I.) Client comes to me two days before tax foreclosure sale and expects me to stop it....
a.) If it is at foreclosure sheriff's sale, then it's been in courts a while.
b.) It's not just a foreclosure sale, it's a tax foreclosure sale.... Shit.
c.) It's a "certificated" tax foreclosure sale, meaning the treasurer sold off the debt to a private party to collect, so you've had the chance to deal with them too.
d.) Guy also, "wants to be cautious about costs...."
So do the impossible, quickly, and cheaply/free?
I'm not spending hours trying to drown a fish.
Guy looks at me like I just cut off his toe for no reason and am a complete asshole. I did not cause your problems. I might,
might, be able to solve them and yes it's for a fee and yes I need more than two days to do it. "Clearly," I'm an asshole because I won't drop all my other cases to scramble/pray I can get this sale postponed/stopped in 2 days....[head desk]
II.) Guy's car insurance pays for towing anywhere, fine. Car breaks down; they call towtruck, fine. Towtruck sees car is insecure, tries to slow down on highway--only partially works. While still doing about 40 MPH, car comes lose from towtruck, towtruck stops, car keeps going into back of towtruck.
Inertia causes lots of damage as dropped car plows into back of towtruck. Towtruck guy takes towtruck hook and runs, abandoning both towtruck and car on highway.... Not fine....
No insurance company wants to pay this. It's probably towtruck garage insurance's fault. They're being major assholes. As a professional courtesy and to show I'm serious, I attach a copy of the legal complaint I'm going to file if they don't settle. They hate this and me for doing it, especially for using the word "negligent." That's what happened: negligence, and that's what I'm gonna sue over. I'm doing the insurance company a favor and trying to get less money than I would at trial so client can get it faster. They don't see it that way. I hate insurance companies. How many cars get towed in the US every day? Lots. Now, how many fall off the back of the god damn towtruck. Not many.
Res Ipsa LoquitorToday is the day of extra terrible clients and it's only going to get worse.