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Which secret containing book should we steal first?

Creatures Uncovered (Concerns the secrets of the beast warrior)
- 5 (6.5%)
Misconceptions About The Dragonlord (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 10 (13%)
Foundations of Blizzards (Concerns the secrets of wind and air as magical weapons)
- 6 (7.8%)
The Meaning of Dragonfire (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 4 (5.2%)
Book of Coagulation (Concerns the secrets of legendary cheese making)
- 42 (54.5%)
Look for more books, I want a different secret
- 1 (1.3%)
Let's just steal a slab and hope for the best
- 9 (11.7%)

Total Members Voted: 77

Pages: 1 ... 55 56 [57] 58 59 ... 100

Author Topic: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)  (Read 291682 times)


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #840 on: February 09, 2018, 05:02:27 pm »

Request dorfing: Weaponsmith / Axedwarf, or both.


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Re: The Magikoopa Invasion of Modded Hell (Magikoopas Everywhere)
« Reply #841 on: February 09, 2018, 05:22:52 pm »

There's been a lot of funny coincidences so far, like Urlance Woolsbane being an animal dissector as well as a doctor and me koopaing SQman as a woodburner only to have two great furnace operators come immediately after him. It's also kinda ironic that at this point we've got so many magikoopas that we're just letting them be farmers.

Request dorfing: Weaponsmith / Axedwarf, or both.
You can be whatever happens to come first, but I don't think I'm going to let my only nonexistent weaponsmith out on the front line.

Also, I totally agree, spiders would hiss if they were capable of it.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 10:06:00 am by MottledPetrel »


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Re: The Magikoopa Invasion of Modded Hell (Magikoopas Everywhere)
« Reply #842 on: February 14, 2018, 09:16:46 pm »

As a gift to my fellow introverts on Valentine's Day I decided to let my creativity run wild in a more lore based update. I have to say, it got a LOT fucking weirder than I thought it was going to be, but it also set the stage for a lot of later story I'm going to get to as the fort goes on. I hope you all enjoy! Happy Valentine's Day from the koopas of Modded Hell.
In a fledgling koopa fortress, love is in the air. It swept over the fort in a large horrid cloud, leaving the inhabitants inside to squirm in the effects it left.
     Airborne love, a rare and wicked atmospheric anomaly. It manifests as a deep, bright pink fog that rolls across the country side as a single entity under certain rare conditions. Some say it's the blight of the gods while others say it is summoned from dark places unknown by twisted cultists. No matter where it comes from, any life unlucky enough to be caught in it suffers debilitating personality changes that last as long as the cloud is present... and a number of different otherworldly effects. Mottled Petrel was one of the astronomically few lucky ones, after the complete personality reroll that the cloud brings luck would have it that he received a temporary personality almost identical to his normal one. The only real difference was that he cared a little less about things than he usually did, which was very helpful as he surveyed the scene in front of him.

     Wasteland would be much too strong of a word, for the grassy plain in front of the fort was still the fertile, green place it was before the cloud. Slightly pink wind ripples swept across the sea of grass blades, crickets chirped unseen among their stalks, and Derpy Dev and MrLurkety were wrestling over a single troll fur sock in the middle of a torn up mud puddle. Luckily, Derpy Dev didn't have his pick on him, or he would probably have killed his opponent for the treasure that was between them. For once, the dearth of any actual weaponry in the fort seemed like a good thing, because if there had been any actual weaponry within reach of some of the koopas running around like mad men there would likely have been bodies already strewn about.

     During the scuffle, the sock somehow managed to get onto Derpy Dev's hand like a glove. Both of them immediately stopped fighting and stared at said hand with wide eyed expressions of bewilderment. "DUDE!" MrLurkety exclaimed "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOUR HAND GO?!". Derpy Dev frantically looked around for what he likely thought was a missing hand, as he did so he waved the sock hand around "I don't know man, I'm scared, I'M SCARED!". MrLurkety grabbed him by his upper shoulders and slapped him across the face "Don't worry bro, I'll help you look for it.". Derpy Dev brought him in for a hug and shed a single manly tear "What would I do without such a rad dude as you, bro!" they retracted from the hug "Now, I think I saw it over there" he pointed to a large pile of fallen leaves "shh, if we're real quite we can sneak up on it". MrLurkety nodded, genuinely convinced that Derpy Dev's hand had sneaked away to the yonder pile of leaves.

