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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 12999 times)


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #315 on: March 04, 2025, 11:39:29 pm »

Some stray thoughts:

Vermillion knew that death & resurrection was coming (it was self-inflicted or an inevitable part of the role). It's a dramatic entrance, but we should parse it not as a death but as publicly-reported ability use.

I'm enjoying Crystal's determination to be active this game. It's a promising sign for her alignment too.

Toony doing the caveman voice just to wind people up is NAI but pretty funny.

Jim makes a fairly reasonable point about Salvatore:

I believe Salvatore Monday is choosing to post like this, either because he's a dillweed or he has some sort of voluntary post restriction as part of his role that probably gives him some absolutely inconsequential bonus and it would most likely be in his and his team's best interest to stop chasing that. So giving him leniency is silly from that perspective.

I think more than that, usually there's a way of posting through a restriction. In this case, Salvatore has just been pretty abstract and disenganged:

Salvatore Monday, answer my question: Do you have any reads right now?
[A being which has never been scoffs derisively.]

To be clear, it's understandable not to have real reads that early on D1. But it's more than this playstyle is wholly passive & low effort. Just a few comments. So:

1. Salvatore is lying low and will play properly later (risky & selfish move)
2. Salvatore is a jester and actually wants to be eliminated today (and honestly, at 14 players, we can afford to be rid of some dead weight)
3. Salvatore benefits in some other way from gaining suspicion (which is anti-town in design)
4. Salvatore genuinely has a post restriction like "You don't exist and have never existed, you're only allowed to reply to a handful of posts today with these stock phrases..." and in which case, that's not someone that's much use for town even if town.

All to say, I'm not really sure I buy it. Salvatore is on the vote list, he is a being that exists:

Magma Mater (0):
TricMagic (0):
Crystalizedmire (0):
VermillionSkies (0):
notquitethere (0):
Imp (0):
Salvatore Monday (0):
toastercultist (0):
EuchreJack (0):
Jim Groovester (0):
ToonyMan (0):
The Canadian kitten (0):
Krr1ss (0):
Agentt (0):

No Execution (0):

8 votes to hammer.

Not Voting (15): Magma Mater, TricMagic, Crystalizedmire, VermillionSkies, notquitethere, notquitethere, Imp, Salvatore Monday, toastercultist, EuchreJack, Jim Groovester, ToonyMan, The Canadian kitten, Krr1ss, Agentt

As such, Salvatore Monday, Salvatore Monday.

But also, Crystal is absolutely right that Toony's hard defence of Salvatore is a bit questionable:

Toonyman - Scum lean - Thinks that Salvatore Monday is good. Scumreads Tricmagic for being wrong which Town!Tric has done

If they're both scum, then it's a bit of a trainwreck high stakes gambit opening for D1 (Salvatore pretends to have a posting restriction, Toony hard defends it, later they'll have to scramble and pretend to be masons), so I'd like to hope for their sake, and the sake of playing an interesting an challenging game, that they're not.

But usually it's best to do the simplest thing before doing the tinfoil thing, so I'm happy with sweeping the deck here.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #316 on: March 04, 2025, 11:44:25 pm »

I've made your favourite points, but you are town-reading the guy I'm making points about. What's the deal with that?
Cat is a good guy, I think they're misunderstood here.

I don't agree with all of Jim's points either and Jim has my second favorite points! For example, they didn't like Spontaneous Monday which I disagree with.

Also, Magma, you are a cat yourself, isn't that a little hypocritical to vote your Canadian brother?

Why destroy hats?

Destroying hats is an ability that I have.  I kinda figured at least some folks would want me eliminated because of it, but I thought you were better than that.
Better than what??

Why destroy hats?

Destroying hats is an ability that I have.  I kinda figured at least some folks would want me eliminated because of it, but I thought you were better than that.
Might as well destroy krr1ss's hat. He claimed it's mafia-sided.
Sounds good. Do it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #317 on: March 04, 2025, 11:54:47 pm »

Their posting style doesn't bother me at all, why does it matter?
I wasn't voting Salvatore Monday for their posting style, I was voting them for not contributing to the conversation at all. It was hard to tell why they're suspicious of someone and they barely indicated any suspicion of anyone at all.
Fair enough.

