Sads: Storm signal 2 ._.
Much brownout.
Lacking productivity.
Howling winds.
I'm in that mood where I want to hide in a hole until I stop silently judging everyone and their shortcomings.
This sounds like me before :3
Totally an in-joke from a psych personality humor site.
Unless you're judging them with condemnation and as if something something dwelling only on shortcomings instead of mixing up their shortcomings then understanding them better and stuff :O
Maybe ask those people and be direct about our fears and such? Sometimes distress comes from conclusions by assumptions in a relatively variable situation. :O
The problem is those are the only ways I can communicate with them.
It's been almost three weeks of me constantly trying to find any possible way to contact them, and there is just silence.
Leave them a note then.
An open note--apology, perhaps, for anything you think you've done wrong, and the directly stated wish that we'd reconnect again; added in the note that you're open for communication. Depending on the situation that is.
Open door attitude.
Then after all that, its their choice to continue: Enough time flogging yourself for it. We flog ourselves, then we learn from it--we leave them a note saying we learned from it (along with our apologies for any inconveniences given or returned), then move on from living in the pain of our wrongs, because we learned from it in a way that'd better us. Now its their turn.
In here, there is no blame or fault--because that is overcome.
Though I've seen personally that, given the wording and specificity, most people [99%] come around and talk back. No matter the time in between, its not permanent.