     The two of them did their best attempt at stealthily crawling up to the pile of leaves. Derpy Dev held up three fingers, then two, then one. He pumped his fist when he got to zero, and the two koopas pounced onto the pile of leaves. Inside there was a large rat hiding instead of a missing hand, the two of them grabbed onto it and began wrestling it like it was a pig trying to run away from a farmer that was trying to bring it in for cleaning. 'Have those two always been this dumb? And since when do they act like rad surfer dudes? Bah! I'll have to try to be cool with them sometime.' Mottled Petrel thought as he looked around to further take in the scene.

     EPM ran by with a snow leopard cub held high over her head. As she ran she made the cub swerve through the air as she made her best attempt at eagle and dragon noises with her mouth. The mother of the cub ran after her. Needless to say, the snarling noises she made weren't hinting towards good things. Further across the field three koopas looked like they were trying to play some kind of game. SQman and Urlance Woolsbane were about waist deep in a murky pool with an assortment of different sized wood logs suspended above the water by a carefully constructed lattice of string. The string made a grid, and some logs crossed more than one tile on the grid. Both koopas looked like they were deep in thought, while Enemy Post stood off to the side of the grid scribbling away furiously on a piece of bark. Urlance gingerly picked up one of the logs on his side of the lattice, and then threw it at one of the logs on SQman's side. This caused SQman's log to turn about 45 degrees in it's tile.

     SQman threw his arms up into the air and exclaimed "BLAST! You've beached my sperm whale! But don't get too comfortable, because I've got a swarm of locusts up my sleeve that will put your entire anacondaman workforce out of a job!". With that, he reached down and pulled up a small, flat stone from the bottom of the pool and placed it on top of one of his logs. Urlance Woolsbane raised an eyebrow "Hmm? You're going to have to try a little bit harder than a crow centaur civil protest to crash my stock market!". SQman had a devious, and yet somehow entirely murderous, look on his face "Oh" he said slyly "that's not all" he reached out and gently broke a twig off of one of his logs with a look on his face that could only be akin to a psychopathic tyrant that just ordered the genocide of an entire continent.

     Urlance Woolsbane recoiled in horror as if someone had just forced him to watch his own family be tortured in front of him, accompanied by a soul wrenching cry of disgust. He promptly turned around and threw up. Enemy Post jumped to his feet and blew into a small whistle that was around his neck, simultaneously pulling out a purple colored piece of bark and waving it at SQman. "Oh come on" SQman complained "A purple card!? That move was perfectly legal!". Enemy Post put a pair of reading spectacles on the bridge of his beak and pulled out a thick leather bound tome from behind him. He leafed through the pages and jabbed his finger at a certain spot on the page. "In accordance to article 34, section 47a, subsection 834n, underheading 89734...".

     Mottled Petrel lost interest, instead opting to walk inside the fort to see how it was inside there. Before he did so, he noticed bloop_bleep in the river. It seemed that he had joined a local school of humming tadpoles, as he was boldly humming an intricate rhythm with an assortment of humming tadpoles around him, all working together to form a surprisingly grand symphony. A number of other denizens of the river had gathered to watch the performance. A pair of rainbow trout appeared to be arguing with each other at the edge of the crowd, while a smaller rainbow trout wearing a baseball cap forlornly sat next to them, questioning his life choices. Mottled Petrel squinted at the scene, deep in thought. Coming to no real conclusions, other than possibly assigning that trout family a marriage counselor, he walked inside.

     Silverlock ran up to him, covered in blood. But not splatters of blood, delicate fingers of blood painted on with more precision than any of the finest paintings Mottled Petrel had seen in the koopa mountain home. Silverlock grabbed Mottled Petrel by the cheeks and stared deeply into his eyes, searching. Mottled Petrel felt that his very essence was being combed over by the koopa in front of him, and Silverlock's eyes held an unearthly wisdom to them. As this happened Mottled Petrel tried to make sense of the unexplainably detailed runes that had been painted onto Silverlock, unholy runes that no mortal should ever even know existed. Silverlock suddenly got incredibly jittery "of course" he whispered to himself with the expression of a terrified mouse corned by an incredible beast that should have no interest in vermin "of course... he's the master, the string puller, the creator... and you are but his vessel...".

