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Author Topic: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord  (Read 20414 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #180 on: July 25, 2017, 02:10:34 pm »

The megaproject isn't to control predators though, it's to hurt the drow, I'm all for it, but I think for now we should just not do anything with that location, leave our options open


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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #181 on: July 25, 2017, 05:14:07 pm »

"If time is the salve that heals all wounds,
Money is the potent healing magic that mends them quickly."

-Inscribed upon the Doors of the Great Dwarven Bank

Smith Lord Aurora Wordfire, Refuge Queen of Silent Hammers, Empress Consort of the Southernfrost, and Queen Consort of Bedlamb and the Marble City
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Refuge City of Silent Hammers
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You pay a visit to the local dark pits, and have all the Hobgoblin drivers gathered to hear your address. You open by congratulating their hard work, before reminding them that not everybody assigned to work under them is a weak-willed goblin peon. "Us diggers are willing to work hard, but we do very much value breaks to sleep and enjoy some good ale, and are not so keen on 'motivational' beatings. If you lot find yourselves in charge again, keep that in mind. Next time I'll give the guards permission to beat you back if you mistreat non-goblins."

The Drivers all nod in agreement. Some even apologize.


Back home, you summon Bort and instruct him to distribute two units of wealth from the treasury to those who were abused by the goblin drivers. The Hill Giant nods, and crawls under the tiny door to your chambers to go carry out his duties.


You ponder your options for following up on Trumil's investigation. Prince Neptune is the first person who springs to mind, as he was at one point responsible for running his father's dungeons. His methods, however, would likely involve rounding up everybody in the boarding house and tormenting them until the sorcerer spills the beans. It might just be more humane to round them all up, ship them to Count Chance, and see who turns into a were-eagle should you choose to go that route.

Although she lacks the social skills, your personal physician Liula may know enough of anatomy to pick out somebody with sorcerously unusual ancestry based on physical appearance. Liula, however, is only 55, which for an elf means she is barely out of childhood; A skilled sorcerer could pose quite a serious threat to her, but then again the same is true for almost anybody.

You could, of course, tackle the problem with a larger-scale solution, and deploy several LU of your more educated citizens to get to the bottom of the sorcerer's identity.


While trying to sleep, you spend some time pondering the Tiger Heads. By appearance, they are literally pre-divide diggers with the head of a tiger on their shoulders. They most commonly live in jungles and other tropical areas on the surface, although many amoung their numbers are wanderers and can be found almost anywhere.

Your personal experience with Tiger Heads has been entirely positive. Back in the old days, when it would take you decades to make even simple artifacts, it was members of their race who would most commonly attend to you while you were entranced. During the early days of the bloodwar, when it was feared that either the dwarves or drugar would attempt to claim the Oven of Origin by force, several clans of their kind served as your personal protectors. You would even go so far as to say they bear some responsibility for the World Weld; Tiger Heads are physiologically incapable of normal speech, and thus communicate with roars and writing. It was your desire to communicate with your bodyguards during the war that eventually lead you to first become literate.

The hatred directed towards them stems from the fact that, like many minority races, they were excommunicated from worshiping the digger gods. While this alone is pretty damning, the alternative religion they came up with made matters much worse. As opposed to deities, the Tiger Heads worship artifacts. The chief pillar of their faith is that it is not their purpose to create, but to exalt the creation of other diggers; Because of this Tiger Heads refuse to partake in most forms of honest labor, and most make their livings as criminals and mercenaries. In recent centuries, as fewer and fewer diggers allowed them access to artifacts to worship, the Tiger Heads have taken to actively aligning themselves with enemies of the dwarves and drugar, in hopes of claiming artifacts by force.

Another tenant of the Tiger Head faith, however, is to protect and serve the great craftsfolk among the first diggers, so you have no doubt that they could be trusted if you could get your other citizens to not revolt over their presence.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #182 on: July 25, 2017, 05:53:53 pm »

I'm not clear on why they were forbidden from worshiping the digger gods, but as a creation of them, could we not allow the tiger heads to worship the digger gods again? If they wish to continue worship of artifacts, there's no shortage of honest work we could offer them: merchants, soldiers, and bodyguards to name a few. This might be speciest, but I'd bet they make great fishermen. Am I just being to optimistic about this? Cause given what we are I see know reason for the digger races to be against accepting then if they returned to the digger gods. Maybe we should just establish a colony for them and the other races that are fine with them at the lake once we make it safe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #183 on: July 26, 2017, 01:18:48 am »

We should have Ukareem deliver a nice speech to our populace about tolerance and unity, to hopefully smooth things over regarding the Tiger Heads. We should also go visit the Tiger Heads personally.

We should bid on the bricks. If it's a silent single big, I'm thinking...12-15, maybe? That'd be most of our money, but at ~1:6 or 1:5 plus our own transportation, we probably have decent odds of winning. We could go lower and hope the bulk and hassle of transport win out, but 75 is almost a whole fortress and quarry on its own, so I'd personally be willing to waste a few wealth more. Conversely, I feel like going higher is probably a waste.

