Spring 223. I forgot to crop the picture, but oh well....sucks to be you dont it?
In the spring we are again ambushed by elven bastards!
Lord Akigagak and Captain Jack were there with axes waiting...
http://mkv25.net/dfma/movie-1207-elfambushWith the battle over and wounded dwarves resting, Blockedlance went back to business as usual. That was when ANOTHER couple elf squads ambush Captain Jack and Lord Akigagak!
http://mkv25.net/dfma/movie-1208-elfambush2Near the end of the battle, Lord Akigagak is wounded by elven fire magic. The battle is won, and Captain Jack retires behind an approaching wall of flame. During the battle, one of the many elven fireballs had ignited a forest fire, and it was headed right for Lord Akigagak!!!
The Queen herself stood on the battlements to see if the wounded champion would survive. She seemed quite eager for blood, and almost disappointed when he managed to live through it all. The Queen was even more disappointed when the fire cleared, she saw a new tax collector and a hammerer.
But even MORE disappointing than THAT was the fact that a bunch of stupid idiots actually chose to MOVE HERE WITH THEM!!!!
I mean, dont they know we kill people just for the hell of it here at Blockedlance? Seriously...think about it....they are chosing to move to a place where, as a citizen, they can be randomly herded into a giant drowning chamber, or forced to pull the lever that causes their own disembowelment! Or the disembowelment of a child or beloved pet!
I mean....as an immigrant especially, youve got to worry about a society that shoots children because they throw a tantrum when they cant find any shells to fingerpaint with.
This is a society that locks CHAMPIONS in the deep recesses of the fortress, along with six of their kids, after having killed the wife and the family pets, AND a couple of the other kids.
Yep...the mind boggles when it attempts to comprehend the masochism and self-hatred displayed by these immigrants.
They were all drafted. If they dont mind death, they will die for Blockedlance.