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Author Topic: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord  (Read 20421 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #150 on: July 21, 2017, 02:05:33 am »

Ah, you see while it is not the msot optimal I actually like the interesting stories creating artifacts which are linked to our children then sending them out into the wild might create. The idea that each of our children must prove themselves worthy of the artifact that is their twin is pretty awesome.

But I can see how that might not be desirable, in which case it might do to send our husband away for six months and ask him to come right back when we're ready to make an artifcat just for our son.

As for the artifact the idea is crystalising a bit more in my head to make a throne of singing wood and stone, inscribed with the feat of an elf rising above their caste and having their children declared legitimate drow. It draws power from the earth and it's children so it works best for diggers and those that live underground and it simply gives gives a force of personality and great charisma to the owner unless they are sat upon it, in which case their words come close to being inresistable. Get the opal elf to sell it to some digger lord who can use it to build or reinforce their own kingdom.


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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #151 on: July 21, 2017, 02:35:01 am »

What about a crest that is worn on the chest and burrows into the owner.  It is made of bleeding wood, plum copper and wraith leaf and turns the wielders blood into a deadly poison while making them strong against all forms of poison, disease and undead magic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #152 on: July 21, 2017, 01:41:28 pm »

We need to do it fast, so let's just make a decent artifact of something that we have in surplus, like marble. Maybe a ring made of singing wood and inscribed with marble, using the tall ones feat of having his inferior blood accepted by s drow queen

Later on we can make an even better social artifact using our husbands feat and a greater amount of singing wood, and hopefully have a child bound to it as well.

As for people's ideas making cursed artifacts, wouldn't we need troll bones to craft that? I am very much against slaughtering one of the troll children just to make a cursed artifact, or spending money on it, or anything really. It just seems like a waste of resources
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 01:44:32 pm by Dopl »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #153 on: July 21, 2017, 02:42:53 pm »

Yep, it's better forget about the curses.

The problem in using one of the drows feat, is that we will have to deliver to him, or test our willpower. What he does later with the artifact doesn't matter. but HOW give it to the bodyguard hands and make sure it will be delivered?

The problem to using the husband's feat is... that we will have to put it in his hands and take it off later so he will have to be here in the end of the craft. Maybe we can talk in digger language to Ukareen about the child-artifact bonding and make him make a deal right now with the opal drow. "hey, i will do this this and this in an artifact, and my husband want's to buy from you. Don't ask."

Maybe he wouldn't like to have his son bounded by anything, but then we will have to ask him to wait and come in the day that the artifact is finished, to touch it and touch... us(?)

(I don't know you guys, i always laugh hard when i use singular or "we" to describe the guy/girl we are suggesting. "Our husband" "my child" make me notice that somewhere in my brain is still a kid )
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #154 on: July 21, 2017, 03:01:16 pm »

I don't think using the bodygaurd's deed is such a problem, we can simply arrange it with the princess and it shouldn't be a a significant cost for her assuming the bodyguard is loyal to her. It is at least worth asking if that's a possibility.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #155 on: July 21, 2017, 03:10:03 pm »

I'm still voting artifact that gives wisdom, intelligence, political/persuasive ability, etc., based on Ukareem's feat. Because THAT is a better option than risking a manipulate lunatic who is good at threatening (Did we ever learn if said bodyguard convince the Beetle Queen based on persuasiveness...or threats?)
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #156 on: July 21, 2017, 03:30:54 pm »

We could ask Ukareem to recieve the artifact and deliver it to the opal elf princess. But I think there's a lot of reasons why he might not like that, given it will be his name and deeds written all over the thing. If we explained that our child would likely find a way to inherit it it might sweeten the deal.