I haven't read the big early game posts very thoroughly but I didn't see anything alarming from S. Monday (in fact I enjoyed their posts more than most, maybe third most!) which is why I find the vote-worthy suspicions from players to be scummy since I think they're looking for easy targets.

The Canadian kitten

forgot that votes were reset
Who can defend Cat, if not me at this point? A lonely cat, a town cat...

As such, Salvatore Monday, Salvatore Monday.

But also, Crystal is absolutely right that Toony's hard defence of Salvatore is a bit questionable:

Toonyman - Scum lean - Thinks that Salvatore Monday is good. Scumreads Tricmagic for being wrong which Town!Tric has done

If they're both scum, then it's a bit of a trainwreck high stakes gambit opening for D1 (Salvatore pretends to have a posting restriction, Toony hard defends it, later they'll have to scramble and pretend to be masons), so I'd like to hope for their sake, and the sake of playing an interesting an challenging game, that they're not.

But usually it's best to do the simplest thing before doing the tinfoil thing, so I'm happy with sweeping the deck here.
I'm scum with no one! I'm not in a mason chat either! Or any chat!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #318 on: March 05, 2025, 12:05:44 am »

To be clear, it's understandable not to have real reads that early on D1. But it's more than this playstyle is wholly passive & low effort. Just a few comments. So:

1. Salvatore is lying low and will play properly later (risky & selfish move)
2. Salvatore is a jester and actually wants to be eliminated today (and honestly, at 14 players, we can afford to be rid of some dead weight)
3. Salvatore benefits in some other way from gaining suspicion (which is anti-town in design)
4. Salvatore genuinely has a post restriction like "You don't exist and have never existed, you're only allowed to reply to a handful of posts today with these stock phrases..." and in which case, that's not someone that's much use for town even if town.

All to say, I'm not really sure I buy it. Salvatore is on the vote list, he is a being that exists:
Woooooow NQT. What an insult to Suspicious Monday's character.

Let's run through this:
1. This game has a hat tyrant wincon which encourages players to be selfish to the woes of their team (town or scum). It's a constant battle to control thyself.
2. I would rather not vote a Jester (not that I believe this), "having players to spare" is a poor argument.
3. This is probably the most reasonable point.
4. You're just outright voting town here, this is a bad argument.

What about:
5. Salvatore wants to have fun while playing a game of mafia. Hmmmmmm?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #319 on: March 05, 2025, 12:10:09 am »

I'm scum with no one! I'm not in a mason chat either! Or any chat!
That's good to hear! Like I said (maybe unclearly), it would have been a bad start to D1 if you had gone down that route.

looking for easy targets
This gets brought up pretty much every mafia game. You're right that picking on a lurker is often an easy strategy for scum: they can attack someone without much pushback from the person they're attacking. But it doesn't follow from that that every easy target is actually town.

5. Salvatore wants to have fun while playing a game of mafia. Hmmmmmm?
I'm very pro having fun! I don't mind people doing characters. I've done it myself. It's the passivity not the post restriction.

Anyway, I'm happy to leave my votes there and if he starts posting like a champ as well as doing the gimmick, then by day end I'm sure I can find someone more boring to vote.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Restaurant Standoff (14 / 14)
« Reply #320 on: March 05, 2025, 12:11:31 am »

It was inevitable.
Spoiler: Long Post (click to show/hide)
Overall, I think that while this vote has good intentions behind it, it comes mostly from a misunderstanding of my previous posts (which I am probably responsible for).

Jim Groovester

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14)
« Reply #321 on: March 05, 2025, 12:16:29 am »

I think the Canadian kitten is a mislynch.

Imp, why do you read VermilionSkies as town?

Magma Mater, what does the game look for you if you get your the Canadian kitten lynch, depending on the flip?

I'm gonna vote TheCanadianKitten

Additional to Magma's criticisms: TheCanadianKitten seemed OK with being attacked. Most town players are giant babies that throw tantrums and immediately vote anyone that attacks them. I should know...

