The game ends when all players have either won or lost.
If all players are agreed that no more progress can be made to further their win conditions, the state of the game will be examined for full or partial stalemate.
Once a player has won or lost, they leave the game. They may no longer post in the thread, can no longer action or be targeted, and so forth.
Standard Day and Night phases, as well as Day elimination mechanics, are very likely to be present. Days will generally last 72 hours, nights 24. Further mechanical details will be specified at the start of the game.
While the space of possible alignments, mechanics and roles is very large, there are some guarantees:
- Privately communicating with other players will not be allowed unless a specific mechanic permits it (unlike, say, Mephansteras' Paranormal games)
- No action will resolve
during a day, night or other phase. All actions will resolve at the end of the phase - including, for example, Daykills
- There will not be post restrictions or mechanics based on the content of player's posts, apart from votes
- You will not generally be told who you target, in the case of action redirections and so forth
- You will generally be told when your action could not be performed. You will not generally be told why
Natural Action Resolution will be used to resolve night actions in complex cases
- The game will be designed to minimise the risk of "Kingmaker" situations where it is mechanically impossible for a player to win but they remain in the game
- The GM will not lie to you. Mechanical results may however not be reliable - this includes not only inspections and other investigative powers but also public role and alignment flips
- Bay12 mechanical conventions will be roughly observed, as will MafiaScum Wiki conventions when they don't conflict with bay12 practice
As ever, if you have any questions, please ask them