That said I believe we have more to lose politically and practically by using Ukareem's deed, after all a manipualtive threatining lunatic of a child is still a child with important social skills, they just have to be taught to use the skills and nature they are made with in a way that doesn't burn them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #157 on: July 21, 2017, 04:38:37 pm »

I'm still voting artifact that gives wisdom, intelligence, political/persuasive ability, etc., based on Ukareem's feat. Because THAT is a better option than risking a manipulate lunatic who is good at threatening (Did we ever learn if said bodyguard convince the Beetle Queen based on persuasiveness...or threats?)
You realize we're giving the artifact to her no matter which feat we use right? I'd rather save our husbands feat as a gift for him or his child, the only difference is one convinced a queen to keep his kid, and the other United a shitload of races, the second seems like the more impressive and useful to me, so I want to save it for a grand creation, which we can't do with the time we have to deliver the artifact, just have the stipulation that the body guard must be the one to receive it from us


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #158 on: July 22, 2017, 12:24:26 am »

"What makes the Skin Cutter Nymphs unique among the bedroom killers is that they truly love their victims.
They only kill because they truly believe their lovers are better off as upholstery than as troubled mortals.
I suppose that if the rumors are true, and that their crafts remain self aware, their outlook is not altogether wrong;
Sign me up for an eternity as some ageless, promiscuous, and omnisexual beauty's undergarments or bedding."

-'Killer of the Season: Subterranean Flesh Strippers', Gentleman's Quarterly, Issue 8 - 3

Smith Lord Aurora Wordfire, Refuge Queen of Silent Hammers, Empress Consort of the Southernfrost, and Queen Consort of Bedlamb and the Marble City
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Refuge City of Silent Hammers
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"I think all I will need initially from this room is a bit of that singing wood," you declare after some thought. You are not sure what you wish to make quite yet, but are fairly certian it will be an artifact to boost some digger lord's social skills, using either you husband's or the tall opal elf's social feat as fodder.

"Very well," Princess Truffle declares, "then we shall go and draw up the contract."


You have Ukareem negotiate the exact contract for you, and you find the terms to be profitable, if not a bit harsh should you fail to deliver. The Opal Elves will front you one unit of singing wood, which you will include in an artifact to be delivered to them within the next six months. In exchange, the Opal Elves will turn over the rest of the resources confiscated from the Pinewoods elves to you, and pay you 15% of the sale price if they manage to find a buyer for the artifact within the next five years. Should you fail to provide the artifact on time, you forfeit your right to a 15% cut and must pay the opal elves 3 Wealth or 5 Magical Resources for each month the artifact is late should you wish to recieve the stockpile. You manage to include in the contract that Nazier Wildshroom (the tall one with the firearm) must be the one to accept delivery, freeing you up to use one of his feats if you so choose.

Both Princess and Smith Lord sign the document, which is wittnesed by the halfling Donna Sherry. All parties involved receive a copy. Hands are shaken, singing wood is loaded onto the hobbit's wagons, and your party departs the narrow canyon.


As you travel, you spend more time talking with Ukareem. You explain that he may wish to leave your side once you return home. The prophecy of embers revealed that your first child is fated to chase down and somehow try to obtain the artifact you were making while he was conceived, developed, and birthed. "Perhaps your heir should wait until I have time to make an artifact that I can give to you or him as a gift. That way he dosn't do anything stupid to try and get it when he grows up."

Ukareem laughs, showing the traditional dwarven bravado that he does his best to suppress when those not of his race are around. "Please! Send it far! If he isn't able to pry an heirloom from some damn drugar, he isn't worthy to rule the empire his father and grandfather built!"


Your last planned stop is to visit with a small pod of skin cutter nymphs, a race you have studied in depth due to their frequent production of artifacts. They are an ancient fey race, far older than you and the other first diggers, and are said to have invented tanning and leather-work. They are said to produce their crafts by skinning their mortal lovers alive and compelling their souls to remain in their flesh as it is tanned and cut. Most fey creatures and races that appear to by hybrids of beasts and humanoid females are of their creation, and they themselves are said to be great cavern monsters stuffed inside of woman shaped artifact leather outfits.

The pod actually dwells very close to Silent Hammers, living just beneath the far shore of predator lake, which borders your city-walls. As you aproach a seemingly long and narrow stretch of tunnel near your destination, Donna Sherry speaks up. "Tunnel is Fay Maze. Once in, we at their mercy. Usually long tunnel passes and we meet pod in less than minute. Is cool, no?"