Also, I had some dental work done today, and the novacaine is wearing out. I might not be contributing much more today. Owuee

You're voting the Canadian kitten for not reacting more explosively?

I think I'd prefer just a simple agreement with Magma Mater about the Canadian kitten rather than this additional elaboration.

Jim, so you actually have your dunce cap? Or, you're actually joking about wanting your dunce cap? Or, you can bring it back if it's destroyed? (Perhaps just if it's not in your possession when destroyed - hey we just had a NQT game where I could recreate specific destroyed objects, that could be a thing here for Jim.) Or I dunno the heck you're doing.  But you maybe want all other players but yourself to lose, noted.  Cause it's fun, surely.

I want my fucking dunce cap back.

If I had my dunce cap I would be wearing my dunce cap. I am not wearing my dunce cap because I do not have my dunce cap.

Crystal, What makes elim of SM less informative than other elims, especially if maf?

My thoughts:  Everyone's interacting back towards SM, even if only to ignore/not discuss.  There's not standard two-way communication, but I absolutely would be okay with elim of a zero poster if I didn't like elim of any of the posters; SM is at worst 'as bad' as a zero-poster in terms of info content.

What are your thoughts?

I'm annoyed at Salvatore Monday's style and while it's very content-lite it's not entirely contentless like you and CrystalizedMire are portraying it as.

There is expression of opinions about players in the game, though I wish the expression was more direct and more frequent.


toastercultist is town so I don't know what you're doing or where you're coming from with this.

I currently have a fear that maybe you and Mater are teamed anti-town, and Jack is anything but on your team.  I can see a 'flip Jack, then say Mater must be fine since Jack was [whatever but not your team]'.  That's totally ignoring Mater individually, I haven't deep-read him yet (Difficult day.  So far I'm deep read on Sal and Jim and now you).  But I'd love to hear more about your thoughts about what you see.

This seems like a stretch.

Oh okay. I guess I'm more open to a Slavatore Monday elimination now.

You were not hard to convince about this.


We do not appear to be playing the same game. My reads list is almost the opposite of yours.

I think you're probably who I try to go for for the D1 lynch.

I don't like Jim's posts, but apparently this is what they look like as town?

What about my posts don't you like?

Scumreading the two people posting with restrictions is so lazy, you can do better.
Are you deliberately not giving reads on the people you're in a chat with, or is that coincidental?

This is good insight.


I broadly agree with these reads.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #322 on: March 05, 2025, 12:20:34 am »

I'm so so so tempted to vote Toonyman only because he never gets voted out day one.  To be 100% honest, I think he's probably town. Anyone else want to reconsider their votes?

@krr1ss: Any reason I should not destroy your hat? I would prefer this hat destruction to be consensual.


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  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #323 on: March 05, 2025, 12:28:32 am »

Why destroy hats?

Destroying hats is an ability that I have.  I kinda figured at least some folks would want me eliminated because of it, but I thought you were better than that.
Better than what??
(I hope this quote pyramid works)
So, I figured some nebulous other, lesser players would vote me out because they wanted to win via HATLO rather than actually play forum mafia.
I hadn't considered that Toonyman, king of forum mafia and finder of scum, would want to win HATLO rather than actually finding scum.
...this of course was incredibly stupid on my part, since Toonyman was clearly on the Pro-Hat side of the game that inspired this one. Oops.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #324 on: March 05, 2025, 01:00:55 am »

So, I figured some nebulous other, lesser players would vote me out because they wanted to win via HATLO rather than actually play forum mafia.
As a nebulous lesser player, I am not voting you because I want to win via HATLO, but because I want to vote out mafia in forum mafia.

Jim Groovester

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #325 on: March 05, 2025, 01:06:02 am »

Alright let's do reads


Lean town:

Slight town:
Salvatore Monday

Town but too dangerous to trust read wholly:
Magma Mater

Probable mislynch:
the Canadian kitten



Agentt and toastercultist are easy town reads I feel. I think both players are being genuine in communicating their thoughts about the state of the game and I believe what they communicated indicates a town perspective. Agentt didn't post much in the last 24 hours so I'd like to see a bit more activity or my estimation will drop.

