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Author Topic: Archmage: The Blood of Magic  (Read 13716 times)


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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #90 on: March 29, 2017, 01:56:52 am »

A few questions, once a Mage has become fully developed at a age of 10; they can basically do every action an Archmage can do except research? Also would these newly developed Mages need an established spell before they go out and do some Magic Practicing?


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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #91 on: March 29, 2017, 02:09:14 am »

A few questions, once a Mage has become fully developed at a age of 10; they can basically do every action an Archmage can do except research? Also would these newly developed Mages need an established spell before they go out and do some Magic Practicing?
Regular Mages cannot research,  correct. They also can't reproduce until 18, because no. They also need a spell to practice with to gain the benefit.

Finally,  at any point the Archmage can pass on the Artifact to another family member. They will become a regular Mage again and have the action list of one. A Mage cannot pick up the Artifact a second time, baring extenuating circumstances.


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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #92 on: March 29, 2017, 03:06:40 am »



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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #93 on: March 29, 2017, 02:47:58 pm »

Year 9: Invasion of the Eastern Hillmen

Almost without hesitation, six of the Archmages responded to the call. Only Count Tridian remained behind, for surely someone must always be present to guard the Seal. Each Archmage dusted off their arms and armour, packed for the worst and left that very day in preparation for final muster. By nightfall, they had each set up camp just outside the walls of the capital.

The sun had just risen to clear the trees when the army was given the order to march. Being individuals of some importance, the Archmages were one of the first groups to leave, ahead of the infantry and the choking column of dust that large bodies of men always seem to create. According to the two officers who just so happened to be talking within earshot, two thousand men were on the move, of which about six hundred was cavalry.

Two weeks later just before midday, the army crossed the Sennix, a slow, meandering river that traipsed its way south. They had finally entered the low-country. Beyond, scouts could be seen riding out towards the horizon, navigating around small copses of trees and the occasional stone wall. That night, you received an official invitation to the command tent. Presumably the King had remembered the aces he had up his sleeve.

The soldiers on guard were skeptical of your identities, but the fireworks caused by shooting a laser beam at a conjured barrier quickly convinced them that you were, in fact, the greatest mages this kingdom had ever seen.

The command tent consisted of a number of empty chairs, all arrayed around a large table that six men were hunched over. They regularly pointed at different bits of the table, upon which appeared to be a number of stone markers, whilst arguing good-naturedly. One man, who you now realised was King Ralfus, looked up at you as you entered. He bid you all sit before continuing.

"The hillmen appear to have possibly twice our numbers, but the majority are lightly armed and their organisation is practically non-existent. They are camped two days march East of us and seem to be waiting for our arrival. We have already decided on our order of battle, but I want you each to tell me how you feel you can contribute, so I can place you appropriately."

One by one, you each explain your abilities and in Hera's case her own retinue of infantry. The King's face remained neutral during the exposition, but the less skilled poker faces of his officers showed a level of surprise and approval at your suggestions.

"Very well. Lady Sara, I'm going to put you under the command of Sir Gustav," he gestured to a grim-faced man on his right, "He is my Cavalry Commander."

"Lord Raellius, you will be with Archery Commander Volk," as an old, bald man was gestured to.

"Lord Leotherm, Lord Antonio and Lord Lewis will be with Sir Anselm," he pointed to the largest man in the room at this, "He's leading the Vanguard." Sir Anselm was easily seven foot, and looked like he'd been in a few more vanguard's than any sane individual would be willing to consider.

"And Lady Hera, I'll be keeping you with the Rearguard. If the Gods are good, we won't need your skills, but I'm keeping you close just in case."


At dawn, the hillmen army could just about be seen on the horizon. The sights and sounds of the army that you had all grown used to were different now, words were clipped and to the point, soldiers moved with purpose, eyes down and carrying the various paraphernalia of war. The single burst of laughter quickly cut off. The tents were left standing as the army formed ranks, facing the dawn. Whatever the outcome, the soldiers wouldn't be moving them any further East.

The sun had crawled halfway to its zenith by the time the hillmen started to move. The only sounds to be heard now were the stamping of a thousand boots, the whinny of distant horses and the call of a solitary crow overhead.

