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Author Topic: The Chasm-Challenge  (Read 29616 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #180 on: April 03, 2008, 11:13:00 am »

Journal of "Snugglebear" Uzolguz, Second Overseer:

22 Obsidian: "NPComplete's" son was kind enough to put me back in charge of the day-to-day management of the fortress after his tenure.  The chasm beckons; I intend to make sure that the project is completed and the child's vision realized!

4th Granite: Sodel Rigothslan has proceeded us into the depths, taking several of NPComplete's masterworks with him.  Some are inclined to call this a "construction accident" but I know he has answered a lower calling.  Ever downwards!

10 Granite: The Tax Collector has met with an unfortunate accident and been consigned to the darkness.  What a pity.  Work continues at widening the chasm and freeing our fortress from the rock.

17 Granite: Some elves snuck in while I wasn't looking.  We need more beds; perhaps I'll see if I can get some wood out of them.

27 Granite: No, they've left in a huff.  Good riddance; their love of the sun is infamous.  Zulban Fikodstettad has joined the others who have decended in haste; may he know blessed darkness forevermore!

16 Slate: One of the child's siblings managed to get himself walled up in an abandoned section of the chasm.  He has been rescued by a mason and sternly ordered not to stray into the nether regions again.

18 Slate: Sodel Zonaval has been inspired! Unfortunately, his plans seem to include a need for turtle shells, which we are unable to meet.  I'm having the marksdwarves keep an eye on him so he cannot disrupt our work when he realizes his ambition is impossible to realize.

6th Felsite: Rakust Nebeltun and iton Zonsokan have descended! All praises to the great darkness that welcomes us back!

13th Hematite: An alarm has sounded! Goblins have arrived to disrupt our great work; we shall raise the bridges and be secure in our impenetrable abode.

What's this? There is a hole in the wall?! To the lever!

Journal of Likot Mingkilber, 1 Malachite:

This morning I awakened to death cries from the entrance level.  As I attempted to get my bearings the Hammerer, Zon Fikodbudam, crashed into my room.  I could but stare at the goblin gore dripping from his weapon of choice as he looked me over.  His eyes were dead, lit only by a tiny fire of calculation, as he told me I was in charge now and "Things were going to be different."

He insists that we abandon the plan to launch the fortress into the depths and "build proper quarters for the nobility."  Starting with him, apparently.  There's not much sense in fighting him, I suppose, so I'll start giving the orders.

22 Dwarves remain of our population of about 70 at the start of the year.  And to think I scoffed at the mass grave below the workshops when it was installed.

4 Galena: The Captain of the Guard is demanding lay pewter items and scares me only slightly less than the Hammerer, so I've ordered them made.  One of our children has gone mad with berserk rage and is hammering madly on the walls of his room.  Heedless of all pleas to cease and all other activities, he smears the walls with his own blood.  

The baroness is incapacitated and her infant son has apparently found its way into the chasm.  I'm avoiding breaking the news to her, though her husband has heard and is, unaccountably, attending a party.  Perhaps it's a wake.

The rest of the dwarves are holding up well, though Zefon Akrulthoth has succumbed to melancholy and stands at the entrance staring at the bloodstains all day.

12 Galena: I heard a loud "thud" and a wail from the direction of the residential levels.  Zon has disposed of the young lad who went berserk.  We'll bury him and speak no more of it.

2 Limestone: Zon has executed the Baron Consort, who finally became so distraught that he flew into a rage and destroyed one of the bridges.  I've sent out repair orders and taken the body to the graves.

10 Limestone: Zefon has died of thirst.  For weeks he sat, motionless, staring at the ruin of our dreams and breathing miasma.  I suppose it is for the best that he goes down into the burying-chamber now.

1 Sandstone: Dwarven traders arrived about a week ago; I've finished disposing of our useless trade goods - I ordered work stopped on them in order to continue expanding the nobles' level - and acquired some food, wood, and ale, since we're no longer producing much of any of those.  The Captain of the Guard continues to demand lay pewter goods; I've begged the Dungeon Master, who has been pretty helpful, to see if he can smelt some from the bars acquired from the traders.

3 Opal: Our cook, Sakzul Atortekkud, has been imprisoned for violence, beaten, and badly injured in the last two months.  Perhaps it is unsurprising that today he sank into the same black depression that claimed Zefon Akrulthoth.

20 Opal: Sakzul has lept into the Chasm, seeing it as the only safe place in this world of terror and misery.  The 11 of us still interested in labor continue to work to support the remaining nobles; we've built them some pleasant quarters and tombs.  I look forward to handing this responsibility to another; Zon is not entirely pitiless and has promised me a reprive in the spring.

((Nothing much else happened for the rest of the turn, so here you are, Dopefish! Not a lot worth taking pics of though I'll do a map upload if y'all want).

