Grats, Tric. Grats CM too, I hope.
Max wants out, of course.
Max, can you discuss your loss condition(s) so we can make sure everything is 'okay' for everyone, including you?
If all you need is yes 'elimed' and cannot otherwise lose, you're really needed.
Currently, if it's true that Max isn't undead status, Verm isn't undead status, and FoU isn't undead status, CM has won and we can forget about her need of no undead.
I hope Tric did bite FoU on the way out; if so FoU's a vamp starting N3.
Verm still needs to target Max, FoU, and Imp, as well as he needs to eat Juice.
FoU, do we need to worry about any loss conditions for you? And you still have at least 1 uneaten modifier-giving candy? If we can't sweet-talk Max into staying to be the last player to win (and maybe he can't despite not telling us that) then it really helps if you're the last to win.
The complexities:
Juice needs Imp to die before Imp wins or loses, or he loses.
I need everyone alive at some point (can even just be the 1 last player alive) to have the monster status (it is carried with the vamp modifier, there's at least 2 other ways to get it but they've very niche)
Verm needs to target everyone at night or desecrate their body during the day - but once he goes vamp, presuming he goes vamp ever, then he can only do his day action if he has someone to feed on at night... a living player. They can also be undead, but have to be in play non-corpse.
Fou needs 4 modifiers. 2 are in candy form! If not consumed yet, they can be consumed 'when the time is right' and this can solve the complex challenges to allow all to win.
Max needs... the vote and that's it? If so, Max can also be the last alive and allow us all to win.
Otherwise, 1+ of us must lose.
Chances are I'm the correct elim today.
Hope people discuss.
Especially you, Mr. Max. Can you stay? Gotta go? When do you gotta go?