Crimson can be seen in the failing light of the torch, glistening on iron.

   The Great Bear lets out a earsplitting roar, the sound of a cornered, wounded beast.  Raising up to fill as much of the spare space as the ceiling would allow it strikes with a rake of claws and a fury unmatched. <9 Bear> <11 Tarn> Having kept his distance with the spear, Tarn barely ducks out of the way of death.  A hundred men would not carry the weight of that blow, as razor sharp claws split air a few inches from scalp.   
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   Spinning on his heals, spear in hand, torch forgotten, Tarn does what he does best... RUN!  <13+2=15> Taking the rocky slant in great bounds.. Tarn sprints for daylight.. roots slapping him in the face as the Great Bear crashes after him, grunting.  As fast as Tarn might be..  he is no where near the match of a four-legged killing machine.. Instincts awake due to running prey, The Great Bear attempts to hamstring the fleeing Tarn just before the exit of the cave.. 
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  Claws rip through leather and rend flesh, jagged pain, as claws catch for a moment, then continue their bloody path..  Three deep wound tracks are left along the side of Tarn's left thigh, as his momentum carries the Sundin Clansman through the exit, spilling him on the cold floor on the bottom of the pit.   
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  A crappy map
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Gear - no change

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Great Bear
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Page 4 complete


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #123 on: February 18, 2010, 07:17:39 am »

Tarn holds his leg cringing in pain. "It's coming!".

Limp to a safe distance while the others prepare their ambush. Get ready to throw my spear if I am able.

(Although without training it'd probably be mroe dangerous to the others yes?)


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #124 on: February 18, 2010, 09:56:55 am »

Wait until I have a clear shot of it's back. When the opportunity presents itself, jump down and strike a critical blow to it's spine. If I can not do then, then don't attack unless I am attacked.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #125 on: February 18, 2010, 09:57:57 am »

Okay, we hurt it, now we have to outlast it till it bleeds to death...gotta get Tarn out of there...oh damn, he's a big one!

Vladmir, lets help Tarn to safety!
Ianna, open fire when you see him!

I move forward to protect Vladmir while we extract Tarn. Ianna will fire her bow, until we are all in melee range, then she will close with her torch and dagger. We won't close into melee ourselves, but let it come to us and give her the most time to fire when she has a clear line of fire.

I'll throw my dagger at the bear when we are clear.

In combat, I will mostly taunt the bear, giving way and dodging attacks instead of fighting it, though I will try to get a lucky stab if able. If it charges and lunges, I'll drop to one knee and hold my spear upward and let it impale itself.

I'm waiting for Vladmir to sneak behind it and gain a flanking strike, and for Ianna to help distract it, at which point whoever is not the bears primary target can strike with impunity.

Also, Vladmir will actually be striking it from the side, to give the creature a chance to run to it's cave to die. He wouldn't want to be in the way.

OOC: These are only possible actions. I don't speak for everyone, so if see something we need to change, speak up...

Flintus, after you throw your spear, you can join melee if you want, but you should wait till we have surrounded it. It might remember you though...
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #126 on: February 18, 2010, 11:49:10 am »

Wait until I have a clear shot of it's back. When the opportunity presents itself, jump down and strike a critical blow to it's spine. If I can not do then, then don't attack unless I am attacked.
What weapon will you be using? Spear or axe?

@ Flintus, any Sundin tribesman has at least a passing knowledge of spears.  It is the purely martial weapons, ie: Vlad's axe, Fredrich's sword, your long daggers that are 'practiced'.  Bodulf and Ianna would be the exception, they trained <martial> with weapons that are also used in the hunt, spear and bow.  In short, you may not be the most comfortable with a spear, but it is not the first time that you have picked one up either.


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #127 on: February 18, 2010, 03:41:40 pm »

Move into firing distance and fire arrows at the grizzly.


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #128 on: February 18, 2010, 06:12:15 pm »

Wait until I have a clear shot of it's back. When the opportunity presents itself, jump down and strike a critical blow to it's spine. If I can not do then, then don't attack unless I am attacked.
What weapon will you be using? Spear or axe?

@ Flintus, any Sundin tribesman has at least a passing knowledge of spears.  It is the purely martial weapons, ie: Vlad's axe, Fredrich's sword, your long daggers that are 'practiced'.  Bodulf and Ianna would be the exception, they trained <martial> with weapons that are also used in the hunt, spear and bow.  In short, you may not be the most comfortable with a spear, but it is not the first time that you have picked one up either.

Axe. I'm trying to kill it by severing it's spine.