Three hours later, you find yourself lost, alone, and fusterated. Despite following directly behind the Donna's men, and being shadowed by your own troops, you somehow managed to lose everybody. Just as you are about to give up hope, you spot a strange figure before you.

He is human, male, and completely naked. His skin is tattoo'd into labled sections, like one of those diagrams depicting which cuts of meat are extracted from which parts of a livestock animal's body. The labels are written in a fancy form of fey script which you can't quite understand, but you are pretty sure most of his torso is labeled 'bedroll' and his forehead 'daughter'.

The man bows before you, and speaks in perfect diggertounge. "My mistresses extend their apologies Smith Lord. As your craft-work is vastly superior to their own, they do not feel worthy of being in your presence. As such, they had to isolate you so that they might buy drugs from the hobbit and trade stories with your husband."

He gestures over his shoulder, and another figure emerges from the shadows: a female drow, just as naked and marked up as the human. She carries a large basket, which she leaves at your feet before vanishing as quickly as she appeared.

"As tributes to the mighty Smith Lord, my mistresses offer three gifts and three instructions." The speaker explains as you go through the basket, which contains nothing more than three large chunks of thin leather.

"The first gift is the flesh and soul of a brave elf sailor, who won the hearts of my mistresses by braving the storm they conjuored to punish his people. The first instruction is to take this sailor and work him with your deft hands and other treasures to make an artifact garment, the size and shape of a female hill giant. Then you, or the person whose deed is inscribed upon the garment, must travel to predator lake, capture a live dire orca, and force the beast into the artifact. Do this and the beasts of predator lake will yield to your whims."

He frowns, noting the shock on your face. "My mistresses apologize for not seducing you, if that is what troubles your heart. Your craftskill is too great, and your fate to heavy, for them to grant you peace and eternity by their knives."

"No... no... Its not that. Go on with the gifts."

"As you wish, Smith Lord," the human continues, "The second gift is the flesh and soul of a human princess so chaste and virtuous that she submitted to the knives of my mistresses without even partaking in their pleasure beds first. The second instruction is to take this princess and work her with your deft hands and other treasures to make an artifact garment, the size and shape of a female digger. This artifact is to inscribed with the great deed of one of your own children, who walks a wicked path or faces a grim destiny. Make the wayward offspring wear the artifact, and they will be struck down, and at once reincarnated as a fey being, purged of all ill fate and intent. Your reborn daughter will be kin to both yourself and my mistresses, which will allow them to make her their queen and become your vassals."

"If the thought of visiting a fey people and leaving unpleased breaks your heart, myself or any of the other knife-ready would gladly show you around the bedrooms and pleasure chambers," He adds, continuing to misinterpret your reaction to his claims.

"Diggers don't seek pleasure outside of marriage, boy," you snap, "Now what is the third gift?"

"As it pleases you... The third gift is the flesh and soul of a dwarf champion so loyal that she demanded my mistresses spare her liege and seduce her for the knife instead. The third instruction is to take this champion and work her with your deft hands and other treasures to make an artifact garment, suited to protect one of your own loyal underlings from harm. Inscribe this artifact not with a mighty deed, but with a statement of your own will to survive. You shall never have to question the loyalty of the first champion who wears this artifact, and unless you take excessive risks with their life, they will stand at your side at the dire moment your are preparing for."

"...Are you sure you don't need some private attention?" He asks, still misinterpreting the look of awe on your face, "If people are not your thing, my mistresses do keep a handful of particularly well endowed unicorns."

"Yeah..." You sigh, "I'll be leaving now." You pick up the basket, turn away, and find yourself at once surrounded by your husband, troops, and halfling friend.


You arrive back home a little more than 24 hours later. You spot a strange wagon parked outside the building where you live and hold court, and a strange black and yellow hornet person standing next to it. "Oh Smith Lord!" he calls, "Over here!"