     It felt as if a nest of wasps had been poked deep withing Mottled Petrel, and a black wave of eldritch power swept out of him to form a protective aura. Silverlock recoiled, the mouse was being toyed with now "I must awaken the key!". He ran off, the blood runes all over his body seeming to flicker and change with each step. 'What, do I have gas or something?' Mottled Petrel sniffed the air, and then sniffed his armpit. He grimaced 'Damn, I need to wash more often'.

     A little further down the hallway Stingpie had his hands covered in much less graceful blood splatters. On the wall was a large assortment of images painted in blood. They almost exclusively were renditions of hearts, but not simple hearts used to show affection between lovers, but renditions of the essential organ complete with the beginnings of a functional vascular system. Some hearts were smashed, some were bleeding, some were poisoned, but the one he was currently working on appeared to have a whole colony of small humanoids living inside. "Hey" Mottled Petrel called towards Stingpie "What's that you're drawing?" Stingpie looked up for just a second, before looking back to his painting "They're the painters... They live inside us all. Working, endlessly. They create, while we take. The paint that flows within us is their mark" he brings his hand to his mouth, and bites a large amount of scale off of his thumb "The world is their canvas, and once they deem us unworthy brushes, they leave, and we are discarded, left to wither, left to be forgotten... I'll show them" he brings the now bleeding digit to the wall and makes a bold stroke, using his blood as paint "I'll show them just how useful of a brush I am, then they'll use me forever, I'll never wither, and I'll make the best works this world will ever see".

     Mottled Petrel stared for a moment "Just make sure that thumb doesn't get infected, and clean this up when you're done". If Stingpie heard him he made no effort to show that he did. As Mottled Petrel walked down the ramp he saw a number of similar, yet different blood paintings. At the site of the future underground farm he found a much different scene. Auze was buried in the sand up to his neck, there was a concentrated expression on his face. Pikalord stood above him, with a watering can in hand. He noticed Mottled Petrel looking in through the doorway, and whispered to him "Shhh, my son's trying to grow his first leaves!". Auze also whispered to Mottled Petrel, expression still locked "Yeah, give me some room so I can photosynthesize properly". Mottled Petrel didn't even try to make sense of this scene, but noted that there was a thin layer of pink fog hovering over the ground.

     All the way down the ramp the layer of pink fog was much thicker, and there were some very loud noises coming from the barracks. Mottled Petrel opened the door, expecting to see a mosh pit a violence and death. His assumption actually wasn't that far off, but it seemed to instead be a VERY intense dance being done by the militia. All of the troops were doing some of the most complicated foot work Mottled Petrel had ever seen, combined with the almost telepathic synchronization they had between them it was a very impressive scene. The trolls and the ninji that was still awake were at the far end of the room, making some of the fastest and most melodic music ever to grace the continent with the random instruments Mottled Petrel had bought. Those who didn't have an instrument made pretty good attempts at making music with whatever junk they could find in the stockpile. A few trolls provided some very deep, yet incredibly satisfying, vocals in the background.

     Mottled Petrel closed the door 'At least they're getting some good exercise'. Making his way into the main room, Mottled Petrel found that ZM5 had been dragged from his position next to the dream ale barrel to the center of the room. Around him was a network of circular symbols and connecting bars made of blood. At the three corners of a similar triangular symbol made of blood the unconscious Gwolfski, Scourge, and ninji were laid flat across flat stone boulders. Gwolfski and Scourge writhed on top of these boulders with expressions of agony across their unconscious faces. The ninji had a determined expression on his face instead, and looked like he was trying to play an air guitar in his sleep. Most likely banish some kind of ancient evil in his dreams with his sick guitar skills, flowing mullet, and cut up jean shorts. The way he weirdly flexed his stomach hinted that in his dream he probably also had a rippling six pack.

     Silverlock was on his knees on the far side of the runes, actively painting more of it in great haste with the barrel of weresalamander blood next to him. He looked up, and his already meek expression sunk even further. He got to his feet slowly, defeatedly "I'm sorry" he said in a whisper almost as quiet as death "I'm sorry I couldn't save you Mottled Petrel". With that, he ran into the unfinished east hallway, leaving Mottled Petrel to sniff his armpit again. 'Damn it, my own squire finds my odor so repulsive he can't even be near me long enough for me to give him orders! Well, at least he was nice enough to try to give these guys some beds'.