"Engraved on the wall is an exceptionally-designed image of a dragon and a dwarf by Ber Ilavuz.  The dragon is making a plaintive gesture.  The dwarf is striking a menacing pose."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #181 on: April 03, 2008, 04:02:00 pm »

Ok, I'll get started as soon as I have a little free time.  Will definitely be done before monday rolls around.
~Swim, Swim, Hungry.~~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #182 on: April 03, 2008, 10:19:00 pm »

Man o man!  Nice summary Snugglebear.  I think during NPComplete's reign there must have been a traitor who came out at night to breach the gold vein to the outside.  And the mysterious death of the (superdwarvenly tough!) child prophet. But it seems the plots have all been washed away in blood.

I forgot to ask but I'd like to have another shot at this... assuming it gets back around to me.  I don't mind playing the boring building-up years.


Kogan Loloklam

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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #183 on: April 03, 2008, 11:21:00 pm »

Akroma, in response to your question...

Originally posted by nahkh:
<STRONG>Akroma, could you add me to the player list for a second round? I'm itching for more chasm fun.

And NPComplete, they keep immigrating to get away from the accursed sun. Also the property tax is lower.</STRONG>

Originally posted by Kogan Loloklam:
<STRONG>Yea, ditto   ;)</STRONG>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #184 on: April 04, 2008, 09:20:00 am »

Yeah, the hole in the wall is my fault, I think.  However, looking at the map, the hole I made just bypasses the innermost bridges, the wall outside is still intact.  I had been holding the invasions at the bridge in the bottom left, not the ones near the chasm, which is probably why I didn't notice the gold-hole problem.

Sorry guys.


Kogan Loloklam

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #185 on: April 04, 2008, 01:14:00 pm »

Akroma, you missed Nahkh's request   ;)

*Edit: And his was before mine*

[ April 04, 2008: Message edited by: Kogan Loloklam ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #186 on: April 04, 2008, 05:03:00 pm »

Originally posted by NPComplete:
<STRONG>Yeah, the hole in the wall is my fault, I think.  However, looking at the map, the hole I made just bypasses the innermost bridges, the wall outside is still intact.  I had been holding the invasions at the bridge in the bottom left, not the ones near the chasm, which is probably why I didn't notice the gold-hole problem.

Sorry guys.</STRONG>

It's cool.  If it hadn't been utterly suicidal to even attempt to REACH the outdoor lever (that was an awful lot of archers) I would have done the same.

"Engraved on the wall is an exceptionally-designed image of a dragon and a dwarf by Ber Ilavuz.  The dragon is making a plaintive gesture.  The dwarf is striking a menacing pose."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #187 on: April 04, 2008, 06:08:00 pm »

My turn's progressing rather slowly, sorry to say.  Lots of micromanagement to be done, but the fruit should be a fairly tidy fortress, safe from goblins attack.  I'll post the log so far here, and again, I apologise for the poor quality of my prose.  Dammit, Jim! I'm a programmer, not a... Writing... Guy.


Personal Journal of 'Dopefish' Elbelzefon, for the year 1058

12th Felsite

I've had enough.  I'm leaving.  The insane rantings of that child-prophet wanting to drop us all into the bowels of the earth, the goblins constantly bashing on our doors, the terrible food and my bad back...  No, I'm not staying here any longer.  I'm getting my documents and leaving this accursed place.  At least I'll have one hell of a story to tell.

13th Felsite

Curse that infernal child!  We're under indefinite lockdown, apparently, and that damn lever menaces with more mechanisms by the day.  By hook or by crook, I've got to leave.  Luckily, I have a plan...

18th Felsite

Success! I'm free!  As I write, I am miles from Chambergraves, that miasma ridden pit, and on the road back to the Mountainhomes.  Given that the disappearance of a previous overseer would be noticed, I payed off a peasant to act as myself for a few days after I left, borrowed a pick from a friend of mine and made a beeline for that gold vein near the surface, reasoning that the wall was thin there and I would not be noticed leaving by the main corridor.  A few solid whacks later and I was through, out into the courtyard for the first time in months, then off into the outside world!

It's good to be free.  If I make good time, I should reach the mountainhomes within the month, hopefully before my supplies run out.

2nd Malachite

I see the mountainhomes now!  Ah, by Armok's wrists, that's a welcoming sight.  I'll write more when I arrive.

4th Limestone

I haven't been able to write here for a while, as I've been busy running the gauntlet of our - apparently revamped since I left - judicial system.
 Apparently, desertion is now punishable by deportation.  Even under extenuating circumstances.  Even under MY circumstances.  So it is that I find myself being escorted to one of the more outlying sites in our empire, though the Elbelzefon name still carries some respect, apparently - I am to be installed as the site's overseer for the duration of my year-long sentence.

I have to admit to being somewhat concerned, however.  Nobody will tell me the name of the place, and one of my guards keeps smirking at me, like he's in on some big joke that I'm not.

1st Obsidian

A thousand curses upon them all!  All this time, they were taking me back to the very death trap I had escaped, and I let them!  I swear, when this is over, I'm going to go and become a hermit.