Krr1ss is fine but lacks substantive stands on players. Has negative opinions about Salvatore Monday which I agree with but is also kind of lame.

I think what the Canadian kitten posted was fine. I don't see where Magma Mater is coming from regarding TCk. If I were a gambling man I think TCk is a probable mislynch.

notquitethere is fine but he's halfway in the 'dangerous so do not trust read' category.

I'm not really looking forward to playing a full game with Salvatore Monday with his posting style but has expressed opinions about players in the game through obtuse means, namely sheeping ToonyMan. Lynching him probably does not find scum.

I agree a lot with ToonyMan and it feels like he and I are playing the same game. He's also dangerous. I don't agree with Magma Mater about the Canadian kitten but he's paying pretty close attention and makes good insights. He also seems dangerous.

EuchreJack going after the Canadian kitten is lame. EuchreJack going after ToonyMan is lame but his most recent post feels honest. TricMagic is doing I don't know what but doesn't feel like he's being super pro town productive.

I have misgivings about Imp and CrystalizedMire since it does not feel like I am playing the same game as them. CrystalizedMire's reads list is almost the inverse of mine, but CrystalizedMire puts VermillionSkies as the second highest town read but also completely defers the read to Imp, which feels really fishy to me. Imp also went after toastercultist who I think is an easy town read so that concerns me. VermillionSkies' reads list did not feel genuine to me when I read it the first time.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #326 on: March 05, 2025, 01:31:48 am »

So, I figured some nebulous other, lesser players would vote me out because they wanted to win via HATLO rather than actually play forum mafia.
As a nebulous lesser player, I am not voting you because I want to win via HATLO, but because I want to vote out mafia in forum mafia.
Alright toastercultist, I will let you in on a little secret: You're not voting me at all. The votes got reset by Verm's death and rebirth.

@Everyone: If you were voting during Verm's death and rebirth, you ain't voting now.  Check the latest votecount, make sure you are voting where you want to vote.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14)
« Reply #327 on: March 05, 2025, 01:33:52 am »

Imp, why do you read VermilionSkies as town?

Meta and multi-game experience with him.

Our first game together, his first on the forum, we were both town and together led a town win.  And he was my top town pick by his 3rd post, lucky me he was town.

A few other happy games, not all town, one a BYOAlignment, all could have won.  Verm was very honest about a scary role and wincon, got heavily stopped (not by me).  Managed to help sort that out, all players except Crystal (just Crystal lost, I think) were able to win, was complicated by the time most of us finally went honest about wincons (FoU didn't go honest until after the game was over; despite that allowed the rest of us possible to win).

Then, Verm was anti-town.  And I was town.

His 4th post, I was pretty sure he was not town.

VermilionSkies - Feels wrong x3.  This could be due to the travelling he's been doing???  This is not any Vermillion I have played with before, to my feel.  I think this may be anti-town, but I'm going purely on feel and reaction and the differences between my meta-connection-sense of Verm in other games, where from first-contact I read him likely town and he was.  Definitely willing to look longer/look more.  But this feels wrong, kinda bigtime.

Course, you were in that game, you might remember:

I don't think it's VS but I'm also not really in a position to fight hard about it. Low activity arguments in this game feel pretty weak against VS but also against all players more generally.

I can't argue with Imp right now and wouldn't really want to anyway even if I could. I'm not partners with VS.

To me, Verm has a very strong presentation, it is alignment indicative.  Maybe he can fix that when anti-town, but I haven't seen any evidence of it yet, and he's only been anti-town once.  Would be a big fix to do in one step.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #328 on: March 05, 2025, 01:35:01 am »

TricMagic is doing I don't know what but doesn't feel like he's being super pro town productive.
Hm, but is this the unproductive town!Tric or the sneaky sneak scum!Tric?


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  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #329 on: March 05, 2025, 01:36:38 am »

I feel like Verm is town who got the Good News, Bad News: Good News, you can't die normally. Bad News, you're absolutely going to die at the worst possible time for Town. And has been acting very Constantine - Legends of Tomorrow about it.
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