owner chooses casualties/assigns wounds right? Leaving most valuable troops immortal...as long as squadmates last.
Free to agree to alternative rules before battle comences though, could say: "12 miniatures, 2 with flamers: rethrow wounds(or hits), sixes hit a flamer."
Would become more difficult to calculate odds with uneven numbers of troops, not captured in standard dice.... can agree to round up to nearest d6-able odds. (enemy more likely to target heavy weapons. or less able to take cover)
skulkingsculpting / modding
I thought sculpting large folds of cloth would be easy. Turns out I need practice. Small detail I can do, but the large hunks won't cooperate. (heh, that's what the sister of death said about the ogrynn.)
Removed foot to improve stance, added detailed uppertorso folds, rope-belt.
-I'm leaning towards using a plastic helmet head. A bald head under a hood would look cewl too, but then I'd have to carve away part of the torso and redo the cloak also.
GreyHunter->Longfang conversion is progressing fine too.
gave him a trademark belt, filed off the winged skull from his shin and applied a bit of GS to become the inertial dampeners or whatever they are....
Think I will add a wolftail to his helm too.
maybe a fur kilt... not sure.
I'm sad because I cannot find a loose bionic leg I cut off a wolfguard(?) model I had double. Wanted to use it in another longfang.