Communism is not dead at all, it is infact quite alive and well, with people in the whitehouse espousing the grandeur of Mao Tse-tung. Yeah, I'll probably get flamed for pointing that out, but it's recorded video. (shrug) Arguing with facts is kinda like swearing a gun isn't loaded... doesn't make it so.
That being said, I don't know whether the President himself is or not. I've honestly never met anyone more careful to curtail his espoused beliefs to whatever crowd he faces at that moment. This leaves me with an inherent distrust of the man. However he has surrounded himself with some people I find incredibly alarming as they appear to believe that the United States of America needs to be radically altered forever... and yet, I can't find anyone who can give me a reasonable idea of precisely why this needs to be.
Maybe I'm just a backwater idiot who's too slow to get it... But with a 135 IQ, I have a hard time believing that. I do however recall something a Russian politician near the end of the Cold War, and you'll have to forgive me as I cannot recall the man's name. He said Communism would bring America down from within and never fire a shot. Tell me it's not a perfect system, and I'll agree. However humans are not perfect, and from my experience are incapable of producing anything perfect. Show me a more complex system... and I'll show you more ways to damage, scam, or corrupt the system.
I don't like what I see coming, and I have a hard time finding anyone who does. Yes, I have found a few, one is a dear friend who's getting married in May. And yes, I love my guns, in the end I know better than to expect anyone to save me. So in the end, I must be able to save myself.
So just save yourself.