The two sides moved ever closer, until suddenly, somewhere, halt was called. It was quickly echoed across the army, the first words to be heard beyond the occasional whispering of nervous soldiers. In the deafening quiet surrounding the aarmy, the hillmen continued moving. A second call rang out and two units of cavalry, one on either flank, broke free of the formation and moved off at a diagonal. The hillmen continued moving. The only sounds now was the slight rustle of wind and that same crow, now circling above.

The Cavalry were a significant distance away when the order was given for archers to advance. Hundreds of men moving through ranks of infantry took a surprisingly short amount of time, and before long a loose collection of bowmen were nervously waiting as the the hillmen continued moving. They could actually be heard now, a low rumbling mixture of voices and footsteps. Above it, the crow could still be heard.

Slowly, the hillmen turned from an unidentifiable mass into something more distinct. Individuals could actually be made out now, the majority wearing rough leather jerkins over shirts, carrying round shields and spears. The archers knock arrows and prepare. A single arrow is loosed, falling just short of the advancing horde.

After a short pause, the archers are ordered to draw their bows. The hillmen reach the lone arrow and the archers let loose. Hundreds of projectiles leap into the air, looking momentarily like a swarm of insects, before descending on the packed ranks of hillmen. most raise their shields in time. Some do not. The survivors break into a run, shields skyward as the archers hastily prepare another volley. The crow can no longer be heard.

It is at this point a red beam erupts from the packed infantry on the left flank, sweeping across the advancing ranks of hillmen. As it cuts off, those hit drop to the ground, screaming. This unexpected turn of events causes the charge to falter as they slowly pick their way over the line of bodies. A second volley of arrows hitting home encourages them to pick up the pace again.

Several more volleys, accompanied by several more burst of red hit the hillmen before the archers are called to withdraw. The hillmen's desire for violence has outweighed their fear of the unknown, proving strong enough to keep up the momentum. As they close, they throw their spears at the retreating archers, several of whom are unlucky enough to get hit. A few are dragged behind the lines with their retreating comrades.

A second barrage of spears strikes the Zalian Infantry, massed ranks with large shields that weather the blows well. Even then, the occasional scream is heard. As the hillmen draw axes, clubs and knives, the infantry counter-charge, and the chaos of melee begins. On the left flank, the occasional burst of red cuts swathes through the enemy, on the right, beings of rock and earth strike with stone fists, blades clattering off their forms. The archers, now facing a brutal melee, loose arrows high over to strike the back ranks of the clustered hillmen. The occasional spear or arrow is returned, mostly wildly inaccurate.

It is at this point a horn is heard from the Zalian lines. The cavalry, who have so far spent the battle comfortably out of range, start moving towards the exposed flanks of the hillmen. They pick up the pace, lower lances and break into a gallop.

Hammering the hillmen against the anvil of Zalian infantry proves too much. The hillmen on the flanks start to break and flee, the effect cascading down the line and turning into a full rout. The cavalry cut down as many as they can, and arrows are loosed into the fleeing mass, but even still a large number of them manage to escape.


Estimates place the enemy's losses at two and half thousand, to four hundred of our own.  The King orders the army to follow the hillmen, but they are beaten. They make a direct line back to the goats, and will no doubt remember this defeat for many years. The Archmages emerged mostly unscathed, Lewise being worst off with a dislocated shoulder. It is quickly set in place, and he receives a bit of minor healing from Hera to encourage recovery.

Sara Galliene, Leotherm Hatio, Lewis Lumier, Hera Harinus, Raellius Rennin and Antonius Lucio each gain one experience (your choice of mental or might) and 2 favour. Count Tridian had a rather boring month guarding the Seal. He did however, hear the Seal's next prediction:

Thirteen Years until the next threat to the Seal

Spoiler: House Hatio (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: House Harinus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: House Lucio (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: House Rennin (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: House Galliene (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: House Lumier (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: House Tridian (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 03:01:23 pm by Kashyyk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #94 on: March 29, 2017, 03:00:48 pm »

Alright, alright. Seriously now, who wants to split the upbringing of some kids? I don't want to have to spend an entire ten years doing nothing.
Long Live United Forenia!

Nirur Torir

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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #95 on: March 29, 2017, 03:07:01 pm »

Alright, alright. Seriously now, who wants to split the upbringing of some kids? I don't want to have to spend an entire ten years doing nothing.

