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Which secret containing book should we steal first?

Creatures Uncovered (Concerns the secrets of the beast warrior)
- 5 (6.5%)
Misconceptions About The Dragonlord (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 10 (13%)
Foundations of Blizzards (Concerns the secrets of wind and air as magical weapons)
- 6 (7.8%)
The Meaning of Dragonfire (Concerns the secrets of dragons)
- 4 (5.2%)
Book of Coagulation (Concerns the secrets of legendary cheese making)
- 42 (54.5%)
Look for more books, I want a different secret
- 1 (1.3%)
Let's just steal a slab and hope for the best
- 9 (11.7%)

Total Members Voted: 77

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 [56] 57 58 ... 100

Author Topic: The Resurgence of Modded Hell (Back, Still Broken, Now With Giant Butterflies)  (Read 291376 times)


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #825 on: February 01, 2018, 08:39:22 pm »

I'm going to try to get an update out this weekend, but for now, I thought I'd torture treat you guys with some spoilers points of interest:

My lips are going to be sealed on the purposes of these pictures and how they relate to the story, so please, let the conspiracy theories run wild.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #826 on: February 02, 2018, 04:45:22 am »

Oh man, I don't remember the last time the merchants themselves got attacked in one of my forts. I'm curious as to what happened.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #827 on: February 02, 2018, 06:06:22 pm »

A merchant decided to snack on a 1up mushroom, took a swig of dream ale, and exploded from blood pressure?
The dwarven atom is made of !!TURKEY GOBLER!! remains

                         no one can deny this


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #828 on: February 03, 2018, 08:58:12 pm »

In a grassy field a koopa cranes his neck to see over an adjacent grassy hill.

      'As if we didn't have enough trade goods for 3 caravans, here comes another!'. From over the hills a silanif caravan approaches, in there eyes is a powerful glint of greed.

     Before this caravan could even get over the farthest hill the doublade that had been floating around since the fort was founded descended and almost bisected one of the merchants with a single blow from one of its swords. Surprisingly, the merchant survived and crawled away, but the wagon he was riding was shattered into a rain of splinters by the force of the blow.

     The wagon looked really depressed before the attack, so Mottled Petrel was unsure as to whether the wagon enjoyed being destroyed or not. The rest of the caravan immediately turned around and began fleeing, but the bouffalant that had been hauling the sad wagon decided to stay behind and avenge their gloomy friend.

     The two bouffalant were hacked to pieces in a matter of seconds. A caravan guard also stayed behind, not the help the merchant who was lying on the ground with his lungs hanging out of his chest, but to claim the glory of slaying the doublade for his own. He let loose a number of iron bolts, each one taking a good sized chunk of the duoblade with it when it hit. Eventually, even though the duoblade was probably never alive in the first place, the silanif declared it 'dead'. Mottled Petrel took note that the destruction of the wagon probably meant that they'd have to leave behind a large pile of their trade goods "Sorry about that guys, can you come back next year?". The silanif that had killed the duoblade shook his fist at Mottled Petrel and ran to catch up with the fleeing caravan, leaving his bleeding friend in the dirt behind him. Mottled Petrel thought about if he could remedy the situation, and then decided he didn't care enough because he didn't even know what a silanif was until a couple of seconds ago.

     Once back inside the fort he noticed a mole man ambassador and a ratooey minister of trade huddled around the passed out broker. "Squire! You're temporary broker until the old one wakes up. I want you to deal with these diplomats and call me over once they ask what we want to import.".

     Some angry yelling could be heard from outside, Silverlock was now next to Mottled Petrel "I think that's the diplomat from the caravan that got cut up. Not much we can do about them.". Silverlock steps aside to speak with the Mole person ambassador. After a few minutes Silverlock calls Mottled Petrel over and sums up the conversation for him "We have settled along a major trade route it seems, and the mole person people welcome us doing so. They see it as a way for them to better connect with the koopa people and that this could become a valuable checkpoint for all merchants. He requests that he be allowed to stay longer than the trade caravan so that he may better assess the trading potential of this location." Mottled Petrel was thinking about what he was going to have for dinner later '-nd then I could give it a side of pokebeans with- oh fuck, I missed all of that. Uhhh...' "Tell him that we are glad that his people have come to trade and agree to any diplomatic request he might have."