For some reason, your guards completely ignore this, causing the speaker to laugh. "Invisibility magic. You are the only one who can see me or my things right now. I was told by a particularly delishous messenger that you were looking to see me? How could I pass that honor up? As an artifact collector, I am a huuuuuuuuuuge fan of yours darling."

The creature, who you now assume must be the Eastvile drone, produces a Bronze scepter encrusted with diamonds, bloodstone, and dire mamouth hoof. "You recognize this, right? See, hugeeeeeee fan!"

You recognize the scepter of course. You spent nearly a quarter century making it back before the World Weld sped up your artifact production. Digger's Lament was crafted for Yurzi the Lord of Pyromancy. It was an apology of sorts for... failing to let him down gently... when he proposed marriage to you at the massive 1500th birthday party the first diggers threw for themselves at the oven of origin. The various colored diamonds provide a slight enhancement to almost any magical school one could think of, but it is the other components that worry you now. The Bronze enhances fire magic greatly, the bloodstone make it particularly lethal to diggers, and the hoof allows any spell cast with the device to strike with the phyiscal force of a charging mega beast...

Assuming his skill in Pyromancy is even decent, the Eastvile Drone could easily decimate both your city and its population by combining the scepter's power with his illusion magic to avoid counter attacks.

"I was soooooooooo glad when I found out you were my new neighbor," he exclaims with a devilish grin as he saunters up to you, wraps his three right arms around you in a 'friendly' manner, and casually rests the business end of his artifact scepter several inches from your face. "We are going to have so much fun together, darling!"

"Let me guess," you reply, trying and failing to maintain stoic composure, "you want me to fix an artifact trident from before the dawn of time?"

"Wow!" He exclaims, applauding with two of his right hands, "You are already reading my mind! We must have been made to be best friends!"

The Eastvile Drone escorts you to his wagon, to show you the goods. The Trident is massive, fit for somebody 30-40 feet tall, and severed into three pieces. It is decorated with lead, platinum, and a strange icy-blue substance suspect is Bitfrost, the ice of the anti-gods that covered the earth before creation. The weapon itself is made of a metal that is yellow-gold in color and (rather shockingly) completely unknown to you.

Considering the problem of repairing it, you have two options. The first, and more mundane solution, would be spend some time studying the material before drafting a plan to fix it. Assuming the material can be worked by heat and hammer, you would likely need a foundry and a few LU of workers to actually carry out such a large repair job in a reasonable time frame. Perhaps you could use this opportunity to extort construction materials and labor out of your new 'friend'.

The other option would be to reforge the artifact as your own. Between the might of the world weld, and your skill at entering craft trances, you have no doubt that inscribing a feat would allow you to master the materials that make up the trident, reforge it down into a weapon of more manageable size while still retaining its magical properties, and add materials and properties of your own. This route comes with two distinct advantages; First and foremost, it would allow you a degree of influence and surveillance over the clearly dangerous Eastvile Drone. Secondly, shaving it down to a size he could use would leave you with spare materials. The downside here is that, since this situation is so unique, you have no way of knowing how long you would be entranced for.

The very thought of working on such a project fills you with glee, despite the behavior of your sponsor, and also refreshes your resolve. "Impressive toy." You reply with a solem nod, "I'll think about helping you with it." With that, you pull yourself free from the drone's embrace and enter your lodgings.

"Don't keep you biggest fan waiting for too long, darling!" He calls as you walk away, waving the dangerous scepter in your general direction.


Soil Survey Progress Report:
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Progress Report from Brick Caravan:
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Labor Report from Dung Heap Farm:
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Monthly Report:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #159 on: July 22, 2017, 01:25:36 am »

>Send a messenger to our friend who needed rather nice cooking implements for his daughter in-law, Asking him how much the people least interested in us having a decent industry are "worth" in his opinion.
>Start work on a piece of artifact jewelry which includes Singing wood and Marble, Which includes Nazier Wildshroom's feat of having his offspring declared legitimate.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #160 on: July 22, 2017, 10:14:19 am »

Holy luck.