     Finally, at the far end of the room, Nuku and Nokoopi were sitting at the dining tables chattering. Not chattering as in conversing, but chattering as in making sounds similar to that of a rodent. Mottled Petrel didn't know what to do 'Uhh, well I guess that's everyone accounted for.... No one's dead, wait, where's Nokop?' Mottled Petrel looked around. Nokop had some kind of beetle like vermin skewered on a stick and was busily trying to cook it over one of the forges. The beetle looked like it would be screaming if it could, but was only able to aggressively wiggle its legs. 'All right, everyone accounted for' but a new thought entered Mottled Petrel's head, one not his own. Something compelled him to take an empty barrel from the stockpile and walk to one of the corners of the room. In this corner the pink fog had collected to an almost waist high drift, and Mottled Petrel easily scooped this drift into the barrel he had in his hands. He sealed the lid, and hid it. 'I'm sure that might come in handy later. I mean, we've got a barrel of weresalamander blood, a barrel of hallucinogenic fog isn't that weird for this fort'. With that, he took a mug from the stockpile and got himself a couple servings of alcohol before sitting down at one of the tables to wait out the weirdness.

     Eventually, the fog receded from the fort and up the ramp as if it were a single creature's appendage. Mottled Petrel noted some banging coming from his hiding place, but made no effort to do anything about it. Slowly, the fogs tendrils also receded from the minds of the inhabitants of the fort and they regained their normal personalities and lost whatever other things the fog had given them. However, the citizens were fully aware of everything they had done during the past day. Not knowing what to do, everyone timidly gathered in the main room in front of Mottled Petrel, seeking orders to distract them from everything that had happened.

     "I'm not sure I can say I understand what just happened" Mottled Petrel began "but nobody died, so I'm going to say everyone clean up your messes and we'll try to not bring attention to it. But that doesn't mean we're going to forget about it completely, we have to be prepared to defend ourselves from any future events similar to this. We'll call this day... We'll call it..." Mottled Petrel looked up in thought, and was met with a strange site on the ceiling above where ZM5 was asleep. A line of molten symbols danced there, emanating a blue light. Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make of it, but as he looked deeper into the symbols he was met with a familiar voice. 'Beware the wrath of Valine Teinn, he twists the ebony clock behind the curtain...' whispered a distant voice in Mottled Petrel's head, a voice that sounded sickeningly similar to that of ZM5. Mottled Petrel snapped his fingers "We'll call it the day of Valine Teinn!".

     The crowd looked confused, someone in the crowd called out "That name's fucking stupid!". Mottled Petrel reclined further in his chair and folded his arms behind his head "Well if you guys want me to retract my pardon and send word to the mountain home about this...". This struck the crowd, and basically everyone in it exclaimed something similar to "No no no no, that won't be necessary!". Mottled Petrel grinned "Then get back to work! And as a fort we won't speak of this again. Got it?". The crowd split apart as they went to do their previously assigned tasks. Mottled Petrel stopped SQman and Urlance Woolsbane before they ran off "Could you two try to teach me that game you were playing sometime?". Despite the horrors of the day they had all just gone through, the three of them couldn't help but grin at each other.
As I was making up that part about the game I couldn't help but feel like that is what it is like when I try to explain dwarf fortress to someone who has never heard of it. Also, more future holiday specials? Yay or Nay?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 06:41:46 am by MottledPetrel »


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Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
« Reply #843 on: February 16, 2018, 03:23:02 pm »

Journal of Auze

    I guess I can put another place on the list of "places I've been banned from". So far that's 20 races, 578 civilisations, 3780 fortresses/towns/cities/forest retreats/etc, and 20 universes. I will not mention how I got banned from the first universe, but let's just say it ended up horrifying demons, and the punishment that I escaped from was to be killed slowly, then brought back to life, then killed slowly again, the brought back to life again, repeat 200 times, then be thrown in jail for so long they invented scientific notation just to put it down (about 1*10^300 life sentences). I escaped, and ended up in trouble again and again in different universes. So now I am disguising myself as a koopa and waiting for it to blow over in the next few googol years. Being fairly intelligent, I decided to opt for scholar or bookkeeper or at least a broker, but they installed me as a planter! I don't have much of a choice were to live, given that this is the only place in this universe that doesn't have a perpetual manhunt on me right now. Thankfully, the head koopa was very reasonable and said that once we had the rooms, I would be the wizard, which is a position that would *not* get me arrested. As for leaving the universe, I can only do that when bringing myself back from the dead, and I will explain that later.