     Silverlock went back to talking to the mole person for another few minutes, and then returned to ask what Mottled Petrel wanted to import and handed him a list. "Hmm... I think we could go for a pair of Geo Vipers, they sound cool, some mountain dew, some pond turtles, for their shells. Other than that, surprise us." Silverlock ran off, then returned with the list of goods that the mole person people requested of the koopas. Mottled Petrel pretended to look at it 'They're getting spiked balls and they're going to like it'. Silverlock went to find the ratooey minister of trade, but found that he had been the one who had stormed off angrily earlier. Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make of this, but he noticed that wags was just sitting around "Hey, wags, you're a brewer now, go make the still" wags sighed "dammit..." and reluctantly got up.

     The three caravans on the surface had somehow all squeezed themselves into the singular trade depot, which was pretty impressive because each wagon was about the size of the entire trade depot. The three races all vied for Mottled Petrel's and Silverlock's attention, each describing just how quality their 'premium goods' were. "All right, calm down everyone, the ruxes got here first." One of the rux merchants pumped his fist and said "yessss" under his breath. Silverlock stood at the depot and looked at the goods, and then backed up and said "I have no idea what any of these are worth". 'god damn it' thought Mottled Petrel, as he looked around for someone else who could trade. A troll walked by, "Hey, you, troll, what's your proffession?" "trader" replied the troll.

     "Trader? Well get over here and help us trade!" the troll walked up to the depot and brushed Silverlocke aside. The troll looked over the goods for a few minutes as he tried to get an idea of the standings of each side of the deal, wags walked up to report that the still had finally been made.

     "It's about time! Now go down there and brew anything that's even remotely edible, I want enough alcohol to last us the winter.". The troll pulled Mottled Petrel aside to talk to him "They've brought a lot of stuff, but most of it is overpriced crap. Chances are we can dump our own overpriced crap on them. Just tell me what you want when you see it and I'll take it from there." Mottled Petrel nodded.

     Overpriced crap was an understatement, they were selling some stone blocks for 5000 urists...EACH. Nothing else was really of value. Mottled Petrel pulled the troll aside "These guys are fucking insane. 230 urists for a waterskin? I don't care if it's made out of imported white beaked dolphin leather, there's no fucking way we're paying that kinda money for a folded over piece of leather. Just... just buy some cheap barrels from them or something so they don't feel bad and they come back next year." The troll agreed with Mottled Petrel's call.

     There was only one cheap barrel, all of the other ones were encrusted in precious something or another. They payed for the purchase with a handful of cheap gems. The ruxes still seemed happy with that, as they immediately took out small magnifying lenses and eagerly looked over the gems. 'Well that was a bust, on to the ratooeys' "Hey, do you guys know why your minister of trade stormed off?" One of the merchants looked a little embarrassed "He's got a bit of a short fuse, if he doesn't get attention fast enough he gets angry and storms off. We'll try to make sure that this doesn't impact relations between us too much.". The ratooey merchants were much more agreeable than the ruxes, they willingly sold a magic reindeer waterskin for base waterskin value. Mottled Petrel asked if they had anything they thought could combat the effects of dream ale, the ratooeys pulled up a bag of revival herb seeds and said that they might help. The ratooeys were selling a few large gems for very cheap, Mottled Petrel bought them for future magikoopa spell making.

     At the bottom of the trade pile were a few books, most notably one called 'thoughts on the farm', it sold for 420 urists. "It's a book about farming plants made to be smoked" the merchant explained "I know the koopas use gnobs for that purpose, maybe it will help to give some insight on new things that can be smoked?" Mottled Petrel could barely read, so he couldn't actually check if this was true or not "Sure, and we'll take 'the mountain halls within reason' for future architectural help, and that limestone bound codex" The troll looked at Mottled Petrel as he ran his fingers down the side of the codex "Don't you at least want to know what it's about before we buy it?". At this point Mottled Petrel was rubbing the codex against his cheek slowly, and oddly intimately "But that gets rid of all the mystery.". "Whatever" the troll handed over a few spiked wooden balls as payment, the ratooeys were impressed by the intricacy of the spiked balls. 'Good, I don't want any of these guys asking for anything of actual value in return for their goods'.