I feel like 6 wealth is a good bid for the wood, because it's all we have left and 1:10 is probably about all we'd want to pay for woods, many of which we can't use to their fullest potential because we're not advanced elves. Put another way, I don't expect to win it and won't mind when we don't.

Lemme get some numbers up so we can massage them a bit. Quick points:

-Yes to more guards for the farm
-Towers are for chumps, quarry gets a Dark Fortress to defend it, produce more goblins, and serve as our first staging area for wrecking the drow's shit
-I mean, it does once we get the materials for it; we should get another quarry in the meantime, to speed that up
-I think we should build up our outer infrastructure (that is, food/stone generation) before worrying about excavating under the city

Ye Glorious Plan
Work Dung Heap Farm
-2 LU Mixed/Assorted Diggers
-2 LU Halfling Commoners
-2 LU Human Commoners
-4 FU Human Phalanx (guard)

Work Oddearth Quarry
-5 LU Goblin Slaves (free, stone if we have to choose a material)
-1 LU Hobgoblin Drivers (free, stone)
-2 LU Mixed/Assorted Diggers (stone)
-5 FU Goblin Warslaves (free, guard)

Build Brick Quarry at Oddearth Cliffs
-8 LU Assorted/Mixed Diggers

Investigate Suspicious Inn
-Liula, personal physician
-Weremule Warmonks (free)

20 (paid) F/LU: -4 Food
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #184 on: July 26, 2017, 01:23:18 am »

I think we should send a message, suggesting we may be willing to "Pay" the lion heads with artifacts, were they to work as guards in the areas beyond our city, and would be willing to meet with them if they would like to discuss how that would work.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #185 on: July 26, 2017, 06:42:12 am »

We should not have our husband say anything about the lion heads yet.

We can get away with having a few out of the way areas (the valley) for the odd digger races, thanks to us being an eccentric first digger, but we need to help heal the main divide between dwarf and drugeor before we go out and try to end racism in general.

12 gold is more per brick then we paid for the other shipment, I would not go higher then that.  If we fail the bid we sell some opal elf stuff.

We need to talk to the count about developing the valley.  Maybe a contract to develop the valley with us keeping civil ownership of anything we build.  That leaves the valley technically under the ruler ship of the count, and human laws on the odd digger race and human citizens, but we get the benefit of anything we do.

That poor foundation land is just ripe for a village that gathers clay and bakes it into bricks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #186 on: July 26, 2017, 11:20:39 am »

Just a quick housekeeping note: I'm going to be traveling on busniess through Sunday, and I doubt I will have internet while I'm away. I should still be able to follow the thread on my phone, and write a turn by pre-loading a reply page on my Chromebook, but if I don't have web access, I won't be able to post anything until I get back home.

I might actually write some lore dumps to keep busy, and to keep me focused on the game. (Lots of my SGs die because I get separated from the web/lack time to write, lose focus, and think of something else I want to write about when I get back to b12). Any particular area you guys want lore on?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #187 on: July 26, 2017, 11:24:39 am »


Who are they, how do they act, where are they, why are they doing what they do, and what do they look like?

Other than that, brief history? More on this mysterious digger split and the war that resulted from it?
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
  • ded
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #188 on: July 26, 2017, 11:37:59 am »

Races would be great to learn about, I'd also like to learn what a lot of the more common materials clue be used for in crafting an artifact


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #189 on: July 26, 2017, 11:58:16 am »

Okay, a dark fortress is great, we already have a bugbear. supplying our quarry with workers and stealing their monsters is nice.

If the count accept this civilian ownership we might want to begin the building of fishing villages and the monastery there while we work on the artifact for controlling the predators. Only we could fish in the lake and maybe we could use the orca as a defensive unit hehehe

He might ask for a tax if we put all the defensive stuff in his hands. But i think the bunch of fish we get we could greatly increase food production, and we need a bit of that. (other option could be produce a second fungal farm)

About the bid, how much is really worth depend on how much people is bidding, i never trusted lottery :v (If we ever get an overwhelm of resources we could do our own auction, imagine how much wealth we can gain)

about lore:

Races, the reasons for the split maybe some geography about the surrounding nations around us right now or the oven of creation
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #190 on: July 26, 2017, 03:57:14 pm »

I'd be interested to hear about the digger gods and the gods of others.

And on a more personal but less relevant to the game question, some more stories of the deeds of the first diggers would be pretty awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #191 on: July 26, 2017, 05:47:29 pm »

We should not have our husband say anything about the lion heads yet.

We can get away with having a few out of the way areas (the valley) for the odd digger races, thanks to us being an eccentric first digger, but we need to help heal the main divide between dwarf and drugeor before we go out and try to end racism in general.
He's leaving soon, so it's now or whenever he gets back. I'm not so sure on the second point; it might be easier to try to mellow everyone out all at once than hand-weld each specific schism.

