I've come to realize that I can never be happy. Not because
it's fashionable; in fact,
for my very own survival. Apparently, I'm cursed with being punished for being even remotely happy,
it seems.
After posting my Bloodfist update and feeling happy and on a roll; I had to get to work. I had time to prepare myself and eat before working...
And then it happens; I come in to a perfect site at work; almost every task has been completed in order to make closing down a cinch, I get happier that closing will be easy, and my boss tells me that tonight will be easy.
My response all night, and when the inevitable complaints roll in:
You Just Had to Say ItIt was only supposed to be a simple 4-hour night. I closed down in 5 1/2 hours, missed the new episode of Lost (despite it being recorded, that's besides the point.), smell like crap, my back feels like fire after my tendons recoiled violently in the last moments (not a seizure, but my back did feel like it was on fire for a second as if my shoulder tendons were rubber bands pulled across my back burning me), my co-workers didn't give a damn at all (at least saying "that sucks." sincerely); and despite behaving myself to the point of having a stroke before age 30, I might get some complaints by my boss and customers. Let's not forget, I was practically F-carpet-bombing throughout the night, and practically cursing God out any time I saw a customer's face (and it's been densely packed the whole time; and I usually keep to myself silently cursing the night away as to not draw attention). Note: I'm not the kind of person that says G**D*** on a regular basis, and am a rather well dedicated Catholic. I have been pissed off at God all night, to the point of practically siding with the devil levels.
To top it all off, I learn that I not only was actually 100 off (disregard the Happy), but when my next paycheck comes in, I have to toss in another 100 to the amount + error. so make that 250 bucks I owe next check, and a further delay to recovering my Steam account.
Sometimes I truly believe
DON'T MAKE RELIGION LOOK BAD?!! What did I ever do to piss him off originally? Am I apparently the Anti-Christ and unaware of it, but due to "fate", I am destined to doom everyone; and instead of making friends with me and doing everything to give fate the finger, instead I get mercilessly tortured leading to the "fated end"? Asshat.
I am crudely reminded again that I am
And I hear the disturbing news that Lost actually DIDN'T record tonight. :headdesk:, and of all things, my sister had her "bad day" (by comparison to mine, using school as a basis, which to me only counts for half the score (because school usually sucks anyway).) with school being like college, by my interpretation, for a few weeks. Thinking her day was worse than mine, she gave me the
Don't be a wimp line.
I wonder how "Heads" all of a sudden equals "Tails"?