     The mole people were last, and the koopas were almost out of trade goods. Most notable of the things being offered was a barrel of 'molding venom', "What does it do?" asked Mottled Petrel. The mole people looked at each other "We have no idea, a few mold monsters got loose in one of our mines, and one of them tried to poison us by releasing some of this substance into our water supply. Our best guess is that it will either kill you or turn you into a mold monster." "We'll take it, and what kind of blood is in that barrel?"

     The mole merchants were starting to look concerned, most of their trade partners never bothered to ask about the blood barrels "Uhh... we had a ninji criminal lord that we caught, and as part of his punishment we drained him of most of his blood. It was later found that a vampire had been the one to give this order, and was dealt with, but now we're left with a barrel of ninji blood... sooo...". Every part of Mottled Petrel told him that it would be a terrible idea to buy a barrel of blood in a fort where ninjis lived "We'll take it off your hands, only because we don't want you to have to carry it around any longer". The merchants looked like they were torn between being relieved to get it off their hands and creeped out that someone actually wanted a barrel of almost sentient creature blood.

     The 1-up mushrooms looked very promising to Mottled Petrel, but they wouldn't be able to afford them anytime soon. The mole people actually didn't bring that much, so only those barrels and a bone instrument were bought. Mottled Petrel patted the troll on the back "Thanks for the help man, now carry all this stuff inside.". The troll grumbled as he began picking up some boxes. Mottled Petrel walked back into the fort "Hey wags, hows the brewing goi-"

     "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! OF ALL THE THINGS YOU COULD HAVE CHOSEN YOU CHOSE THE THING THAT HAS ALREADY PUT 4 MEN OUT OF COMMISSION![/i]" wags drops the sleeproot in his hand "I, uh, I just really liked how they smelled, so I wondered if when I brewed them they'd make the rest of the room smell like them." Mottled Petrel didn't buy it, and showed his distrust by doing a thing with his fingers that he hoped would say 'I've got my eye on you'. Wags had no idea what he was doing with his fingers, but gathered that Mottled Petrel hadn't bought his explanation.

     "Get your tail in the barracks, you're a chainsaw koopa from now on." wags began to protest "But I've never done so much as held a weapon in my life! These gem cutter's hands are made for precision! We don't even have any weapons for me to train with!" Mottled Petrel beckoned KoopaUnknown over "Head brute, the barracks has been dug out and you can start training. We don't have any weapons for you yet, but once we do you will have 4 tridents, 2 shields, and 2 claws for sidearms should you lose any of the above. This one" Mottled Petrel pointed towards wags "Will have the same, but instead of tridents he will have chainsaws. I know tridents are technically pikes, and are large and heavy, but with some training a strong koopa can hold a trident with only one hand. Now, I want you take this" Mottled Petrel basically spat his next word "capitalist[/b]" KoopaUnknown's head snapped towards wags. It held a gaze of the most intense and burning hatred either koopa had ever seen. Wags actually began to tremble a little "-and whip him into shape with some wrestling while we make some weapons for you. No training weapons, the only way to properly learn how to dodge is to start with steel and have the ever present fear of being ripped in half if you slack for even a moment."

     KoopaUnknown walked over to wags and gave him a powerful punch to the gut. As wags keeled over KoopaUnknown grabbed both of his feet from under him and started dragging him to the barracks "Don't vorry zir, he'll be zubordinate champion of communizm before you know it!". Wags was screaming as he desperately clawed at the ground with all six of his hands. Mottled Petrel didn't bother to see it through "Derpy Dev, could you did out the plan for those rooms I showed you earlier."

     "Sure, but what are they for again?" Mottled Petrel grinned "Don't worry about it, also, have someone build a meat hut when they get the chance, it's about time that we start building the foundations of the meat tower".

Migrant wave, for people who asked for a specific profession, do you want me to hold out for koopas that already have skill in it, or if none of them have skill in your desired profession do you want me to take a random one and start training them?


