For this game, I don't have terribly set prices. In other words, most things are a "get what you pay for" deal. The average price for most small items (plants, animals, small acts of god(s), curses or weak artifacts) would fall between 1 and 5 Acts. For larger creations (Mortal or monstrous races, artifacts, miracles, ect.) you're going to be looking at 5-10 Acts. I recommend price checking regularly, but in general my philosophy to this kind of thing is to try to reflect your intent as best as possible, with the amount of Acts provided. Regions and Magic systems are unique cases, in that they have pre-set minimum prices (listed below).
Regional pricing may vary
Creation costs
1/20 Region - the ‘container’ for all other slots, during region creation, filling slots is discounted
by 50%, and additional slots can be purchased at a 50% discount.
1/* *special* slot - (1) per Region, can’t be increased, represents truly unique regional
features such as vast underground areas, ley lines, and region encompassing barriers,
can *radically* alter how a region functions, be that by *doubling* the effective area, or
applying an effect (semi)universally.
1/10 Biome slot - (1) per Region by default, represents the ‘general’ structure of the area, a
ocean biome is mainly underwater, a forest biome contains vast tracts of trees, a flesh
biome lacks vegetation.
1/5* Feature slot - (1) per Biome by default, represents ‘large’ landmark structures
independent of Biome, such as forests, mountains, cities, and or etc, *cost multiplied by
the number of extra feature slots*
1/3 Location slot - (3) per Feature by default, represents ‘small’ structures of importance,
such as Mines, Camps, Temples, and Castles
Slotting things in
1/20 Special structures
1/5 Biomes
1/10 Features
1/1 Locations
Modifiers & Multipliers
2/1 Mundane, (natural) - Forests, mountains, caves, lakes
1/1 Mundane, (manufactured/active) - Cities, volcanoes, Mt Rushmore
1/1 Magical - Fairy forests, Floating islands, a house with chicken legs
1/2 Unnatural - a *void*,
Carociber, radioactive wasteland
[Empty slots of all kinds tend to fill themselves given enough time. Pioneer species eventually colonize a biome, mortals eventually move in and create settlements, and naturally build buildings. The smaller the slot, the more likely it is to naturally fill up or change as time goes on. Leaving slots empty may allow you free benefits, but also leaves the slot exposed to nefarious actors and cruel twists of fate.]
Magic Systems
1/30 Source - a declared power-source for a truly world wide magic system
1/10 Mechanism - the actual Mechanics of the Magic system
1/5* Example - A singular Spell from the magic system. (*3 granted free with each Mechanism)