- Mafia gain this ability: Mafiakill [DEADLY][KILL] ...
19. Tricksome (you may only use [TWISTY] and [WARPING] abilities...
As written, it looks like Tricksome would prevent a Mafia player from using the Mafiakill?
There are scenarios where losing that flexibility could put a small team (especially the "last" mafioso) in an unusually uphill battle depending on how many town players remain. I bring it up because I had this experience in
Most Vanilla Mafia 1 after circumstance made things 1v7, I was agonizing over whether to skip one or more kills and go into hiding, but I had little confidence in my ability to escape even by doing so. That game had an actual alignment cop and this one doesn't, so not perfectly analogous but still a point I want to raise. Fewer kills at night mean powers keep accumulating, which in turn leads to situations where win or loss is more to
luck night guessing than clever daytime play.
No, you don't have to divulge your abilities, though if they guess the other parakeetkin could use them.
That answers my mechanical question about ParakeetChat. I believe there are still possible concerns around the edges but we should let this experiment run once before deciding whether the metagame needs adjustment.
Including the mafiakill?
Hmm... The most likely outcome is that the steal fails (it is rare for mafia to skip a kill, and Owner's Priority should apply). Is there any scenario in which one can differentiate between not killing because there was no kill to use vs. not killing because the ability can't be used twice in a night? So long as this doesn't lead to a pseudo-cop investigation I'm inclined to allow it.
On the other hand, if for some oddball reason (see above?) the mafia team doesn't use Mafiakill then a steal can succeed. Then the town!Keet will need to cajole enough action claims to assess whether anyone who died that night and/or was protected from death was their practical target (as distinct from intended target). Just the suspicion of a successful steal is a powerful thing, but other town would likely be skeptical. If the town!Keet is willing to put in the investigative work the day after for a steal that probably didn't happen, I'm inclined to allow that too.
PPE: I see the discussion on this moved the other way while I was refining my cases (and rereading the end of MVM1). Eh, so be it.