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #829 on: February 04, 2018, 12:51:36 am »

Could I be a swordsspiderkoopa? You have inspired me to create my own modded hell, and for that, I thank you. I might also have spare Raws.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #830 on: February 04, 2018, 09:23:55 am »

i would like to be in the guard if at all possible but i can hold out if theres no immigrants that have anything to do with that profession


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #831 on: February 04, 2018, 03:54:14 pm »

Could I be a swordsspiderkoopa? You have inspired me to create my own modded hell, and for that, I thank you. I might also have spare Raws.
I guess I never really considered that the koopas were basically spiders because they had 8 limbs, but yeah, you can totally be a swordskoopa. I'm also glad to hear that I inspired someone to break dwarf fortress as well, tell me how it goes and I'll try to help you if you have any questions. But be warned, it isn't as simple as download and drop them into the raw folder.

i would like to be in the guard if at all possible but i can hold out if theres no immigrants that have anything to do with that profession
Unfortunately there are a few people ahead of you on the list who asked for military positions, I'll try to get you in this migrant wave though. Chances are, though, that most of the military will be made up of high master threshers and peasants, so if I'm going to dump a useless migrant into the military that might be the one I koopa you as. Fortunately, when you work with 4 weapons at once and jump right into live weapons training you pick up fighting skills pretty fast.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #832 on: February 04, 2018, 06:22:42 pm »

I can already smell the fun from here.

MottledPetrel, could you also make my dwarf a mechanic? i want to be involved in the making of any devious traps that you devise.
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The closest thing Bay12 has to a flamewar is an argument over philosophy that slowly transitioned to an argument about quantum mechanics.
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The trick is to only make predictions semi-seriously.  That way, I don't have a 98% failure rate. I have a 98% sarcasm rate.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #833 on: February 04, 2018, 07:31:15 pm »

Can do. Sorry, I forgot you wanted to be a mechanic. And don't worry, the over complicated death traps will come in time.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #834 on: February 06, 2018, 01:52:45 pm »

I just want to be an animal trainer for pikachu, make them my own war animals, don't need to already be trained in it, and once there are no more pikachu-like creatures around to train, I'll go in the military with my pikachus.

Any chance you could go into the save's raws and make sleeproot's effects only 100 or so ticks, so that anyone else who drinks it will wake up pretty soon? Have no idea what effect this would have on those already sleeping.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
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A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #835 on: February 07, 2018, 06:57:34 pm »

I will be sure to assign you any pikachu-like things we might find, and if we don't get any anytime soon I'll ask the caravan for some. I have no idea if changing the duration of sleeproot stuff will have any effect in the game, but I know it will have no effect on the items already on the map. Personally, I don't think I'd do it regardless, for stability reasons. And speaking of plants with needless syndromes... I whipped up a little thing today...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I haven't been able to test it, but the errorlog says that there's nothing glaringly wrong with it. If anyone finds anything potentially wrong with the code, please tell me so I can fix it. I don't think I'm going to add it to modded hell midway (unless people are feeling particularly sadistic), but this is a taste of things to come...


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #836 on: February 08, 2018, 01:01:41 am »

I don't think it's possible to add new objects to an existing world, though you can add effects to existing plants.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #837 on: February 08, 2018, 07:55:58 pm »

Out in the middle of a field a koopa sits in the middle of a farm plot, scratching his arm.
     'I really need to treat my scales better, all this time out in the sun is making them irritated' Mottled Petrel looks around, supposedly for some scale lotion or something 'Oh, more migrants, guess I should probably deal with them first'. Mottled Petrel gets up and pulls out his clipboard and scribing tools.

     'Oh good, one of them brought a gallade with them' the gallade takes one look at the koopa that crested the hill next to it and immediately runs away 'huh... guess it wasn't trained that well'. The first koopa steps up to Mottled Petrel who is leaning on the wall next to the fort's entrance "Welcome to Modded Hell, the most civilized place for miles, name" "Auze" "Profession" "Planter" "Skills" "Great Grower, magikoopa" "Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" he shiftily looked from side to side "I tried to become a bookkeeper, but there was some... complications with supplies going missing. Hey, you guys don't have any law enforcement here do you?" Mottled Petrel had begun drawing again, he started with a hyper realistic plain setting the scene "Nope, you could be that if you want to. Once we're in a better position you can be the chief wizard, as far as I know his only real job is to beat up criminals. Other than that, you now have all farming jobs." Auze looked surprised "Uh, alright?" "Please, head inside".