OOC: what do you guys think? Sorry about the text, not good at formatting.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2018, 09:22:02 am by auzewasright »
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


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Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
« Reply #844 on: February 16, 2018, 05:13:51 pm »

I personally like it, when you said maybe a criminal background I thought you might have meant you snatched some old lady's purse, not the literal expulsion from planes of existence. Uhh, the broker's still unconscious, I could make you the broker if you want. Also, I'm gonna set up a poll for the potential of holiday specials, because the silence isn't exactly saying good things about such a prospect.


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Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
« Reply #845 on: February 16, 2018, 05:32:23 pm »

I personally like it, when you said maybe a criminal background I thought you might have meant you snatched some old lady's purse, not the literal expulsion from planes of existence. Uhh, the broker's still unconscious, I could make you the broker if you want. Also, I'm gonna set up a poll for the potential of holiday specials, because the silence isn't exactly saying good things about such a prospect.
Sure, and I'm not positive about whether there should be holiday specials. Just keep them better than the Star Wars one and I personally think it will be fine.

Edit: what are my qualities (likes/dislikes, relatives, etc)?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 05:34:26 pm by auzewasright »
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


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Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
« Reply #846 on: February 17, 2018, 07:44:10 pm »

Here is your information:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

After looking through this I'm actually really concerned that you might be a vampire, or a much worse modded equivalent. You're one of the first of your kind on a 250 year world, and yet you somehow look only 142 (something immortality related is probably in play). After 250 years of life you have no friends, no relatives, no grudges, hell, even no passing acquaintances (somethings up). You have a preference for manat bone, which is not only the bone of a sentient civilized creature, but I believe also a civilization that is an enemy to our empire and one of our neighbors (A manat bone throne is admittedly really cool, but having a preference for a civilized creature material is a huge problem because he might be some kind of psychopath). Personally thinking that the world should be engaged in perpetual war is just asking for trouble, and is admittedly the first time I've ever seen this preference (more evidence that shapes him to be some kind of psychopath or modded night creature). Dreaming of ruling the world is actually something that most koopas dream about, so you're good there, but if anyone dies mysteriously I'm pointing my finger at your first.


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Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
« Reply #847 on: February 17, 2018, 09:55:39 pm »

I had an update, but the game crashed and I lost all my progress. I'm going to try to play the exact same way, but even if the combat goes a little differently this time around I'm going to be posting the same thing that I wrote.

On one of my failed alternate timelines one of the koopas had his 'foul guts' spilled. I don't believe 'foul guts' are a normal part of koopa anatomy, any idea if this is a sign of a potential modded night creature?

I tried to do basically the same thing as I did the original run, and I got pretty close. The giant tick is still alive though, and a few struthomimuses.
     In a bustling animal pen a koopa is sitting next to a lawnmower, petting it. Nearby five eggs crack and bear their lawnmower chicks mewling into the world.
     'Ah, good, soon we'll have more lawnmowers than we'll ever need!'. The koopas of the fort were trying to get back into the swing of things after the unmentionable day, some better than others. Fortunately, Mottled Petrel had just the thing to cheer up his fellow koopas. Nothing got a koopa out of the dumps more than a shiny new pond turtle shell shell (redundant, I know).

     Mottled Petrel walked down into the fort and made an announcement to the fort "Listen up everyone, I'm going to have some pond turtle shell shells made to give everyone some extra protection. It's a first come first serve basis, but if you aren't working afterwards I'm going to have to confiscate them.". This got everyone's attention, and a hearty cheer from some of the koopas passing by. Bloop_bleep approached Mottled Petrel with his fedora held in his hands "Excuse me sir, but can I request reassignment to mechanickoopa?". Mottled Petrel thought for a moment "You can add mechanics to your current list of duties" bloop_bleep did an exaggerated fist pump and said "yesss" under his breath as if he just got a promotion.

     Before Mottled Petrel could leave he was also approached by a troll "Sir, we've found the pile of goods left by the destroyed wagon. Would you like us to retrieve them?" "Sure, hey, where was it anyways?" the troll stuttered "It's, uh, none of your business, it's a secret." Mottled Petrel raised an eyebrow "I believe what gets left in my fort and its land is my business, but whatever, tell me if you find anything of real value.". The troll walked off to tell his fellow haulers, who happened to be sitting around because there was nothing left to haul.