And let's go with the flanking thing, if possible. Don't draw attention to myself though.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #129 on: February 18, 2010, 06:47:44 pm »


   Once free of the constraints of the cave ceiling, the Great Bear rises to its full height.  Standing on it's hind legs, the beast easily tops 8 feet.  The silver-tips of it's coat reflecting brightly in the dappled light of the pine forest.  "RrroooOOAAR!"  Years of combat are evident as scars crisscross the thick hide.  This Great Bear is truly massive, obviously the product of it's rich hunting grounds.

   The bitter winds keep time with the frantic struggle below them, strangely aloof, yet now gaining in intensity.  Small frozen droplets begin to sting skin as the beast thunders it's disapproval. 
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   Not impressed or stunned by the bear's physical display, Bodulf leaps into action.  Spear and torch in hand he closes the distance. Seeing that the grizzly only has eyes for your fallen friend, he slides deftly in between Tarn and the here-after.  Swinging the torch wildly, he thrusts his spear at the beast.
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  The spearpoint pierces flesh, a firm overhead strike to the left shoulder...  you stare death in the face as you draw it's gaze.

   Seeing that Tarn is safe for the moment at least, Vladimir seizes his chance to move without drawing the bear's attention.  <?>  He moves quickly to the flank, using the natural darkness of the pit as cover.  He knows that bears don't have the best eyesight, and plans on using this to his advantage.  Hands gripping the polished haft of his heavy bearded axe..  he waits patiently for his moment to strike..
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   The Grizzly turns it's full attention to Bodulf, the latest of his tormentors..  and swings at the man with full force.  Small droplets of water, from the grizzly's hide, form a mist behind the aggressiveness of movement
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   Ianna, slows her breathing, matching time. Loosing the shot, she knew she had over corrected to the right before the arrow stopped flight, embedding itself deeply in the wall of the pit.  Seeing Bodulf's current plight, Ianna quickly, with practiced grace draws another arrow.  Her cheek pressed lightly to the shaft of the arrow, time itself seems to slow as the envisioned flightpath forms an almost translucent tunnel, ignoring rain, sleet and wind.  She is perfectly still.  She is perfectly calm.  The arrowshot is perfect.
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    Bodulf braces himself for the assault.  He drew it's ire, now was the time to pay.. just as the massive claws were about to cleave flesh, a great wail spills forth from the beast.  It topples over backwards as a barbed arrow embeds itself nearly 6 inches deep into its left eye.  A torrent of blood erupts in a spray, arcing through the now pounding rain..  temporarily blinding Bodulf in the process. 
   This was the moment that Vladimir had been waiting for.  The kinsman jumps from the shadows axe raised above his head. 
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Forming a visible trail through the moist air. The iron of the axe vibrates as it cleaves hide and bone.  In a great crack... the blade smashes though the sternum, embedding itself deeply in the wound..  so deeply you can only see the haft as the rest is hidden in flesh.  Vlad is thrown off balance from the force of the blow and tumbles into the mud, nearly sliding face-first into the small fire.  The Great Bear lets out a death rattle, it's final breaths visible in the ever colder, swirling winds.  Fear, replaced by awe, displaced by respect and ending in honor.  The band of four reflects on this gift from Ullr.

 Tarn's action- unused (low initiative)
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   Gear - Vlad's axe is stuck in the bear, no change.

PAGE 5 Complete
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 07:59:07 am by Yarnspinner »


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #130 on: February 19, 2010, 08:09:41 am »

Hmm, a question for anybody.. how do you change the title of a topic? ie: i want to add: "page 5 complete"


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #131 on: February 19, 2010, 09:12:17 am »

Just edit the title on the first page I think.


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #132 on: February 19, 2010, 09:17:11 am »

Action - Speaking
Tarn smiles weakly "Well we did it, nice work guys. And you can thank me later for drawing it out for ya's."
Look for any way to slow down the bleeding from the leg wound. Have something to eat aswell.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 06:11:26 pm by Flintus10 »


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #133 on: February 19, 2010, 12:25:36 pm »

"Yeah... we were lucky. If I wasn't able to get behind it, we wouldn't have stood a chance."

Retrieve my axe and clean it off.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


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Re: "Do you have a couple hours to waste?" a rp story.
« Reply #134 on: February 19, 2010, 03:52:10 pm »

Good work everyone. Now, let's all rest's gonna take awhile to carve up our kill. I'm going to clean myself up...I smell horrible. Better than before, but still horrible.

Use my knife and take one of the bears claws as a trophy
Go wash myself off with the nearby pond
Then rest and fill myself up on rations.

OOC: Everybody needs to eat/drink this turn. Yarn will just drop us dead if we don't lol
@Yarn: How about do we go processing the kill, skinning, getting the meat, bones etc? Did we bring all the tools with us, or do we have to drag it back to village?
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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