     Mottled Petrel began drawing the base of a cylinder rising up from the plain, the next koopa stepped up to him. This koopa had a broken tail that seemed to have been broken intentionally to give it a zigzag shape. On his cheeks were painted on red spots, it would appear that he was trying to look like a pikachu, but didn't come very close. "Name" "PIKA *cough* Pikalord" "Profession" "Animal trainer" "skills" "Great animal trainer, skilled student, novice writer, proficient reader, and talented critical thinker" Mottled Petrel looked up from the cylinder he was drawing at the koopa's broken tail "Critical thinker, right... Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" "There was an altercation when one of the other animal trainers tried to take away one of my babies" "Like, your actual child?" "No, no, one of my precious pikachus" "Where they actually your pets?" "Well... not technically, but I'd like to think that they liked me" Mottled Petrel rolled his eyes as he began to draw a smaller hollow cylinder around the base of his larger cylinder 'Yep, definitely a critical thinker we have here' "Preferences" "Well, I'd like to become a fighter after I find some more precious babies, but until then I'd like to remain an animal trainer" "You can remain an animal trainer, but you will also have all of the animal related skills as well as farming skills". Pikalord walked inside, looking around for anything that even remotely resembled a pikachu.

     Another koopa stepped up "Name" "Nokop" "Skills" "Great carpenter" "Ah, good, all of our carpenters are going to be passed out for the next year. You have all wood related jobs now" Nokop looked like he was expecting more "But, don't you want to ask me why I came here? I've got a whole backstory and this letter of recomen-" "Nope, make me some barrels tables and bins". Mottled Petrel waved him off, and Nokop sullenly walked inside with his head hanging down.

     Next was a koopa that was down on all eight of her limbs, Mottled Petrel failed to notice her until she made a few fake coughs. After that got Mottled Petrel's attention she let out a low hiss, Mottled Petrel didn't know what to make out of it "uh, name?" "TheRedWolf" the koopa said, in a low slightly hissy voice "Skills" "Great milker, Exssspert Ssstudent" Mottled Petrel actually bothered to ask an original question for once "Alright, what the fuck are you doing. Is this your theme or something?" "Can't you sssee? I'm a ssspider, look, I have eight legsss." She twirled around in a little circle on the ground to assert her point, or something "You sound like you're trying to be a snake, spiders don't hiss" She sighed "I know, but ssspidersss make little to no sssound, and what they do make sssoundsss like low clacking. The hissssing isss unrelated, I have a condisssion that makesss all of my Ssss sssoundsss come out like that of a sssnake. It REALLY killsss the ssspider thing I'm going for." "Whatever floats your boat ma'am, why'd you come here anyways?" "My husssband Nokop got a job proposssal or sssomething from the king, apparently this plassse needed carpenterssss becaussse all of them were passssed out. Honessstly, I think I wasss jussst creeping everyone out with my crawling acrosss the sssieling." She looked pretty sad after that last statement "Uh, alright. We don't really have anything to milk, so what do you want to do?" She suddenly looked up with a determined expression on her face "I want to be a ssswordssspider!" "Report to the barracks then. It's directly to your left at the bottom of the ramp. You should be able to find which room it is by the sound of someone being bashed against the walls. Don't worry, I'm hoping the head brute will calm down a little now that there's more people to train with.". TheRedWolf crawled inside after her husband 'He must be one lucky man' Mottled Petrel thought, shaking his head. A dodrio scampered in behind her, presumably her pet.