Mafolmondul overseers' log for the year 1058-1059.  Presiding officer, 'Dopefish' Elbelzefon.

4th Obsidian, 1058

Back in the saddle, I suppose.  Things have changed here since I left.  Most of the population - including my hired impersonator, it seems - were killed off.  It's somewhat odd seeing my name in the roll of the deceased.  As it stands, our population numbers sixteen, excluding myself.  We also have some visitors - Gorillas to the north, and a couple of caged goblins to the south.  They can go hang as far as I'm concerned - I'm sealing the outer gate as soon as I figure out which lever does it.

After that, I'm going to get some of these bolts and arrows that litter this place melted down.  I figure we can make bins and barrels from them, since we seem to be out of wood.  Might see about trading away some of all the goblin gear we've gathered too, when the elves show up.  If I dare open the gate, that is.

5th Obsidian

Okay, that's different.  Need to change that bridge for a raising one, I think...  That aside, the Baroness has decided she needs more helms.  Thankfully, bone is in remarkably good supply...

1st Granite

This is insane.  I'm trying to pull this place back from the brink with a mere sixteen Dwarves.  Granted, we're in a fairly stable state, but that could all change with the next siege.  This is going to be a very nerve-wracking year.

15th Granite

An elven diplomat arrived.  After some deliberation, I opted to let the bridge down for him.  Should have known better - not a moment later, goblins ambushed him and filled him full of bolts.  Yeah.  I'm raising that bridge, and it's not coming down all year, except in case of migrants.

17th Granite

Elven caravan arrived.  Sorry guys, you're not getting in this year.

24th Granite

The dungeon master finished the first main batch of bolt melting, so I gave him some more to be getting on with.  Generally continuing on with building up lead boxes for all the goods lying around the place, very little to report.

3rd Slate

Okay, now that I've got an idea of how things are going to proceed here, time to build as many horrifically beweaponed traps as possible.  Starting with the main access corridor...

10th Slate

Migrants arrive, migrants are ambushed and turned into pincushions.  I'm beginning to wonder if I'll leave this place alive again.

15th Slate

Ten of our newcomers died, including the new tax collector.  The eleven remaining aren't too happy, but after some fiddling around with the complex drawbridge airlock thing we seem to have going, they all made it inside, apart from one who lay, critically injured atop the brook.  Nobody was willing to go to rescue him, so, reluctantly, the drawbridge was raised again...

20th Slate

Er.  Apparently, that was not the right lever.  I'll be drafting a letter of condolence to the relatives of the engraver Zas Lanlarcog tonight.


Sorry for extra plot at the beginning there.  I couldn't resist. Hopefully, I'll get the traps done by the end of my turn, so that we can leave the fortress gates open without worrying about a whole goblin army crawling down into the depths and killing everyone.

~Swim, Swim, Hungry.~~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #188 on: April 04, 2008, 06:16:00 pm »

Extra plot is nothing to apologize for :P
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage
But you will look sweet upon the seat
of a bicycle built for two.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #189 on: April 04, 2008, 10:03:00 pm »

Particularly when it's funny.  I'm surprised we got any migrants at all, really.

Is the Baroness out of bed yet?

"Engraved on the wall is an exceptionally-designed image of a dragon and a dwarf by Ber Ilavuz.  The dragon is making a plaintive gesture.  The dwarf is striking a menacing pose."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #190 on: April 07, 2008, 09:44:00 am »

Bump and request for updates.
Is Dopefish still at the helm?
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage
But you will look sweet upon the seat
of a bicycle built for two.

Kogan Loloklam

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #191 on: April 07, 2008, 01:23:00 pm »

Yes, Dopefish is still in charge. Is the baroness still alive?

I hope she is. She was at the start of the year.

She was such a good baronness too, except for the lay pewter at the end...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #192 on: April 07, 2008, 02:07:00 pm »

The Baroness is still around, and still in bed.  Sorry I'm taking so long on this, my weekend has been astoundingly busy.  Gonna try and get finished in the next couple of days.
~Swim, Swim, Hungry.~~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #193 on: April 10, 2008, 03:01:00 am »

May I be signed up for a round as well? Also, how much leeway am I given in running the fortress? Mind you, I'm not going to pretend we're a bunch of pansy elves and live in the forest, but I would like to create a character that is in opposition of WAFD, for at least a more interesting conflict in the story, and fun plot devices.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Chasm-Challenge
« Reply #194 on: April 10, 2008, 04:05:00 pm »

At this point I think most everyone who survived is opposed to the project, mostly because it totally failed Chambergrave in its hour of need during my turn.  That said, unless Akroma thinks diferently, I see no reason why your creative license should be any less relevant to what you do with your turn than mine was.
"Engraved on the wall is an exceptionally-designed image of a dragon and a dwarf by Ber Ilavuz.  The dragon is making a plaintive gesture.  The dwarf is striking a menacing pose."
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