We need to talk to the count about developing the valley.  Maybe a contract to develop the valley with us keeping civil ownership of anything we build.  That leaves the valley technically under the ruler ship of the count, and human laws on the odd digger race and human citizens, but we get the benefit of anything we do.

That poor foundation land is just ripe for a village that gathers clay and bakes it into bricks.
If the count accept this civilian ownership we might want to begin the building of fishing villages and the monastery there while we work on the artifact for controlling the predators. Only we could fish in the lake and maybe we could use the orca as a defensive unit hehehe

He might ask for a tax if we put all the defensive stuff in his hands. But i think the bunch of fish we get we could greatly increase food production, and we need a bit of that. (other option could be produce a second fungal farm)
I'm not too keen on expanding into the valley yet, in part because even with Chance's borrowed soldiers, our military is stretched a bit thin as is. Between getting food from somewhere we're already defending and getting food from somewhere we'd need more troops for, I'm inclined to go with the former.

Building space is a different matter, but I feel like raw materials and food are way bigger bottlenecks to infrastructure at the moment.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #192 on: July 27, 2017, 08:29:20 am »

Stumbled uppon this gem of a game yesterday and have been reading it since.

I would like more information about the Trolls and what kinds of  halfbreeds exist.

Also - can we still buy the kidneystones to work with - kidney stones and bleeding wood bathtub that evolves and strengthens anyone that bathes in it related to the liquid that was used - give it to the dragon as a present. - she might be interested to turn her boy into a half dragon.

If only we took bleeding wood and Plum Copper instead. Now that this one is done we can make another soon - maybe with a feat of the drow prostitutes, we should definitely invite. Maybe one is an estranged princess of one of the queens...
We could create a two months artifact pendant that would make it impossible for anyone wearing it to have miscarriages and increase the chance to have your eggs fertilized and splitting into more feti to 100% while also protecting any eggs from going bad - then have the opal elves sell it to the beetle queens and see them have octouplets when they were trying to abort the child. the result would be to have 20 or more heiresses to a specific throne going to war in two decades, of course we will have to manipulate the wearer to want to raise all the children and sell it to another queen.
"anyone to wear this at any point will be forced to carry their many children until birth and seek out more potential fathers for one month. The mother and their children will become resilient to harm and non-digger influences and will always seek power through their machinations." - sell it as "it protects mothers and their children from harm and makes them prosper, physically and mentally".
let them breed out the demon worship in a few decades - a nice long term goal, yes?

about the drow prostitutes - how much would curing them of the DSTD cost? getting a whorehouse with indebted drow near the border might actually pay - our spymaster, Donna Sherry should she accept, will run it, of course. A source of income that increases morale and gathers intelligence. Use sulfur in it's construction (damm(n)ing material?) I am pretty sure that a demon of lust is not interested in causing any apocalypse, so getting one of them on our side might be beneficial.
In addition the idea of a whorehouse being a temple to a demon of lust amuses me greatly.

About the Drone having a weapon that is especially good at harming diggers - so are crossbow bolts to the face and swords to the neck - or in his case: Nukes kill cities - nukes that are 100% more effective against people are rarely needed, because they are nukes to begin with.
In a world with city walls said walls should have some runes against siege magic.
Having a siege engine on our side would be nice, so - no troll bones in the trident. If we have to name the material - celestial bronze might work.

more quick artifact ideas - i suggest creating one of these between every second turn:
Bleeding wood staff with a plum copper core for Trumil, the slime witch - any of her feats related to her magic. allows to summon and control slimes related to the area and makes the summons permanent if they eat their body weight in mass.

Heart shaped Deep Sapphire amulet with a marble frame for All-Lord Ukareem - his unifying political feat. Will make every living creature that sees him more peaceful and make others blind to acts of magic by the wearer. Also grants a will based charming magic.

A Cloak of woven steel and a living wood clamp that prevents it's wearer from feeling fear and protects him from harm in equal measure to how much fear he should feel for our scared husband, so he stops fearing the dons.

A pair of mithril, steel and singing wood wedding rings for Nolok and Silkdread - they are used with the troll slaying feats and are thereafter your personal guards. It makes them aware to danger to each other and to you and protects them while fighting against said danger.
Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master
--Alpha Centauri ,Pravin Lal


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #193 on: July 27, 2017, 08:38:46 am »

Half lore/half mechanics: Any additional common materials (or uncommon that we would reasonably know of) and their properties when used as an artifact ingredient?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Rise of the Smith Lord
« Reply #194 on: July 27, 2017, 03:35:16 pm »

I agree on the whorehouse idea, but making that many artifacts will take a lot of time, time we need to dedicate to establishing our rule. As well as the fact that I'd rather not piss off the drone with a nuke who expects us to fix an artifact for him. I would love to make a set of wedding rings, but if we do we should make them normally. If we make an artifact using the troll hunting feat, I feel we should use a large number of troll based materials and make a weapon fr her to wield. (Like oh I don't know, a Massive sword capable of tearing people caught in its swing in two)
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