     Mottled Petrel finally walked off, but was approached by the bookkeeper a few minutes later "Sir, I've looked over the goods that were left, and you requested a list of anything of any real value. And I have found that they had a datamined anvil, about five metal cages, 20 cheese, some Z move crystals, a good amount of bronze armor that probably won't fit any of us, a barrel of basking shark blood, some iron weapons, and a few shields." "Good, give the shields to the military with the understanding that they will have to turn them in for steel ones once we have them. Oh, and why is a barrel of blood suddenly of interest?" "You seem to buy an awful lot of blood, so I just thought you might want to know." Mottled Petrel shrugged "Fair enough, but I really just buy them to see the expressions on the trader's faces.".

     Some commotion outside cuts the meeting short, Silverlock runs to relay the news "Sir! There is a giant tick outside fighting one of the frogogs!" Mottled Petrel grew concerned, a giant version of anything was a big problem "How bad is the frogog hurt?" "Oh, well, the frogog actually singlehandedly drove the tick off. He actually punched it so hard that his hand broke through the chitin and sunk into the things body, scaring the fuck out of it.".

     Mottled Petrel blinked a few times "Well what are you waiting for? If a frogog half my size can hurt that thing send the military out to finish it off!" "Yes Sir!". 'I'm probably going to live to regret this' a bloodthirsty snarl can be heard from the barracks, most likely belonging to Koopaunknown. He burst through the door, seeming VERY determined to destroy anything that threatened his new home, and communism. The rest of the guards ran out after him, not as determined, but it definitely seemed that Koopaunknown had somehow drilled some kind of discipline into them.

     Mottled Petrel comes out with them to watch, and notices that the dodrio that one of the migrants brought was actively trying to skewer a struthomimus with one of its beaks. When the 4 fighters made it out onto the prairie they released a volley of electricity, some of which struck the tick. Anywhere the electricity hit broke through the chitin, tore through the fat, but stopped at the muscle. Lord_Lemonpie made it to the tick first, and began double kicking and blaze kicking the tick, doing little more damage than the electricity did. At this point the tick had both collapsed from exhaustion and was actively puking up all of the blood it had drunken from previous victims.

     Koopaunknown released another volley of electricity, one shot got lucky and bruised the brain of the giant tick without actually puncturing whatever brain covering the tick had. A cry of victory is heard as the koopas climb the giant mountain of a corpse that had been left. They each tear off a decent sized piece of chitin as a trophy. "Good work guys" Mottled Petrel called from his viewing point "Now, go get someone to butcher this!". Koopaunknown jumped down from the corpse and exclaimed to Mottled Petrel with a feral look in his eyes "I ZTILL CRAVE BLOOD!". Mottled Petrel shied away a little "Alright, go chase down those struthomimus then". Koopaunknown did a short whistle towards the other koopas still on the tick and made a few hand motions, the group jumps down and begins running towards where the struthomimus herd is.

     One unlucky struthomimus tried to sneak through the animal pasture and into the fort, but was promptly torn to shreds by a laser-ceratosaurus and a snow leapord. At one point the laser-ceratosaurus almost crushed the struthomimus with its tail. Even though the tail strike destroyed half the intruder's body, the struthomimus survived and was propelled halfway across the plain. A troll dragged the animals back to the pasture before they could finish the struthomimus off.

     From the other side of the plain a cry of pain is heard. Apparently Lord_Lemonpie was not so lucky. The struthomimus he was fighting took a deep bite into his left upper leg, and got a lock on his right ankle with his fingers. The small dinosaur somehow had more wrestling knowledge than Lord_Lemonpie did, and rended his ankle in a horrid direction. 'Guess I gotta make that hospital now' "ALRIGHT, Everyone back inside. We can't have any more injuries.". The other koopas had been busy chasing their own struthomimuses, and weren't happy that their chase had been stopped by Lord_Lemonpie's injury, but they went back inside. No one went to help Lord_Lemonpie as he lay out in the field with his foot loosely flopping around at the end of his leg. The hollowing out of the entire hospital room couldn't wait, so Mottled Petrel designated the only dug out corner as the hospital.

Immediately, about five trolls and a fembot rushed into the hospital and lay on the ground.

     "What the fuck are you guys doing" Mottled Petrel asked, as he was still standing in the hospital he had just designated. "We're resting our injuries" one troll answered. Mottled Petrel pulled out the medical notes of the fortress Urlance Woolsbane had given him, he skimmed it and couldn't find any injuries on any of the trolls. He did notice that they were marked as 'diagnosis required', but no further explanation was given. In fact, it seemed like nearly half the fort had been marked as 'diagnosis required'.

