Minor sad. Been playing Tactics Ogre KoL on an emulator. Friend also picks up the game. We play for awhile and realise the game has a vs mode. And after figuring out how to simulate a link with our emulators we give it a shot.
And it is slow as molasses.
Blast these systems being designed to link up with eachother through a foot long wire and not through the internet. So obvious how trying that would turn out in hindsight.
Playing that also got us both buying the psp Tactics Ogre as well. (who says emulators take money away from developers) but we found out that one dosn't have a vs mode. Bummer.
Edit Late that night: Also finally cancelled my World of Warcraft subscription. I havent played it in at least a month, probably more like two. I should be happy to not be shelling out $15 a month anymore, for a game I never play anymore. But part of me is going to miss the fun times I did have in that game.
Nothing quite like the celebration when you and your guild beat something like madness of deathwing (the current content final boss) for the first time, and the sense of pride as what an organised team you have become.
But then it just degrades from there, first doing the thing you were so proud of before becomes trivial, gear is better, and everybody has their role down. Then after awhile the cohesiveness of the team breaks apart, everyone's gear becomes good enough that major mistakes can be made wthout wiping the run, and people just stop caring. There is just too long til the next content patch, everyone has the best equipment they are able to get, and then the guild lead mentions that he is no longer going to put raid nights on the calender. And just like that everyone goes their seperate ways. Intentional or not the group is disbanded. We will likely never see eachother again...