Duke stopped development of Chapter Master, because it was kinda wrecking his piece of mind and stopped being fun to work on, and possibly GWS. I is sad. But such is the way of fan projects. I think it just sucks a little bit more because CM was like, pure undiluted fandom of 40k, threaded into a workable, classy form. Maybe someone can pick it up since he released all the source code, but, with it half being IAS now and all that noise hanging over it, it might be too hot to handle.
Nah, before he was earning the $700 a fortnight off patreon, it was kosher.
Then, when he released it with an 'unofficial mod', it was kosher.
Weren't GW that made him stop programming - otherwise he would've said so. Much easier to avoid people getting angry at him.
Standard Me stuff. Had another little hissy fit over all of the flaws I don't have the grit to do anything about.
This specific edition was money management and friends. I.E. the latter kills the former. Yet for some reason I want to continue having friends.
Yet, with the barely-job I have, I don't earn enough money to keep up with all the shit they want to do with me, and then all of that shit gets in the way of the last-minute shifts I DO get given.
Then I either decline the shifts and stop getting offered shifts, or take the shifts and get in shit from my friends, who for some reason get offended when I blow off XYZ birthday to work.
More shit than that. Can't be arsed blah-ing it all over the sad thread.
Suffice it to say, I'm a normal human with normal human problems and some abnormal inability to deal with those problems.
Which sucks.