Werebeing/predator lake stuff:

-Ask Ukareen if the monks he is offering also train people to control their inner beasts
-If yes make an offer to the county, ask him to keep our werebirds in their cellar, offer an possibility to buy the region after the lake (now that we have how to control it's beasts.) and say that you will be building there a place to train a anti-werebeing force that not only hunt but also train people to control their beasts, a thing that will benefit both of us as none of us want wild werebeings, and both of us want's more nice troops.
-Of course we ask first for the dungeon and the land first, and offer this communitary thing as a method of payment.

Whores from satanic drows:

a) Invite them for the city saying that we need a brothel if they could treat it's DST's and SMASH THEIR HEADS AGAINST THE WALL
b) Someone send diggers and human soldiers to kill them FAST or we will not produce 100%. If we send goblins we attract that bugbear, if we send non-diggers the sluts come.

Neptune and his bloodstones:
-Tell him that we are pleased, but kicking the humans is not an option, tell that we are revising the city plans to find somewhere nice to put his workshop.
-Tell him we can part with the resources to make the workshop, maybe he won't need so much wealth to do it.

the Brick caravan:
-Put the ratio of 1:4 drivers/goblin and hire 1 whatever Lu.
-Give the wealth, cause we don't want problems with the humans and we need to be trusted by them.

Hobbit :
(As Crazyabes said) >Send a messenger to our friend who needed rather nice cooking implements for his daughter in-law, Asking him how much the people least interested in us having a decent industry are "worth" in his opinion.
Maybe we  need to start thinking in having some kind of spymaster, Maybe Donna would love "legalize" her business,put someone have a power of speech in the "halflings" name, and take care of knifes in our back, especially if she kills those who oppose us in her business, she managed to infiltrate our court anyway. (this way we might unblock some buildings)

Trident from eastdrone vile:

-We could offer the option . One will take time and we will need to grab more resources and labor from him. Other may be cheaper, but it will take indefinite time.
-He must make an offer on the repair. And something worth it.

Artifact for the opal elves:
(As crazyabes said) >Start work on a piece of artifact jewelry which includes Singing wood and Marble, Which includes Nazier Wildshroom's feat of having his offspring declared legitimate.
-Something about improving social skills, that will affect positively our son.

Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #161 on: July 22, 2017, 01:51:07 pm »

Hobbit :
(As Crazyabes said) >Send a messenger to our friend who needed rather nice cooking implements for his daughter in-law, Asking him how much the people least interested in us having a decent industry are "worth" in his opinion.
Maybe we  need to start thinking in having some kind of spymaster, Maybe Donna would love "legalize" her business,put someone have a power of speech in the "halflings" name, and take care of knifes in our back, especially if she kills those who oppose us in her business, she managed to infiltrate our court anyway. (this way we might unblock some buildings)
I Was thinking we might want to ask "Branding Iron" I mean, yes he is the leader of the assassins guild, thats just another reason to consider keeping him close. And because he controls the assassins, we might be able to get a good estimate on how much it would cost to have some of the more... annoying people (The Don against industry and/or the Whores) cooked.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #162 on: July 22, 2017, 04:58:19 pm »

I can safely describe that trip as "strange."

Okay, so we need to get our affairs in order to vanish for a few months. Let's put Ukareem in charge of getting Count Chance to let us quarantine werebeings in his dungeon; we know he'll get a good deal for us. For that matter, we should just leave him in charge in general, he'll be pretty good at managing things

Strongly disapprove of violence against the whores. We need to assimilate as many people as possible against the drow, which becomes difficult when you start assassinating random brothels because they annoy you and/or are drow.

I suppose there's no harm in asking, but I don't see the point in assassinating the troublesome Dons. Just ignore them, build up industry anyway, and then when they put the squeeze on us we squeeze right back. If that escalates, then we savagely murder them all, but at that point we're likely dismantling their entire guild with military force anyway.

Singing Wood and Marble are good artifact components. I really want to throw in Steel or Bronze also; three components should be safe, just not guaranteed, and we can sort of afford the 5 wealth penalty or whatever it was if things go poorly.