     Mottled Petrel had no idea what to make of this, but before he could come to a conclusion Urlance Woolsbane opened the door, putting on the last of his silk operating gloves. He let the last one conform to his hand with an unsettling snap. "I'm glad to see that the watch shop is finally open, now we can get down to business." the look in his eyes was that of deadly professionalism, which was a very undesirable one for active medical practices. "Uh... Why have you marked half the fort as diagnosis required? Everyone seems fine." Mottled Petrel asked as Urlance pulled out some unnecessarily brutal looking surgery tools "Ah, and this is why I am a doctor and you are not. It's not the obvious problems that get you in the end, the crack in the dial, the smashed cover, no no. It's the ones you can't see that get you, even the malfunction of the tiniest cog will cause the whole thing to be rendered useless. That is why you have to be preemptive, sometimes you just have to" he stops pulling out his tools when he gets to his bone saw, and runs his finger slowly down the blade "take a look on the inside.".

     Mottled Petrel shivered "I forbid you from doing any surgery unless there is conclusive evidence that it is required.". Urlance slowly put the bone saw back where he got it from "Very well, but I'm still going to take a look at these residents.". A troll walks in with Lord_Lemonpie slung over his shoulder, he then places him down onto the ground, surprisingly gently.

     As he is being lowered Lord_Lemonpie is actively protesting "No, come on, I'm fine! Let me back out there, I need to show that dinosaur what for! I can't leave my squad without me, they need the manpower! Here, let me just get u-" he tries to stand up, it isn't even necessary to describe how that went for him. Mottled Petrel leaves, not caring to have his ears destroyed by screams of pain.

     'I should at least get these guys some weapons' "SQman!" SQman was poking at his smelter with some of his tools, showing that he obviously had no idea how it worked. He snapped to attention upon hearing his name "Yes sir?" "How much steel do we have?". SQman thought for a second "I have currently made thirteen steel bars and am working on the fourteenth" Mottled Petrel looked at the smelter "You know you're currently smelting platinum, right?". SQman looked flustered "Wha-, yeah, of course. I've been so productive that I'm both manning this smelter and the one next to me!". Nokoopi, who was busy hauling a dolomite boulder for steel making, called out from across the room "We have currently smelted two steel bars sir, but we have more coke and iron than we're going to need for a while.".

     Mottled Petrel frowned, and SQman looked like he was trying to think of good excuse for why Nokoopi had stolen his credit. "Whatever, I was hoping for more, but we at least need to give our military something. Nuku" Nuku was actively smelting datamined ore at the next smelter over "When you get a chance could you try to make a steel trident? I know you aren't a weaponsmith, but you're the only one here who knows how to work metal at all." Nuku didn't even look up "Can do, but are you sure you want that brute armed before everyone else?". Mottled Petrel could see up the ramp through the corner of his eye, from it he could see TheRedWolf shooting lightning at a struthomimus. The struthomimus's right arm almost flies off from the impact, but remains attached by some skin. It is very obvious that the struthomimus will probably never use that arm again "If there's anyone who's going to defend this fort with all their being, it's going to be him.".

     TheRedWolf starts thunder punching the struthomimus "Alright, but I can't promise quality though". EPM jumps from behind "I'll do it!" Mottled Petrel is only mildly startled "As long as someone does it I don't care". After much kicking and punching TheRedWolf had somehow managed to break practically every joint in the struthomimus's body, and then bit it in the lower body for good measure, injected his koopa venom into its blood stream. Even if it somehow managed to crawl away with all of its joints broken it would eventually succumb to necrosis. Even with its spine broken, the struthomimus manages to bite TheRedWolf in the hand, tearing apart the fat. After several minutes TheRedWolf is unable to kill the struthomimus, a passing troll comes over to help him. After goring the dinosaur with one of his horns he grabs it and throws it into a nearby tree. Having almost all of its bones already broken, the struthomimus is basically reduced to a fine paste on impact. 'I really need to get these guys some weapons'.

     A few hours later EPM leaves the forge with a surprisingly decent trident in her hands. It wasn't exactly straight, the points weren't the same size, but it was sharp and of sturdy build. She presented it to Koopaunknown, who had a wild grin on his face as he picked it up. He looked back at his squad, who were actively trying to cower in the corner as they thought about having to spar unarmed against the armed brute. A few of the troopas had picked up some of the shields that had been recovered, and would likely be using them pretty heavily in the future.