Question: How much power would a basic seal scanning spell need? I need to be able to record it so it can be eventually repaired, but don't need to understand it yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #96 on: March 29, 2017, 03:21:25 pm »

Question: How much power would a basic seal scanning spell need? I need to be able to record it so it can be eventually repaired, but don't need to understand it yet.

Seal Scanner (4) - [Artifact][Clairvoyance][Expense][Ritual Cast] This spell observes the flows, threads, bindings and such like that make up the myriad enchantments of the Seal. These observations are then recorded and stored within precious stones. The recordings can be played back at a later date, however the heightened senses granted by an artifact is required in order to have any hope of perceiving the information correctly. A year's worth of recording will cost three wealth in precious stones.


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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #97 on: March 29, 2017, 03:24:06 pm »

Great. So, if I understand things correctly, one can have a child by, aha, magic (not literal magic... I think). In which case, my turn would look something like this:

Year 1: Have child.
Years 1-5: Raise own child and that of Raelius. Then hand both off to Raelius to take care of for the next five years.
Years 6-10: ? Learn some useful spells from people willing to teach them?
Year 11: Teach up to four people, of which one is my child, Healing Touch. (Since it only takes half a year to teach)
Years 12-13: Me: Train along with my soldiers, lest their skills be needed (Might 2 -> 3) | Child: Practice Magic 1 year, Might the next (Mental 1 -> 2, Might 1 -> 2)

I mean, once they reach age 10 they're fully capable mages, right?
Long Live United Forenia!

Nirur Torir

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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #98 on: March 29, 2017, 03:41:04 pm »

Year 1: Have Child. Immediately abandon to Hera.
Year 1-4: Research Spell:
Seal Scanner (4) - [Artifact][Clairvoyance][Expense][Ritual Cast] This spell observes the flows, threads, bindings and such like that make up the myriad enchantments of the Seal. These observations are then recorded and stored within precious stones. The recordings can be played back at a later date, however the heightened senses granted by an artifact is required in order to have any hope of perceiving the information correctly. A year's worth of recording will cost three wealth in precious stones.
Year 5: Cast Seal Scanner and record results.
Years 6-10: Re-accept child, now that it can talk and say more than "no." Also mentor Hera's child.
Year 11: Research Spell, Magic Dart (1), a cheap ranged attack spell.
Year 12-3: Research Spell, Anti-Magic Dart Volley (2). Throws several darts which have minimal effect on normal matter or people, but are particularly effective against magical beings or constructs. (A second attempt at an anti-riftbeast weapon. Gotta have a variety of damage types ready, since they're hard to study beforehand. I'M SURE A L2 SPELL WILL BE ENOUGH FOR THIS, GUYS.)

Year 11 (kid 1): Learn Healing Touch from Hera.
Year 12-13 (kid 1): Practice Healing Touch around the nearest town, alongside bodyguards. Get mental level 2.


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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #99 on: March 29, 2017, 03:45:33 pm »

Alright, sinking that extra 1 XP into mental. Also what's the terrain around the rift like? Might see if I can't get a settlement up and running.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #100 on: March 29, 2017, 03:49:44 pm »

I mean, once they reach age 10 they're fully capable mages, right?
Ten years of babysitting is quite effective at instilling a mature mindset and productive work ethic :P

Nirur Torir

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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #101 on: March 29, 2017, 03:51:49 pm »

Year 10: Needs dedicated wizard babysitter.
Year 11: Can care for two magic babies.

.. Maybe add a mental requirement to babysitting?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #102 on: March 29, 2017, 03:58:48 pm »

Or require them to be 18, like with reproducing.

I'll have to ponder it.


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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #103 on: March 29, 2017, 04:01:01 pm »

10 is old enough for them to start studying or otherwise using magic without blowing up, 18 before they're able to do... well, a lot more things. Also:

-What's the terrain around the rift like?
-How long would it take to build a decently sized and defensible castle?
-How long would it take to build up a town around said castle?
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archmage: The Blood of Magic
« Reply #104 on: March 29, 2017, 04:02:33 pm »

Alright, sinking that extra 1 XP into mental. Also what's the terrain around the rift like? Might see if I can't get a settlement up and running.
Is it possible for you to share the Greater Vampirism spell? I'd imagine you don't have enough time to start teaching your most prized spells to lesser wizards because your going to have a lot to do within the 13 years

Also, S34N1C are we still agreed for the the preposition that you have a child for your first year and babysit my child and your child for the next decade?
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