Lemme get our next few months roughed out:

Next Month
Work Dung Heap Farm
-2 LU Slutty Human Commoners
-2 LU Slutty Hobbit Commoners
-2 LU Mixed/Assorted Diggers With Superior Taste In Whores
-2 FU Slutty Human Phalanx (guards)

Haul Bricks
-6 LU Halfling Commoners
-2 LU Goblin Slaves (free)
-1 LU Hobgoblin Slavedrivers (free)

Survey Soil
-4 LU Mixed/Assorted Diggers

Construct Brick Quarry At Oddearth Cliffs
-3 LU Goblin Slaves (free)
-6 LU Mixed/Assorted Diggers
-2 LU Halfling Commoners
-4 LU Human Phalanx (guards)

Total 30 (paid) L/FU: -6 Food

Expect +6 Food, +2 Wealth, Quarry 10/30, all bricks transferred, soil survey complete

Month After Next
Work Dung Heap Farm
-2 LU Slutty Human Commoners
-2 LU Slutty Hobbit Commoners
-2 LU Mixed/Assorted Diggers With Superior Taste In Whores
-2 FU Slutty Human Phalanx (guards)

Construct Brick Quarry At Oddearth Cliffs
-5 LU Goblin Slaves (free)
-1 LU Hobgoblin Slavedrivers (free)
-8 LU Mixed/Assorted Diggers
-6 LU Halfling Commoners
-4 LU Human Phalanx (guards)

Trade Wealth For Bricks At Goldears (Or Whatever It's Called, What Do You Want From Me I'm A Smith Not A Cartographer)
-1 LU Highborn Drugar
-1 LU Highborn Dwarves

Survey nearby valley
-1 LU Educated Drugar Acolytes
-1 FU Goblin Warslaves (free)
-1 FU Weremule Warmonks (free)

Ensure Lack of Religious Incidents Between Locals And Educated Drugar Acolytes
-1 FU Goblin Warslaves (free)

Total 35 (paid) L/FU: -7 Food

Expect +6 Food, +2 Wealth, Quarry completed, probably progress made towards buying more bricks, slight progress made surveying the nearby valley

Every Month Afterwards, Presumably
Work Dung Heap Farm
-2 LU Slutty Human Commoners
-2 LU Slutty Hobbit Commoners
-2 LU Mixed/Assorted Diggers With Superior Taste In Whores
-2 FU Slutty Human Phalanx (guards)

Work New Quarry
-Max LU working, presumably goblin slaves and some diggers if there's room
-3 FU Goblin Warslaves (free)

Trade Wealth For Bricks In Goldears
-Whatever labor is required to secure deals and haul goods, at Ukareem's discretion

Survey Human Valley
-Any highborn/educated diggers we can get for 'free' based on current LU/food cost breakpoints (28 LU means 2 free highborn, 30 LU means none, etc)
-1 FU Goblin Warslaves (free, if they cause problems with the locals swap out for human phalanx and reduce diggers by 1)
-1 FU Weremule Warmonks (free)

Total 8 (paid) L/FU, plus maxed quarry, plus traders, rounded out by highborn/educated surveyers: -2 Food minimum, likely higher

Expect +6 Food, +2 Wealth, stone of some variety and quantity, progress of some sort on brick purchasing, likely progress at valley surveying
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #163 on: July 23, 2017, 02:45:33 am »

+1 to irony.

Apart from the artifact components, not only is it important for us to complete the artifact on time (it demonstrates that we keep our word and are reliable, also there's a lot of other stuff that needs our attention) and this is a good opportunity to see what sort of power level a two component artifact looks like, if they don't lose too much power compared to artifacts with many components then we may want to create artifacts which are less versatile in the future, especially if we are givng them away.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #164 on: July 23, 2017, 03:06:34 am »

I suppose there's no harm in asking, but I don't see the point in assassinating the troublesome Dons. Just ignore them, build up industry anyway, and then when they put the squeeze on us we squeeze right back. If that escalates, then we savagely murder them all, but at that point we're likely dismantling their entire guild with military force anyway.
I Was thinking less along the lines of All the troublesome Dons, and more along the lines of the most vocal/powerful.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.
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