     "We've got three steel bars total if you want to make weapons for the rest of them so that they don't all get impaled" said Nokoopi who was having a drink behind Mottled Petrel. "Yeah, do that, a chainsaw, a long sword, and a mini-chomp to get these guys a chance to live.".
Just a note to everyone, we have encountered our first consistent crash. I know that such crashes can be bypassed with some serious luck, but I can't promise that I myself will get lucky. If worse comes to worst I will upload the most recent save and ask people to try their best to just do random things that might push off whatever event is causing the crash.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 11:08:41 pm by MottledPetrel »

Enemy post

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Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
« Reply #848 on: February 18, 2018, 12:00:52 am »

The foul guts are almost certainly a normal thing, there's an "Evil" related tag somewhere that causes it. It's just a flavor thing for goblins, I think. There might be a transformation interaction causing the crash, if it's the same day every time.
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!


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Re: The Day of Valine Teinn in Modded Hell (Valentine's Day Special)
« Reply #849 on: February 18, 2018, 07:47:50 am »

Here is your information:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

After looking through this I'm actually really concerned that you might be a vampire, or a much worse modded equivalent. You're one of the first of your kind on a 250 year world, and yet you somehow look only 142 (something immortality related is probably in play). After 250 years of life you have no friends, no relatives, no grudges, hell, even no passing acquaintances (somethings up). You have a preference for manat bone, which is not only the bone of a sentient civilized creature, but I believe also a civilization that is an enemy to our empire and one of our neighbors (A manat bone throne is admittedly really cool, but having a preference for a civilized creature material is a huge problem because he might be some kind of psychopath). Personally thinking that the world should be engaged in perpetual war is just asking for trouble, and is admittedly the first time I've ever seen this preference (more evidence that shapes him to be some kind of psychopath or modded night creature). Dreaming of ruling the world is actually something that most koopas dream about, so you're good there, but if anyone dies mysteriously I'm pointing my finger at your first.
Of course, I've already established that he is immortal, and quite a bit of a psychopath. I've seen the "personally thinks there should be perpetual war". Adds some decent clues for how I got the entire world to make me a criminal ;). Will put a new post tomorrow.
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


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Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
« Reply #850 on: February 18, 2018, 09:04:28 am »

I'll keep the transformation thing in mind, there are currently a lot of things on the map that are due for a transformation.

Auze, due to your last complaint about being made a planter I feel like you forgot that I made you future head magikoopa, and am just waiting to actually have a room for said noble position so your guy doesn't continuously complain.


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Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
« Reply #851 on: February 18, 2018, 09:09:04 am »

I'll keep the transformation thing in mind, there are currently a lot of things on the map that are due for a transformation.

Auze, due to your last complaint about being made a planter I feel like you forgot that I made you future head magikoopa, and am just waiting to actually have a room for said noble position so your guy doesn't continuously complain.
Sorry, must have missed that part, will fix.
Edit: I added it into the journal post.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2018, 09:12:37 am by auzewasright »
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


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Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
« Reply #852 on: February 20, 2018, 08:13:37 pm »

Just an FYI, if you're currently working on a character lore thing I'm not going to be able to hold off the fort for it. As soon as I get past the crash we'll be back to some (hopefully) smooth sailing. I'm going to warn everyone now, we're almost into invasion territory, in previous test forts of this pack there have been some serious armed invasions of upwards of 15 fighters as early as the first spring. Place your bets now people, who's going to invade, who's going to die (we have just created our first weapon at the end of autumn, our prospects of surviving any serious attack are low).


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Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
« Reply #853 on: February 20, 2018, 09:15:33 pm »

Just an FYI, if you're currently working on a character lore thing I'm not going to be able to hold off the fort for it. As soon as I get past the crash we'll be back to some (hopefully) smooth sailing. I'm going to warn everyone now, we're almost into invasion territory, in previous test forts of this pack there have been some serious armed invasions of upwards of 15 fighters as early as the first spring. Place your bets now people, who's going to invade, who's going to die (we have just created our first weapon at the end of autumn, our prospects of surviving any serious attack are low).
Are we walled in? If so, we could just wait until we are ready
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


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Re: Back to Reguarly Scheduled Modded Hell (Dinosaur Warfare)
« Reply #854 on: February 21, 2018, 05:10:13 am »

Hoho, I'm hyped for the invasions.

Our population exceeds 20, yeah? If so, most likely its gonna be the cannibals who will arrive to cause trouble.
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