     Another burly koopa walked up to Mottled Petrel "Name" "SQman" "Skills" "Great wood burner, great flatterer, talented negotiator" "Reason for being sent to Modded Hell" SQman struck a triumphant pose "I, the great executive furnace operator, have been sent by the king to lead this fort to greatness!" Mottled Petrel gave him an unimpressed look "Come on, this is the fort where they send dead beats to work for a living. Besides, you have no furnace operating skill. Why were you really sent here?" SQman let out the air he was holding to pump out his chest in a sigh "As I told you, I'm a great woodburner. I wanted to move up to furnace operating after all the woodburners got layed off because we had enough ash to last the continent for years. Apparently, furnace operating isn't as close to wood burning as I thought it was, so I tried to sell some coal on the side to get myself a livable income. And" SQman spread out his arms "now I'm here!" "Well, we don't really have much skilled work around here. You can keep wood burning, but for the most part you're going to be a fully employed furnace operator. Get down there and smelt me some steel." SQman started to run towards the ramp, but stopped in his tracks with a look of mild panic "Wait! I didn't mean that kind of furnace operating. I have no idea how to smelt, I meant, like, powering a steam engine or something with coal furnace operating." Mottled Petrel didn't even look up from the semi circle he was drawing on top of the large cylinder on his paper "What do you think we are, an industrial complex? We hardly have tables to eat on, much less steam engines of any kind. You've been assigned to smelting, figure it out or ask someone for help. I don't care how the ingots turn out, just that they're made out of the right metal.". SQman lingered for a moment, but eventually walked inside.

     Another koopa walked up "Name" "Nokoopi" "Skills" "Great furnace operator, magikoopa" Mottled Petrel stopped drawing lines on the underside of the semi circle for a second "You wouldn't happen to be here for reasons related to a certain SQman? Would you?" Nokoopi sighed "That tool? Yes, I am here because of him. Instead of just admitting to not having any skill in furnace operating he decided to fabricate a claim that he couldn't work because I was 'harassing him' or something. I hadn't ever even seen him before, but apparently the state believed him, so they sent me with him to here." Mottled Petrel thought for a moment and he tapped his quill against his chin "...You have any idea how to smelt?" "Yes, unlike SQman I doubled in boiler operating and conventional smelting." "Get down there and teach those guys how to smelt please, after that you can smelt without talking to him if you're angry." Nokoopi walked in with an expression that said 'damn right I'm angry'. A sylveon and bannette, probably his pets, walked in behind him.

     Another koopa walked up "Name" "Nuku" "Skills" "Great furnace operator, great-" Mottled Petrel inhaled to say something, but Nuku cut him off before he started "Yes, I'm here because of SQman too. He REALLY upset the order of the furnace operators at the mountainhome. I got the short end of the stick when his first harassment claim didn't work. I'm also a great metalsmith, a great metal crafter, and a magikoopa." "...You can just head inside, I'm sure you know what to do.". Nuku stomped inside, probably to catch up with his fellow furnace operator.

     Another koopa stepped up to Mottled Petrel "Name" "Lord_lemonpie" Mottled Petrel stopped again "what the hell is _ ?" He shrugged "Weird naming system my parents used" "... skills?" "Great lye maker, magikoopa" "I thought you were a guard?" "I was, I got deported here when people found out I didn't actually have any real military skills." "Fair enough, you do know that we're never going to need a great lye maker, right?" he sighed "Yeah, just make me a macekoopa or something" "Macekoopa it is, but this time you're actually going to learn something from it, or you're going to be the training dummy.".

     Another koopa did not walk up to Mottled Petrel 'hmm, is that all of them? All right, guess I should get back to work.' thought Mottled Petrel, as he put the finishing touches on his hyper realistic mushroom drawing. 'It's going to be a nightmare equipping all of these guys with no one with any real weapon or armor making skills'.
We're getting a LOT of magikoopas, and I'm doing my best with doling out koopaings based on desired skills as best as I can. Also, I need some new name ideas for the thread, the distributing of modded hell is getting a bit old, especially considering that adventure mode doesn't even work for some reason.


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #838 on: February 09, 2018, 02:33:51 pm »

"The magikoopas of Modded Hell"?
"The passed-out drunkards of Modded Hell"?
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Re: The Distributing of Modded Hell (Save file up for public playing)
« Reply #839 on: February 09, 2018, 03:36:20 pm »

Spiders would totally hiss if they could. It's really unfair that they can't be as sinister as snakes just because they have no true lungs or throats.
Nice migration wave, no fish cleaners, animal dissectors, or novice poet peasants, and only one lye maker.

Spoiler: Making steel (click to show/hide)
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